cover of episode GOP Goes to WAR With ITSELF over Trump Picks

GOP Goes to WAR With ITSELF over Trump Picks

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Ben Meiselas
Ben Meiselas:特朗普的内阁任命和过渡举动引发了共和党内部的激烈斗争。党内各派系互相攻击,展现出其治理无能和煽动性言论的本质。具体事件包括对盖茨的支持者攻击麦卡锡的忠实支持者,特朗普选择索罗斯的首席投资官担任财政部长,以及对邦迪的任命不满等,都体现了共和党内部的混乱和分裂。共和党议员迈克·劳勒庆祝盖茨离开国会,引发了MAGA支持者的强烈反弹,进一步突显了共和党内部的分裂和冲突,以及他们更倾向于网络互撕而非治理国家。劳勒此前曾公开批评盖茨,这进一步说明了共和党内部的严重分歧和对抗。马乔丽·泰勒·格林威胁要揭露共和党同僚的秘密,包括与爱泼斯坦的关联和性侵指控,这进一步加剧了共和党内部的冲突。 特朗普选择索罗斯的亲信担任财政部长,引发了共和党内部的争议,一些共和党人公开表达了不满,并指责其反美。马斯克也对特朗普选择贝桑特担任财政部长表示了担忧,认为这是一种“一切照旧”的做法,并不会带来改变。即使是特朗普任命的法官也对特赦1月6日事件参与者表示担忧,这突显了共和党内部对如何处理这一事件的分歧。共和党内部的混乱为反对派提供了机会,需要通过教育大众来揭示共和党内部的分裂和矛盾,最终实现民主的胜利。 Mike Lawler: 劳勒的言论和行为体现了共和党内部对盖茨和麦卡锡等人物的不同立场,以及由此产生的权力斗争和派系冲突。他与MAGA支持者的冲突也反映了共和党内部在意识形态和政治策略上的深刻分歧。 Marjorie Taylor Greene: 格林的言论和行动旨在揭露共和党内部的腐败和不当行为,并以此来巩固自身在党内的影响力。她的威胁和指控加剧了党内的紧张局势和不信任感。 Tim Burchett: Burchett对索罗斯的批评反映了共和党内部的反索罗斯情绪和对民主党以及自由派政策的反对。他的言论也体现了共和党内部的反犹太主义倾向。 Elon Musk: 马斯克的评论反映了对特朗普选择贝桑特担任财政部长的担忧,认为这并不能解决美国经济面临的问题。 Judge Carl Nichols: 尼科尔斯法官的观点体现了对特赦1月6日事件参与者的谨慎态度,以及对法律程序和正义的关注。 Matt Gaetz: 盖茨的行为和言论引发了共和党内部的争议和冲突,并导致了他最终离开国会。 Kevin McCarthy: 麦卡锡作为众议院议长,在共和党内部的权力斗争中扮演着关键角色。 Pam Bondi: 邦迪的任命引发了对特朗普政府处理1月6日事件态度的担忧。 Scott Besant: 贝桑特作为索罗斯的亲信,其任命引发了共和党内部对索罗斯及其政治影响力的担忧。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is there internal conflict within the Republican Party over Trump's Cabinet picks?

Trump's selections, such as George Soros' former chief investment officer for Treasury and Pam Bondi for Attorney General, have sparked divisions. MAGA supporters criticize Bondi for not being 'MAGA enough' and Soros' connection, while others like Marjorie Taylor Greene threaten to expose colleagues' secrets.

Who did Donald Trump select as his Treasury Secretary, and why is this controversial?

Trump chose Scott Besant, who was George Soros' chief investment officer. This selection is controversial because MAGA supporters often criticize Soros, viewing him as a threat to American interests.

What threats has Marjorie Taylor Greene made against her Republican colleagues?

Greene has threatened to expose her colleagues' connections to Jeffrey Epstein, sexual assault allegations, and cover-ups if they oppose Matt Gaetz's nomination. She also claims to have filed ethics charges against them.

How are MAGA supporters reacting to Trump's pick for Attorney General, Pam Bondi?

MAGA supporters are concerned that Bondi, as Attorney General, may not pardon the January 6th insurrectionists, which they view as a key issue. They question her loyalty to the MAGA agenda.

What role does social media play in the internal conflicts within the Republican Party?

Social media is a platform for intense trolling and personal attacks among Republicans, such as Mike Lawler engaging with MAGA supporters. This highlights a lack of focus on governing and a preference for online conflict.

What does Elon Musk suggest about Trump's choice for Treasury Secretary?

Musk suggests that Scott Besant is a 'business-as-usual' choice, which he believes is driving America bankrupt. He advocates for someone like Howard Lutnick who would enact significant change.

The Republican Party is deeply divided over Trump's selections, with MAGA supporters attacking those loyal to Kevin McCarthy and celebrating Matt Gaetz's withdrawal.
  • MAGA supporters are attacking Republicans loyal to Kevin McCarthy.
  • Matt Gaetz's withdrawal is being celebrated by some, leading to further division.
  • Mike Lawler is being targeted for supporting Kevin McCarthy.

Shownotes Transcript


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The MAGAs are just eating themselves from within right now. I mean, they love to troll and to mock people. They are the worst at governing. And so you've got all of these like defenders of Matt Gaetz now attacking people who are loyal to Kevin McCarthy, who are still in the House of Representatives. I'll go over that in just a moment. Then you have Donald Trump selecting as his Treasury Secretary.

literally George Soros' chief investment officer. So after all this time where these magnates are saying, George Soros, this George Soros, that they picked Soros' protege to lead the Treasury Department. Then you've got Marjorie Taylor Greene out there saying that she's going to expose her Republican colleagues'

to Jeffrey Epstein and all of her Republican colleagues, sexual assault allegations and all of their cover-ups if they were involved in trying to tank Matt Gaetz's nomination because Matt Gaetz was being investigated for child sex trafficking. And then you've got a lot of the MAGAs who support the January 6th insurrectionists pissed at Donald Trump's selection of Pam Borg.

Bondi as the attorney general. They say she's not MAGA enough and she hasn't been out there talking about the insurrectionist or what she's going to do with him. So

There is this just tapestry of chaos right now, again, because they can't govern and all they do is just rage bait all of the time. So let's just take a look. This is Mike Lawler posting this. He's a Congress member from New York. He does this weird image of Kevin McCarthy with like the dark Brandon type like eyes. And then he goes, justice has been served, Republican Congress member, and then

all the Republican-like supporters who like Matt Gaetz, for whatever reasons they do, they're out there attacking Lawler. So all of these right-wing influencers are out there saying, thank you for outing yourself. No, sir, you're a petty little man in the shadow of John McCain. And that's no compliment to be in the shadow of John McCain because the MAGA's hate John McCain, a war hero. Justice will be served when you are primaried and lose. Hey, Mike,

Hope you realize that Gates is still congressman-elect of the 119th Congress. He resigned the 118th Congress. Yeah, Rhino. Okay, Matt Gates is not going to be in the 119th Congress. Let me be very clear. He is out. Does not want that report being released. I hope the report is still released, though. All these people, primary this Rhino.

because Lawler is celebrating Matt Gaetz leaving. You've always been a piece of rhino garbage. Thanks for reminding the world. No, sir. The people wanted Matt. Let's primary his ass. I guess you want to be primary. You've just made yourself an enemy of the American people. Imagine celebrating a Republican loss, another rhino backstabber. And I like that this Mike Lawler like engages with these people. He engages with anti-Russianism.

Annie 060380265. Like you're a member of Congress. Why are you responding to ANNIE060380? But that's what I mean. They love being on Twitter and troll baiting each other, but they hate governing. So Annie goes, as a constituent and one of your local neighbors in PR,

You think this person's really a constituent? It's probably some like bot in Russia writing this. I find this so offensive that you were dancing on the grave of Matt Gaetz. Your love for Kevin McCarthy has blinded you. I hope you never become governor of New York. You're just so smug. And then Mike Lawler goes, you mean the guy who literally tried to destroy...

Lawler, why are you responding to this again? You mean the guy who literally tried to destroy our majority at a personal vengeance and teamed up with 208 Democrats to remove the Republican speaker? Funny how that doesn't bother you. Feel free to vote for someone else and have a Democrat majority. And then again, this random account goes primary. And then Lawler goes, feel free to stop hiding your

behind social media and go ahead. Then Tim Pool, the right wing podcaster jump in. He goes, "I'll second that primary because why are you on Twitter responding to these trolls in the first place?" And then Kelly Turmbullin goes, "Sunlight is the cure, primary each and every one of this."

And then based in Espigo's primary, Tim Kast and others, please keep this alive and let us know where to send money. I will happily donate to ruin this feckless McCarthyite anti-American rhino piece of shit's political career. Who talks like this? For real, who talks like this?

But this is MAGA. This is what people like Lawler have enabled. So here, by the way, is what Lawler said before Matt Gaetz withdrew his name. Let's play this clip. Sure, I called him a clown and a charlatan. Can you stand by that? Yeah. Separate news. One quick question. Should a clown and a charlatan run that Justice Department? Look, obviously, the president has every right to nominate who he chooses. There will be a confirmation process. We'll let that process play it out.

And of course, it'll all come down to the votes, Jake. There are 53, expected to be 53 Republican senators, assuming the Pennsylvania Senate race, which is in a recount, goes the Republicans' way. That means they can only lose three at most Republicans on any party line vote. And that means that Matt Gaetz has some work to do in order to get confirmed.

All right, Manu Rajar on Capitol Hill. Thanks so much. My next guest is a Republican just elected to the U.S. And then previously when Matt Gaetz was voting to remove Kevin McCarthy, Lawler called Matt Gaetz a vile person. Here, play this clip. Matt Gaetz is frankly a vile person.

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I've showed you this before, but let me just show it to you again. This is Marjorie Taylor Greene's post where she says, here, just you can read it for yourself. She says to my Republican colleagues in the House and Senate, she goes on to say that I'm going to reveal your secrets, your Epstein connections, the sexual assault allegations that you settled secretly. She says that she filed ethics charges.

investigations against people, that she's going to out that. Like her reports, she says that she'll out that. And she goes, it's not even Epstein. She says the Republicans are working with other people like Epstein as well. And she's going to out that. Like that's what they're doing right now. So you've got that. Okay. Next, you have Donald Trump's Secretary of Treasury pick right here, right? So his name is Scott Besant.

He's George Soros' protege. He literally was the chief investment officer of Soros' fund back in the day. He quit and then went and started his own hedge fund, but he was Soros' main guy. Here it is right here from 2011. Soros puts new man at helm. George Soros Fund Management LLC taps Scott Besant.

And so, like here you have MAGA Republican Tim Burchett. Remember, I mean, this is just like anti-Semitic rhetoric from Tim Burchett, MAGA Republican from Tennessee. He's like, George Soros is a money changer of the worst kinds, like medieval anti-Semitism. Here, play this clip. You have a man that does not have America's interests at heart. He wants to destroy this country. And

And that's exactly, he is a money changer of the worst kind and he will destroy this country and the economy of it. And then of course, Donald Trump would repost stuff like this. Like Alvin Bragg is a Soros appointed DA. Well, you just picked the treasury secretary, like quite literally, like not the lies. Like this guy's actually Soros funded. Like this guy was Soros' money guy.

Like quite literally, not in your, you know, and look, all of this stuff right here from the New York Post to Donald Trump's like email after email was all this is a George Soros fact, whatever. So, you know, take a look at what Elon Musk had posted six days ago before Besant was picked as the Treasury Secretary. Musk goes,

would be interesting to hear more people weigh in on this for Trump to consider feedback. My view, for what it's worth, is that Besant is a business-as-usual choice, whereas Howard Lutnick will actually enact change. Business-as-usual is driving America bankrupt, so we need to change one way or another. So...

Already, we see some rifts developing there as well with Pesce and Spick. And then there's this Pam Bondi story right here. Pam Bondi picked as attorney general for Donald Trump. And all like the January 6th sympathizers are now worried. Are she going to pardon the January 6th or she's going to recommend that the January 6th insurrectionists are pardoned? What's she going to do with the January 6th?

And by the way, the Trump appointed judge in D.C., Judge Carl Nichols, who, by the way, handed Trump a win in some of these January 6 cases. He was the guy, remember, who said that the 1512 C2 obstruction of official proceeding charge shouldn't apply to the insurrectionists because he said that 1512 C2 only applies to

where there's like the destruction of documents that was appealed all the way up to the United States Supreme Court and was challenged. And ultimately the Supreme Court sided with the Trump appointed Judge Carl Nichols and that threw out a lot of insurrectionist cases on that 1512C2 charge. But even Judge Carl Nichols is saying to Donald Trump, you shouldn't be pardoning these January 6th people. Like maybe some of them, but a lot of them should not be pardoned. So we've got...

Remember what I said a few weeks ago? I said, in chaos, there's opportunity. And Trump and MAGA simply don't know how to govern. We're seeing that here. And I think there is a role for us to play in educating everybody on what's going on, where these fault lines are. So ultimately, one day democracy can prevail again. And what we have to do is demonstrate what's

who's against who and develop the strategy together, which we're gonna do here. So thanks for watching, hit subscribe. Let's get to 4 million together and appreciate you. Love this video? Make sure you stay up to date on the latest breaking news and all things Midas by signing up to the Midas Touch newsletter at slash newsletter.