cover of episode 100. Real Life "Purge": Killers Inspired by Horror Movies

100\. Real Life "Purge": Killers Inspired by Horror Movies

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Heart Starts Pounding: Horrors, Hauntings and Mysteries

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kaylin Moore
我是一名恐怖类型爱好者,我知道恐怖电影不会激发普通人犯下暴行。但是,本集中探讨的是一些人会受到电影的影响,在现实生活中重现电影场景,但他们的动机和电影中的逻辑并不相同。例如,乔纳森·克鲁兹声称自己“每晚都在清洗”,这是对电影《清洗》的直接引用,但他并没有遵循电影中一年一度的清洗设定,而是将之变成了无差别杀人。这仅仅是谋杀,他应该为此付出代价。 另一个例子是马克·布兰奇,他痴迷于《十三号星期五》中的杰森,并最终杀害了莎伦·格雷戈里。虽然媒体倾向于将此归咎于恐怖电影的影响,但马克很可能患有某种精神疾病,这才是导致悲剧的根本原因。莎伦和她的双胞胎姐妹曾嘲笑马克,并撕毁了他的心理检查报告,这可能也是导火索之一。 还有小丑的例子,虽然奥罗拉枪击案与电影《黑暗骑士》无关,但小丑这个角色的混乱邪恶形象确实吸引了一些人,并引发了一些模仿行为,例如印第安纳州南佛米利昂高中发生的事件。 总的来说,观看暴力媒体可能会影响一个人的攻击性,但它不太可能影响他们是否会犯下暴力犯罪或其他犯罪行为。那些犯下模仿犯罪的人通常更容易犯下暴力犯罪。每次发生这类悲剧,我们都会进行同样的讨论,社会会质疑电影是否产生了不良影响,即使我们目前的研究结果并非如此。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the stories of individuals who committed violent acts seemingly inspired by horror movies, questioning the influence of media on real-life violence. It highlights the case of Jonathan Cruz, whose killing spree was linked to the movie "The Purge", emphasizing the crucial difference between fictional scenarios and real-world consequences.
  • Jonathan Cruz's killing spree was linked to the movie "The Purge."
  • Cruz's actions highlight the distinction between fictional violence and real-world consequences.
  • The chapter questions the influence of media on violent behavior.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2016, Jonathan Cruz went on a four day killing spree inspired by the movie "The Purge". In 1985, Mark Branch wanted to live out his fantasy of being Jason from Friday the 13th. What causes some people to be inspired by horror movies to commit horrible acts of violence?

TW: Suicide

We made it to episode 100!! Thank you guys so much for everything, here's to the next 100

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