cover of episode 50: India: A Horror, A Haunting, and A Mystery

50: India: A Horror, A Haunting, and A Mystery

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Heart Starts Pounding: Horrors, Hauntings and Mysteries

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kaylin Moore
Kaylin Moore: 本期节目将探讨发生在印度的三个故事,分别属于恐怖、鬼魂和谜团类型,旨在展现印度丰富多彩的文化和神秘事件。节目涵盖了印度连环杀手KD Kampama的故事,她以在寺庙中下毒杀害妇女并盗窃珠宝为手段作案,以及兰比德哈尔矿的传说,讲述了一个被驱逐的巫婆复仇的故事,导致矿难发生,至今仍有超自然现象发生。此外,节目还探讨了米尔扎普尔“面部抓伤者”的谜团,可能与球状闪电、大规模歇斯底里或其他未解之谜有关。 Amanat: 讲述者在印度旅馆亲眼目睹了一个类似山羊的超自然生物,并在走廊再次看到它,这给她留下了深刻的心理阴影。这次经历让她对超自然现象有了新的认识,并最终促使她开始倾听本播客节目。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Women dropping dead inside of temples, a haunted limestone mine, and a mysterious orb of light attacking locals. We're doing a taste of Indian history and folklore by sampling one story from each category.

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Heart Starts Pounding is written and produced by Kaelyn Moore.

Show Notes & Transcript: India: A Horror, a Haunting, and a Mystery — Heart Starts Pounding: Horrors, Hauntings and Mysteries)