他是一名美國猶太裔共產黨員,二戰後來到中國昆明。當地一個書商給他起來一個中國名字。一個被美國大兵開車軋死的女孩李木仙開啓了他35年的中國之旅。他有機會接近中國共產黨最上層的領導人,曾和他們一起投身中國革命,也被共產黨關押了16年。他叫李敦白。本星期去世,享年98歲。《今日話題》今天講他的故事。 Sidney Rittenberg, an idealistic Jewish American communist, who spent 35 years in the throes of Chinese revolution, 16 of which in communist jail, and was at one point privy to information shared only by the top echelon of the party, died this week at the age of 98. Listen to our podcast about his adventures in China.