cover of episode Donald Trump’s “Scare the White People” Era with Abby Tracy

Donald Trump’s “Scare the White People” Era with Abby Tracy

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Abby Tracy
Reed Galen
Reed Galen:特朗普及其追随者从不承认错误,只会不断加深谎言。他们利用谎言和煽动恐惧来转移注意力,并试图吓唬白人选民。这种策略在过去有效,现在仍然在使用。许多特朗普支持者只从单一信息来源获取信息,这使得他们难以被说服。尽管特朗普的所作所为,仍然有一半的美国人支持他,这令人难以置信。为了赢得选举,民主党必须明确表示他们希望获胜,并且不应该投票给特朗普。积极的竞选情绪对民主党选民的投票率至关重要。民主党选民的投票意愿与其对候选人的好感度密切相关。选民更关注价值观和胜负,而不是具体的政策问题。哈里斯竞选团队正在有效地运用针对特朗普的策略。特朗普需要关注,无论这种关注是正面还是负面。 Abby Tracy:面对特朗普的明显谎言,即使事实核查也难以反驳,因为其支持者对媒体的信任度低。特朗普多年来一直在制造对媒体的不信任和不和谐,这使得反驳他的谎言变得非常困难。当特朗普感到处于劣势时,他会加倍使用阴谋论和谎言。特朗普的政治策略一直是利用谎言和煽动恐惧来制造分裂。许多自称"未决定"的选民实际上已经暗自决定了他们的投票意向。泰勒·斯威夫特的背书更有可能影响年轻选民的投票率,而不是改变他们的政治立场。持续关注特朗普的言行,可以洞察其竞选策略和心态变化。

Deep Dive

Reed Galen and Abigail Tracy discuss Trump's disinformation tactics, focusing on the "eating pets" falsehood and its impact. They analyze how Trump uses such narratives to stoke fear and division, particularly among his base, and how this strategy, though ludicrous, remains effective due to the distrust he has sown in the media.
  • Trump's "eating pets" lie exemplifies his disinformation strategy.
  • The falsehood, spread by Trump and J.D. Vance, targets Haitian immigrants in Ohio.
  • Despite its absurdity, the lie has caused real-world consequences like school closures and bomb threats.
  • Trump's strategy preys on fears and distrust of the media.
  • Fact-checking proves difficult due to the environment of distrust Trump has created.

Shownotes Transcript

Host Reed Galen) is joined by journalist and political reporter Abby Tracy) to discuss how the Trump campaign deploys the art of disinformation and distraction as a strategy as exemplified by the “eating pets” falsehood. Also, what to expect between now and election day and Reed shares some stories/encounters from his recent trip to talk to voters in Pennsylvania. Plus, does the Taylor Swift endorsement of Kamala Harris really matter? For more from Abby Tracy be sure to follow her on Twitter) and Instagram). For more from Reed Galen subscribe to The Home Front). If you want to personally join the fight to save our nation’s democracy, visit and sign up today.

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