cover of episode Trump's Kabuki "Playtime" Whitehouse

Trump's Kabuki "Playtime" Whitehouse

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参与谷歌抗议活动被解雇的前员工,反对Project Nimbus合同。
我观察到本周华盛顿政治舞台上的主题是‘歌舞伎’——一种夸张的、仪式化的日本戏剧表演。特朗普及其团队正在上演一场类似的政治表演,其后果却并非虚构。 首先,在马斯克主持的内阁会议上,特朗普的出现以及他强迫人们为马斯克鼓掌的举动,都展现出一种奇怪的权力动态,也突显了这场政治‘歌舞伎’的荒诞性。特朗普在会议上不断撒谎,但他很清楚自己在说谎,这正是他一贯的作风。 其次,小罗伯特·肯尼迪在麻疹疫情问题上的处理方式也是一场‘歌舞伎’表演。他假装科学地处理疫情,但实际上他们已经削弱了应对措施。马斯克关于意外关闭非洲埃博拉项目的言论也是谎言。 再次,共和党人假装要削减赤字,但实际上他们计划削减医疗保险、医疗补助和社会保障,这将给老年人和低收入人群带来巨大的痛苦和恐惧。他们声称是为了省钱,但实际上是为了给像马斯克和贝索斯这样的人减税。 最后,共和党人取消了市政厅会议,因为他们无法忍受选民的批评和质疑。他们声称市政厅会议是浪费时间,但实际上是因为他们无法应对选民对他们政策的不满。 总而言之,特朗普政府的这场‘歌舞伎’表演,其本质是通过谎言、误导和政治操弄来掩盖其真正的意图,即削弱社会保障体系,损害美国人民的利益。我们需要看穿他们的表演,认清其背后的真实意图。

Deep Dive

Rick introduces the concept of Kabuki theater as a metaphor for the political dynamics in Washington, where exaggerated and stylized performances mask the realities of power and influence.
  • Kabuki is a stylized Japanese theater known for exaggerated and ritualistic performances.
  • Rick equates the political dynamics in Washington to a Kabuki dance.
  • Elon Musk and Donald Trump are portrayed as key figures in this political Kabuki performance.
  • The power dynamics in politics are compared to theatrical performances, highlighting the dissonance between appearance and reality.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, Rick breaks down the Kabuki dance that Trump and his puppets are acting out in Washington. "Playing house" is cute; "playing whitehouse" is NOT. There are real-world consequences for these dumb dumbs' "playtime."


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