cover of episode Welcome to Wake Up to Wealth

Welcome to Wake Up to Wealth

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Wake Up to Wealth

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brandon Brittingham
Brandon Brittingham: 本播客旨在帮助听众打破传统观念的束缚,认识到每天都能创造财富的可能性。节目将邀请众多业内顶尖人士,分享他们的成功经验和独特见解,帮助听众拓展视野,提升思维模式,最终实现财富自由和个人成长。播客内容丰富,首期将发布两集,之后会持续更新,为听众提供源源不断的价值内容。他强调与成功人士为伍的重要性,并承诺为听众带来来自全球最聪明人士的宝贵见解。 Brandon Brittingham: 通过与行业领袖的深入交流,节目将为听众提供独特的视角,帮助他们摆脱社会规范和局限性的影响,激发他们追求财富和成功的内在动力。节目致力于为听众创造一个积极向上的学习环境,帮助他们建立正确的财富观和成功观,最终实现个人和财务上的双重丰收。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, what's up, everybody? I am super excited. We're here in the Wake Up To Wealth studio. We are about to drop the podcast. The great thing is I've already stacked a bunch of episodes with some really high level entrepreneurs, titans of the industry. You know, the whole point about this show is to free your mind, free you from the matrix, make you understand that you can wake up to wealth every day.

And thankfully, I have some really cool friends and I'm connected to some of the smartest people in the world. So we are stacking interviews left and right with some of the titans of the industry. And I can't wait to drop the first episode for you guys.

Actually, you know what? We're going to go ahead and drop two episodes. The first, the first one, we're going to go ahead and just drop two because we got so many good ones stacked up. I'm going to drop two on the first day. And then after that, we are going to flood you guys with some great content coming up from our podcast studio.