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Ben: 特朗普的顾问们互相攻击,一些顾问向CNN泄露了他们对另一位顾问Boris Epshteyn进行内部调查的消息,而Epshteyn则威胁要起诉这些泄密者。媒体此前声称对“2025计划”一无所知,但该计划的主要架构师Russell Vought已被特朗普任命为管理和预算办公室主任,负责实施该计划。媒体试图将2025年鸡蛋价格上涨归咎于禽流感,但禽流感病毒株已存在数年,企业也利用通货膨胀为借口哄抬物价。如果鸡蛋价格上涨,那是特朗普的错,因为他承诺物价会下降,而他的政策却导致物价上涨。拜登关注健康问题,而特朗普却任命对疫苗持怀疑态度的Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 领导卫生与公众服务部。特朗普内阁中约有38%的人员面临性侵指控,而特朗普本人也被判犯有性侵罪。德克萨斯州土地专员已选定土地用于建造拘留营,而农民们则呼吁豁免大规模驱逐出境政策,以保护他们的移民工人。 Brett: 特朗普再次利用老把戏,这次是吉他,这导致Gibson吉他公司起诉他侵犯知识产权。特朗普的策略是尽可能多地做一些事情,即使有些事情被抓住了,也希望有些事情能逃过一劫。特朗普提名了许多不合格的人选,其中一些人面临严重的性侵指控。在全球局势紧张、疾病和疫情频发的时期,选择胜任的官员至关重要。特朗普的一些选择还可以,但也有很多危险的选择。 Jordy: 媒体对特朗普的报道令人难以置信,他们一直在为他掩盖一切。鸡蛋价格就是一个完美的例子。特朗普的骗局层出不穷,包括运动鞋、手表、吉他、圣经等等。媒体会为特朗普掩盖一切,但MeidasTouch网络不会。马斯克在海湖庄园逗留时间过长,这激怒了特朗普。马斯克试图在即将上任的政府中施加影响力。马斯克与Epshteyn关系紧张,并可能在试图将他赶出特朗普的内圈。特朗普团队内部的紧张局势不可持续。特朗普团队内部的紧张局势不可持续,他们最终会自相残杀。特朗普团队内部的权力斗争将导致混乱,但这也可能阻止他们对国家造成更多混乱。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Gibson Guitar send a cease and desist letter to Donald Trump?

Gibson Guitar sent a cease and desist letter to Donald Trump for using their intellectual property on his website without permission.

What is the internal conflict within Trump's advisors?

Some Trump advisors leaked to CNN that they conducted an internal investigation of Boris Epstein for a pay-for-play scheme, leading to Epstein threatening to sue them for defamation.

Who did Donald Trump appoint to lead the Office of Management and Budget?

Donald Trump appointed Russ Vought to lead the Office of Management and Budget.

Why are egg prices expected to skyrocket in 2025?

Egg prices are expected to skyrocket in 2025 due to the Avian Flu H5N1 outbreak.

How did the GOP respond to allegations against Pete Hegseth?

The GOP downplayed allegations against Pete Hegseth, describing them as 'flirting' and emphasizing that no charges have been filed.

What did Jack Smith do regarding the January 6 federal case against Donald Trump?

Jack Smith filed a motion to dismiss the January 6 federal case against Donald Trump due to the election outcome.

Why are farmers seeking exemptions for migrant workers?

Farmers are seeking exemptions for migrant workers to protect them from deportation, as these workers are crucial for keeping the economy afloat.

What was RFK Jr.'s stance on the H1N1 pandemic?

RFK Jr. claimed that the H1N1 pandemic was fabricated by the government and pharmaceutical companies to profit from vaccines.

How did Rand Paul react to Trump's plan for deportations?

Rand Paul opposed Trump's plan to use the military for deportations, stating it would create a terrible image and is against the law.

What economic impact is expected from Trump's policies?

Economists are wary of Trump's tariffs and tax cuts for the super wealthy, predicting they could slow down rate cuts and increase borrowing costs for consumers and businesses.

The chapter discusses various grifts by Trump, including the recent lawsuit from Gibson Guitar over the use of their intellectual property on Trump's guitar website.
  • Gibson Guitar sues Trump for using their intellectual property on
  • Trump's advisors are in conflict, with some leaking to CNN about investigating Boris Epstein.
  • Epstein threatens to sue those who leaked information to CNN.

Shownotes Transcript

On this episode of the MeidasTouch Podcast: Trump advisors are at war with each other as some leak to CNN about investigating Boris Epshteyn, who is threatening lawsuits in response. Trump taps Russ Vought to lead the Office of Management and Budget, while egg prices are expected to skyrocket in 2025 due to the Avian Flu H5N1 outbreak. Meanwhile, the GOP downplays allegations against Pete Hegseth as "flirting," and farmers push for exemptions to protect migrant workers from deportation. In legal news, Jack Smith has dismissed the January 6 federal case against Donald Trump. Ben, Brett and Jordy break it all down!

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