cover of episode Leveraging Your Retirement for Real Estate Success with Greg Herlean

Leveraging Your Retirement for Real Estate Success with Greg Herlean

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Wake Up to Wealth

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Greg Herlean
Greg Herlean:我年轻时资金匮乏,通过自导IRA投资进入房地产领域。起初,我作为借款人,利用他人的IRA资金进行房地产交易。后来,我意识到被动投资也能获得收益且无需缴税,因此我创立了一家公司,帮助他人进行自导IRA投资。 我发现,只有4%的美国人使用自导IRA,主要原因是缺乏知识和教育,以及金融顾问的利益冲突。顾问们通常不会主动告知客户自导IRA投资,因为这可能会导致客户将资金转移到其他地方,从而减少顾问的佣金收入。 自导IRA投资并非适合所有人,需要投资者进行尽职调查和承担风险。但对于那些愿意学习和努力的人来说,这是一个改变人生的机会。 我的公司每月帮助150-200个客户建立自导IRA账户,并提供电话指导等服务,简化了流程。我们帮助客户将资金从其他账户转移到自导IRA账户,并指导他们进行投资。 自导IRA投资允许投资者选择投资标的,摆脱股票市场的波动,并投资于他们了解和喜爱的领域。75%的投资者选择投资房地产,因为这符合他们的需求。 自导IRA投资允许投资者进行各种房地产投资,例如转售、持有、批发和联合投资,但不能用于个人居住或使用。 美国有超过7.2万亿美元的资金存放在IRA账户中,这为各种投资提供了无限的机会。 并非所有类型的退休账户都支持自导IRA投资,例如当前的401k、403b或TSP账户。但如果这些账户中的资金已经转移到其他账户,则可以进行自导IRA投资。 即使IRA账户中的金额较小,也值得关注并进行自导IRA投资。 对我而言,“财富觉醒”意味着做出让我安心入睡的财务决策。 Brandon Brittingham:作为房地产投资者,我起初对自导IRA投资并不了解,直到最近才意识到它的好处。 我发现,很多人对自导IRA投资感到困惑和恐惧,认为它过于复杂。但实际上,只要找到合适的资源和指导,这个过程并不难。 我与Greg Herlean合作,帮助客户利用自导IRA进行房地产投资。我们提供多种投资方案,满足不同客户的需求。 客户可以根据自身情况,选择将部分或全部IRA资金转移到自导IRA账户中。 自导IRA投资具有灵活性,投资者可以选择参与实际的房地产交易,而不只是被动投资。 更多人不知道自导IRA投资是因为缺乏教育和宣传,以及金融顾问的利益冲突。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is leveraging retirement accounts for real estate a powerful strategy?

It allows investors to use tax-deferred or tax-free funds for real estate investments, maximizing growth potential.

What qualifies as a self-directed retirement account for real estate investing?

Traditional, simple, SEP, and Roth IRAs qualify, but current 401(k)s do not.

Why is financial education crucial for successful real estate investment?

It helps investors make informed decisions that lead to better financial outcomes and peace of mind.

What does waking up to wealth mean to Greg Herlean?

It means making financial decisions that ensure a good night's sleep, focusing on tangible assets and secure retirement funds.

How can listeners connect with Greg Herlean for more information?

They can find him on Instagram as Greg Herlean or use the special link provided at the end of the show.

Greg Herlean explains how he discovered and utilized self-directed IRAs to invest in real estate, dispelling myths and discussing the benefits of this strategy.
  • Greg learned about self-directing IRAs at 22 due to financial necessity.
  • Only 4% of Americans self-direct their retirement accounts.
  • Lack of education and advisors' reluctance to teach this strategy are major barriers.

Shownotes Transcript

In episode 26 of Wake Up to Wealth, Brandon Brittingham interviews Greg Herlean, Founder of Horizon Trust Company, to discuss leveraging retirement accounts to invest in real estate. Greg shares his personal journey of discovering this powerful investment strategy and explains how anyone with a retirement account can take advantage of self-directed investing.

Tune in to learn more about this powerful wealth-building strategy!


[00:01:11] Leveraging retirement accounts for real estate.

[00:03:44] Self-directed retirement investing.

[00:09:30] Self-directed IRA investments.

[00:11:15] The importance of financial education.

[00:15:58] Waking up to wealth.

[00:17:55] Guest appreciation and thanks.


  • "I learned really quickly that I wanted to be the IRA investor lending. I wanted to be the guy that was lending me the money because he wasn't doing anything. He was passively collecting checks, not paying taxes." - Greg Herlean
  • “I'm a true believer when it's your retirement money, you've spent maybe decades on saving that we want to answer all your questions. We're going to make it smooth. So we do a 15, 20 minute phone call. That's it. Get your application filled out over the phone. Then it's emailed to you, so you get to review everything that you filled out.” - Greg Herlean
  • “The amount of money that's there to do different deals and the amount of opportunities is limitless.” - Greg Herlean


Brandon Brittingham




Greg Herlean


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Greg Herlean: