Kayla Moore
Matt Brown
@Kayla Moore : 本年度收听率最高的剧集是关于澳大利亚都市传说的剧集,这与澳大利亚发生的许多可怕事件有关。剧集中包含许多令人毛骨悚然的故事,例如鲨鱼手臂案和纽扣人的故事。澳大利亚也是该播客的第三大听众群体所在地。 我最喜欢的剧集包括Pennhurst精神病院的剧集,它探讨了美国残疾人权利的历史和一些闹鬼的故事;黑暗夏季系列中的圣路易斯准奥运会剧集,讲述了业余运动员参加奥运会的故事,其中包含种族主义科学实验;以及黑暗好莱坞系列,虽然是最不流行的剧集之一,但它仍然有一些亮点。 我最害怕的剧集是关于池钟家族的剧集,因为它让我对被困的女性感到害怕,并且凶手的动机难以理解。我还害怕游乐园恐怖故事,因为我害怕在游乐设施上被斩首,并且担心它们没有经过充分的检查。 我从剧集中的人物和家属那里收到反馈,这让我意识到该播客并非只是自言自语。许多听众在工作或健身时收听该播客,这让我意识到该播客的真实性。我选择讲述那些鲜为人知、有待解决或有新视角的故事。 本年度的亮点之一是与Annie Elise一起进行现场演出,以及与其他播客的合作,例如Psychopedia和Amanda Montell。我还与“两个女孩,一个鬼魂”播客合作,在塞勒姆进行了一次成功的合作。 我最喜欢的纪录片包括《安静的片场》、《烈火之中:迷失的女儿》、《伊巴林的非凡人生》和《告诉我你爱我》。我最喜欢的电影包括《物质》和《深夜与魔鬼》。 @Matt Brown : 本年度收听率最高的播客剧集是关于澳大利亚都市传说的剧集。鲨鱼手臂案讲述的是一条鲨鱼在游乐园水箱中吐出一条人臂的故事,引发了一起悬而未决的案件调查。澳大利亚都市传说剧集还讲述了“纽扣人”的故事,一个用鹿角制作纽扣的真实人物。 我最喜欢的剧集是关于尤利安娜·科普卡从飞机上坠落的故事,因为它让我对被困的女性感到害怕,并且凶手的动机难以理解。 我最害怕的剧集是关于池钟家族的剧集,因为它让我对被困的女性感到害怕,并且无法理解凶手的想法。 人们喜欢听他们最喜欢的讲故事的人讲述故事,即使故事已经被讲述过很多次了。 我最喜欢的纪录片包括《迈克尔·乔丹》和《文斯·麦克马洪》。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the most popular episode of the Heart Starts Pounding podcast in 2024?

The most popular episode of 2024 was the Australia episode of the Urban Legends series, which featured stories like the Shark Arm Case and the Button Man. These episodes, focusing on urban legends and folklore, tend to be the most popular among listeners.

What was the Shark Arm Case discussed in the Australia episode?

The Shark Arm Case involved a shark captured and displayed in a tank at an amusement park in the early 1900s. The shark vomited a human arm, leading to a cold case investigation. This bizarre and eerie story became a central focus of the episode.

What was the host's favorite episode to work on in 2024?

The host's favorite episode to work on was 'The Woman Who Fell from the Sky,' which tells the story of Juliana Koepcke, a 17-year-old girl who survived a plane crash in Peru and fell 10,000 feet into the rainforest. The episode involved extensive research, including reading books and watching a Werner Herzog documentary.

Which episode scared the host the most in 2024?

The episode that scared the host the most was the Chi Jong family episode, which detailed the story of a woman trapped with a family that killed and ate people. The host found it terrifying to imagine the perspective of the woman trapped in that situation, despite knowing she survived.

What was the least popular episode of the year?

The least popular episode of the year was the Dark Hollywood series, which explored noir crime stories from old Hollywood. Despite the host's personal interest in the subject, it did not resonate as strongly with the audience compared to other episodes.

What was a significant collaboration for the podcast in 2024?

A significant collaboration in 2024 was with the podcast 'Two Girls, One Ghost,' where the host traveled to Salem and recorded a ghost-themed episode. This marked the first ghost-related collaboration for Heart Starts Pounding and was a highlight of the year.

What was a notable documentary recommendation from the host in 2024?

The host highly recommended 'Tell Them You Love Me,' a Netflix documentary about a woman who forms a relationship with a nonverbal autistic boy through assisted speech. The documentary raises ethical questions and is praised for its insightful storytelling.

What was the host's favorite horror movie of 2024?

The host's favorite horror movie of 2024 was 'Late Night with the Devil,' a film about a late-night TV host who brings the devil onto his show to save his failing program. The movie was praised for its unique style and storytelling.

What are the host's plans for Heart Starts Pounding in 2025?

In 2025, the host plans to explore more ghost investigations, collaborate with other podcasts, and experiment with new formats, including a potential fifth monthly episode for all listeners. The host is also excited about a filmed project that will be released in the coming year.

The most listened-to episode of the year was the Australia episode of Urban Legends, focusing on the shark arm case and the Button Man. Its popularity is attributed to the strange events in Australia and a large listener base in the country.
  • Most popular episode: Australia Urban Legends episode
  • Focus on shark arm case and Button Man
  • High listener base in Australia

Shownotes Transcript

What was HSPs most downloaded episode? What was my favorite episode to make? Which one scared me the most? This is the Heart Starts Pounding Wrapped Report!

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