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with jelly roll and special guest sierra farrell in select cities pre-sale for city card members begins wednesday at noon at the incoming trump administration is already going to war with itself we are learning from a new scoop by cnn that trump had his attorneys
conduct an internal investigation into allegations that one of his top aides, Boris Epstein, has sought to gain financially from his influence with Trump and others in Trump's orbit.
What CNN is alleging is that there was a pay for play situation going on, which Epstein denies, whereby Epstein, according to these allegations that CNN is reporting,
would offer access to Donald Trump in return for certain payments to Epstein's consulting firm and consulting services. Now, we had previously reported, of course, that there was
a blow up that took place at mora lago between elon musk and boris epstein new york post was the first to report that musk had a massive blow up with trump aide boris epstein this was last week that took place at mar-a-lago but then people close to epstein and trump denied it and said that that was wrong although we're now starting to see um that a lot more be going on there behind the scenes
think. We also had previously reported back in August of 2023, you may remember this about Epstein, Trump advisor Boris Epstein was accused of groping multiple women at an Arizona nightclub in 2021 and now newly obtained police body camera footage sheds light on the incident for the first time.
Boris Epstein has been one of Trump's closest advisors since 2016. He was actually indicted in Arizona for Donald Trump in connection with Trump's attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 election and the fake elector plot that took place in the state of Arizona.
Notably as well, Epstein is a lawyer but was never really a practicing litigator. He went to Georgetown University Law Center right around the same time that I went to Georgetown University Law Center. So there is that connection.
Um, not great connection there, but Georgetown law was a good school, but that's where he went. Although we both did, uh, took very different paths. Um, and then, uh, more information about, uh, Epstein is, is being revealed now. And let's just, uh, talk about some of this, about what's going on here. Um,
This is the article from CNN. It says attorneys for Trump conducted an internal investigation into allegations that one of his top aides, Boris Epstein, sought to gain financially from his influence with Trump and others in Trump's orbit. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the internal investigation, which was confirmed by EBS,
Half a dozen sources and is not criminal in nature has probed multiple instances of Epstein allegedly requesting payment in exchange for promoting candidates for administration positions or offering to connect individuals with people in the upcoming administration relevant to their industry sources, says Epstein.
In one instance, he requested as much as $100,000 per month in exchange for his services, according to sources familiar with the matter. Epstein's alleged activities prompted those looking into the matter to make an initial recommendation that Epstein should be removed from Trump's proximity and that he should not be employed or paid by Trump entities, according to two sources.
As of Monday afternoon, it does not appear the transition team will heed that recommendation. Quote, I am honored to work for President Trump and with his team. Epstein said in a statement to CNN, these fake claims are false and defamatory and will not distract us from making America great again. The alleged behavior by one of Trump's closest advisors hints
at some of the turmoil and strife behind the scenes of the transition process as Donald Trump and his team staff, the incoming administration. Epstein, long seen as one of Trump's most loyal advisors, has played a significant role in the transition, sitting on key meetings and candidate briefings at the president-elect
Mar-a-Lago Resort in Palm Beach, Florida. But his presence has often been a divisive one, according to CNN. I do want to talk about what's going on here as well, because as Epstein says,
He's saying that he has Donald Trump's full confidence. But one of the things, and by the way, I think that Epstein is probably accurate in saying that he has Trump's full confidence there. So we have to think, why is CNN reporting this? What's going on behind the scenes? And this was the drama that CNN and corporate media always wanted. This is what they liked. And I was always like, I don't, this drama is nonsense.
But what's going on here is that I think some of Trump's lawyers don't like Epstein.
Um, and people who are kind of close to Trump that they never liked Epstein. They never thought he was a real lawyer and they never understood why he was so close to Trump and why Trump liked Epstein. Um, and I think Epstein endeared himself to Trump because he was always loyal to Trump. He did whatever Trump said, you know, to, to, to do. And, um,
And you're trying to have some factions in Trump world push Epstein out right now. And I think that's what's taking place here. And I don't think Epstein would have put that comment out accusing others within the Trump administration of going after him if he didn't have, you know, Trump's support right here.
There was this purported confrontation with Elon Musk that we had previously reported on as well, but then that was denied. So, you know, we're trying to figure out what's really going on here behind the scenes. And let's
Let me just share with you, if I can, the first clip I want to show you. This was outside that Arizona club. This is the body cam footage. This is from 2021. Let me share it with you right here. Let's play it. Somebody, a female is alleging that you touched her inappropriately, okay? Okay, so just let us work through it and we'll get through it, okay? I'll ask you about it here in a second. We just got to get some more information from her first, okay? Sorry? No, don't stand up. As
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That's, promo code Midas, M-E-I-D-A-S. Now let me share with you, this is a small portion of CNN's report. Let's play it. We are following more breaking news involving the president-elect. Sources tell CNN that Trump's lawyers are investigating allegations that a top aide sought to gain financially from his influence with the president-elect. We have CNN's Sarah Murray on this. Sarah, tell us what you're learning.
Well, we're learning that lawyers for Trump have been investigating whether Boris Eppstein sought to gain financially from his access to Donald Trump and others in Trump's orbit. Now, this is something, this internal investigation that was confirmed to me, Kristen Holmes, and our colleague Kate Sullivan by half a dozen sources. Again, this is an internal investigation. This is not a criminal investigation.
In one instance, though, the investigators looking into this learned that Boris Epstein requested as much as $100,000 per month in exchange for his services in one of these instances. And I want to tell you what Boris Epstein said in response to this reporting. He said, "I am honored to work for President Trump and his team. These fake claims are false and defamatory and will not distract us from making America great again."
Now, Epstein has served as a senior advisor to Donald Trump. At times, he served as an attorney for Donald Trump. He's rubbed plenty of people the wrong way. But this investigation is an indication to how seriously some around Trump took these allegations that Boris Epstein was trying to charge people essentially for access to Trump and those in his orbit. Guys.
And Sarah, Epstein has rubbed a lot of people in Trump's orbit the wrong way over the years, but he has managed to survive. And notably, as all these top cabinet officials were being named and ambassadors were being named, his name was not among those
in consideration, right? What is his status right now? - Well, he hasn't been offered a formal role in the administration, but you know, one of the initial recommendations that came out of this investigation we have learned from sources familiar with the matter was there was a recommendation that Epstein should be removed from Donald Trump's proximity, that he should not be paid by or employed by Trump entities. And as of at least Monday afternoon, that does not seem to be the case. The Trump transition is saying this was a broad review of consulting
contracts around the former president and that everyone is moving together as a team. And you know, Boris Epstein has been in Donald Trump's orbit for a very long time. He's very used to the kind of knife fighting that goes on around now the president-elect. You know, he's rubbed people the wrong way in part because he talks about his closest to the president-elect and also because of the access he gets to Donald Trump. And at least right now, that doesn't seem to be changing, guys.
Sarah Murray, thank you so much for bringing us that breaking news. Now, I do want to, you know, once again, I mean, our reporting needs to always be very fact-based. I do want to emphasize again that Epstein denies the CNN story. He denies these sources. He denies any wrongdoing at all. Period. Full stop. In my own view,
I think that Trump probably still supports Epstein here. And I think there are probably just people in Trump's world trying to force Epstein out. I think that's what's going on behind the scenes. But we'll keep you posted every step of the way and what we learn and what we know. But let me know what you think.
Again, that was my opinion of what I think is going on behind the scenes there, reading the tea leaves, CNN source reporting Trump, other Trump lawyers saying this about Epstein. But you tell me what you think. Hit subscribe. Let's get to 4 million subscribers. Thanks for watching.
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