cover of episode Trump Latino Voters Get RUDE AWAKENING... Plans CONFIRMED

Trump Latino Voters Get RUDE AWAKENING... Plans CONFIRMED

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Ben Meiselas
Rand Paul
Tom Homan
Ben Meiselas:本期节目关注特朗普政府对拉丁裔选民的政策,以及由此引发的担忧和抗议。特朗普及其团队的言论和行动表明,他们计划大规模驱逐非法移民,这将对拉丁裔社区造成严重影响。节目中引用了多位政治人物和媒体评论员的言论,佐证了这一观点。 Meiselas 详细分析了特朗普政府官员,如Jesse Waters 和Tom Homan 的公开声明,以及Stephen Miller 的证词,这些声明和证词都表明政府计划对非法移民进行大规模驱逐,无论其犯罪记录如何。即使是共和党参议员Rand Paul 也对政府可能动用军队进行驱逐表示担忧。 Meiselas 还报道了威斯康星州和俄亥俄州的移民社区对大规模驱逐的恐惧,以及这些社区对当地经济的贡献。他指出,许多农民也担心政府的政策会影响他们的劳动力。 总而言之,Meiselas 的观点是特朗普政府的移民政策将对拉丁裔社区和美国经济造成严重的负面影响,并且这种政策与许多拉丁裔选民的利益相悖。 Jesse Waters:Waters 在福克斯新闻上发表评论,宣称无论移民在美国居住多久、是否纳税,ICE 都会将他们驱逐出境。他描述了ICE 如何将移民带走,并将其送回原籍国。他的言论代表了特朗普政府强硬的移民立场。 Tom Homan:Homan 作为特朗普政府的边境事务主管,多次在福克斯新闻上发表讲话,威胁称如果蓝州政府庇护移民,政府将采取行动。他警告地方政府不要窝藏非法移民,并表示政府将增加资源来执行驱逐令。Homan 还明确表示,即使是非罪移民,也不排除被驱逐的可能性。 Rand Paul:Paul 对特朗普政府计划动用军队进行工作场所突击搜查表示担忧,认为这是错误且非法的。他认为,驱逐非法移民应该由执法机构而非军队来执行。 Stephen Miller:Miller 证实,大规模驱逐将在特朗普就职后立即开始。 Tony Gonzalez:Gonzalez 认为,如果特朗普政府的移民信息是“我们将驱逐你的祖母”,那将行不通。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are Latino voters who supported Trump facing a rude awakening?

Trump's administration is planning mass deportations, including targeting non-criminal migrants, which contradicts the expectations of Latino voters who believed they were exempt from such policies.

What specific actions are being planned by the Trump administration regarding immigration?

The administration intends to use ICE to deport migrants regardless of their contribution to the economy or tax payments, and may even deploy the military for worksite raids.

How does the Trump administration plan to handle cities that resist deportation efforts?

They threaten to send more resources and agents to enforce deportations in sanctuary cities, and warn of criminal charges for those who harbor or conceal illegal aliens.

What is Rand Paul's stance on using the military for immigration enforcement?

Rand Paul opposes using the military for immigration enforcement within U.S. cities, arguing it is illegal and sends a terrible image to the world.

How do migrants contribute to the U.S. economy, and what impact could mass deportations have?

Migrants work in various sectors such as farming, construction, and restaurants, contributing significantly to the economy. Mass deportations could disrupt these industries and harm the economy.

What is the reaction of immigrant communities to the threat of mass deportations?

Immigrant communities, including those with DACA protections, are terrified and preparing for potential deportations, which could disrupt their lives and careers.

How did the Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, contribute to the local economy, and what is their current situation?

The Haitian community revitalized factories in Springfield, but they are now fleeing due to the threat of deportation, which could severely impact the local economy.

Why are farmers across the country concerned about the immigration policies of the Trump administration?

Farmers rely on migrant labor for their operations, and the threat of deportations could leave them without the necessary workforce, jeopardizing their businesses.

Ben Meiselas discusses the impact of Trump's latest announcements on Latino voters who supported him, including the potential consequences of mass deportations, the use of military force, and the threat of criminal charges against those who aid migrants.
  • Trump's inner circle is making it clear they intend to enforce mass deportations.
  • The administration threatens to use military force and criminal charges against those who aid migrants.
  • Even MAGA Republicans like Rand Paul oppose the use of military in domestic enforcement.

Shownotes Transcript


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I'm checking in on the Latino voters for Trump right now who said that Donald Trump and his inner circle were not talking about them, that there was some exception that immunized them when Donald Trump said that there would be bloody mass deportations and Trump said he would invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 and bring America back to the late 18th century. Well, Donald Trump and his inner circle and his propaganda media networks are making it a

abundantly clear what they intend to do forthwith. Again, I don't love reporting on the F around and find out stuff, but it is important to reflect on what is being said. We have to approach this clear eyed. So here is Jesse Waters on Fox saying that if you are a migrant, doesn't matter if you've been working here for many, many years or if you're paying taxes or you're contributing to the economy, but ICE is coming for you.

Jesse Waters, who's a propaganda arm of Donald Trump in the administration. Here's what he's saying. Here, play this clip.

You haven't brushed your teeth, you haven't packed. Maybe your wife had already left for work. Where is she now? So they're gonna put you in a van, they're gonna take you to a military base where there's gonna be hundreds of other migrants who aren't gonna be very happy, and they're gonna probably have you there for three to four weeks until they put you on a flight and send you back to Nicaragua. And then you have to do the walk of shame. If you go back on your own terms and you arrive at the village,

You can say, you know what, Boston wasn't for me, didn't like the food. Let me regale you with my adventures in a status unitas. You could do it that way or you could do it the other way. It's their choice at this point. And then Donald Trump's border czar made numerous appearances on Fox. Here's one of them that he made earlier in the day. And here he says that

if you are in a blue state and you try to give any shelter to a migrant who is hiding, that the Trump administration will go after you in a blue state. Here, play this clip. Real quickly, what happens to a mayor or a local police department chief that is under Democratic leadership that obstructs ICE in your federal agents that are helping get these deportations? What happens to them?

Well, first of all, if they don't want to help us get the hell out of the way, we're going to do it. If I got sent twice the amount of resources to that city, that's what we're going to do. If they would give us access to the jail, that would mean less agents in the community. For them pushing back and not letting us in the jail, it just means more agents are going to be in the community, so they're hurting themselves. Finally, I'll say this. They need to educate themselves. They need to review this.

Title VIII, United States Code 1324, Triple I. Read about that and don't cross that line because it is a felony to harbor and conceal an illegal alien from ICE. Read the statute, don't cross that line.

That's the warning from Tom Holman right there. And as Todd Schultz says, I want people to take very seriously that what is being proposed here from the Trump administration is to bring criminal charges against churches, schools, families, and perhaps you. Yes, people like you who they claim do not comply with their version of supporting separating millions of families in bloody mass deportations and

you know that they are going there. I mean, literally intending to put the military on the streets in the United States. When you have MAGA Republican Rand Paul, who fancies himself as a on and off again libertarian, but when Rand Paul is saying things that somewhat sound sensical, well,

I think that's when you should also be pretty, pretty worried because here Rand Paul says, look, he's aware what Trump and they're saying on Fox, that they're going to send the United States military to do worksite raids to go after people. Yes, the Latinos for Trump, they're coming after you. And Rand Paul says that he would try to block the use of the military in the United States of America. Watch what even Rand Paul has to say. Play this clip.

I'm not in favor of sending the army in uniforms into our cities to collect people. I think it's a terrible image and that's not what we use our military for. We never have. And it's actually been illegal for over 100 years to bring the army into our city.

Army and our military are trained to shoot the enemy. They're not trained to get a warrant to do what they're doing. The police have a difficult job, but the people removing people from our country need to be a police enforcement domestic agency, not the military. So while I'm all for it.

- Before remain in Mexico, I will not support an emergency to put the army into our cities. I think that's a huge mistake. - As a kid, I loved eating cereal, but as an adult, I don't want all that sugar. And most cereals, they don't give me the protein that I need. Then I found Magic Spoon, a nostalgically delicious cereal that tastes just like my childhood favorites, but without the sugar and a ton of protein.

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Now here is Tom Homan again on another appearance. I mean, they're making it very clear. And here he's saying that he's prepared to more or less go to war with cities that resist bloody federal mass deportations. Play this clip. I'll tell you this, they don't have to help us.

but they need to get the hell out of the way because we're coming and we're going to do it. Which means if I've got to send twice as many resources to that sanctuary city, twice as many agents, that's exactly what I'm going to do. And I've been saying for the last several days that they need to study the law. They cannot help, but don't impede us and don't cross certain lines. There's a statute under Title VIII, United States Code 1324,

that talks about harboring and concealing an illegal alien. Knowingly harboring and concealing an illegal alien from mice. They need to read that statute and become familiar with it because if they cross that line, there will be consequences. So, look, we're prepared to take action, but I hope they come to the table and realize we are prioritizing the worst of the worst first. Help us do that. Help

help yourself, make your community safer. That's what you're supposed to be doing. Yeah. And again, he makes it clear here that deporting non-criminal migrants is not off the table. Play this clip. If you're in the country illegally, you're not off the table. I mean, we've been looking for fugitives. There's over a million illegal aliens in this country who got due process at great taxpayer expense, were ordered removed by a judge and failed to leave. So they're also a priority. But yeah, I mean, we'll be moving on to those who

may not be a criminal, may not be a fugitive, but they enter this country illegally, which is a crime, and they're here illegally, and they are not off the table. I want to be clear on that.


He supports bloody mass deportations or supports deportations rather of Latinos. Let's just listen to what he says in his own words. Here, play this clip. - You got here, you knew if you get caught, you're gonna be sent back.

Hisiano came from Dominican Republic 25 years ago to live his American dream. He's a US citizen since 2007, but admits that at some point he overstayed his visa. If for any reason immigration decided that I needed to go, at the end I would understood that our rule was broken. So he's saying that he would support his own deportation. I just want to be clear what we're talking about here, folks, because

You know, migrants contribute to our economy. Let's be very clear, whether it's been President Obama or President Biden or Democrats generally, we all support the deportation and criminal prosecution of criminals.

We support the criminal prosecution and the fullest extent of the law of terrorists. Absolutely. Deport them, prosecute them, lock them up. If you're a terrorist or a criminal, absolutely. But migrants have contributed to the fabric of our country. Who do you think are working the farms and the fields? How do you think this is going to affect us?

the farming industry? Who do you think is working construction jobs? Who do you think is working some of these restaurant jobs? So you're going to do worksite raids while people, while migrants who are working and contributing to the economy, you're just going to rip them apart. You're going to separate families.

What in the world are we talking about here? Here is Stephen Miller right here. Again, he's confirming he's one of these Donald Trump's top aid. He's working in the White House. He says, yeah, the bloody mass deportations begin the second he's sworn in. Here, play this clip.

You know, they...

Some of these MAGA Republicans continue to delude themselves. This is a MAGA Republican representative, Tony Gonzalez, saying, though, but look, if the message here is we're going to deport your abuelita, we're not going to do that. That's not going to work well. That's what they're saying. I've showed 100 clips. That's what they're saying.

Here, play this clip. Our message has to be one of positive. We want to hold on to these gains. If the message is we're here to deport your abuelita, that's not going to work well. It has to be one of holding these hardened criminals accountable. But that is the message from the Trump administration. They are doing mass deportation. Pack your bags. You heard Tom Holman say that. Now, they have said they will deport criminals first.

But they've also said everyone else, there are 11 to 13 million undocumented workers in this country. So how does this work? How do you convince them to let people...

And some other things to report as well.

out of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Watch. They do a very good job here. Here's what they're reporting. Our community is terrified.

Wisconsin immigrants brace for the threat of mass deportation. State immigrant right groups, immigration attorneys weigh in on the deportation threat from Trump's turn. Fernanda Jimenez, a 24-year-old resident, came to the United States from Mexico with her mother and siblings when she was five years old. It's the only home she can remember. For almost a decade, Jimenez has been protected from deportation threats.

by the Federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program launched under the Obama administration. The program allows people who came to the country illegally as children to get work permits and continue living in America. Earlier this year, Jimenez graduated from Alverno College in Milwaukee. She currently works as a grant writer helping nonprofits apply for funding, but she's also in the process of applying for law school. Now Jimenez

who has these big dreams, going to law school, becoming a lawyer, is absolutely terrified right now. Donald Trump previously tried to get DACA overturned, and she's terrified that Trump's coming for her and her family. The immigrant population in Wisconsin is terrified. This is from The Guardian. Haitian immigrants flee Springfield, Ohio in droves after the Trump election went. Do you know that even after all of the things,

that Trump and MAGA said about Springfield, Ohio, the community of Springfield, which has benefited from the Haitian migrants. The Haitian migrants in Springfield have revitalized the factories. Do you know that the people in Springfield voted for Donald Trump more than Vice President Kamala Harris? It was close.

But more people in Springfield voted for Trump despite Trump lying about migrants eating cats and dogs there. And now the Haitian migrants are suffering there. The city subjected to false rumors from Trump loses its residents now that are integral to the community. And here it talks about how the Haitian community led to...

The revitalization of Springfield working these factory jobs. The migrants have what's called TPS, temporary protected status. That's the provision by which the migrants came in because the town, Springfield, Ohio, was just getting crushed.

They didn't have the workers there and the factories were shutting down. And through the TPS provisions, the migrants came in. They helped this city of about 60,000 people. And now the Haitians have to flee. And it's going to crush the economy there right now. Again, voting against their own interest right there. So we see that happening over and over and over again right there. Yeah.

You know, and now one of the things that we're seeing as well is, you know, farmers across the country are terrified about what's going to happen. And a lot of these farmers voted for Trump to have their own labor deported. It's baffling. It's mind boggling. But that's where we're at right now. We'll keep you posted as we learn more. As I said, I don't like reporting on the F around and find out stuff, but it's where we're at.

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