cover of episode 8: Natalia Grace: ’Orphan’ Horror Movie Come To Life (feat. Jeff Topolski)

8: Natalia Grace: ’Orphan’ Horror Movie Come To Life (feat. Jeff Topolski)

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Heart Starts Pounding: Horrors, Hauntings and Mysteries

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jeff Topolski
Kaylin Moore
Kaylin Moore:本期节目深入探讨了娜塔莉亚·格蕾丝的故事,她被养父母指控为伪装成孩子的成年女子,并最终被遗弃。这个故事与电影《孤儿怨》有着惊人的相似之处,但实际上更加复杂和细致。节目中,我们逐一分析了故事的各个层面,试图揭开事件背后的真相。娜塔莉亚·格蕾丝的养父母声称她具有威胁性行为,包括威胁要杀死他们的孩子,并在家中藏匿刀具。他们还声称娜塔莉亚试图毒害他们,并表现出超出其年龄的成熟行为。然而,节目中也探讨了养父母自身的行为,以及他们对娜塔莉亚的早期经历缺乏了解。他们对养子Jake的教育方式与对待娜塔莉亚的方式形成了鲜明对比,这引发了人们对他们动机的质疑。节目最后,主持人Kaylin Moore提出了一个问题:娜塔莉亚究竟是一个有杀意的成年人,还是一个被疯狂家庭伤害的受害者? Jeff Topolski:作为一名编剧,Jeff Topolski 对这个故事表达了自己的看法。他认为,虽然娜塔莉亚可能确实说过一些具有威胁性的话,但这并不一定意味着她真的有杀人的意图。他指出,儿童在表达情绪时可能会使用夸张或不准确的语言。此外,他还指出,娜塔莉亚的早期经历可能对其行为造成了影响,而养父母的行为也值得关注。他认为,这个故事中存在着许多不确定性,很难对事件做出明确的判断。

Deep Dive

The episode explores the case of Natalia Grace, a girl adopted from Ukraine whose behavior led her adoptive parents to believe she was an adult posing as a child, potentially dangerous.

Shownotes Transcript

Writer Jeff Topolski (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) joins us this week to answer the question: Was Natalia Grace Barnett a murderous woman parading as a child, or a victim of terrible adoptive parents?

In 2010, a 6-year-old girl named Natalia Grace was adopted by Michael and Kristine Barnett. The Barnetts, as well as national headlines, would go on to portray Natalia as a disturbed con artist pretending to be a child. According to the Barnetts, she made their lives hell and repeatedly threatened to kill their children. In today's episode, we're going to break this whole story down, piece by piece, and examine all it's layers to figure out what was really going on. Buckle up because it's going to get even crazier than what the headlines were writing.  

Thank you so much to Jeff Topolski  for joining me today. You can follow the podcast on instagram @heartstartspounding). Have a heart pounding story you'd like to share on the podcast? Email [email protected]


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