cover of episode Doug Jones on MAGA, Misinformation, and the Next Insurrection

Doug Jones on MAGA, Misinformation, and the Next Insurrection

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道格·琼斯: 我参与了一部名为《战争游戏》的纪录片,这部纪录片通过模拟演习,再现了类似1月6日事件的场景。演习中,我们模拟了失败的总统候选人拒绝承认败选,并煽动另一次叛乱,甚至还有一些军方人员参与其中。这次演习让我们意识到美国民主的脆弱性,以及类似事件再次发生的可能性。我们必须保持警惕,保护选举的安全性,尊重选举结果。同时,我们也必须关注虚假信息和极端思想的蔓延,特别是在军队和执法部门内部。许多人,即使是那些被认为是激进分子的人,也真诚地相信他们的国家正处于危险之中。我们需要更好地沟通,建立共识,并确保大家拥有共同的事实基础。特朗普持续不断的谎言正在为未来的危险埋下伏笔,人们应该认清他的谎言并警惕其带来的后果。最高法院的裁决赋予了总统过多的权力,这令人担忧,选民应该将候选人的品格和正直放在首位。 里克·威尔逊: 1月6日事件中未受到惩罚的行为实际上是一种演练,许多人认为1月6日的行为是正确的,这令人担忧。特朗普比2020年更积极地为未来的选举舞弊论调做准备,这令人担忧。当前的政治谎言正在导致暴力事件的发生,例如针对学校的炸弹威胁,这需要引起高度重视。煽动性言论正在助长政治暴力,例如“SWATting”事件,这是一种危险的趋势。人们低估了反民主势力和极端势力的风险,1月6日事件证明了制度的脆弱性。当前的政治冲突类似于非对称战争,一方遵守法律和宪法,另一方则愿意为了达到目的而破坏一切。我们必须加强民主制度的防护措施,避免越界行为,同时也要警惕那些比遵守法律和制度的人更灵活,更愿意突破界限的极端主义者。特朗普阵营可能将资源投入到法律诉讼而非地面竞选活动中,这是一种潜在的策略。双方都在为2024年大选做准备,这将是一场激烈的法律斗争。

Deep Dive

Former Senator Doug Jones discusses the documentary "War Game," which explores the potential for another insurrection. The film highlights the fragility of democracy and the importance of respecting election outcomes.
  • The film 'War Game' is based on a real exercise simulating a January 6th-style insurrection.
  • The scenario involves a losing candidate refusing to concede and inciting an insurrection, with military personnel joining the insurrectionists.
  • The film emphasizes the fragility of democracy and the importance of respecting election outcomes.

Shownotes Transcript

Rick speaks with Doug Jones about the documentary “War Game”, which explores the potential for another insurrection similar to January 6. They discuss the fragility of democracy, the role of military personnel in political extremism, the dangers of misinformation, and the increasing radicalization of certain groups, particularly within the MAGA movement. They emphasize the importance of maintaining democratic guardrails and the need for vigilance in the face of political violence and misinformation, particularly leading up to the upcoming election.

Follow Doug Jones on X @DougJones) and learn more about the film “War Game” at

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