cover of episode Is My Aura Gray? (Ft. Mystic Michaela)

Is My Aura Gray? (Ft. Mystic Michaela)

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Hot Mess with Alix Earle

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Earle
Mystic Michaela
Alex Earle:讲述了她在夏季经历的情绪低落和精神状态不佳,并对在TikTok上看到的关于她气场是灰色的说法感到担忧。她认为灰色的气场不好,并决定去进行气场解读,希望了解自己的状态并改善它。她还分享了自己在夏季的一些经历,以及她对气场解读的期待和担忧。 Mystic Michaela:作为一名气场解读师,她解释了Alex Earle 的气场是三色气场(紫色、黄色、蓝色),这是一种比较独特的气场类型。她分析了这三种颜色分别代表的含义,以及它们如何影响Alex Earle 的行为和决策。她指出Alex Earle 容易被周围能量影响,有时会感到犹豫不决,并建议她接纳自己的各种情绪和状态,不要对自己过于苛刻。她还解释了气场是什么,以及气场如何随着人的成长和变化而改变。她还分享了一些关于不同气场颜色(红色、绿色、粉色、靛蓝色)的解读,并通过解读Alex Earle 的男友Braxton 和妹妹的照片,分析了他们的气场特征以及他们与Alex Earle 的关系。

Deep Dive

Alix discusses her recent mental state and a concerning TikTok video about her having a gray aura, leading her to seek an aura reading.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Hot Mess with Alex Earle. It is my first time home in two months. Two straight months I have been on the go living out of a suitcase and I cannot describe how good it feels to be back. Like just being in the comfort of my own bed, my own room, my own mess. Like I...

I don't know. I have had the best summer ever, but summer for me is over like brat summer. It's over It's gone it's canceled because we need to start some like health and wellness because I feel like I have just been so all over the place and I know I talked about like the summertime sadness before but I truly feel like I got into like a very weird mental spout this summer and I don't really know what caused that but like

there's just been some points that I've been like really low and I'm usually like a very like positive person so I don't really know what's going on.

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This episode is brought to you by Liquid IV. It is hot out this summer. It is actually absurdly hot out and you don't have to be an athlete like Braxton to get the sweat going working outside training. I'm sweating walking to the car, walking down the road. People are taking zoom meetings on their porch sweating and you need to replace that sweat with hydration. I personally love Liquid IV. They have three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink plus eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness. Liquid IV hydrates two times faster than water alone. If

any of you were listening to one of the episodes where I said I had a panic attack this summer, it's because my body was so dehydrated. It was run down, didn't feel good. The boat captain actually had to bring me out a liquid IV to put in my water because I was feeling so nauseous. That just truly shows my love for liquid IV and how much they do. They're so amazing. They have a bunch of flavors to choose from and, you know, take it to the beach with you. Make sure you're staying hydrated this summer. So grab your liquid IV.

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I think it's normal, though, for us to go through phases where, you know, our mental health fluctuates. It's not always going to be the best, but I did truly have the best summer ever. So grateful, but I am just, I'm so grateful to be back home. I'm like, I want to get my groceries. I've been obsessed with these cucumber salads on TikTok from this guy, Logan. I'm like, I want to get groceries. I want to make cucumber salads and I want to sit in

my apartment and do work. It's so funny because like my apartment is basically my office. When I do my work every day, I just go and sit at like my kitchen table and I do all my meetings there. So some days in Miami, I don't, unless I like get out to go on a walk, some days I won't leave my apartment. And honestly, I'm here for it. I'm like, I want to just sit. And that's honestly what I've been doing this past like week that I've been back, just sitting on

on my laptop getting work done. I ordered a bunch of like, this sounds so, I don't know, boring, but I ordered a bunch of like notebooks on Amazon because I think sometimes when I'm taking notes and stuff, like I don't know why I can't get into it on my laptop. Like something about the laptop taking notes. I

I think I just like the old school like notebook like I need to see it I need to physically write it and I want to have like a notebook for each different project I'm working on and I think just being able to get back into a normal routine for me like being able to work out properly work on a regular schedule take meetings be in the comfort of my own home get groceries cook I think all that's really going to help this little

mental spout that i've been in there was a point in when we were in greece in mykonos i see a tick tock i wake up first thing i'm like here we go we're breathing in and out like mental health is going to be good today i see a tick tock uh it's like some girl who's reading my aura and she was like alex earl's aura is gray and i'm like what could this possibly mean and i'm like looking at this video i'm like do i have a gray aura like

what does that mean? What even really is an aura? Like, can you read this through the screen? I'm like going through every possibility in my head right now. And like, not that like something like this, like I would normally see this and laugh and be like, okay, like whatever. But because I feel like I've been in such like a weird phase, I saw this and I was like,

oh my gosh, like this is, she is correct. Like something is wrong with me. Like I'm not a good person. Like I have a gray aura. I don't even know what that means, but it doesn't sound good. Like I feel like if you were to have an aura, I'm like one that's like pink and sparkly sounds much nicer than gray. So yeah,

I have been obsessing over this aura video that came on my For You page like crazy. I'm like, maybe this is a reflection of like, she said I was going through something. She's like, you're going through some type of like loss or heartbreak. I was like, am I? Like, what's going on? I was doing a little research and I found this girl in Miami. She does aura readings. And I was like, you know what? I think

for my mental health, like I need to go get my aura red. I need to figure out what that means and I need to figure out if my aura is gray, how I can work on it and how I can change it. And then I was looking into scheduling this and I was like, wait, I think this would actually be so fun for the podcast because I

I don't know. I just feel like that's like a cool thing. I've never thought about going to get my aura read before. So I'm going to take you guys with me. She's going to read my aura and I'm very nervous because of the state that I've been in. I'm like, what if my aura is black? Like what if it's even worse than gray? And I just, I don't know. Like I, my heart is beating out of my chest thinking about her coming over right now for this, but I'm

what's going on with my aura. She's gonna read like Braxton's aura. I want her to read like Ashton's aura as well and then she's gonna also explain like to you guys how you can figure this out for yourself and just what everything means and honestly I'm not sure what's going on but I'm going into this like a therapy session. I'm like I'm just gonna sit here. She's gonna tell me my aura and I'm going to just rant to her and I think this would be fun for today's episode. Brad Summer is over. We can't do

We're now getting our auras read, we're going to therapy, and we're getting our groceries.

This episode is brought to you by Liquid IV. It is hot out this summer. It is actually absurdly hot out and you don't have to be an athlete like Braxton to get the sweat going working outside training. I'm sweating walking to the car, walking down the road. People are taking zoom meetings on their porch sweating and you need to replace that sweat with hydration. I personally love Liquid IV. They have three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink plus eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness. Liquid IV hydrates two times faster than water alone. If

any of you were listening to one of the episodes where I said I had a panic attack this summer, it's because my body was so dehydrated. It was run down, didn't feel good. The boat captain actually had to bring me out a liquid IV to put in my water because I was feeling so nauseous. That just truly shows my love for liquid IV and how much they do. They're so amazing. They have a bunch of flavors to choose from and, you know, take it to the beach with you. Make sure you're staying hydrated this summer. So grab your liquid IV.

Hydration multiplier sugar-free in bulk nationwide at Costco, or you can get 20% off when you go to and use code HOTMESS at checkout. That's 20% off anything you order when you shop better hydration today using promo code HOTMESS at

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Mikayla, welcome to Hot Mess. Thank you so much. Thanks for coming on. So this all stemmed from, I was on TikTok this past week. There was like a TikTok aura reader,

I don't know came on my free page and she was reading my aura and she said it was gray and I got like very concerned and I was like, I don't know and I also feel like i'm like Maybe I have been down in the dumps recently. Like I don't know What's going on? So I was like this will be perfect. Okay, i'm glad we're talking so many questions Yeah, i've been seeing colors my whole life Okay, I didn't even know what they were when I started seeing them as a kid and and I mean it took me a while to figure out what this was it was auras and

But I would, I just thought of them as people's essences and I've never seen a gray one. So no. So I have a feeling. No, you're, I've, I've never seen a gray aura. I have a, oh my God. The thunder going on. There's like a thunderstorm out right now. I'm like, but. But this is getting very spooky. I know. I've only ever even seen a black one one time ever. Really? In my whole life. So you were like born with this.

yes, I've always just seen colors around people and I didn't know what that was. You know, it's like smelling or seeing or touching. It was just like a sense, but nobody else. I thought everybody could do it. And I came up with my own meanings for all the colors. Yeah. So I would see people. I'm like, oh, that's purple. They're this or that's yellow. That's this. And and it wasn't until I started teaching when because I used to be a middle school teacher. Oh, no. Yeah. So I would use I'm like, hey, wait a second.

Yeah. Like depending on what aura color somebody is, I can use them. Like kind of like get information to them. Like strategize. You know, like red auras like to play games. So I would make, you know, Jeopardy as a review game, things like that. Or yellow auras like the grammar or whatever. So that helped me. And then it got deeper. I was like, hey, wait a second. These colors around people, their essences mean something. And also when they look kind of messy, right?

It means something. And when they look good, it means something. Yeah. So I feel like with you now, just jumping real quick into you. Okay. Okay. I'm like really scared right now. I started to get like really nervous. I'm sorry.

I can tell. And here's the thing. You have a very different aura than most people. Really? Okay, so most people have two colors. I see like two aura colors. It's kind of like you're, I don't know, the two sides of yourself. You have three aura colors. Really? So I don't see this a lot. I call them like my tri-colors, like tri-color auras. And...

Having three aura colors means it can be really hard to know which energy to lead with. So you can have like, it's like having three different ideas and they're all the best ideas like that. And I feel like with you, what happens is you'll lead with your purple a lot. So I see purple, yellow, blue on you, no gray. But I feel like what happens is when you're in some sort of indecision zone, right?

Or like, okay, should I do this? Should I do this? Questioning. Because you have so many ways of picking up information. I feel like it can make you, I don't know which way to go. It's possible. And you're very opened up to everyone's energy out there and whatnot. It's possible that with you, your energy can get fuzzy sometimes.

Or a little, I call it hot mess purple. It's like if you're purple, you're hot mess purple every once in a while. Yeah, that's what this is fitting. Yeah. I think that's hysterical at switcher podcasts is called because I call it hot mess purple when you lead with purple and I can explain what that means.

because that's like a whole thing. I have so many questions already. Okay. I feel like I just dumped a ton on you. I did. I was like, and there. I'm loving this. An aura, like what exactly is an aura for anyone who like doesn't know what an aura is? Aura is like your vibe. It's like, it's just, it's,

Even if you don't read, everyone reads auras. You read people's vibes. So some people come in, they come in confident, they come in nervous, they come in insecure, they come in kind of fake or like whatever it is. Like you're always reading people's auras. It's just a vibe. I happen to see them in colors. Yeah. But everyone can read them and every color has its own emotion attached to it. So once you kind of understand what every color feels like, you can read auras too. Okay. But really, it's just your personality. Yeah.

as authentic as it could be. So the more in line you are with your authentic self out there, the better your vibe feels to other people. Okay. And can your aura change? Or do you have like the same aura for the most part of just like who you are? Yeah. So from kid to adult, your aura can change a bit. And just in life, I mean, this is just how I see it. In life, your aura can change depending on

what parts of yourself you're using and what parts of yourself you're putting away here and there and how you grow and evolve. It can change. Sometimes I call it just like anything, just like how we age our bodies, like our auras can kind of age too. And it's a good thing. It's like evolution of color. So it changes a bit, but not fatally.

foundationally like you are who you are so if you're like saying you want to like work on yourself or whatever could that like ultimately change your aura yes yes oh yeah okay yeah I think the more you understand how you authentically work and work with it instead of constantly trying to change it which is I think what society tells us to do sometimes our families tell us to do it sometimes schools or jobs tell us to change but if you actually take a step back and you're like wait

how do I work actually and work with that you can totally improve your aura so if I've been like all over the place recently yeah I stressed out and whatever like could my aura be showing up differently I call that a tricolor a tricolor tornado I feel like I'm a tricolor tornado right now it's not a bad thing okay I okay so with you personally I so purple purple is creative

freedom rebirth with you I feel like and you I don't know I just met you you know so you tell me so I because I met five minutes ago all right but you just tell me I just get with you you're like I'll throw myself in see how it goes feel it out and then go from there I feel like that and

It's an incredible amount of bravery because you aren't afraid of making a mistake or falling on your face. You're like, I'll just do it. I'll just do it. And what happens is when you're done just doing it, it's really easy to look back with your yellow, which can be a little bit organized and like, hey, wait a second. What does that look like on paper? Yeah. Or...

Whoa, why didn't I think of that? And get a little self-critical. Yeah. You know, and then your blue, which is feeling everybody else's feelings as your own.

And your like empathic nature is like, oh my gosh, is that bad? You know, is that going to disappoint someone? Am I not living up to whatever? So I feel like those voices can all interfere sometimes. Yes. I feel like I am a tornado right now, honestly. I feel like this is exactly like what I've been like just mentally like spiraling with recently. And I'm like, this is at least good to hear that I'm, I don't know. But it's authentic. Yeah. And, you know, I think...

with you just looking at your energy right now to me it looks great it just looks like it's all how do i put this it's kind of like all your colors work at once so you have an extra challenge that other people don't have which is you just have a lot of input and not a lot of barriers towards all the information that keeps you really aware

And awareness is good, but also awareness can put hesitation on things. Yeah. So it can be hard. You know, I want to make a move, but I don't want to make a mistake. So you can get like stuck. And then I think with you just being, cause you lead with the purple. Sometimes you're just like, screw it. Let's just break through the wall. Like whatever. Yeah. And I call it sometimes like a purple bomb or, or you're just like, I'll just blow it up. Let's blow stuff up. See what happens. Yeah. And I feel like, you're like, let's just do that. Whatever. Yeah.

I'm just going to do it because I can't sit in indecision anymore. And then when that happens, I think you grow a lot. But I would say with you, like, don't be so hard on yourself. Yeah. This is so funny because I feel like I do, like, struggle with sometimes I'm the person where I'm like, I don't care. I'm going to do it. Throwing the bomb out there. Kind of like this thunder right now. It's really adding to this. It's a very Miami moment. Yeah. I get very...

Just like headstrong in a way, but then there's also part of me and sometimes I'm like, what am I doing? What is that? Like the more like critical part where you're like, let's think this through. You can read someone's auras.

In real life. But do you also see, you see them in photos? Yeah. Okay. As long as I see someone's eyes, I can see their aura. Okay. Pretty much. So this is how people like online and on TikTok are like reading other people's auras. Yeah. Okay. Right. And you do that yourself? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. When I was like, you know, it's been a road to get here, but what I realized is, is a lot of people are really good at like,

telling themselves who they should be instead of embracing themselves who they are and I feel like the colors can just help people do that it's it's an easier way of looking at it and your energy instead of beating yourself up like back to the purple thing I noticed with purples um the process is different than let's say yellow auras yellow auras are more like organized linear um

Things are planned out all the time. I've thought of everything that could go wrong and I already planned for it where purples are like, I don't want to just throw myself in and then see what happens like that. Yeah.

There's nothing wrong with either way. It's just do it the way that works for you, you know? And I feel like that helps people hear that about themselves and then find their direction easier. Yeah. So if I have these three different auras that I could be potentially leading with, like, what do I, like, follow? Should I, like, uh? Yeah. Tri-colors are... That's why you have a really unique... It's a challenging aura combo because...

This is so crazy. I feel like it's getting worse. No, it is. The more we keep talking, this thunder is actually like, okay, well. It's very ominous. Like your aura is, I don't know, but. Thunderstrike. Yeah. So I would say that sometimes it's not about the colors. It's about the balance and it's about the embracing and about thinking about what are my, what are the good parts about being a tornado right now?

or hurricane or whatever we're dealing with outside. Whatever's going on outside my window right now. It's pretty crazy with being like that. Like what is the benefit? Balance with you is understanding like don't shut anything out, just embrace it. Like I feel like, you know, feelings are just feelings and getting, I feel like with you, with your energy, getting stuck in something I should or I shouldn't or what does this person think I should do or whatever. I feel like with you that just holds you back.

So understanding that you have big feelings, understanding that you get stuck sometimes, understanding you feel like a spiraling ball of emotion, you can be like, okay, that's just how I work through it. The authenticity that you bring to that process is an organized thing.

Like you have, I mean, from what I see that you've done is you've created a world around and a lens for us to look in and kind of work out our own stuff while you're so honest about working out your stuff. You know, that's a very organized way to deal with something that feels disorganized and all the lights are like flickering too. I don't know if they can- You're talking right now and you point your finger up like this and the lightning crack just like goes down the side. It's going to be crazy on this camera. Yeah.

Is it possible I could get, like, very confused? Because I guess there's a lot of people in my life that I try to learn from and take advice from, but I feel like sometimes I get, like, pulled in so many different directions and I just get, like, lost with, like, what to do or who to follow. And, like, I love, like, consulting with other people, but at the same time, sometimes I get, like, very lost in, like, what's going on. And I don't know. I feel like it messes with me a little bit. Yeah, it's hard to find your center. And, like...

When with you, I think thinking about what you want to do, what you should do, and what other people need from you can all be incredibly huge factors. And at the end of the day...

It's like separating all those feelings and all those thoughts and all that and being like, what do I want is the big work that you're doing. I feel like the energy you put out there, I just get like, you know, with family and stuff like that. For example, I feel like we all go through this. Like people that love us don't want to see us suffer. And they get used to you just needing them sometimes too. Yeah.

So, and then we get used to like needing them as well. So I feel like it can be really hard. Oh my gosh. I'm like getting scared. Should we put the storm shutters out? Like, is everything okay? I've never heard lightning like this here. Were you driving through this storm? My husband drove me here because I will not drive through my family as I told Anna-Sophia. Yeah.

Like, what do we do right now? Is this, like, this is unreal. I feel like it's just here with us at this time. The energy is, like, jumpy. Do you feel that? I feel that. Like the storm? Yeah, like, it's kind of just electric. It feels good, though. The show shall go on. Yeah. No, but I... You guys edit it, I hope. It's constantly, like... Yes, yes. Okay, Sondra, I feel bad.

Yeah, so you don't want to like make people feel like they don't need you anymore. So you're blue too. So a big thing is you feel other people's feelings as your own. So it's like, all right, I want to take your advice because I know that makes you feel needed. But I also am purple, so don't tell me what to do. Like those two opposing things. This is like crazy accurate. That's who I am as a person. Yeah, being purple is like, don't tell me what to do. And the second somebody does tell you what to do, that happens. Yeah.

Like, God is like, yes, that's right. Yes. But when you're blue, you're like, but I love you and I don't want you to feel, like, unnecessary, you know? And then you're yellow, too. And I would lean on the yellow a bit. Okay. When you're going through these moments. Yellow's a little bit more, like... Yeah, I feel like you have the ability to kind of journal, outline, process, be like, okay, let me just...

I feel like you have the ability to kind of step outside of yourself even and look at the situation if you were somebody else. I feel like you use your yellow a lot with, um, I feel like aesthetics or design or knowing what things look, how things look, you know, how people relate to things. Yellow is like a big marketing, uh,

color and design and creativity in those types of ways. So I feel like you can look at yourself kind of from that observational viewpoint with the yellow energy and be like, okay, well, if I was my friend, what would I tell them? Because I feel like you give great advice. You know, it's just hard for yourself. Yeah. And aren't you like the oldest too? I'm the oldest, yes. See, it's hard because like your whole...

Your whole life. You really got like big sister vibes. So this is not a slam on family at all. This is just how family roles work. You know, being a tricolor and being the oldest sister, it's like, all right, everybody else's opinions and needs and wants. I'm the big one. They're the little one. So that can influence you too. Like you never practice knowing what you wanted.

Yeah, I think I'm good at giving advice, actually. And I feel like I'm pretty- Now the rain's coming. Are we in a hurricane right now? Is there something that we were not prepared for? I think I'm good at giving advice. And I also think I'm good at, like, sensing other people's vibes. Like, I feel like within the first, like, 10 minutes of meeting someone, like, I feel like I can get a really good read on people. But sometimes when it just comes to myself, like, I am all over the place. And I, like, butt heads with myself a lot of the time. Yeah, well, being-

Yeah. You practiced with your energy, stepping into other people's spaces instead of looking in your own space. And that's perhaps what you're working on now. Yes. You know, do you have advice for that? Yeah. I would say there's going to be a lot of guilt with it because when you step into your own space and you're like, okay, I learned all my skills from

zero till now um how to help other people with their energy read their energy you know what works best for them you know you're constantly in their vibration you have like the purple so you're intuitive the yellow so you're good at giving advice you're you're creative with your advice and you're helpful with organizing people getting them out of pickles and stuff like that yeah and you're blue so you're coming at it with no judgment and love and care and empathy but it was it was always for other people you know now you're like hey wait a second I got to do that for myself and and

you just haven't possibly practiced that. So as you practice it, what's going to happen is you're going to feel selfish, guilty. You're going to, you know, you're going to feel like anxiety and also that you're not making the right choices. You're usually, you're usually like the person that helps other people go on their way. So now you're like, okay, what's best for me. And the other thing with you being purple is,

which I feel like just now you're leading with the purple, I would say sometimes, and this is where it gets a little deep. All right. Okay. Wait for the thunder. Okay. Sometimes when we're purple and I'm purple too, so I get this. So this isn't supposed to be negative or anything. No. All right. All right. It's not even that bad. It's just, I feel like with purples,

Being the bad guy or being, here, make fun of me or judge me or come down on me is kind of like a little self-punishment practice you can put on because you're like, inside, maybe I don't feel deserving of the things I want to do and the way I want to do them, so I'll just be the person making the mistakes so you can all come at me or whatever. And it's kind of like a blank...

Slate or something where people can draw their own interpretations of you upon And it's just something that I noticed with purples They have to be careful of when you do something for yourself You can use your words and you can say it you can do it You're like this is a choice. I've made not just like oops or whatever. I don't know, you know, just own it Yeah, you

have a strength in you that is quite formidable in an amazing way where it's almost like you know what bring it and let's test it because I feel like you want to grow and you want to be at the point where you can stand in your truth yeah like I made this choice and even though I have like all these

I call it's like the ego backlash like the second you make a choice and you know that that was for you the part of you that likes to keep you the old ways or in a routine your human self the ego can come in and that's the the voice it's like are you sure yeah that was silly are you sending that I always say like the ego voice is not the first voice but it's the loudest voice yes the first voice is your intuition when you're like no you know because I feel like your strength is your authenticity

And even if it looks messy, that's authentic to you. And I think messy is a term that's very relative. But that's a tricolor thing too. Like when you, I don't know, it's just like I said, it's all, it's having three voices in your head and they're all saying the same thing and they're all extremely convincing all the time. Yes. This is crazy. Yeah. I feel like I could, I could talk about this for hours. So yeah.

Do you see your own aura? I do. Really? Yeah. And has it ever changed for you? Yes. When I was teaching, I'm indigo purple. That's what I see around myself. Okay. So when I was teaching, though, I used to wear yellow, and I'm not yellow, and I call that inauthentic yellow. So sometimes people will wear colors that aren't theirs. Okay. It's like wearing...

Like, if you go work at a place with a uniform and you have to put on, like, the ugly t-shirt. So the colors you wear, like, affect you? Yeah. Really? Yeah, because I was trying to be somebody I wasn't, like, I am not an organized person at all. Like, I am not yellow. Okay. But, at all.

Like I show up and I wing it. Like that's just how I am. Yeah. But that's how I learned through much time and experience that works best for me. And actually I'm more authentic that way. But when I was teaching, I was like, oh my gosh, you know, I was always anxious. Like I have to plan. I have to do this. I have to be like the other teachers. You know, they always seemed like they had their life together or they were planning. And I was, yeah.

intrinsically probably just the teacher that walked in and was like, all right, kids, you know, like what are we doing today? You know, but I would have worked better that way. Anyways, I was wearing yellow and I shouldn't have been. And it just made me incredibly anxious. And also I feel like, um, made me, um,

I don't know, appear more insecure, I guess. Because you can pick that up on people when they're trying to be somebody they're not. Yes. Yeah. Yes. And sometimes you feel bad for them. You're like, oh, they're trying to be brave or they're trying to be bossy or they're trying to be... And you're like, they're not, you know, just be you. Yeah. So you can. You can wear like inauthentic aura colors. And I see that a lot when people are doing jobs that maybe don't fit them or they're trying to...

do a role in a way that they think they have to not in the way they are. If that makes sense. It's like an energy you wear when you don't feel like you can survive life as you authentically are. And then people read that as insecurity or lack of confidence. So for anyone who's listening and trying to figure out like what is their most authentic self and like what is their vibe? Like, is that just kind of like...

trust in your gut and your intuition yeah it's kind of like the way I teach about it is I say auras are in the details or your vibes in the details you know how you do something tells you a little thing tells you a lot about yourself yeah for example just planning for a holiday you know like you might be the person that's just hey everyone just come over and bring something you know it's kind of very purple

Or you might be somebody that's like, I have a menu. I went shopping. I plant. That's like very yellow. You know, there's a guest list, that kind of thing. And there's a theme. Like that's very yellow. Like that. Or you're just, everybody come over. I just don't want anybody to worry about anything. Sit down. I'm going to cook for you. Just don't worry. Everybody be comfortable. It's like very blue. You know, little things like that. Just how you do something can tell you what your vibe is. Okay. It's funny because I'm so...

I appear messy and like I can live in like my room is like a disaster at all times, but I call it like an organized mess. I'm like, I know where things are, but like it doesn't bother me. But with things like planning a party, I am like crazy. I actually like I love hosting parties, but like I'm definitely more of like I need to know like exactly what's happening at every point and make sure everyone's having fun. So I feel like that's more of my yellow side in there. And like I am organized at times, just not all the time or it doesn't maybe appear that way. You feel like...

Non-controlling organized. Yes. Like, foundational, let's set it up for success organized. And then after that, like, whatever. Yeah. What I was going to say to the point you were bringing up before about not, like, being yourself or pretending or whatever. Like, I feel like there's so many... Which...

honestly, I still am trying to figure out myself and who I am, but I feel like it's part of growing up, but like, I can look back to points in, so like the beginning of high school for me, I was so shy. Like I would not speak up at all. Like my friends, like I was just like, I don't know. I was afraid to say anything cause I just didn't want to be judged. So I just like kept my mouth shut at all times. Then I went to college and I feel like I like projected a little bit of my like insecurity. So it got like very, like very like purples.

like very loud, very bossy, very bitchy. But it also like wasn't, it didn't make me feel good because I was like, I feel like I'm being too like stubborn and headstrong now. So it's like, I feel like I'm confident, but also just like not too much, like where I was like going overboard with everything. But I'm trying to like come to a point where I figure out

Who I am and myself. And then I saw that I had a gray aura and I was like, oh my God, I'm a terrible person. I was like, what is going on over here? I was like, I really need to reevaluate everything. I think like our auras can get like musty. Like I think that. Mine might have been musty. Maybe it was musty that day. Like I've just never seen. My aura needs like a shower. Yeah.

It's like a refresh or something. I've never seen a gray aura. Like, but, like, sometimes, like, textures of auras, like, when you're talking about just being... Textures? Like, oh, yeah. Oh, gosh. Yeah. Like...

They can be fuzzy or kind of like, you know, musty. Yeah. A little bit like you want to take a Windex bottle and just kind of clean it up. Is mine fuzzy right now? Yours is great. Okay. If I was going to draw your aura, it would be a lot of purple. It would be kind of swirly. And there's like, there's yellow swirl in there and there's blue swirl.

There's blue in there. We should talk about that blue. But then it's a lot of purple. Okay. But it's just very swirly. But it's all there. Okay. So what's going on with this blue? Okay, so blue. We have to talk about blues. I bet a lot of your listeners have to be blue. Blue is feel other people's feelings as your own.

energy. Meaning it's really hard to differentiate between how somebody feels and how you feel. Especially when you care about them. But it can also extend to even like when you go to a party or something and you know someone's awkward in the corner and you're like I can't even focus. And you end up talking to them or something like that. A lot of blues end up being just I'm just trying to give people a

idea like nurses or therapists or work in HR. They're just really good with people like that. Blue also the way I see it in you it feels like it's tucked down or away or something like that. It's there. I feel like it's very sensitive. Like I feel like you're a very sensitive person. Again you're out there so it can be very scary to kind of let it. It's almost like you're protecting it. Like you don't don't read that.

You know, like it's kind of like a little five-year-old. You're like, here, just go read your book in the room. Yeah, sometimes I like shove things to the back of my mind and I'm like, we're just not going to deal with that. Yeah. Like we're not going to rehash that because you can't. We're just, we're going to be, you're okay. You know, but I feel like when you're around people who you feel protected around and safe. Yeah.

your blue is like, fine, because you don't need to protect it. That's just something that's a protection technique that you do energetically, which is actually really smart, but also something that if you're aware of it, then it won't ever get to a place where you can't access it. Because when we do that, when we're blue, sometimes we put our blue somewhere like you're doing. You're not doing this, but people can –

forget that they have control over it. And then they can start feeling like victimized a little bit all the time. Like, why is everybody so mean to me? Why is this happening? You know, like that. Yeah. And that can happen if you don't bring it out in healthy times or healthy spaces. And you know, you're putting it, I'm putting that away right now because I cannot deal with

feeling other people's thoughts, emotions, and judgments. I'm not in a safe space for that. But remembering when you are in safe spaces for that, like, boop, it's coming out. And then you say, this is how I feel, you know, to the people that care and love you. That's how you practice it. Like, I feel this way. I feel that way. Today I'm having a hard time, you know. So does that make sense? No, that makes a lot of sense. And I think I like –

I can tell that I've, like, grown up always really caring about other people's emotions. And I feel like that's... It's weirdly, like...

I don't know. It goes very hand in hand with what I do now and like being online. And I feel like at the forefront of everything I do is like my audience, like I would say like the girls that like listen and I'm like, I, before I make any decision, I'm like, how do they feel? Like, what do they think? But at the same time, there's so much other stuff out there that I get like blocked off to. And I'm like, I don't care what you think of me. Yeah. So I feel like it's like a fine balance, but I always was like,

like growing up like I remember like like at recess there was this this one kid and no one would play with him they would bully him so bad and like I would go sit in the corner with him every day because I was like I like couldn't focus or have fun and like it just well it's also just like people being mean in general but like I feel like I empathize with other people a lot and like I'd

Can sense other people's emotions. And I don't like to see other people like in those type of positions. And I, I like to help other people and talk through things. Like, I think I'm very good with like, whenever I talk to people and they like vent to me about their emotions, everyone like always like kind of like lets their guard down with me a lot.

which I've always found very flattering that people can like trust me. And I used to say I wanted to be a therapist, but we didn't go that route. Kind of, you're kind of doing it a little bit. I love how you explain that. You know, just being a champion for people that maybe don't,

don't have the words you're real good with the words you know and here let's talk and here I'm a safe space because you do come off as non-judgmental and and that's purple too and I can also see with you and I wonder if this has ever happened like in your life where you feel sorry for somebody okay somebody gets like sad or somebody is upset or you know they don't have as good a

coping mechanisms. So I wonder if sometimes to help them, because you feel that with your blue, your purple comes out and it's like, I'll be the wild one or I'll be the funny one or I'll be the one people are looking at. So they're not. And you could just be with me, be my friend. Yes. I feel like that's a lot of how I am with like my best friend. Like, and it's even how I am with my sister too. And I think growing up, there was some stuff that like I would,

put my blue away for and like just be very like headstrong and I was like we're gonna like get through this you know like no emotions type of thing and I feel like I do that a lot with like my I don't know the people I feel like I'm very like a fiery type of person at least on the outside and the people that I like attach to the most are always pretty like

docile and sweet and whatever and I'm always like I will be the crazy other half like I feel like my boyfriend's very like sweet like that like my best friend my sister so I I could definitely see that yes that's fun I'm like I'll be the crazy one right here and like you you can be

You could be the sweet one. You could be like the quieter one or whatever. Yeah. So you do balance your colors. You know, you absolutely do. It's probably just when you're going through decision times where it gets really annoying. I'm the worst at making decisions. Like literally any type of decision I can't do because I just fight with myself about like all the other possibilities. And I always go on like Like this sounds so stupid, but I'm so bad at making decisions that I'm like, I will just ask. I feel like I need to go there too.

I literally go I asked it and I'm like, whatever that decides, I'm going to do because I just fight with myself. And I'm like, the what if, the what if. So yeah, I'm not going to make any decisions. That's so funny that you go to websites. I don't know what that is and I want to go. But I feel like there's a yellow thing to do. You probably put in like all these logical pro-con thing or whatever. Is that what you do? I don't know because that's a very yellow way to make it like pros, cons, pro, like that kind of thing. Yeah. Sometimes I do pro-con list. It depends like.

the extreme of the decision that I'm making but no sometimes I'm like I would rather just someone else make this for me and I will just like sit in whatever that decision is sometimes you just don't care yeah yeah well I don't know or I feel like I care too much and I care in every direction from it so then it's like I can't make a decision I understand that yes

Okay, I have a theory about you when you were a kid. And I know you have a picture. Can I look at it? Yes. Okay. So I printed out this photo. I didn't know I did. I love it. Look at little Alex. Look at little Alex. Okay, I had this theory. Oh my God, your mom has to be yellow. I feel like your mom's yellow. So when I look at you, I thought...

A lot of tricolors were pink kids is what I was trying to say. Oh, really? And you're... We're a pink kid. Really? Yeah. So pink... Okay. See, I'm like blue because there's like... Yeah. Well, there is like a little... Printing mistake up there and it's like blue. So I'm like, oh, obviously it's blue. I see a lot of pink on you, but I see... I feel like...

I'd have to see a picture of mom, but I feel like mom's yellow. So I might just be getting her energy on there too. Looking at you as a kid, pink. So if I was talking about little Alex to your mom or something, I would say really independent, like stubborn in a way that is sweet. I got it. I'll just do it my way. Thanks. Like that very into play, like the way that you want to play. That's the big thing with pink kids, like little pink kids. Pink is...

I mean, well, Brittany is pink. That's Brittany, right? Brittany. Brittany's pink. Pink is something it's kind of like a fairytale vibes, like joy. I call it their joy bubble. Like they're putting a little ball and pink kids are really good at playing and they'll let other kids come in and play, but we have to play my way. Very much mommy's helper. I get like extremely, what are we doing? Like curious, like very interested in, um,

kind of the way adults move and work and whatnot and taking that information so you have an independence so people can't tell you what to do and whatnot. Do you remember that? My parents were pretty good at like kind of like letting us go. Like I remember just like other things where it's like, I don't know, stupid things like you have to like

go home and, like, get homework done or sign these things or, like, whatever. Like, I remember I would kind of just, like, take over for, like, me and my sister and, like, control and do it and be like, this is, or, like, when we did dance competitions. I was, like, printing out lists of, like, things we had to bring and, like, whatever. And, like, I wouldn't even, like, consult with my mom because I was like, I just want to, like, do it myself. I remember, like, that, if that's. Yeah, like, really independent. Yeah. You have, like, an independent vibe, but also. I want to live life the way I want to live it.

Which I feel like you're doing. And this could also... It's kind of how we were as kids and how we bring it into adults. I feel like you went from pink to purple is what happened. Which is normal. And can adults have a pink color? They can. Okay. Yeah. Society is really hard on pinks. Again, Brittany. We'll use that as our main example. So a lot of times...

So society's like a huge kick in the stomach to auras, meaning you just get messaged all the time not to be a certain way. Or you look around and you're like, I don't want to be treated like that, so I'm just going to shift and change a bit. So it's not inauthentic. It's just kind of the evolution of color. The way that you're bringing it into your life now is I'm going to make my own world. It's going to work the way I need it to. Pink auras usually, and purples too, are like, I choose not to listen to that.

Okay. You know. So pink is pretty stubborn too. Yeah. Pink's very stubborn. Okay. But you know.

I see a lot of pink kids, just not a lot of pink adults. Yeah. But it's just interesting you were a pink kid. And I feel like you bring it in through the way that you... The other thing with pinks is people always want to look at them. Like, people get obsessed with pink auras or something. And even though I don't see pink on you, you get... It's like the vibe can still exist a little. People are like, well, what are you doing? What are you doing? You know, so I do see a lot of pinks end up being... I don't know.

I don't know, they don't mean to get the attention that they get sometimes. I'm just existing, you know, like that. But I feel like as a kid, you noticed that and you were like, ooh, I'm going to deflect because I don't want anybody or I'm going to share this attention with my siblings. You know, I feel like you bring people into the fold. Yeah. And that's what you like to do energetically. So that's cute. You're so cute as a little kid. Is your mom real organized? Is she yellow? I feel like...

Could it make sense my dad is yellow? Oh, I need to see him. I feel like my dad is very, like... Organized? Like, I work very closely with my dad. Okay. Is he a business-y? My mom is, like, very unorganized. Oh, okay. Like a mess. Maybe you were yellow for mom, you know? Maybe you helped mom out. Yes. That's funny. Just based off what you said, I would feel like my dad would be more yellow, but I'm curious, like...

I'd be curious to see everyone in my life and what's going on with them. So what other aura colors are there that, like, we're not talking about? All right, so there's red, which is leader. Leader, okay, so red is leader, passionate, kind of like I see athletes, you know,

Business owners, people in power, entrepreneurs. And then green. Greens are like systematic, kind of nerd vibes in a good way. You know, techie, computers, kind of how things work, engineer brain. Sometimes I'll say gamers. I call them gamer greens. I'm definitely not a green. Yeah, no, me neither. They're just really good with understanding sometimes how things work behind the scenes.

So instead of in front of the scenes, sometimes they're behind the scenes, like with directing or SEO or putting stuff together, you know, like that kind of mind. They can think like that. And they're really good at separating emotion from function. Okay. And that is...

the blessing of the green, but that can be the hard part of the green too, because when you're in a relationship with a green or something, you're like, how do you shut that off? Cause I can't do that, you know, but they can, they can, they can separate it real well, which makes them work well in, in industries where you have to do high risk things or whatnot. Reds can shut it, can't shut it off, but they can use it to motivate them. That's kind of the difference. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

And then what else? Pink. Oh, indigo. Indigo is like blue, but just more, you know, like blues can handle maybe a lot of people helping at once. And indigo is like one-on-one time helping people at once. Cause usually blues and indigos are healers. So if I show you like a photo of someone, you can like read their order. Yeah. Yeah. Show me. I'm so excited. I really want to know like what's going on with my boyfriend. Okay. His vibes. If I get a recent one, that's best. And no filter. Okay.

recent no filter not that i think he probably takes a lot of filters braxton's using the blue eyes filter okay i don't know he's not like really looking at the camera oh that's okay okay we'll do this one okay look at me zoom okay so i call it creepy that's what i gotta do all right all right braxton okay so when i see him can i say his name is that okay yeah yeah okay when i see his aura i see a lot of red

And I see a lot of influence from mom on there. That's a whole other thing. And then we get, what? And then, and then I, and then he's blue. Okay. Really big on do-gooding. Like, I feel like it's like, I need to be the best version of me. Like there's this intense pressure he puts on himself. Like he has this, tell me this is right. But I get, cause he's red, blue, red blues are usually big on,

I need to be the best person I can be. And really big on, is this right character? Is this the right decision? Am I doing this correctly? I feel like that's, that's very Braxton. He's, he's always double checking. Like, does that make me a good person? Is that, you know, I want, I got to stay humble. I got to stay grounded, you know, but also I want to grow. Like this is also very realist. Like this would make the, Hey, you know, this is the time. Like we got to do this. We're doing it.

When you're in a relationship with the red-blue, it's very... Like, you're a part of me now. You know? So it's a lot of, like...

It can feel very serious, and I'm sure it is. Yeah. But also, like, we make decisions together, which sometimes can be their decisions, and you're just like, oh, okay, like that a little bit. Yeah. And you're purple, so you're like, mm. But reds and purples do well together. I will say that because you keep each other on each other's toes. Yes. And there's a lot of passion. Yeah. And there's a lot of communication. Yeah.

He can hear anything. Like you can tell him anything. Like he can hear it. And he's like really good at, he's read. So it's like a lot of logic. Like you said eight different things. So I hear this, you know, even though you've said that, you know, I feel like he tries to use logic when you,

He doesn't mind your emotion, but... He's very logical when I'm, like, all over the place and stuff. So he's pretty good at that. That's good. And he's very, like, serious, like, wee. So that's been something that I've been having to, like... The wee thing. Yeah. Get better at. And I also kind of, like, fight and, like, butt heads with a lot because I'm, like...

Me, freedom. Like, I need to just, like, do whatever I want to do. Yeah, like, you want this. You know, he's young. He's a young guy. But he feels very old soul in the way he considers a relationship. Yeah. And you do, too, by the way. Like, you guys feel very...

forever in a lot of ways, you know, you two, which is sweet. And it's a lovely, like, kind of soulmate bond, I have to say. It's really nice. Really? Yeah, I didn't see that. Yeah, I feel like when he said bye to you, it feels to me like he's in it to win it, you know. You're purple. So sometimes what can happen is...

Freedom is a big thing for you. And if somebody's coming at you with we, we, we, and I'm doing this, so you're going to have to do this too, and let's compromise, and living in a way that's not super purple right now, you want to build and create and do things with your life. But...

Sometimes relationships are an easy place to have that rebellion, and I feel like you are kind of fighting against that. He...

pick you up and let's go like that. And I feel like you're like, nah, I don't wait. You know, that's what it feels like to me. And he's, he's, I love his energy. Like he's awesome. Like he feels so committed and he's red blue. So he's not going to lie. And he's not a jerk. He's not a player. And he's not like one of those that's going to go experience. I think he got that out of a system at some point.

And you're what he wants, you know? And I feel like he's made that really clear. Yeah. And I feel like that can just be really stressful. Yeah. Because you're purple and you're just like, but I got so much. And you know the potential of your life. You're like, okay, I got next. But I'm planning on this. But I don't want to do that. But I want to try this. And I never lived here yet. And I never lived there yet. And I never, like that. So I love change. Yes. And commitment really scares me.

This is something that can stay constant and how you do it can change, you know, because I feel like this is something that with him understanding, like I can be committed, which you can.

because I feel like that's what you want too but I need to have it look in a way that I don't feel like I'm in prison or something yeah yeah like trapped yeah yes like where I'm stuck or I have to be a certain person for you for what you're doing it feels you know we can't put one career over the other but his legacy and him like I gotta make hey this is what I gotta do focus

Like he's got. That's very Brad. Like he's got this like, but you don't understand. I love this how it works. It doesn't work that way. It works this way. Like that. And so if you're with me, you have to understand that. So I feel like he's just, you're just dealing with like his mental state of red. I can see this going on in lots of different points throughout your cycle together and relationship. Wait, what was this whole mother thing? Oh.

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try it 10% off with code hot mess on your first order on that's code hot mess at his mom feels very okay I'd have to see a picture of her but now she feels yellow

yeah okay I feel like mom's obsessed with him yes and he's not used he's like that's normal for him now you grew up in this big family where it's like listen like we just kind of say it like it is you know what I mean like you feel like you have relationship with your siblings or your mom and dad where everyone's like real honest yes and we don't sweep things under the rug and and if somebody's and you get called out you know and that's just love I don't know if he has experienced

Except like, you're perfect. You don't like that. And so that's like, it's weird for him not to be like, oh wait, I'm not perfect. I thought I was perfect. Like that. So I feel like mom has this kind of idealization of him that he just thinks is normal. And I mean, he works hard. He's not like...

a jerk about it or anything. It could go the other way. But mom's energy feels intense. Yes. And I feel like you are like, oh my gosh, am I? And I feel like it triggers your insecurities. Like, am I not good enough to be here? Am I not good enough for him? Do you not like me? Did I say something wrong? Am I wearing the right dress? Am I like all that? This is so accurate. So it's like she probably just yellowed you, which means yellows.

not the tricolor yellows like yes they're yellow they do this like scan it's like an energy scan and I love yellows and all my friends are yellows and this is nothing against yellows it's just that they do a scan okay they start they look at you like that and then you feel like oh my as they go up and down you're like oh no it's like being at the airport when you get scanned and you're like what did I not put in my pocket it's like what's something happening um

And it's uncomfortable. You just feel her really, and you're really intuitive, so you're feeling all the thoughts out loud. Yeah. I mean, they definitely have, like, a very close bond, and it is the type of, like, you know, and it's like, he could do no wrong. And, like, my parents are like, if I fucked up, they're like, you are an idiot. Like, you know what I mean? Like, that was just, like, the vibe I've had with my parents. Right. So it's, like, interesting to see, like, other parents, which, honestly, it's so sweet. It's lovely that they work that way. Yeah.

But I always feel like I'm like the big disaster coming in over here. And I'm like, well, it works out because he is so great. Yes. You know, that's why it works. Yeah. If he wasn't, that would be kind of. I know I dated someone before where it was like a super mama's boy. And like he would just like.

Cheat on me. Like do everything like wrong. And she was like, he's perfect. That's the other extreme. And I was like, hello? Yeah. I know. She made a monster. She just had, he just, you know, he's just a great guy anyways. And he's so concerned with living up to it too. Mm-hmm.

Yeah. And I feel like you've had to work with him too. You know, other people have things too, which he wants to understand. I mean, I really like his, he's a, I really like him. He's a great guy, but you can really tell. I get it. I know you probably hear it all the time. It feels like he fits in well with your family. He is very great. But I think he is so great. And like,

just the nice guy and like so perfect. Like everyone that meets him is like, wow, he's so amazing. And I'm like the piece of dog shit standing next to him. But I feel like that does definitely like, or I can assume like gets a little overwhelming for him being like having to do that all the time. You know, it's like, it's a lot of pressure. You need a break and you need to be a little crazy and whatever. Yeah. I want to ask you my sister. Yeah. Okay. This is my sister. Okay. What's her name? Okay. Um,

are these your other ones too those are uh friends okay hang on just her why she feels like leader kind of vibes that's why now you're the oldest but does she try to tell you what to do a little bit because she feels very motherly and she like she has advice i was gonna say she gives more sound advice like to me like i think i go for her go to her a lot of the times for like

grounded advice when I'm all over the place because she's much more grounded but she doesn't have a very like strong personality she looks purple blue I see purple blue around her so I feel like with her but she wears a little red

It's not hers. It feels like a little hat she wears. And I feel like that's just to protect her because she's a double empath, I call it. Because purple, blue are both empath colors. You have yellow at least, which is like your logical color, which can kind of throw that out there every once in a while. Save the day. But I feel like she doesn't have that, so she kind of... It's like a little aura hat, like a little vibe hat she puts on, like a little shield a little bit. And maybe just because it's a picture with friends too. I might be getting that anytime she goes out. But when I look at her, she feels like she...

listens really well and she feels she feels like mom like to me in that she wants to come from where you're where you're at she doesn't feel like the type of person that when she does give advice it's something that she would tell everybody the same thing I feel like she listens to people depending on who it is it's like for you this you know which is just she's a great listener she worries about you I now this is interesting the

Because you're the older sister. If I was talking to her about you, I wonder if I would say something like, do you ever feel like Alex tries to protect you from information or you have to get something out of her and she's not going to tell you all. You have to bug her for details or whatever. That's what I would ask her off you. Only because I feel like she knows that sometimes you don't... You'll come clean, but...

Sometimes she's got to poke you a little because you don't want to dump on her or something. So what's my best way of like communication with her? Oh, with her? Because sometimes we do like butt heads on that a little bit. Yeah. So I feel like with her, she just wants you to tell her what's up. Okay. That's her big thing. Like, you know, so when you're like...

When you give her the press release version of what's going, like, in your mind, or you're like, well, here's the cliff notes, or here's what I wish it was kind of version, or the cover letter. I don't know. All the words I can think of, she's like, cut the BS. Like, I think that's with her. Just, like, just go. She can feel it. So just tell her what's up. Yeah, I think that's, like, a bad habit I have with her of just trying to, like, not. This is, like, my little sister. I'm like, I just want her to be happy and not, like.

I don't know. You know, I feel like it's like a weird thing I do of trying to like just have her be like, cause she's very emotional and she's like, I don't know. She's very like strong headed, but she's also like, she does get very emotional. Like she's more the one to be like, I'm sad. Like I'm not doing this. You know what I mean? So I feel like I like never want to like dump things on her too much.

But she feels it anyways. When somebody who's really emotional, plus, you know, she's your sister, so she knows you and she's intuitive. I think it's best just to be straight up, you know, because she feels it anyways. So it's easier for her just to be validated. And once she's picking up, then you kind of, then she feels like you're protecting me. Stop it. You know, like that. She's your sister. So she also feels like,

Obviously, she's your friend, you know, too. And she's an adult now. So you can tell her things. I feel like she just got, she does have this wisdom that's older than her years. She does. I like that. She gives good advice. The dynamic of big sister, little sister. She's probably like, I'm done with that. Yeah. Like, we're going to trade. Yeah. She's probably like, because you know, like, little sisters hate being little sisters. Yeah. You know, they hate that.

They give like a little chip on their shoulder. Like, don't call me the baby or whatever. Yeah. All right. I need to work on that. Wow. Kristen. How are you? Nice to meet you too. What's Kristen's aura? Oh, yeah. Can I read your aura? Yeah. Okay. Let me see. Hold on. I'm looking at you. Oh, yeah. It's okay. It's not scary. I promise. No. Okay. So you got a little turquoise in you. I didn't even talk about that color.

Yeah, we didn't talk about that. Oh, really? You've heard that before? Yes. That's so crazy. She's heard that before. That's awesome. Like, just really spiritual, and you're kind of just...

You don't hide a thing. It's not a bad, it's a good thing. You're just very, turquoise is like spiritual, vulnerable, able to take up like the space, like reflect other people, pick up things really quickly. So it can be hard to lose yourself when you're turquoise a little bit in other people. Do you feel that, Kristen?

Well, some turquoises have that problem. Not you, but like I call them the mirrors. Like you can feel other people's issues or whatever and then be like, oh, they have some sort of issue. And I noticed with turquoises, they can pick up other people's stuff and in an attempt to show them who they are, they can reflect it back.

So I don't know if you've ever, if that relates to you. Like, oh, you're spicy. I'm going to give you spicy back and see how you react to that. Or you're controlling. Let's give you controlling back, see how you react to that a little bit. Interesting. I'm purple with, I'm a tricolor aura. So that's why I get a little bit lost all the time. Lost in the sauce all the time. And then I'm yellow and blue. It's a swirl of emotions over here. But at least it's not black. That's all it is.

Oh, I know. This is so interesting. I don't think I have any other questions. So could, and here I come with another question. Could my aura change again? I feel like with you, you're tricolor. I can see with you becoming a mom in the future. I know. You're a baby. That's crazy. But one day. Yeah.

I can see you leaning more on the yellow. Okay, cool. I want to be a yellow mom. Everybody wants to be a yellow mom. Yellow moms like have their crap together. I feel like because my mom was so all over the place, like love you mom so much. You're literally the best. Of course. But I've always been like, I want to be a little organized. Who knows if I will be, but. No, you will be. I'm a mom and I'm not a yellow mom. And so.

Trust me, you're going to be a yellow mom. You're the mom that the kids have matching shirts on the right days for school. I'm not that mom. So excited. Yeah, it's all the fun stuff. They have the cute snacks, all that. I like how you do, when you do use your yellow, I feel like you use it like when you were talking about setting up for a party. Yeah. I'll set everything up so that we have lots of room and space and context for fun and lots of room and space and context for emotion. Yeah.

And that's what your yellow is. It's like your supporting feature. And it's kind of like the frame of the house. And then the house is whatever we fill it with, we fill it with. But the framework is steady and stable and calming. And that's what I can see you doing in the future, leaning on that a little more. Okay, cool. I also, besides being a therapist, I, in high school, went through a phase where I wanted to be a party planner. That was my other venture. I was like, I would love to be a party planner. Definitely.

is very yellow party like maybe you'll have to take this yellows are like party planner yeah event event coordinator interior decorator oh I can't do that no you're not doing I just I don't have the taste for it if you walked into my room you would understand that's why we're podcasting out here that's so funny

interior design I have not I've not conquered that yet well thank you for coming on and how can people find you if they want to do an aura reading or just check out your content yeah you can actually take the quiz I made at oh okay cool 10 questions wait this will be fun for them to do oh it's so fun and I have a bunch of quizzes but one of them is the aura quiz you can find out what aura color you are right there

And I'm on Instagram at Mystic Mikayla. And my podcast is Know Your Aura with Mystic Mikayla. And you can buy my book, What's My Aura, anywhere you like to buy your books. And this is so fun. And the storm is gone now. She brought the mystic thunderstorm in when we were getting into it. And now it's nice and sunny outside. Well, thanks for coming on. This is so much fun. Thank you, Alex. I appreciate you. Yay. Yay. I don't want no combo. I want checks. I don't want the second. I want best.

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