cover of episode Mexico President STRIKES BACK HARD on Trump...BIG WARNING!

Mexico President STRIKES BACK HARD on Trump...BIG WARNING!

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Ben Meiselas
Claudia Sheinbaum
Ben Meiselas: 本期节目讨论了墨西哥总统Claudia Sheinbaum 对唐纳德·特朗普总统关于对墨西哥和加拿大征收25%的全面关税的言论所作出的回应。Sheinbaum总统表示,墨西哥准备对美国的贸易行为进行反击,并指出70%流入墨西哥的非法枪支来自美国,阿片类药物危机的主要消费者也在美国。她还强调,如果美国试图损害墨西哥经济,墨西哥将采取报复措施。此外,Meiselas还指出,目前边境过境人数已大幅下降,驳斥了特朗普关于移民大篷车涌入边境的言论。他引用了新闻报道的数据来支持他的说法,并指出共和党否决两党边境协议后,拜登政府单方面采取行动,有效地控制了边境局势。Meiselas还分析了右翼媒体对Sheinbaum总统声明的误读,指出他们歪曲了事实,将Sheinbaum总统的回应解读为特朗普强硬措施的成功,而实际上Sheinbaum总统的声明旨在强调两国合作解决问题的必要性,并警告说,对墨西哥征收关税将损害两国经济。最后,Meiselas总结说,特朗普的行为旨在挑起贸易战,而非解决问题。 Claudia Sheinbaum: Sheinbaum总统在给特朗普的信中驳斥了其关于移民和毒品危机的言论,并强调两国合作解决问题的必要性。她指出,由于墨西哥采取了全面的移民政策,美墨边境的相遇次数在2023年12月至2024年11月期间下降了75%,其中一半的入境者是通过美国的CBP-1计划进行合法预约的。因此,移民大篷车不再出现在边境。她还强调,墨西哥已经采取措施打击芬太尼疫情,没收了大量的毒品和武器,逮捕了数千名与贩毒相关的个人,并正在修改宪法,将芬太尼的生产、分销和商业化定为重罪。Sheinbaum总统指出,用于生产芬太尼和其他合成药物的化学前体是非法从亚洲国家进入加拿大、美国和墨西哥的,这突显了国际合作的迫切需要。她还强调,70%在墨西哥查获的非法武器来自美国,墨西哥既不生产这些武器,也不消费合成毒品。Sheinbaum总统警告说,通过威胁或关税来解决美国境内的移民和毒品消费问题是行不通的,需要的是合作和相互理解。她指出,任何关税措施都将招致同等的反击,并最终危及两国的共同企业,例如通用汽车、Stellantis和福特汽车公司等墨西哥主要对美国出口商。她认为,对话是实现两国和平与繁荣的最佳途径。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Mexico's President Claudia Scheinbaum respond to Trump's tariff threat with a warning of her own?

Scheinbaum warned of retaliatory tariffs and potential trade war, emphasizing Mexico's preparedness to counter U.S. economic pressure. She highlighted Mexico's economic leverage, including the significant share of U.S. goods manufactured in Mexico and the flow of produce.

What key points did President Scheinbaum make about the U.S.-Mexico relationship in her statement?

Scheinbaum pointed out that 70% of illegal guns in Mexico come from the U.S., 99% of opioid consumers are in the U.S., and most fentanyl is produced by Americans. She stressed the need for cooperation rather than threats, noting Mexico's role in reducing border crossings and drug seizures.

How did President Scheinbaum address the issue of illegal immigration in her statement?

Scheinbaum stated that border crossings have decreased by 75% between December 2023 and November 2024, with half of arrivals being through legally scheduled appointments. She emphasized that migrant caravans are no longer reaching the border due to Mexico's comprehensive policy.

What did President Scheinbaum propose as a solution to the fentanyl crisis?

Scheinbaum suggested international collaboration to address the illegal trafficking of chemical precursors used in fentanyl production, which are entering North America from Asian countries. She also mentioned Mexico's efforts in seizing drugs and weapons and reforming laws to combat synthetic drug production.

What was President Scheinbaum's stance on tariffs and trade relations with the U.S.?

Scheinbaum warned that for every U.S. tariff, Mexico would respond in kind, potentially jeopardizing shared enterprises like major U.S. car manufacturers operating in Mexico. She advocated for maintaining trade partnerships to ensure North America's economic strength and competitiveness.

How did right-wing accounts misrepresent President Scheinbaum's statement?

Right-wing accounts falsely claimed that Scheinbaum's statement showed Trump's strength, suggesting that Mexico would stop migrant caravans due to Trump's tariff threat. In reality, Scheinbaum's statement emphasized the decrease in border crossings and the need for cooperation, not submission to U.S. threats.

Mexico's President Scheinbaum responds to Trump's tariff threats with a warning of retaliatory measures, highlighting the economic interdependence between the two countries.
  • Scheinbaum threatens retaliatory tariffs against the U.S.
  • 70% of illegal guns in Mexico come from the U.S.
  • 99% of opioid consumers are in the U.S.
  • Mexico's economy relies heavily on trade with the U.S.

Shownotes Transcript


Within 24 hours of Donald Trump making erratic social media posts saying that he would impose 25% blanket tariffs on Canada and Mexico, the recently elected president of Mexico, Claudia Scheinbaum, responded with a statement saying that two can play at this game and that she is prepared.

essentially for a trade war against the United States, she's prepared to implement retaliatory tariffs against the United States. She also points out that 70% of illegal guns that's in her country in Mexico come from the United States. She points out that the reason for the opioid crisis is that the consumers of it, 99% are in the United States of America. And also if we want to talk about fentanyl coming into America,

most of that is coming from Americans. She says, look, we're prepared to cooperate as a trading partner, but we know exactly where the pain points are in the United States economy, which relies on a lot of goods that are manufactured in Mexico, also a lot of produce that comes through Mexico. And so if you're going to try to screw us over,

We'll go screw you over as well and we'll cause pain to your companies. I want to show you the letter that she drafted or the statement that she sent out. And I think it's also important to point out as well that she indicates, look, there aren't really caravans right now that you're fear mongering about.

She said that border crossings are down significantly. Look, as we've been reporting here on the Midas Touch Network, after Republicans killed a bipartisan border deal and President Biden was then forced to take action unilaterally when he was actually trying to do it the right way through bipartisan legislation, but Trump said kill the bipartisan border deal, border crossings are down now to...

quantities that are lower, frankly, than when Trump was even in office. Let's just take a look or right around the same. Let's take a look at this statement from Claudia Scheinbaum. I just want you to hear her words directly. And this, those from Ishan Tharoor who goes, Mexican President Scheinbaum fires back at Trump in a statement. Here's what she says.

Here's the full statement. And again,

I'm sure you see articles about this. You may see snippets on the news. Here at the Midas Touch Network, we go to the source, we read the statements. It may take a little more time, but we have to be very clear and specific in our language as reporters, right? So let's go to the source. Here's what President Scheinbaum of Mexico says.

Mexico City, November 26, 2024. Dear President-elect Donald Trump, I'm writing to you regarding your statement on Monday, November 25th, by the way, it was a social media post, how embarrassing, concerning migration, fentanyl trafficking, and tariffs. You may not be aware that Mexico has developed a comprehensive policy to assist migrants from different parts of the world who cross our territory en route to the southern border of the United States. As a result, and according to data from your country's Custom and Border Protection, CBP,

Encounters at the Mexico-United States border have decreased by 75% between December 2023 and November 2024. Moreover, half of those who arrive do so through a legally scheduled appointment under the United States CBP-1 program. For these reasons, migrant caravans no longer arrive at the border. Even so,

It is clear that we must work together to create a new labor mobility model that is necessary for your country, as well as address the root causes that compel families to leave their homes out of necessity. If even a small percentage of what the United States allocates to war

were instead dedicated to building peace and fostering development, it would address the underlying causes of human mobility. On another note, and for humanitarian reasons, Mexico has consistently expressed its willingness to help prevent the fentanyl epidemic in the United States from continuing. This, after all, is a public health and consumption problem within your society. So far this year, Mexican armed forces and prosecutors have seized tons of various types of drugs.

10,340 firearms, and have detained 15,640 individuals for violence related to drug trafficking. Furthermore, the Mexican Congress is in the process of approving a constitutional reform to classify the production, distribution, and commercialization of fentanyl and other synthetic drugs as a serious crime without bail.

However, it is publicly known that the chemical precursors used to produce this and other synthetic drugs are illegally entering Canada, the United States, and Mexico from Asian countries. This underscores the urgent need for international collaboration. You must also be aware of the illegal trafficking of firearms

into my country from the United States. 70% of the illegal weapons seized from criminals in Mexico come from your country. We do not produce these weapons, nor do we consume synthetic drugs. Tragically, it is in our country that lives are lost to the violence resulting from meeting the drug demand in yours. President Trump, migration and drug consumption in the United States cannot be addressed through threats or tariffs.

What is needed is cooperation and mutual understanding to tackle these significant challenges. For every tariff, there will be a response in kind until we put at risk our shared enterprises. Yes, shared. For instance, among Mexico's main exporters to the United States are General Motors, Stellantis, and Ford Motor Company.

which arrived in Mexico 80 years ago. Why impose a tariff that would jeopardize them? Such a measure would be unacceptable and would lead to inflation and job losses in both the United States and Mexico. I am convinced that North America's economic strength lies in maintaining our trade partnership. This allows us to remain competitive against other economic blocs. For this reason...

I believe that a dialogue is the best path to understanding peace and prosperity for our nations. I hope our teams can meet soon to continue building joint solutions. That's her letter right there. All right, let me tell you, between juggling work, life, and everything in between, figuring out what's for dinner can feel like an impossible task.

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to 27 free meals with Marley Spoon. One last time, that's and make sure you use our promo code, meidas, M-E-I-D-A-S, so they know that I sent you. I wanted to share that with you also, 'cause now I wanna show you how kind of the MAGA propaganda is talking about this. So here are all the right wing accounts and here's what they are saying right now. So this is,

Zero Hedge goes, well, that was fast. Mexican President Scheinbaum says migrant caravans are no longer arriving at the U.S.-Mexican border. Scheinbaum, I am at the view that we'll reach agreements with U.S. Scheinbaum, we are seeking to meet U.S. as soon as possible. And they all have the same message. DC Drano, one of these right-wing influencer accounts. I could show you hundreds of these. I'm just going to show you a few.

With the stroke of a presidential pen, Trump plans to enact a 25% tariff on all products from Mexico and Canada and a 10% tariff on China. Why? Because now he has all the leverage to negotiate trade deals and policies.

We're putting the American worker first again, not Wall Street, Monica Crowley. The Trump effect. Within hours of President Trump announcing that he will implement 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau called him to talk border security. And the Mexican president announced illegal alien caravans will be stopped.

There's another account. They all get boosted by Elon Musk on that right-wing hellhole that's become Twitter, now X. A day after Trump threatened tariffs on Mexico, Mexican President Scheinbaum announces that migrant caravans are no longer reaching the U.S. border, breaking 12 hours. Yeah, they're all the same. They literally copy and paste each other's messages.

Breaking 12 hours after Trump announced he would be putting a 25% tariff on all goods in from Mexico due to border insanity. Mexico has announced they will be stopping all caravans at the border. See, Joe, that wasn't hard. Again, that's not what the letter said. The letter said is you may not be aware of this, but basically your fear mongering is false.

And if we look at the headlines of what's been going down, you will see the headlines that we've been reporting about here on the Midas Touch Network. This was from July 2024. Border crossings fall to their lowest monthly number in the Biden administration. Or this was from today. Unlawful crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border are on track to drop to a new low for the Biden administration in November, according to Border Patrol data.

President-elect Trump could very well inherit a relatively quiet border. That's what we were saying. The status was that after the Republicans killed a bipartisan border deal, because President Biden, silly him, was trying to go through the lawful progress process of Congress until that was stopped.

He then took it unilaterally and fixed it. And now it's in a good position. Exclusives from November 2024. Exclusive. U.S. border arrests remain lower in October amid Biden's policies. It goes on to say, this is from November 12, 2024, Washington Post. Donald Trump has pledged to quickly subdue migrant crossings at the southern border by restoring the policies of his first term, including remain in Mexico.

Returning to office, Trump stands to inherit enforcement tools from the Biden administration. I guess they didn't get the message here. This is the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee. Dangerous migrants make their last effort to flood our border during the final days of the Biden administration.

crisscrossed your messaging there. This is from The Mirror. Illegal immigrant crossings at New Lowe. This is how you write a headline, by the way. The Mirror. Illegal immigrant crossings at New Lowe despite Trump's fear mongering. Those are all the facts. I mean, you could judge the facts however you want them, but let's not live in alternative realities right there. What Scheinbaum was saying is we're ready to have a trade war if you start to go down this route with us.

And then the MAGA's like, oh, that shows how strong Donald Trump is. It shows how strong he is? Really? I mean, to me, it shows how strong President Scheinbaum is in standing up to Donald Trump.

But it also goes to the point that I've said in other videos, Trump could just literally do nothing, go on auto drive and take credit for Biden's accomplishments. But he's not. He wants to provoke these trade wars. And as he and Elon Musk said, force us all into hardship. They said, you all the people, not the billionaires, hardship is coming for you. Why would we want that?

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