Here we are today talking about breakups. The last two days was my first time that I like didn't cry all day. First you're like grieving this person. Yes, that's what I feel. Someone messaged me the other day. She was the only person that messaged me and I loved it. She said congratulations. That's what I always say. I think breakups are exciting. Oh my god, do they see me? Yes. Oh my god!
I'll overshare a little bit. Okay, this segment's gonna be a little different. We're all a little drunk, okay? We are in Austin, Texas. Welcome back to another episode of Hot Mess with Alex Earle. We are on yet another trip and we're in Texas. I've never been to Austin before and I hear that Austin is a lot of fun and we're going to be
We are here for South by Southwest weekend. We just got back from the airport and we're in a little bit of a rush because we need to get ready to go out now. And another big event going on this weekend is Unwell, which is obviously the network that I do this podcast through, has a house. And I was confused at first. I was like, is it actually a house or is it like a pop-up? It's
actually a house. We just drove by it on the way back from the airport. There's already girls lined up outside around the corner. They're all drinking. I was looking through my tag stories. Everyone's been pre-gaming in line for hours and tonight they have Big Al's Bar. So there's a big party outside and the house is basically set up like
The whole backyard has like two bars. There's a carbone station for pasta. There's a stage. They're going to have a live performance. It's like a big playground back there and I'm really excited to get there. It's going to be a quick one because we're only here for two days and then I'm going to LA, but somehow we have so much stuff packed into these two days that we will not be sleeping much. And it's a very work hard, play hard weekend because...
Yes, the stuff we're doing like tonight for example is like going out and fun But then i'm also, you know getting up. Oh, I forgot about this. We're gonna have some guests on this weekend i'm speaking on this panel tomorrow, which I don't even really know what i'm speaking about And I have to also figure that out, but we're also in austin and we want to have fun so Welcome back
Here we go again. This episode is presented by Sephora. Nourish yourself with hair care that really works whatever your hair type from brands like Amika, Kerastase, Moroccan Oil, and K18. Click or tap the banner or visit to shop now.
This episode is brought to you by Liquid IV. It is hot out this summer. It is actually absurdly hot out and you don't have to be an athlete like Braxton to get the sweat going working outside training. I'm sweating walking to the car, walking down the road. People are taking zoom meetings on their porch sweating and you need to replace that sweat with hydration. I personally love Liquid IV. They have three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink plus eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness. Liquid IV hydrates two times faster than water alone. If
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This episode is brought to you by Tinder. We all have a dream of how we'll meet that special someone, right? We think it's going to be this big romantic moment. I'm going to be walking down the side of the road. He's going to see me, think I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, turn right back around, come sweep me off my feet. But that's never a
quite how it happens. I mean, I met my boyfriend at the bar at a party, you know? I mean, I feel like that's how it happens when you go out. Some of you are still waiting for a meet cute moment to happen, but in reality, you might be more likely to find your meet cute on Tinder. A new relationship starts
every three seconds on the app, and the time it takes you to get a drink. You could have already met your special someone. So don't overthink it. Open Tinder and take a chance on romance. No matter how your journey starts, you may join the millions of relationships that started thanks to Tinder. Explore all of the possibilities for yourself. Tinder, it starts with a swipe. Download Tinder today. We're in Texas. Yeehaw! Wait, speaking of that, I...
Was really confused on the vibes here because the invitations that Unwell was sending out, it made it seem like very like Western and cowboy. So I was like, oh, my God.
I got a hat. I got my cowboy boots. I was like, oh i'm ready to go and then when I was packing which was this morning because i'm Never gonna learn i'm never gonna learn to pack ahead of time Like I I don't know why I always think that I can do it and I can't do it I cannot do it and this trip is like a two week long trip because after this we're going right to la Which we have we'll get into next but
I just don't know why I thought that I could go out the night before, wake up at 9am. I was a little bit hungover and deciding to pack for a two week trip. And it was just a complete disaster. I had to text Braxton. Of course, he came to save the day. But I was like, please help me pack because I've actually
actually no idea what to put in the suitcase right now and like I just had no time before we had to leave for the airport. It's so wild because last week we were all the way in Paris and now we're in Texas and then after this we're going to LA and I'm like what is my life? Like how is this the reality of my life and
You know, I always said that I wanted a job that allowed me to travel around a lot. Like when I was growing up, that was like on my bucket list. I was like, I just want a job that allows me to travel and we are doing it. So this weekend is going to be a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. And I feel like
Some people, I don't know, they think that I'm just like always going out all the time and I'm doing both over here. We're doing both and I'm actually pretty good at getting both done. And honestly, I'm just so grateful that I get to bring you guys along with me on these trips. So...
We are in for a big weekend in Austin. Don't forget to like, follow, subscribe to the show wherever you're watching it. I love you guys and I need to get in the bathroom and do my makeup and get ready to go out tonight. We're running a little late. We're like two hours late.
Goodbye. This ain't Texas, but I'll hold them. We're ready for Austin night one. Getting ready didn't really go as planned because I knew this was going to happen because I packed this morning and I forgot the top that I was supposed to wear with this. And then I was like, oh, I should wear a bra with this. And I was like really ready to wear the bra. And then I was like, wait, that doesn't seem like a good idea either. So we're going with a t-shirt. The suitcases are everywhere. This is the ironing board Braxton ironed my skirt for
Seats the best. We're running a little late so we have to go and we're going to Big Al's bar. So we're in for a fun night and then afterwards Braxton and I are thinking that we just want to go out in Austin and kind of just frolic and maybe find some bars and dance and meet some people and have a good night. I hear Austin's really really fun so I think this should be easy.
easy. I don't think that should be a struggle. The unwell house looks insane. We were driving back from the airport. There was a huge line outside and I like rolled down the window in my Uber and I like stuck my head out and everyone was saying hi and everyone was like in the line pre-gaming. Like these girls have been drinking for hours so I need to play a little bit of catch up right now. I shoved my face with some chicken wings when we got back here, some spicy wings,
and yeah we have to go. it sounds like a party out here like i hear music there's people like screaming and singing outside this seems like my type of town i'm also going to be really embarrassed if it's not that western here because i didn't bring my cowboy hat because i was like i don't think that's the vibe but i have my cowgirl boots on and like i just don't know like it would be being like the choogy tourists like probably but whatever
Braxton! Yes, ma'am. Come on. Oh! There he is! Told you, we're ready. He's ready. And Braxton copied my outfit tonight. Who do you think laid it out first? I'm scared. Why am I nervous? I don't know. Just look. You got that nervous energy. That's what it is. You ready? Feel good? You ready to rock? Let's do it. Now that I'm watching this outfit video back, I'm kind of thinking I should wear the bra.
I just was worried about like my stomach like if I want to like sit and slouch like I just don't want to be worried about it But now I'm kind of like wait that might look a little better. Should I do the bra? We had the same conversation 25 minutes ago. This is the bra on. Is it too much? See all of a sudden you put it on you send this yourself. I'm already feeling self-conscious. I think we should change back. I'll just put the shirt back on. Guys, I don't know. Sorry.
T-shirt, I'm loving it. T-shirt time, let's go. Got a little room, a pickup truck. Daddy's right down the lane. Do they play country music here? Come on now. It's still Texas. Okay. Of course. I'm ready. Do we have a car? Yeah. Mama got the car. I think you gotta say something. Just a little...
pre-game to the bar some coffee why am i so nervous i don't know i don't know either i think it's anxious excited probably excited exactly there's a lot of people out out there when we passed the first time and that was what two hours ago yeah yeah i'm ready for the honk tonk and donk donk
I'm excited to see the Earl girls and dance with them. But every time we go out with them, it's always like ends up in a really, really dark hole because everyone is so fun and they're just too fun. Like when I was with them in Chicago, that was, I had a flight the next morning after we, there was an unwell event in Chicago. I actually don't think I've ever been that down bad in my life. So we're going to go through a back entrance. We got that back entrance. Hook up.
Right? Is that the line? There should be a back alley here, right? Yeah, you should be able to take a right up here. Do they see me? Yeah, because of the light. Keep going. I'm so scared! I'm so scared!
I don't know how Alex is drinking this like it's water. I don't know either because it's good. Is it though? Same taste. We're going to go say hi to all of the unwell crew outside because I understand there's capacity, but we don't give a fuck about capacity. So we're coming to you, okay? Here we go. I think you just had an accident. Going outside to say hi.
to say hi to everyone that couldn't get in because they had capacity because so many people showed up so we're gonna go outside and say hi. Let's go into the streets we go. Welcome to Austin. You guys live here? Yeah. I've been here for like two hours. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you guys. Take a picture. Yes girl. Oh my god Alex we love you. We love love love you.
Daddy gang let's rage
We're making some pasta for everyone. Oh, I can't.
It's a little tough. It's good. - Basket goes in waters. - Hot water. - Four minutes. - Four minutes. - Open sauce jar. - Mmm. - Mussels. - Okay. - Four jar in pan. - Whole jar? - No, not for that much. Do like three quarters. - Chef says that's good.
- Yes, chef. - We got a rooster of heavy cream here. - Oh my God. - It kinda comes out the mouth of the rooster here when you pour it. - Okay. - Here we go. - We're gonna bring this up to . - Choc and madal. - The show no one knew they needed. - Yes. - We're all mad. - We're all mad. - You look so good. - Welcome. - Hi. - Okay.
We're just waiting for this to simmer right now. We have the pasta boiling in here. You made this? Yeah. From scratch. So, yeah, we're just waiting for the pasta to boil. I'm going to finish mine. Do I love this stuff? Yes. Wow! These are really good. Right?
- I have, you know? I'm glad that you know some of us are born with it. - And we're serving. - And pasta from the kitchen. This is really good. I'm really good at this. - Wow. - You did well. - Cheers! - That was great!
Okay. Everyone's out. The party's over. That was a lot. I'm honestly unaware how I'm still like standing and functioning. Like I think I'm okay. Maybe I don't look okay and I'm gonna watch this back and be like, uh, meh. But
That was insane and everyone was just everyone brought the vibes and this space honestly also brought the vibe So you coming through here? I'm gonna walk you through we have a little bar over here, and then there's a stage So there was a live band they were performing. There's a little like photo section over here and I came in here and I was like I was just shocked and
I'm also, I'm a little drunk right now, so I don't know how great this is gonna sound. Oh wait, let's go through here.
But in here, we have another bar. Like, this is the coolest space ever. They told me they, like, have this event space rented out for fun things. And I was like, I'm coming back here for my wedding. I love it here. And then this, okay. Somehow, I did not expect this, but I spent my whole night making pasta. That was not planned. But.
Back here, we had the Carbone tent. Honestly, it was such a great turnout. Like, this was just the best night ever. And I'm loving Austin, but I've only seen Austin in these quarters so far. So, the Earl Girls recommended a ton of spots for me to go out tonight. Holy hell, this was a long night. And I need to pee right now.
But we had a lot of fun and I took a lot of shots with you guys. And we have a panel in the morning that we're speaking on. So work hard, play hard. We're going to get both. We're going to do both. Off to the clubs.
This episode is brought to you by Tinder. We all have a dream of how we'll meet that special someone, right? We think it's going to be this big romantic moment. I'm going to be walking down the side of the road. He's going to see me, think I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, turn right back around, come sweep me off my feet. But that's never going to happen.
quite how it happens. I mean, I met my boyfriend at the bar, at a party, you know? I mean, I feel like that's how it happens when you go out. Some of you are still waiting for a meet cute moment to happen, but in reality, you might be more likely to find your meet cute on Tinder. A new relationship starts every three seconds on the app.
and the time it takes you to get a drink. You could have already met your special someone. So don't overthink it. Open Tinder and take a chance on romance. No matter how your journey starts, you may join the millions of relationships that started thanks to Tinder. Explore all of the possibilities for yourself. Tinder, it starts with a swipe. Download Tinder today. This episode is brought to you by Mejuri. You know, I had a thought the other day. Since Rwanda jewelry becomes something we only bought on special occasions.
Mejuri approaches fine jewelry a little bit differently. Each one of their pieces is handcrafted by jewelers committed to quality craftsmanship as well as ethical and sustainable jewelry production. Created by women for women, Mejuri is breaking down barriers in what has long been an exclusive and occasional category of men buying for women.
In 2020, the brand launched the Mejuri Empowerment Fund in support of higher education for underrepresented women and non-binary individuals. Because fine jewelry doesn't have to cost the world, feel good about your jewelry in more ways than one. Start stacking your favorites, shop online, or visit the website to find a store near you. Guys, going out last night was a bad idea. Starting with Big Al's.
We were there. We had so much fun. I loved meeting all the Earl girls. One brought me a hat that said Austin. That was so cute. And I was wearing it around the whole night. And then somehow I...
I was on pasta duty. I went to the Carbone station and started making pastas. I thought it would be like a 10, 15 minute thing. Like I make a bowl of pasta and leave, but I like really was enjoying it, I guess. And I made like batches of pasta for like hours. And then I also at the same time, because you guys are crazy, you guys were like,
Begging me to feed you shots. So I start pouring tequila in these cups and then we ran out of cups So I just started pouring it straight in everyone's mouth and then the people I don't know actually who was handing me bottles of tequila and then I kept feeling like We had to finish the bottles of tequila. So this turned into like a two-hour excursion of me Making pasta for everybody and then also pouring shots in everyone's mouth and I probably looked like a mad woman and I don't even want to see that footage and
It was a lot of fun. And then we decided to go out after. It was also daylight savings. I had no idea. So we lost an hour of sleep. Austin's like really cool because I don't know. I feel like in Miami, we don't have this. Like there was just like a whole strip, like a whole street of just like bars. And I don't know. It was just such a fun vibe. You guys were giving me so many recommendations on where to go. So we went to this one place, which was kind of like...
I don't know, like a loungy type of feel, clubby type of feel. And we were there and I was starving. So we ordered pizza to the club and then we were like, oh, could the bottle girls bring the pizza in with like lighters and everything? So they brought it in and we're all just like munching on this pizza. Like cheese was like hanging from my mouth. It was getting pretty gnarly in there. The bottle girl was like, oh my God, she was like,
I like have a like a really random like favor request and I was like, yeah And she was like, can you sign my tits? Like if I bring you a sharpie, can you sign my tits? And I was like, yes So I'm like literally with this bottle girl and she was so sweet and I'm like holding her boobs I'm like you have great boobs and I'm signing it with the sharpie and then I was like, you know What maybe it's time for me to go home. Look at this pizza being brought into the club we might need to overlay this if you guys can't see this but
We were having fun with the pizza in there and everyone in the club was looking at us like, "What are these people doing?" But I sat down and I was hungry.
And now we're getting ready for the WWD panel. So we're switching into business mode over here and I have to pull it together. So I have a few espresso shots in here. I actually really love speaking on panels or whenever I get to do public speaking. I've always liked public speaking even though it scares me and like right before you guys will probably see I like freak out and I'm like, I can't do this. I don't know anything. But then
I just remember I'm speaking about myself. I know, I know me. And I just try to like calm down. But once I get up there, I'm always fine. And I love being able to like take these speaking opportunities because I don't know, I just feel like it's cool. It's hopefully helpful and insightful for other people. I get to share some stuff that like when I was starting out, I wish I was able to hear. So I do really, really enjoy it. And I'm grateful that I get to do these. I love them.
We're going over the questions for the panel today. Just to make sure I know what I'm talking about. Usually before you do any type of like speaking engagement, they'll send you whether it's just like broader topics or exact questions. And even when they do send you the exact questions, it never really...
It usually goes a little bit more conversationally, so some things pivot and then there's questions off of those questions, but they like to send it to you so you have like a pretty good idea of what you're talking about. We are ready to go. Business big out has been activated. I'm feeling better. Brain fog is going away and if I mess up,
just is what it is hot mess that's fine let's go excited yep i'm excited
Not nervous at all. We're in the Uber now. We're off to the WWD panel. I don't know where we're going, but I think this must be where I think there are a lot of other panels for South by Southwest. So maybe I'm lying, but I think so. So I think it'll be cool to see and maybe we'll stop and watch some others. And then afterwards, we're getting ribs because I'm hungry and a little nauseous.
No one will know. We'll kick it into action up there. No one will know a thing. We'll just smile and wave. We got here. We made it. We're in the green room right now. So we have some snacks over here. Been having some water. And then we're just really sitting here and waiting until it's my turn. Then
The nerves are starting to go away a little bit, but I always get a little bit flustered before going on, but it's exciting. It looks like a good turnout out there. There's people waiting outside and a nice little, you'll see down there, but there's like two couches that we're going to be sitting on talking to each other. So it should be good and I'm excited and now we just wait. I'm excited to be in Austin. We just got in yesterday, so we haven't even been here for a full day yet.
I start getting sweaty. Yeah, because you're nervous. Clammy girl. Let me see. It's not that bad yet. Oh, it's not? You're good. You should feel my arm. No, I'm good there. I'll take your word for it. We're ready. We're not nervous. We're ready? Me screaming at him. We're ready? Let's go. Go kill it, baby. We are ready for this. Ready. Ready.
host podcast podcast the past year has been such a whirlwind for years and years i was posting on social media and i really enjoyed the tick tock platform i was like you know i want to try and make something out of this and
You know, not really anything came of it. I started struggling with acne really bad. There was one day I was so insecure about the skin on my face and I was like, you know what? I'm so done bad. I posted a photo from like months and months back where, you know, my skin looked perfect, airbrushed. I posted it on Instagram. And as soon as I did that, I felt so guilty after because I was like, I'm just like almost like projecting, you know, because I was like, that's just not how I look right now or how I feel right now. And I realized it was just the
being fake so I took it to social media and started sharing my acne journey and the second that I started just being like honest and candid with my audience is when I started to get an audience and a community. I'll overshare a little bit probably more than I should sometimes before like TMI but I think that's
The thing that's special about the relationship I have with my audience is I try not to set any type of boundaries and I try to just let them in on my life and get them to, you know, feel like they really, really know me and share the good and the bad. We just got out. We made it.
Now we're off to Ribs, but that was a lot of fun. That was cool to speak with everyone and I like the questions part. I like talking with people. So that was good. You know, I sweat probably like 10 pounds out during that and now we're off for some Ribs, baby back ribs.
I feel good. Like, I think I got my points across that I wanted to get across and then it also like, it got a little fun in there once I think we opened up the questions to the audience. It just like made me feel very comfortable. Everyone was really welcoming. So it was a good environment and I ended up being able to like chill a little bit more. Baby Q in Austin with my sweaty pits because I'm nervous.
I was nervous, now I'm happy. We should get a drink. Oh baby, we're getting real. We got a saddle. Saddle up baby. Last night Braxton threw up a Zeta sign for these girls and now Braxton's the face of Zeta. We got a lot of different universities tagging me in their Zeta. It's okay, I was in Zeta that time. Exactly.
Hello! Hi! You're so pretty! Thank you, I'm a little older. Are we doing it again?
We're doing it again. We're leaving barbecue now. We picked up Remy. Now we're going back to the hotel to go chill out before we go and honky-tonk, I guess. We're honky-tonking tonight. Staying in a museum? I'm delusional, that's why. I mean, oh fuck. Okay, we'll move this stuff.
Guys, welcome to, I don't really know what type of podcast setup this is right now. We kind of made shift. We just pulled some chairs over here. We got some blankets and we're gonna sit down and have a little girl talk because Remy and I were out last night and I don't know, you know when you're just like you're having a few drinks, you're talking to a friend and like we were just talking and we were like this would be so good for other girls to hear. Just like
so helpful and I feel like Remy and I have like a funny backstory meeting situation that also leads into this. So we're just we're sitting down today and we're having some girl talk and actually the first time that Remy and I ever talked ever I actually talked about you on my panel today. What did you say about me? I so when I started to
blow up on social media i guess which i hate saying that i know i do the same thing yeah um remy reached out to me and dm'd me and i was talking about because someone was like oh did you find a team like how did you find a team to work with and i was like remy bader actually dm'd me and she was like hey girl like do you need some help or like what's going on because she was like i know you must be stressed out and i always say to this day like remy is such a good person because i don't think a lot of people would do this she called me for like a
three hours on the phone and she was explaining things to me and i was like wait i don't understand what an agent is and she was like no but it's different than a manager and i was like i'm so confused and stressed and i was sitting in the cvs parking lot remy talked to me for like three hours remember it was around like christmas yeah it was like with my family i'm going upstairs to talk to this girl like i want to help her and the first thing you were like just get a lawyer first just get a lawyer and i did and remy connected me with all of the people that i work with now which i feel like a lot of people just
are like selfish in some ways and wouldn't do that. So like that to me has always stuck out about you. So thank you for that. I think it's important, especially when I see it was all starting to happen. And I was like, I had no one to go to at that time. I knew nothing. I didn't know. No one does, though. It's like a world like
there was no TikTok before this. So it's like when you specifically like come up on TikTok, it's like I just like knew what you were probably thinking. And at that point, it kind of was like starting to blow for you. And I'm like, you're definitely having a million people reach out. And thank God. I remember like randomly when Meghan Trainor used to comment on my videos, I was like, can I talk to you? I was like, can I like we chat? And she's the one who told me, get a freaking attorney. Really? And that's why I told you that. And
And then I did it a little backwards. A lot of people get like a manager first. I got agents first by literally like reaching out on LinkedIn. But then I just learned so much from it that whenever I see people doing it wrong or like getting a bad team around them or something, it's like I just like want to help. So thank you for that because I would probably not be where I am right now if I was. You still would. Yeah.
But seriously, like that was so amazing. I always say Remy is the best for that. And also one of our first DMs, which I feel like we need to pull up, is actually hilarious. I texted her yesterday and said I scrolled back. I wanted to see what her first conversation was. And I reached out just being like, oh, I want to help, blah, blah. Like let me know if you need help. And you literally responded, oh my God, you are so sweet for that. I honestly have been crying for the past 24 hours because I've been so overwhelmed and thought it would be fine keeping a shit, keeping...
of sharing my breakup online and holy shit, I was wrong. I literally did not think that many people cared about me and did not know people would record my lives. I'm so dumb. I've been lost and everything with management. I don't know what to do. I'd love to call you or something. You're so sweet. Thank you so much. And then I was like, okay, let's set up a call. She caught me in like a depressive episode there because I was like, I had gone through a really public breakup, which you guys have heard about a million and one times because I've shared it on here so many times. But like, I just didn't,
I didn't know didn't understand and it's a lot going through breakup one and then two going through a breakup when you have an online presence which I didn't I don't think at that time I even like knew that I had like my mind just wasn't there yet so I posted some things that I regretted and you know you live you learn but it's so funny because
here we are today talking about breakups and you just, you're like, you're like, yeah, yeah. I just went through a breakup. I didn't want to say it. Um, and yeah, I think that's why we were saying it's so full circle. Like we have to talk about this because I do think it is hard when we're both, I feel like we're both online as people that just share a lot. Yeah. And not everyone does that online. And I think it's really hard to pick and choose what you share because
especially when it's like, I don't know, I like sharing my vulnerable moments, but then you're in this state of mind and after, yeah, sometimes I regret it too. The first, I posted one video about the breakup. I really did regret and it was like a second and I was crying and I deleted it because I was like, you know what? I can share my experience. Yeah. But I,
I don't I don't need to like bring someone else down online yeah and I didn't I really did not listen to that one but I didn't either like shit talking spree on my life like and I think and I think it's hard because it's like no one you know people will say about that like oh get her offline and I see like the comments and what people say but it's like it's so hard when your job is also your life yeah and um I've never gone through breakup anymore I'm how old are you I
I'm 23. You're 23. I'm 29. Not like age matters, but it is... In my mind, it's crazy. It's like, I've never gone through a breakup and I'm 29. Yeah, this is your first breakup. First breakup, first boyfriend. And I think there's like... I'm happy I made that boundary in my head and I did end up making another video where I just was like, I'm going to talk about myself and my experience right now and how I'm struggling with this, but I don't need to speak about...
that specific person and what happened because there are some things that are meant to be kept secret and to yourself even if you do want to share it and I think it's just a learning experience. Yeah, and I think you have to protect your own peace and privacy at one point but it's also just like there's no...
rule book for a breakup and like breakups are so hard and then it's like so first you go through a breakup right it's like you have to like tell your friends and family dealing with telling people online is a different thing but it's like there's such a roller coaster of emotions after a breakup and it's like especially if that's your first breakup and that's like I always say like I think the first breakup first love is like that shit will tear you down like I was actually like I'll never see the light of day again and it's just
So hard and I just I think it's something that's so relatable to girls Which is why I feel like it's like important to share because it's like you're so lost You're like, what do I do? And like how do you get over a breakup? Yeah, and I actually don't have the answer That's why when I posted that video that I did keep up the like two days ago Which was so well said by the way, thank you And I even after that I was like reaching out to Kate and my team and everyone was like why why did I like again? freaking out about it and
And then I was just like, everyone's response...
for the majority was just like, you said that in such a way that was so relatable to people and just like speaking about your like true emotions. And I think that is something that whenever I go back in my head, I'm like, no, I don't regret that. Like that I don't regret because the getting thousands and thousands of comments and messages of people seeing that like for the first time, I haven't gone through something that a lot of other people have and they're like trying to help me. I think that is a beautiful thing that like,
everyone was just trying to help each other in those comments like everyone was just like and I was reading every single one like I genuinely don't know what to do right now and it feels so weird that I don't like have the answers I'm like literally reaching out to people just like do you have a I saw you just went through a breakup like what's a book I should read what's a podcast like I'm trying to get through this with having no answers it's insane yeah and I feel like it's so it's just so hard when you first go through a breakup because it feels like
there's no other side to it because it's like you become so comfortable with this person that it like becomes a part of yourself in a way you know it's like you talk to this person every day you see them every day and i always say like i think a boyfriend can be like a comfort blanket and then it's like it gets ripped away from you and you're just so lost and at first it's like well i'll do anything to just like try and get that back because it's like so comforting and i think
What I mean, I've learned and I've seen is I feel like some people will stay just because it feels comfortable and not because it's right. And I feel like that's so important for people to hear is that like you need to do what's good for you and what's going to be good for you in the long run, even if it doesn't feel good in the moment. And it's like actually the hardest thing ever to do. And we were just talking about this that I feel like, especially, I guess, with the first love, I've only had one experience, but like,
I genuinely now being out of it only a few days or I guess now it's been so now it's been like fully almost like I don't know two almost two weeks yeah and I just like the last two days was my first time that I like didn't cry all day like I'm just like I for the first oh we were talking about two weeks is like very recently still I know I think I'm just being hard on myself that I'm just like you have to like let yourself go through the emotions yeah and you cannot be hard on yourself because I think it's that we were saying that there was like
I was wearing, you're wearing rose colored glasses. There are things that now you're like, oh, with my first relationship that you would never let slide now or let happen. And you know more of like what you deserve where I'm now seeing that. And I just was like, how was I missing all of this? And it wasn't that I was missing, like all I'll say about the situation is like, regardless of what anyone thinks is like, I was being told truly until the end that
that this person wants to spend the rest of their life with me so I was blindsided yeah yes there were certain actions that now I'm just like ah interesting maybe this person's was distancing themselves from me I didn't see that but when someone's words don't match up to their actions it's very hard to see that when you're in love with someone yeah it is very hard and like I always say I'm like
being in a relationship like you have blinders on like you are just very you're biased to it because it's like you want to believe the best in that person and I don't I don't know I always say that girls always have blinders on in relationships because like you don't I don't know you don't know I think one thing for me that's been the hardest and I'm like no I don't want to cry again I said I wouldn't wait my foot's cramping wait my toes always cramp and like curl up like this and they get stuck
I don't get and I don't think I will ever understand and I feel like whoever made this a thing that it needs to be it's like how do you spend every day with someone and if it ends up that you break up who made it
a thing that you can never talk to that person again. I know it's not for everyone. Like some people out there are like, oh, we can remain friends. I just think that that's more when you're both like maybe equally like we fell out of love, but we have so much respect for each other. But a lot of the time and what I've been getting in a lot of my comments is like,
no contact block be done that's the only way you could get over it and i'm having such no i'm having such a hard time with like being like how is this person in my life every single day and now i just have to like well it's like a part of you that i can no longer it's also speak to you know you know i think a lot of that is part of the like coping because it sucks in the beginning and then will help you in the long run with getting over it but it's like
that's so hard after a breakup too because it's like you it's just like oh because we said the term breakup right like now it's like oh like we can't talk when it's like okay but just yesterday like things were just so normal and it's like it's the weirdest thing to comprehend and there's no rule that you have to follow and like i also don't know like i'm speaking as if like
I'm the dating master over here because I'm not. I'm definitely not. There is no rule to follow, but I feel like with the no contact thing, it's I think out of sight, out of mind and distracting yourself is good, which is why it's so great that like
we're in Austin right now for South by Southwest and it's like you're doing all these amazing things for work and like you have opportunities going for yourself and like you have things to distract yourself. I mean that was the first thing like yesterday I was like to my parents I was like this is the first day I haven't like cried and I was like I feel so happy and good today because I'm like working and focusing on myself and doing these panels and like just like that is what yes being distracted is so helpful. I think there's a difference. I think a lot of I'm learning and
like I think men handle their emotions very differently. They do. Where it's like going out, partying, going on dating apps, like right away trying to get this distraction and maybe not the healthiest, most positive way. And like, I feel like a lot of girls right away are like, how can I heal? I mean, I can't speak for everyone,
when I'm like trying to heal. That's like an actual like thing that I always see with breakups. It's like at first, the first month, the first week or whatever, it's like the girl like depressed, crying, the guy's going out having like the best time ever. Then the girl like heals and gets over and it's like, fuck this guy. And then the guys like comes crawling back. They always come crawling back. The one thing about them is they will come crawling back and it's like, ugh.
And you know what? All I have to say about that is like, cause everyone's saying that I'm like, I don't even need someone crawling back. No, you don't. And I will. And I'm, there's no me going back. I have enough respect for myself, but I,
all I want is someone to be able to accept responsibility for like treating someone not the way they should be treated and I think that that's just what I'm like yeah I think right now it's just for me it's no contact truly working on myself finding anything I could do to like feel better and learn from this and learn what I want in my next relationship not rushing into dating right now for me not rushing into you know like truly just focusing on myself and everyone can do whatever is good for them.
that's what's gonna i think is the best thing that's gonna help me healthy distractions for me like healthy distractions helping me i think girlfriends after a breakup are so important have been like so freaking amazing what's something for you in any of your breakups or maybe like your breakup like you said with like your first love like and you felt like you were like dying which is like how i've been feeling yeah is like which i know will be okay but what is like what like helped you
distracting yourself. And I always say this, I'm like, you need to just go out there, do things you wouldn't do before, say yes to things. Because it's like, once you just get out in the world and you just have other experiences with other humans and it's like, you're just gonna, and I'm not saying guys and I'm not saying like dating with guys, like that's not what I'm talking about. It's just like going to actually date
do stuff and you know the first I'll say in the beginning of a breakup it's like sit in bed cry moment for sure but like just getting out there and being with your friends and realizing like that there can be a life outside of the life that you had with that person because you're so trained to think that like there can't be and like that was your world and you need to like go out there and
Make a new world for yourself, you know? It's hard because I feel like with this rollercoaster of a breakup, right? So it's like first you're like grieving this person. Yes, that's what I feel. If you're grieving, it's almost harder than grieving someone that dies because you're grieving someone still alive that you feel like you can't speak to. Like, it's crazy. No, it is. And it's actually...
grief it's actually some grief and then you go through like angry phase where you're like let's fucking go like that's been me this week I'm like we're a little helpful we're turning it around it's like sad to anger like the anger gets you yeah moving on a little bit more yeah so then it goes into like relief and like acceptance and you get over it and like I think on the other end of a breakup I always say like it can be exciting
even though it doesn't sound like exciting. No, no. I see that it can be. It can be exciting and it's like just new experiences and like you have this like sense of freedom. Someone messaged me the other day. Cammie Crawford. You know who that is? She's a podcast. She messaged me. She was the only person that messaged me and I loved it. She said, congratulations. That's what I always say but then it's sometimes it's like too soon. She said, sorry if it's too soon or like sorry if you feel certain way. I said, I responded. I said,
no, I love this. Thank you so much. She said like, this is going to bring like all new exciting things for you. And I just love instead of all the people not saying it was bad, like I've had so many amazing people reach out, but just saying like, I'm so sorry. But when you flip it in your head of being like, congratulations. And even yesterday, just having such a good day of like my panels and people coming up to me, like you speak amazing. And like, just like all these like exciting things I have coming up.
and then I'm just like, oh, wow, like this is good. Like something leads your life, but new things are going to come into it. And it's exciting and a new experience. And what you learn from this, like and what you learn from going through a breakup and like this type of like feeling that you've never felt before is like so good for yourself, even though it doesn't feel it right now. But like you're going to learn so much from this. You can't stress about going back in time or changing anything. It's like this is what it is. And it's like it is sometimes like I think breakups are...
exciting because it's like good for you for changing a part of your life that like wasn't working yeah i just think this is so helpful for girls to hear thanks for coming on remy thank you for having me i love you cheers wait we don't have a drink cheers okay off to the honky tonk
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Thank you. Thank you.
No, I don't know what you mean! Sorry! Beautiful. Cute! Good, good, good! Noms. College. Oh!
Is that a banana? Crazy. Oh, yeah. Welcome back to another What Would Alex Do? Okay, this segment's going to be a little different because it's the end of the Austin weekend. It's the end of the last Unwild Party and...
We have all the unwell people here. We're all a little drunk, okay? We've all been drinking all night and then we were like, oh, this would be so great to podcast after. But we're going to do a What Would Alex Do For You Guys because I feel like this is a fun group. Braxton is a sweetheart. Yeah, he is. You get...
Harry keeps calling Braxton a sausage. He's a sausage, but we love him. He's so lovely, guys. If you can meet him, you just give him a big hug. Harry's hyping up Braxton. So we have Harry, Jowsey, Madeline, RG. Wait, I am jealous because I'm going to sound like
disgusting next to you guys with your pretty accents. Yeah. Yeah, it's true actually. So I'm going to read what other girls have written in and we're going to give our advice. Okay, are you ready? Yeah. My boyfriend hooked up with my cousin while I was sleeping. She spent the night at our apartment. She finally told me your boyfriend hooked up with your cousin. That's like... My boyfriend hooked up with my cousin while I was sleeping. Full stop.
She spent the night at our apartment full stop. She finally told me. What's full stop? Period? Period. Oh. Do you call it full stop? Yes. What do you say about it? Like, period. Full stop. It's like, period. Okay. I've never heard full stop again. I'm going to say period full stop. My boyfriend hooked up with my cousin while I was sleeping. Full stop period. Basically, what would you do if your boyfriend hooked up with your cousin? Moral of the story.
I would tell my cousin, yo, what are you doing, brother? Really? I feel like I'd like kill my cousin and my boyfriend. My cousin's 13.
What? 13? Okay, hold on. Alright, this one, Harry, maybe you'll be able to weigh in on this. My boyfriend keeps liking girls' photos, bikini slash showing bodies off, and I've had to tell him three times how it makes me feel, and he says he will stop. He does it again. For the boy, Harry, what do you think about when doing this? If you're liking other girls' photos, you, sir, are a naughty sausage. Do you not like other girls' photos?
No, no, no. I feel like it used to never get to me and then recently or like the past years as a grown-up I'm just like just don't do it. Who cares? Don't like that shit. I feel like a lot of guys say like oh, I don't even think like I'm just like tapping. No, that's what I used to say. I used to say oh my god I would like everything on my feed. Yeah, yeah, that's what they say. Don't like everything on your feed. Text your girlfriend. Say she wants to go to lunch. Buy her flowers. If you're using that finger, use it to buy her flowers.
That's what I'm saying. Madeline. Oh. Okay. Anywho, don't look at that. Madeline. Madeline. Madeline. Hi. Hi.
I agree. What? You're not in for the bikini photo liking. No. It's gross. It's true. And it's... Ew. He must be a fan. Yeah, he must be a fan. I'm glad we agree on this because I feel like some people really just give it up and are... Yeah. I don't know what I'm saying. I actually used to think it was fine. I used to be like fine. Me too. I didn't think anything of it. Okay, but the tricky thing is at University of Miami...
every girl so like our party outfits were bikinis and sneakers so I was always of the thought that like oh my boyfriend he's just liking like everyone's photos because they're all in bikinis and then I feel like recently I was like I feel like I don't like that. Okay but
I was hooking up with a guy, drunk, and forgot I was on my period. We just kissed. Woke up in the morning to a bloody bed. I don't know how I came back from this. I was so embarrassed in the morning. It was really awkward, but he still likes me and talks to me. What do you think of this? What would you do? Who gives a fuck? I feel like you're getting your period. Obviously, it was a mistake. It's a girly thing. Yeah, right? A little bit of blood. Like, we all bleed.
Like, who cares? That's the craziest shit. Have you ever had a girl bleed in your bed? So much. Oh, okay. I don't give a fuck. Okay. Are you crazy? Harry condones bloody beds. Yeah. I also think it's like a womanly thing. It's natural. She obviously got her period and forgot. One time, I was at my boyfriend's frat party and this girl that he had a minor thing with was there and kept going up to him when I wasn't around. What do you mean minor? I don't know. Eventually, maybe like it was like a prior thing. Oh, okay. I'm thinking. Oh, okay.
And I have a story to follow up with this. Eventually, I was fed up, so I walked past her and told her to stop talking to him because it was so disrespectful. Then she followed both of us into the next room and started walking over to him, all smiley. So I get up and announce that I'm going to beat a bitch up in the basement and start walking towards her, and then she leaves the party. What would you have done? Someone's coming up and keeps following your significant other. I'm breaking his jaw.
Yeah, okay. Wait, a lot of girls were writing in asking, is it true that a guy actually knows if he wants to date you after like the first few dates? Yes.
You know. We do that. So the first date is like the decipher. Yeah. It's so funny because I feel like for girls, I don't know, I feel like if we go on a date with like a guy, I just feel like we go into it like going on a date. It's like, oh, like I don't know what this could be. I feel like we don't like really categorize it. I've done like fifth and sixth dates with guys that I fucking thought like sucked.
I was like I'll just give them another five chances to not suck yeah yeah that's the thing with girls though is I feel like we have too much like oh they could get better yeah we could get better I feel like guys are like very cutthroat where they're like oh no they suck like that's not happening but like girls I feel like we're kind of like well maybe they have like one quality that I want yeah I'm like no I'm like 25 I'm like oh you're fine like one quality just keep going with that one yeah like they actually suck but like I don't know like
Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Lucky you. Harry, Jowsey, ASMR. Do it in your teeth. Go. Everyone. We're going to have some girl talk now. Thank God. We want to have girl talk. He's so enormous. I'm always surprised. Wait, guys, I'm going to kill myself. I fucking hate these shoes. They're so ugly. Wait. What?
Wait, they're kind of... Wait, Madeline. No, they're cute, but not with the jeans. Those are so cool. I was thinking about this when you came in in those shoes. I'm like, I could never look fucking cool in those shoes. I don't look cool. You do look cool, though. You're just pretty and cool and look cool in those shoes. If I wore those shoes, everyone would be like, is she okay today? Can you hype me up like this more often? No, I like it. I really like them. Thanks. And you need to teach me how to wear like that.
I want to learn how to wear like this. Can you walk in heels? I thought I could and then I saw a video. When you go out, do you wear heels? Like when I, yeah, yeah. What's the vibe in like London? I don't go out in London. Well, you went out with me in London. Oh, I did and I wore heels. I wore my Jimmy Choo's. Okay, Jimmy Choo girl. Yeah. Okay, I love it. So you can walk in heels but you just don't prefer. I don't prefer. Do people in London wear heels? Yeah, they do. Do you want to know something fucking crazy? What? The outfit I wore when we went to the box. Yeah. I took it off.
In my flat, it hasn't moved. Really? Yeah, it's in the exact same fucking spot. Like, in my bathtub. That's exactly how I am. And it's like, I... Clothes make the most mess that I've ever seen in my life. And I'm like, I'm not dirty, I'm just messy. Like, there's a difference. Don't you think? Yeah, there is a difference. Like, I'm not stinky. Like, I... I don't know.
I smell clean. She smells great. I have good hygiene. I just like my I posted like cleaning my room this week at home and I'm like, at least I'm cleaning my room. But it's like everyone's like, oh, she's disgusting. I'm like, no, like I don't I just like why does it have to be like you're disgusting if there's clothes on the floor? I know. I think no one actually believes that. I think they just say it to say it. But I think they get it for me, though, because I had cockroach cockroaches in
in my room last year but it was like a house in florida like a college house like it had cockroaches that wasn't from that's not even your fault though because houses just have cockroaches yeah exactly like they came with the house yeah they didn't come with me you inherited them as fine you didn't bring them no but i would have had cockroaches if those existed in the uk but thank god they don't they don't exist in the uk i don't think no it's another thing like we have like rats but i've never had rats
But there's not, how would they, the cockroaches, like, don't get over there? No, like, we just don't have them. That's cool. Yeah. Maybe I need to move there.
Madeline and I are gonna have some girl time officially. We kicked Harry out, so I'm just making a drink. Do you drink? Do you like tequila? Yeah, I love tequila. Wait, do you know I was just in Paris and they were like, tequila? Like, they looked at me like I had eight fucking heads. Really? Why? Like, they said over here it's just like vodka. They were like, that's such an American thing to like tequila. But people in Paris look at you like you have eight heads no matter what you say. I guess that's true. Yeah, love it.
I just discovered tequila like two weeks ago when I was in LA. So exactly my point. Yeah. You haven't had it in London. Oh wait, good fucking point. No, but I think that might just be me. No, but I, when I was in London, we were going for drinks and it was all like wine. Yeah. Like it's very wine and like, like they don't like take shots here. Yeah. Or it's, it's just like everything.
Everyone drinks so early in the UK. Like, you literally get started when you're, like, 14 and everyone drinks vodka. That's the thing. So it's very, like, vodka. Yeah. Everyone in Europe, like, drinks earlier and then I feel like America, it's like you don't because you're, like, not allowed to and then you get to college and everyone goes, like, fucking crazy. Yeah, people still go crazy at college in the UK, but, like, I feel like we finish drinking earlier. Like, I'm... Actually, I fucking hate saying my age. Never mind. I'm 19. What? Yeah, did you not know? Wait. What? You're 19? Yeah. Oh.
No way. How old are you? 23. No way. Wait, you're making me feel like a grandma right now. I'm lying to you. Wait, there's no... Are you... Is this like... Do we have backtrack on this? Is this real? She's lying. I'm born... No, I'm born in 2004. When are you born? Wait, Madeline, what's happening right now? Did you not know? Like, I can't even legally drink in this country. Thanks for pouring me a drink, Alex L. Wait, something's happening...
You're not! I'm googling it because I don't believe you and everyone's lying to me and making me feel weird. It says you're 23 years old, you motherfucker.
Was this just a prank? Yeah, sorry. I hate you. You're a really good liar. I know. Is that, like, a good quality you have? Yeah, it's great. That's cool. I'm a really bad liar. Like, I'm a liar that, like, when I lie, I just show it on my face and everyone knows I'm lying. I feel like you could lie to me and I wouldn't know. Try it at some point in this episode. Can you tell me a lie? Okay, I will, I will, I will. I'm going to try and detect when you finally do it. Okay, well, I will. We're going to get back into what would Alex do because I feel like we need to continue on with these questions. Okay.
This one says, I hate my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend. Do I invite her to my wedding? Wait. Fiance's best friend's girlfriend. Do I invite her to my wedding? Ooh.
I feel like you have to. You kind of do have to, even if you hate her, I think. But, like, that's a tricky situation. I feel like unless you do an intimate wedding, you have to just, like, suck it up and invite her. Just, like, sit her near the toilets and, like, put her with the person that you hate the most. Like, your weird aunt. Sit them next to each other. I feel like, are you...
good with being like exclusive with invites because like I'm the type of person that I get stressed about not inviting people like even like my birthday parties I'm like I get stressed I'm like I don't even know this person but like I feel bad so I feel like I have to invite them like I feel like I get worried about that but recently I feel like I've been trying to be better about that but it's hard I've never sent out an invite in my life why never hosted an event
Really? Yeah, never. Do you know that I started having, like, my own parties when I was, like, six years old? Like, I've always had, every year, like, Alex Earl's birthday bash. I'm so unbranded. Really? Yeah. Because that was a lie. Alex Earl's birthday bash at six years old. And I lied to you. Shut the fuck up! Can you believe me? No! No!
That was so good. I'm so proud of myself and I couldn't even keep it in for more than like five seconds. But I should have like described a really crazy birthday party. Because I would have so believed it would have been so good. Yeah, but that would be on brand. So that's a believable lie. Fuck, I fell for it. I'm not good at knowing when people are lying to me. People lie to me all the fucking time and I just let them. Yeah. That's why I've been cheated on like seven times. But it's fine. Aw. Aw.
Next question. Wait, can you do your American accent, please? I saw you do it on TikTok one time. I think it's good, but everyone told me that it's Canadian. Wait, give me something to say. Okay, say, I'm going out to the bars tonight with my friends. Should I wear this crop top or should I wear this bodycon dress?
Okay, so I'm going out. Correct me when I go wrong, please. I'm going out to the bar. You already sound British. Fuck. I'm going out to the bar tonight. Is it bad? Don't be mean. I'm going out to the bar. Wait, you said Canadian. No, but the one I saw on TikTok was really good. I don't hear the difference between Canadians. Just think. I'm going out to the bar tonight with my friends. Say friends. That was good. Say friends. Friends. Friends. No. Say friends. Friends. Friends. Should I wear a crop top?
Or a bodysuit. Suit? You were good until suit. Wait, that's good. Suit? Should I try a British accent? Please. Give me something to say. Hello, my name's Alex Earl and I'm engaged. What is with all of this? I don't know. How are you really? Hello, my name's Alex Earl and I'm engaged. Yeah, you just sound American. Say it again. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Hello. Hello. Just let your O go like this. Hello. No wa. Hello. Hello. No wa. Hello. What? You go hello wa. Oh. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Yes, yes, that was good. Wait, what? I feel like that's like a huh. It is. Hello. Yeah. Hello. Wait, fuck. Hello. Hello. Hello. My name's Alex Earl.
L. L? Yeah. It's so close. It's okay. Next question. What would you do if your boyfriend suddenly has a girl best friend? Like, it's obvious that she likes him and she is in my friend group. Wait. Oh. Yuck. I feel like if one of my girl best friends became best friends with my boyfriend...
And it wasn't like a through me thing. I feel like that feels weird. That's really, I want my best friends to be best friends with my boyfriend, but I don't want them to like have made this connection. Like,
Like, they just, like, started texting without me and, like, hung out without me. That's weird. You want them to, like, get along when you're all together and, like, know each other. But you don't want them to, like, go off and fucking brunch without you. Yeah. That's really weird. And if she's your friend, that's doubly as, like, really weird. Yeah. I would kill them both. That's my advice. In that situation, I'm always like, who do you be more mad at? Like, I feel like the girlfriend. Yeah.
I would want to say the girlfriend, but then I feel like that's underestimating how intentional the guy is being. Because I'm always like, oh, men are fucking stupid. Let me just not be angry. I'm just going to, like... But it's like the girlfriend's also being intentional. No, yeah, that's why I'm, like, more angry at her. I'm always more angry with the girl. But that's... I feel like I shouldn't, like, underestimate, like, what the boy is doing. Because I feel like they actually know exactly what they're doing. Cut them off equally. But I just feel like it's shittier of a girl to do. Like, in my mind, I just feel like guys always do shitty things. So I'm like, ugh, like...
whatever, he did it again. Yeah, right. But, like, a girl, it's like, you don't, I feel like you don't expect girls to do shitty things, but they do. And then you're like, hello. Yeah, and it's so much worse because you didn't think they were going to do that. Yeah, you don't think it. Like, I feel like I'm, like, preconceived with boys that if they do something wrong, I'm like, I hate you, but I'm also like,
I guess it's just because you're a guy. You just get proved right. But then if it's a girl, you get proved wrong because you like trusted her so much more and you're like, fuck. And then it's personal because you got proved wrong. Yeah. Yeah. Hate it. Hate. And I think we need to wrap it up here. I think I don't know if we're going out tonight. I have a flight at 7 a.m. tomorrow, so I probably should not go. I think I do, too. Really? Right. Ten. Ten.
12? Nice. 7 and 10 a.m. It's nice to be you. But at least you're going to LA so the plane will be nice. I'm going back to... Oh, you're going to LA? I'm going to LA too. Okay, maybe I'll see you in LA. But that's enough for this episode. I mean, we have to get out of Austin. It has been a long weekend here. Thank you guys for coming along. Thanks, Madeline, for doing this with me. Thanks for having me.
Bye. Bye.