cover of episode Capitol Police Officer Danny Hodges on January 6th

Capitol Police Officer Danny Hodges on January 6th

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Danny Hodges
Rick Wilson
旁白:1月6日事件并非普通的暴乱,而是一支有预谋的、行动统一的队伍为了阻止权力交接而采取的行动,他们克服了催泪瓦斯和胡椒喷雾等防暴手段,最终达到了阻止权力交接的目的。 Rick Wilson:警官Danny Hodges在1月6日国会大厦保卫战中英勇无畏,他的经历和观点值得我们关注。 Danny Hodges:我所在的部门被指派到国会大厦维持秩序,并在事态失控后赶往现场。暴徒离开椭圆形广场后很快便涌向国会大厦,事态迅速恶化。我们有2020年BLM抗议活动的经验,但并没有预料到1月6日的事件会如此严重。通过指挥官的声音,我们意识到威胁比以往任何时候都更大。到达国会大厦后,我们不得不穿过人群,最终遭到袭击。在接近国会大厦的过程中,暴徒最初只是辱骂我们,但随着距离的缩短,暴徒变得越来越具有攻击性和暴力性。我被暴徒袭击,险些被挖眼,被困在门里,感到无助,面临严重受伤或死亡的危险。我被自己警棍击中头部,这是一种致命武力。2020年BLM抗议活动中的暴力行为与1月6日的事件性质不同,1月6日的暴徒目标明确,他们的防暴手段无效。许多参与1月6日事件的人违背了他们对宪法的誓言。我知道1月6日事件的利害关系,暴徒的目标是伤害甚至杀害民选官员。国会中微弱的权力平衡可能会因为暴徒的行动而改变。我被困在门里,呼救后才获救。获救后,我休息片刻后又回到了战斗中。我曾服役于弗吉尼亚州国民警卫队,在1月6日事件中,我一直在等待增援部队的到来。来自马里兰州蒙哥马利县的增援部队的到来让我看到了希望。我在1月6日事件中看到了各种各样的标识和服装,包括特朗普的标志和“为特朗普而战”的口号。我此前曾在集会上遇到过宣誓效忠者组织。MPD重视1月6日事件,并从中学到了教训,但警力短缺是一个问题。许多警察部门都面临警力短缺的问题,这导致许多警员不得不加班。我更担心州一级和投票站的安全问题,暴徒可能会在选举过程的早期阶段就制造混乱,而不仅仅是在最后时刻。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Officer Danny Hodges not consider January 6th a riot?

The mob had a singular, pre-planned objective to stop the transfer of power, which was different from random violence.

What was the turning point for Officer Danny Hodges during the January 6th attack?

Seeing the first reinforcements from Montgomery County, Maryland, gave him hope they could outlast the mob.

How did Officer Danny Hodges feel about the readiness of MPD and Capitol Police for future incidents?

He believes MPD takes security seriously but faces historic manpower shortages, making it exhausting for officers.

What was the immediate threat Officer Danny Hodges faced during the January 6th attack?

He was trapped in a door, crushed by the mob, and struck in the head with his own baton, posing a lethal threat.

Why did Officer Danny Hodges feel the January 6th attack was different from previous civil disturbances?

The attack was pre-planned with a specific objective to stop the transfer of power, unlike random violence.

What was the significance of the oath-breaking for Officer Danny Hodges during the January 6th attack?

Many attackers, including former military and law enforcement, were breaking their oath to the Constitution, which threatened the country's stability.

How did Officer Danny Hodges escape the mob's crushing force during the January 6th attack?

Officers behind him created enough space to allow him to get out, after which he rested briefly and returned to the fight.

What was Officer Danny Hodges' perspective on the potential for future attacks?

He is less worried about another attack in D.C. due to consistent arrests, but more concerned about disruptions at state polling places.

Officer Danny Hodges recounts his deployment to the Capitol on January 6th, the initial moments of the attack, and the escalation of violence as the mob breached security barriers.
  • Hodges and his unit were initially assigned to Constitution Avenue.
  • They were called to the Capitol as the situation escalated.
  • The mob's aggression increased as they got closer to the Capitol building.

Shownotes Transcript

Reminding us again what's at stake this election, Capitol Police Officer Danny Hodges and his fellow officers held the line for our country on January 6th.

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