cover of episode Steel Yourself for a New SCOTUS Term

Steel Yourself for a New SCOTUS Term

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Strict Scrutiny

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Melissa Murray, Leah Littman和Kate Shaw三位主持人对即将开始的最高法院新任期进行了展望,并对近期一些备受关注的案件,例如EMTALA案、特朗普豁免权案以及Fisher案等进行了深入分析。她们指出,最高法院在这些案件中的裁决以及处理方式,反映出法官之间的意识形态分歧、政治考量以及对程序正义的漠视。在EMTALA案中,最高法院的最终决定与政治背景和对堕胎立场的考量密切相关。在特朗普豁免权案中,最高法院的拖延以及内部讨论,揭示了法官的政治倾向和策略。在Fisher案中,Alito法官的言行以及首席大法官对案件的处理方式,暴露了法院内部的权力斗争和政治考量。她们还分析了这些案件对未来司法走向的影响,并表达了对最高法院可能进一步限制投票权和堕胎权的担忧。 三位主持人还讨论了即将到来的选举可能导致的对州和地方选举政策的挑战,以及最高法院可能在其中扮演的角色。她们指出,最高法院对投票权的敌视态度,可能会导致其偏向于允许各州采取措施来限制投票,这将对选举结果产生重大影响。她们还分析了几个与选举相关的案件,例如亚利桑那州的选民登记法案以及密西西比州的邮寄选票法案等,并对这些案件可能对选举结果产生的影响表示担忧。她们强调,选民应该积极参与投票,以确保选举结果不受法律挑战的影响,并呼吁选民制定投票计划,以避免因各种法律挑战而导致选票作废。 此外,三位主持人还讨论了最高法院可能审理的其他案件,例如挑战对跨性别儿童的性别确认护理禁令的案件、挑战ATF对幽灵枪监管的案件以及一些涉及环境法规的案件等。她们指出,这些案件反映出最高法院在文化战争和对行政部门的权力进行限制中所扮演的角色。她们对最高法院在这些案件中可能做出的裁决表示担忧,并认为这些裁决可能会对跨性别儿童、枪支安全以及环境保护等方面产生负面影响。最后,她们还讨论了最高法院法官的伦理问题,以及保守派法律运动对最高法院法官伦理改革的反对。她们认为,最高法院法官应该遵守更高的伦理标准,并呼吁对最高法院的伦理规则进行改革。

Deep Dive

Journalists have revealed behind-the-scenes details about the Supreme Court's last term, including the EMTALA case, the immunity case, and Justice Alito's involvement in the January 6th cases.
  • Republican-appointed justices initially voted to put on hold the lower court decision that ensured emergency abortion care but later changed course.
  • Chief Justice Roberts made no effort to reach bipartisan agreement in the immunity case, and some Republican justices wanted to delay the case until after the election.
  • Justice Alito was originally assigned the opinion in the Fisher case, but Chief Justice Roberts took it over after reports of Alito displaying an upside-down American flag, a symbol of the Stop the Steal movement.
  • Justice Jackson played a key role in shaping the final opinion in the Fisher case.
  • Justice Alito lost three majority opinions during the term due to his extreme and unhinged views.

Shownotes Transcript

Melissa, Leah and Kate break down some excellent recent SCOTUS reporting and look ahead to what fresh hell the Roberts Court has in store for us in its new term. While much is unknown at this point, the Court will hear cases on gender-affirming care for trans kids, “ghost” guns, and further challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency. In other words, time to take a deep breath.