cover of episode Content Moderation, Machine Guns, and Trump's Trial Calendar

Content Moderation, Machine Guns, and Trump's Trial Calendar

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Strict Scrutiny

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Evelyn Dueck
Kate Shaw 和 Leah Lippman 认为最高法院推迟审理特朗普的豁免权案,对民主造成了损害,并为特朗普争取了大量时间,使得在选举前进行审判的可能性大大降低。她们分析了法院的拖延行为,以及这种拖延对案件审理进程和选举结果的潜在影响。她们还对比了法院在处理此案和其他案件时所采取的不同方式,指出法院可能故意拖延审判,以利于特朗普。她们认为,最高法院的这种行为令人费解,并对民主构成了威胁。 Kate Shaw 和 Leah Lippman 进一步分析了最高法院的决定可能导致特朗普在选举前不会受审,甚至可能根本不会受审。她们详细解释了法院的决定如何影响案件的审理进程,以及可能导致的各种延误。她们还讨论了司法部长梅里克·加兰在任命特别检察官方面的延误,以及这如何加剧了案件审理的拖延。她们认为,最高法院和司法部长的行为都对民主构成了威胁,并呼吁人们关注这一问题。

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Leah and Kate analyze the ramifications of the Supreme Court agreeing to hear Trump's immunity case... seven whole weeks from now. They also recap the arguments in a case about whether the federal government can ban bump stocks, a device that turns a semi-automatic rifle into, essentially, a machine gun. Plus, evelyn douek) joins the pod to recap arguments in a case about whether social media content moderation is censorship and therefore violates the First Amendment.