cover of episode 1: The Devil in the Nursing Home: America’s First Female Serial Killer

1: The Devil in the Nursing Home: America’s First Female Serial Killer

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Heart Starts Pounding: Horrors, Hauntings and Mysteries

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kaylin Moore
Kaylin Moore: 本期节目讲述了美国首位女性连环杀手Amy Archer-Gilligan的故事。她于1907年在康涅狄格州温莎开设了一家疗养院,以每周7美元或一次性1000美元的价格提供老年人护理服务。她的丈夫James去世后不久,她为他投保了人寿保险,引发了人们的怀疑。此后,疗养院内发生多起死亡事件,死亡证明含糊不清,多为老年和消化不良。1913年,Amy再婚,其丈夫Michael也很快去世,并将其遗产留给了她。调查人员发现,Amy大量购买砷,并用掺有砷的柠檬水毒害病人。Franklin Andrews的死亡成为Amy被定罪的关键证据,他的尸体保存完好,这与砷中毒有关。最终,Amy被判犯有谋杀罪,并被送往精神病院,直至1962年去世。 Leo: 在节目中,Leo参与讨论了Amy Archer-Gilligan的收费模式,认为一次性付费模式不利于长期盈利,并对当时的死亡证明过于简单,缺乏对死因的详细调查表示了看法。

Deep Dive

Amy Archer-Gilligan, one of America's first female serial killers, operated a nursing home where she allegedly killed up to 60 patients using poisoned lemonade. She charged patients either weekly or a lump sum for lifetime care, which many opted for due to her reputation as a caregiver.

Shownotes Transcript

Amy Archer-Gilligan was one of America's first female serial killers, killing up to 60 of her patients with her "special" lemonade...


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