cover of episode Senator Ron Wyden’s Hutzpah!

Senator Ron Wyden’s Hutzpah!

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Rick Wilson
Ron Wyden
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@Ron Wyden : 我写这本书是为了强调政治中‘胆量’的重要性,而不是一味地吹嘘个人成就或暗示竞选总统。我主张‘基于原则的两党合作’,而非为了意识形态而合作。妥协不只是权宜之计,而是为了寻求更好的方案。我的犹太信仰传统影响了我的政治理念,即‘提昆奥拉姆’(修复世界)和‘胆量’。我投身公共服务是因为相信‘提昆奥拉姆’并愿意尝试新的方法。在医疗保健问题上,我和Bob Bennett合作,寻求在全民医保和私营部门之间取得平衡。真正的倾听是关注对方,而不是急于表达自己的观点。我举办了超过1100场镇民大会,以倾听民众声音。倾听可以帮助建立共识,即使对方观点与自己不同。许多共和党人私下里对特朗普感到担忧,但公开场合却不敢批评他。我担心罗伯特·肯尼迪·小将会成为共和党意识形态的橡皮图章。民主党人比共和党人更不害怕特朗普。John Thune比Mitch McConnell更容易合作,但我希望他能找到方法在共和党内推动两党合作。在特朗普当政下,共和党不太可能进行基于原则的两党合作。如果特朗普不是总统,John Thune可能会推动更多两党合作的立法。一些共和党人可能投票给John Thune,是因为他们希望两党合作能够恢复。我从Ted Kennedy等政治人物那里学到了很多东西,例如如何在竞选结束后继续与对方党派合作。我也从Pat Moynihan和Bob Bennett那里学到了很多东西,他们都致力于寻找合作的机会。Pat Moynihan曾经给我提过一些好建议,但我当时没有听从。我计划关注社会保障、医疗保险和隐私问题。技术进步使得个人隐私面临更大的风险。许多人对隐私问题缺乏认识,这很危险。数据经纪人利用技术手段获取和贩卖个人数据,对个人造成损害。个人数据会被多次买卖,并流向世界各地,包括敌对国家。我认为‘打持久战’是最重要的规则之一,因为当今社会的一切都倾向于短期判断。制定大型气候方案需要时间和耐心。‘出其不意’也是一个重要的规则。‘领导力在于指导’也是非常重要的。我认为俄勒冈州东部关于分裂的讨论不会成功,但这反映了他们感到被忽视。我一直在努力解决俄勒冈州东部地区的问题。我和John Barrasso合作,通过了一项保护俄勒冈州东部地区的法案。通过合作,我们可以解决俄勒冈州东部地区的问题,从而减少分裂的呼声。 @Rick Wilson : 赞扬Ron Wyden虽然是自由派,却能与不同党派的人合作完成大事。领导力在于倾听。许多共和党人为了避免与特朗普发生冲突,不再举办或精心策划镇民大会。许多共和党人私下里对特朗普感到担忧,但公开场合却不敢批评他。特朗普只是一个欺凌者,不应该害怕他。询问John Thune能否像Mitch McConnell一样有效地与民主党人合作。询问Ron Wyden从其他政治人物那里学到了什么。这本书并非典型的政治人物自传,而是关于如何有效开展工作的指南。询问Ron Wyden认为书中哪个规则最重要。询问俄勒冈州东部关于分裂的讨论。推荐Ron Wyden的新书《It Takes Chutzpah》

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What inspired Senator Ron Wyden to write his book 'It Takes Chutzpah'?

Senator Wyden wanted to avoid the typical congressional book format, which often includes bragging about legislative achievements and hints at presidential ambitions. Instead, he aimed to focus on the importance of boldness, innovation, and courage in tackling tough problems, offering practical advice through 'Ron's Rules' for various situations, from Girl Scout campaigns to workplace negotiations.

What is 'principled bipartisanship,' according to Senator Wyden?

Principled bipartisanship involves working across party lines to achieve meaningful progress, focusing on good ideas rather than ideological trophies. Wyden highlights his collaboration with Chris Cox on the legislation that created the internet's foundational rules, emphasizing the importance of promoting free speech, innovation, and small businesses while avoiding bad ideas.

Why does Senator Wyden believe listening is crucial in politics and leadership?

Listening allows leaders to understand others' perspectives and find common ground, a principle Wyden practices through over 1,100 town hall meetings. He contrasts this with politicians who claim to listen but quickly shift to promoting their own agendas, emphasizing that genuine listening fosters trust and meaningful dialogue.

What are Senator Wyden's concerns about RFK's potential role in healthcare policy?

Wyden is concerned that RFK could become a rubber stamp for Republican efforts to undermine Medicare's ability to negotiate lower drug prices, allow the sale of subpar insurance plans, and weaken Medicaid. He criticizes RFK's outlandish healthcare statements and warns that such policies would harm life-saving health services.

What is Senator Wyden's approach to addressing privacy and surveillance issues?

Wyden is focused on protecting privacy in an era where technology has made personal data vulnerable. He highlights the risks of data brokers and the global sale of personal information, advocating for stronger privacy laws to prevent misuse of data by unscrupulous actors and hostile foreign entities.

What does Senator Wyden mean by 'playing the long game' in politics?

Playing the long game involves resisting short-term pressures and focusing on sustainable, innovative solutions. Wyden cites his work on climate change legislation, where he promoted technological neutrality to encourage long-term energy innovation, as an example of this approach.

How does Senator Wyden address the secession movement in Eastern Oregon?

Wyden believes the secession movement stems from a lack of feeling heard. He counters this by actively engaging with rural communities, working on issues like protecting agricultural livelihoods and wilderness areas. He highlights bipartisan efforts, such as his collaboration with Senator John Barrasso, to address these concerns and foster unity.

In this chapter, Rick Wilson introduces Senator Ron Wyden and his new book, "It Takes Chutzpah." They discuss the book's core message: the importance of courage, boldness, and innovation in tackling difficult problems. The book offers practical examples of how to apply these principles in various scenarios.
  • Introduction of Senator Ron Wyden and his new book, "It Takes Chutzpah"
  • Focus on courage, boldness, and innovation in politics
  • The book provides practical examples applicable to various life situations

Shownotes Transcript

Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon joins Rick to discuss bipartisanship and getting sh*t done.

Follow Senator Wyden on X at @RonWyden and buy his book “It Takes Chutzpah: How to Fight Fearlessly for Progressive Change” at fine bookstores everywhere.

Follow Rick Wilson at @TheRickWilson on X or at at Bluesky, and subscribe to his Substack at

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