cover of episode #868 - Mads Larsen - The Hidden Truth About Our Collapsing Birth Rates

#868 - Mads Larsen - The Hidden Truth About Our Collapsing Birth Rates

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Chris Willx
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Mads Larsen
Mads Larsen认为挪威的低生育率(1.4)是一个严重的、甚至可以说是存在性的危机,这与现代约会模式、女性择偶标准提高以及社会文化变迁有关。他从进化心理学角度分析了人类交配行为的演变,指出现代社会中个人伴侣选择的开放性导致了男性交配机会的极度不平衡,一部分男性获得大量交配机会,而另一部分男性被排除在外。女性在短期交配市场拥有更多选择权,导致她们提高了择偶标准,这使得许多男性难以找到长期伴侣,从而影响生育率。此外,他认为现代社会中对生育的观念转变,以及生育成本的提高,也导致了生育率下降。他呼吁人们正视这一问题,并尝试新的解决方案,例如改变约会和交配模式,以及调整社会文化观念,以促进生育率的提高。他强调,解决这个问题需要在不损害女性权利的前提下进行。 Chris Willx认同Mads Larsen的观点,认为低生育率是一个全球性问题,比气候变化更紧迫。他指出,人口下降将对社会带来长期负面影响,包括经济衰退、社会结构老化、以及对气候变化应对措施的阻碍。他与Mads Larsen讨论了低生育率的成因,以及人们不愿正视这一问题的社会心理原因。他同时指出,解决低生育率问题需要多方面努力,包括改变社会对生育的观念,以及改善男性在现代社会中的地位。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Mads Larsen facing outrage for discussing Norway's declining birth rates?

Mads Larsen's discussion of Norway's declining birth rates has faced outrage because people perceive his focus on involuntary single women as misogynistic and do not want to connect it to declining fertility. They fear that addressing the issue could empower political forces on the right and threaten women's reproductive rights.

What are the key reasons behind the decline in birth rates globally?

The decline in birth rates globally is driven by several factors, including the empowerment of women, changes in mating psychology, and the implementation of individual partner choice for the first time in human history. These changes have led to a stratification among men, where higher-value men receive more mating opportunities, while lower-value men are excluded, contributing to the difficulty in forming long-term relationships and having children.

How does the current mating ideology in Western societies contribute to low fertility rates?

The current mating ideology in Western societies, known as confluent love, emphasizes convenience, reward, and individualistic self-realization. This ideology allows for serial pair bonding and opportunistic short-term relationships, which reduces the societal pressure to pair bond and have children. Additionally, the availability of effective contraceptives has detached copulation from reproduction, further reducing the drive to have children.

What are the potential consequences of a declining population on societies and the environment?

A declining population can lead to the shut down of schools, lack of workforce to fill existing jobs, and an aging population. This can result in societal disintegration, increased competition over a shrinking pie, and reduced cooperation. Additionally, a declining population could hinder efforts to address the climate crisis, as societies may struggle to allocate resources towards technological advancements and environmental initiatives.

Why do some researchers avoid portraying low fertility rates as a serious issue?

Some researchers avoid portraying low fertility rates as a serious issue because they fear being labeled as alarmists, which could affect their careers and funding. They also worry that discussing the severity of the issue could empower political forces that might threaten women's reproductive rights. Additionally, there is a belief that portraying the issue negatively could lead to societal regression, such as the return of patriarchal norms.

What are the main areas where women say men are lacking in terms of attractiveness?

Women often cite specific areas where they feel men are lacking, such as not being interested in hunting and fishing, not providing the right emotional support, bragging about themselves, and not being attentive enough. These criticisms reflect the experiences women have had with men in the current dating environment.

How does the socioeconomic empowerment of women impact birth rates?

The socioeconomic empowerment of women has led to women no longer needing men for financial support or social status, reducing the innate biological attraction that once motivated sufficient reproduction. This empowerment, combined with the implementation of a promiscuous mating regime, has resulted in women becoming more selective, excluding lower-value men from their potential pool of partners and contributing to declining birth rates.

What role does the Scandinavian welfare state play in the current fertility crisis?

The Scandinavian welfare state, which transfers resources from men to women, has created a society where women no longer need men for financial support. This has made men relatively less attractive to women, contributing to the difficulty in forming long-term relationships and having children. The welfare state's emphasis on female equality has created a paradox where societal success in empowering women has led to a fertility crisis.

What are the potential interventions to address the declining birth rates?

Potential interventions to address declining birth rates include experimenting with new dating and mating arenas, increasing knowledge about mating psychology, and changing societal approaches to dating and mating. It is also important to recognize that any interventions should not jeopardize women's freedoms and should build on cultural legacies to find solutions that are acceptable and feasible within each society.

Why is there a lack of research on the ultimate function of mating, which is reproduction?

There is a lack of research on the ultimate function of mating, which is reproduction, because it has been under-researched within evolutionary psychology. While there has been extensive research on dating, relationships, parental investment, partner preferences, and sex, the ultimate goal of reproduction has not received as much attention. This gap in research is now becoming existentially important as declining birth rates pose a significant threat to societies.

Mads Larsen, an author and journalist, discusses the controversy surrounding Norway's declining birth rates. He explains that addressing the issue of involuntarily single women is crucial to understanding the fertility crisis, as it highlights the challenges faced by women in finding partners and having children when they desire.
  • Mads Larsen faced backlash for discussing Norway's declining birth rates.
  • The concept of involuntarily single women is linked to the fertility crisis.
  • The dating market plays a significant role in women's ability to have children when they want.

Shownotes Transcript

Mads Larsen is an author and journalist whose research focuses on the history of human mating ideologies.

The truth can be a tough pill to swallow, but when it comes to saving humanity, even the hardest truth is better than the softest lie. So why is Mads facing outrage for speaking a truth that could save a country?

Expect to learn why Mads was cancelled for talking about Norway's declining birth rates, the key reasons why people aren’t having more kids, the underlying psychology behind modern mating, the potential interventions to fix this and much more…


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