The following podcast is a Dear Media production. Bratman to Earth, Earth to Bratman. Girl, you already know who it is. Episode 13.
Hey guys! Hi Willy Wonka! It's me, Bretman Rock, aka Willy Wonka today. The bean stealer. Who are y'all? I'm Oompa and that's Loompa. We got Oompa and Loompa out in this bitch. Where did they live again?
In a forest, in a jungle somewhere. Period. You should know. That's where you... Did you guys watch the new... I know, that's where I'm from. Did you guys watch the new episode... Not episode. Did you guys watch the new movie of Willy Wonka? Yes. With Rap Boy Summer, King. What's his name? Timothee Chalamet. Timothee Chalamet. Yes, I did. It's really good. I didn't expect it to be like a musical.
Right. At first. But then I was like, oh, wait. But it's Willy Wonka, though. Like, of course it's a musical. And he ate that roll up. He did. He did. I remember when it first came out that he got the roll, I was like, him? Like, that's a little strange. But he ate that shit up. And he could sing. Yeah. I didn't know he could sing. Wow, he did really good. I really like that movie, too. Speaking of, we're another day closer to Halloween. Yes. Did you guys know there's five Thursdays this October? Yes.
No? So we're dressing up five different fucking times, y'all. And this is only the second of the second. Yeah. And we got dressed up like Oompa Loompas. As you guys can see, Miss K is here with us today. She wasn't here with us last week. So Miss K will be taking over a lot of the episodes today because she has a lot of stories to tell.
I do. Well, it's like mainly like my mom's stories of like what she told me. Thank you to Ateet for providing us with the stories of the day. But before we get started, I would like to formally introduce...
That we all have a segment now. Princess have fertility. I have the tea when I tell you guys the diary. And Miss T for Miss K. Oh my gosh. We'll get to that in a bit. But we'll start with the tea. Which is me reading from my diary. Alright. We have another October entry from 2021. Wait. We unlock a new diary, you guys. Yeah.
This one. The one that Kat got me in Seattle. October 15th. Just watching my doggies play around and I'm thinking about how one day they are all going to get old and too lazy for one another. I raised four pups so far, including Leela. Rest in peace, Leela. She was so young.
Anyways, and I have to say, this shit is like raising my own annoying ass kids, lol. Lily, who's the baby of the pack, really got me waking up at 5am. I do think she's finally getting the hang of the pack and is blending beautifully like she has always been here forever. I don't really know why I read that. I just really wanted to read one that was three years ago, but I cannot believe that my Lily is almost two years old.
I know, and Lula has been gone for three years And I don't know if y'all saw in my journal But I scratched out the fact that I took out lazy No, I scratched out dead And I put lazy Because I was like, I can't be Because I know my dogs are going to die And literally I have four pups So that means they're all going to knock on wood But if the day comes I'm not ready for them to go one by one by one Are you kidding me? They're all only a year apart
Well, that's a little bit sad to fucking think about. Speaking of motherfucking death. But yeah, that's my journal entry from three years ago. It's so sad now. I'm so sorry to start the episode like that. But yes, the reality is pets die. Yeah.
Yeah, that's pretty sad. And that's so crazy. But anyways, when we were kids, we had a guinea pig that passed away. Yeah. And we had to bury it. JJ. JJ. Yeah, the brown one. He was so cute. And obviously, as the animal lovers that we are, we gave it a proper funeral. We did. With candles and everything. Birthday candles. And then we had the house owner...
Of the house. Yeah. Yell at us. And tell our moms to yell at us. But Miss K's mom. Was like. Bitch what the fuck you want me to do? Yell at the kids for. Throwing a funeral for their guinea pigs. Like what the fuck. He literally grabbed a whole ass hose. For a little tiny candle. Yeah it was a birthday candle. This fucking tiny. And he was like. You guys are gonna burn out the whole fucking house. You guys are so irresponsible. Like. And I'm like.
Bitch. What? There's three of us praying over a fucking dead guinea pig. Yeah. And it's not like there was anything around that could catch on fire. Yeah. No, there wasn't. Like, what? Anyways, why did we start off talking about a dead fucking guinea pig? Oh my god, no way. Actually, speaking of like, you know, our auntie passed away recently. Literally. I'm sorry. No, I'm just... I'm not laughing. I'm like really just laughing at the fact that... Wow.
Things are going on and we're out here dressed as Willy Wonka and just like Oompa Loompas. But if y'all didn't know, our auntie passed away a week ago. She was the fun one. She was the fun one. The rebel girl. The rebel queen. And like, it was the first person to ever just always celebrated my queerness. Do you guys have any auntie stories?
I don't really have any. It would just be like, it would honestly just be like, just fun times with her. She's always the loudest one. The rowdiest. And you would know that she's around because she would be like laughing so hard out of nowhere. And she's always kind of making sex jokes too. Yeah, she is. She's the naughty one, the freaky one. And then she always has like those jewelries on her, which I love because she was like,
Oh yeah, she was a jewelry queen. With her nails. Princess, do you have any memories from Auntie Nia?
I do remember the last time I came to visit. Oh, it was for dad's funeral. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I went to go visit her and we took a picture. And that was like the last memories I've had with her. But we talked a lot. And we talked about my kids. And she made like crazy funny jokes like usual. Like she's just... She's raunchy. Yeah. She's a raunchy queen. Yeah. I feel like she is like...
Is she the middle child? I think she is kind of the middle child. Yeah, I think she is. Middle child of 10? Yeah. That's crazy. Oh wait, speaking of
Miss K, here we are today. We are here to celebrate your first ever Miss T segment. Yes. What did you make for us today? Oh my God, it's right here. I thought you would never ask because the froth is gone. Oh my God, sorry. We'll do the Miss T segment first thing next time. It's okay, but I just made a latte, which is coconut milk and espresso. And I love your espresso machine because you have like the...
What is that thing called? The stamper? Yeah. And it's like built in. And I was like, I've never seen that before. It's so high tech. You should try it. I should make my Breville my product of the week. But we'll get there when they sponsor us. Breville, please sponsor us. Yeah, all three of us. Yes. But Miss K's first segment, this is not really like the real one yet because…
She started to ask me for lavender syrups and all these syrups. And I'm like, okay, Ms. K, next time, just give me the ingredients list and I'll get them right before each episode. So this is what I just had in my kitchen. But next week, Ms. K is going off. But yeah.
Alright, Princess. It's time for your segment, Fertility. With Fert-O-Mortal. Hello, everyone. Wait, before you start. So many people were saying how grateful they were for your fertility segment. Oh, yeah. I was reading the comments about the water. And a lot of girls were like, Oh my god, now I know why I was having cramps. Yeah. No, for real. Trust me. I had three kids. So...
She knows. I know. Okay. What is your advice of the week? My advice of the week is about... It's for my teen moms again. I want to make this month my segment for like teen moms. Only because like I had Cleo as a teen mom. And it's her birth month. Okay. So let me start. Being a teen mom can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. And here are some piece of advices that might help you.
Don't look at my stuff. Damn, you really be writing it all out. No, I do. I have a different stuff. Okay. So one thing I learned is that to always set goals. I like, I feel like there's like a stereotype for teen moms that like,
Once you have kids at a really young age, people think that your life is over. It's not. Setting goals, like always set goals and think about your future and set achievable goals for yourself as a parent and as for your personal life. Yeah. And then also, this is the number one thing. Take care of yourself. Don't forget about yourself.
Emotionally Make time for activities That you enjoy And that can help you relax Because being a mom Is a lot So Take care of yourself And set goals for yourself Personal For your personal life And for your kids What was a personal goal That you set when you had Cleo? An attainable one That you may or may have Accomplished Yeah Okay What?
What are the personal goals? Yeah. What were they, girl? There's a lot. Yeah, there was a lot, actually. Bitch, why you always come with me so many fucking questions? Well, bitch, you're giving fucking advice. Do we listen to our advice? No, we do. So what were the fucking goals that you made with Cleo? Little ones or big ones that you accomplished? So the viewer who may be watching has good examples. Oh my god.
Well, I've always... Okay, I knew that once I had Cleo, I wanted my own space. So I had my own place. At 17 years old, I was able to get my own place and take care... Which was? Oh, period. Yeah, she lived in her own place. I lived in my own place when I had Cleo and I... Oh, yeah, I remember that place. Yeah, you do. That era. Yeah. Yeah.
It was my first place and that was like a personal goal that I wanted to achieve for I wanted like space for me and my daughter and that's what I got But also don't compare your personal goal with other people's personal goals just because Princess was able to do that at 17 which was an honor and a privilege period because she was able to do that Don't put yourself on That's just my personal goal that I had for me and my daughter Everybody is different Yeah
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This is Amanda Hirsch from the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast. You might know me from Not Skinny But Not Fat on Instagram, where I spend my time talking about reality TV, celebrities, everything happening and pop culture every Tuesday. OK, I also talk to some of our favorite celebs and reality TV stars. We talk about what's going on. Tune in every Tuesday and just feel like you're talking with your best friends in your living room.
All right. Before we move on to the Halloween scary stuff, let's dim the lights for some mood because we lit up some candles. Let there be light.
Wow. Oh my god, I look more orange. I look like a pumpkin now. And now we have hit the Halloween mood. Before we start our scary storytelling, I want to ask you guys some Halloween questions. Okay. Just to get in the vibes of the spookiness of it all. What's the question? First question is…
My heart, my baby. What is your favorite Halloween movie? My favorite Halloween movie is either two things. If a kid is asking me, I like to say Halloween Town. Okay. That franchise is really cute. My favorite Disney Halloween movie. But it would have to go for Freddie and Jason. Cute, cute, cute. That was a good one. Especially when we were younger. I swore I was the edge of my fucking seat with that.
Okay, princess. I know you don't watch too many. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So give us a PG because I already know your answer is going to be like fucking Caroline. No, not Caroline. What is those witches again? I forgot their names. Pokus pokus. Yeah.
I like that. Yeah, I like that one. I swear, I don't know how you gave birth to a Halloween baby girl. Because Cleo loves scary things. I feel like we need to just edit Princess out and just insert Cleo here. Because Cleo would live for these. She'll tell you a whole list of all her favorite scary movies. I don't like watching scary movies with her. She's like, just sit down. I remembered her first background on her iPad was like Freddy.
No, I'm serious. And she was asking me this. She was like, for this month, can I decorate the house? And I was like, girl. She loves scary. It's her season. She does. I think my favorite Halloween movie would have to be, what if I was still in the Philippines, I would say Ang Sing Sing Ni Nanay. Hmm.
Girl, that shit had me in my... Yeah, the edge. The edge of my seat. But when I moved to America, I don't know if it's qualified as like a scary Halloween movie, but I really do love the Saw series. The Saw? Yeah, I feel like that's more thriller than it is Halloween. Is it because of like the puzzle things that they have to do? I just like a good like edge of my seat. Like I'm about to pee my pants. Like watching it through the peaks of my fucking fingertips. Like...
I love a movie that gives me like... In the edge. Yeah. Because I mean, Halloween movies, I do love like The Conjuring, which I dressed up like last time. But I feel like the scary movies nowadays, you know when...
A jump scare is about to happen. It's the background music. I feel like that kind of like sets it up a bit. And I'm like, okay. The creepy music's coming up. Someone's about to jump. Next Halloween question. What are your favorite Halloween candies? What is your favorite Halloween candy? This is an unpopular opinion, but I love a good candy corn. Okay, girl. Yeah. What makes you think? Why? Candy corn? Yes. Bitch, how old are you? 50? Yeah.
Excuse me? No, candy corn do slap though if it's the last candy you have left. I love the texture and I love the taste. I don't know why. What does it taste like? It doesn't taste like corn. I mean, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. It tastes like cheap sugar. Yeah, it does. It's like sugar cubes. Yeah, that's what it tastes like. To me, my favorite one is...
Especially when I was a kid, anything that is like gummy. Like, you know when we would go to like trick-or-treating and you dump all your candy? I feel like I would always group my gummies into one. Like Haribo's and Twizzlers. Like gummy candies. Which I feel like I like them because of the texture. And I feel like it's less like sweet. It's still very much sweet, but like it's less sweet. So I would say like gummy vibes.
But if it has to be candy candy, I would say Starburst. But specifically the orange and the red. You've never picked up an orange Starburst before? I had. No, you haven't. I love the red and the orange Starburst. You always go for like the pink one. I hate the pink. No, no, I don't do pink. Or the yellow one. Bitch, you're the yellow one. You love, you will defend the yellow one. I like the yellow and pink. Yellow one's my favorite.
Bridget, did you answer? No. Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to skip over you. What is your favorite Halloween candy? My favorite Halloween candy, like the gummy ones, but also like I like the cheesy balls. Cheesy balls? Oh, like the... Those in the little packets. I mean, true. Yeah. The cheesy balls?
Like the Cheetos? Yeah, like you know how there's like the pretzel ones and there's the cheesy balls? Like in those little packet ones. Like the Whoppers? No, they're cheese balls. Well, you want to go to Target? I'll show you. Yeah, period. Well, cheese balls. Cheese balls. All right. Are y'all ready? I mean, do you guys have Halloween questions? Oh, yeah, I do. What are you most scared of?
Ooh, that's a good one. Scared of? Like from like... Like what's your fear? Things we fear? Yeah. I don't really fear a lot of things. Honestly, I'm not scared of ghosts. I taught this last episode. My thing is I'm really scared of people more. Like I always, I said that last episode, but like, bitch, people can actually hurt you. But I think when it comes to fear, I would just say it's a little bit boring, but heights. Heights. Heights.
Yeah, you are afraid of heights. Yeah, I'm not a height girly. Like, Miss K always want to jump off a fucking plane. I've been convincing him to go. And it's just... He's jumping with me and he's like, no. And it's gonna be a no every single time, girl. I don't know why. I'm like, girl, I should not be risking my life to fucking have fun.
Even bungee jumping I'm like No Sounds so fun though I do I do think I'll do it one day But just right now now What is your biggest fear Princess? Slush What are you most scared of? The ocean
What about the ocean? Like the fact that it's so big or the fact that only 5% of it has been discovered? Both. Both of them, honestly. Or the sea creatures. The sea creatures. Oh my God. I've been on my TikTok and they've just been showing me these different sea creatures. But as a dugang, how…
But as a dugang, like, how are you scared of your own environment? Bitch. That was her name for like a long time. Wow. Who needed that name? Like, I would literally ignore anybody that says it. Why did we call you a dugang? I think mom. Dugang. My. Oh my.
Was it a mom that gave you that nickname? I feel like my mom gave you that nickname for sure. Ever since the Little Mermaid thingy? Yeah, Choco. That's so bad. Why would you name your own daughter that? Dugang. If you guys don't know what dugang is... It's like a manatee. Yeah, it's a manatee.
And that was Princess's nickname as a child. Oh my god. Once when I asked my mom, I was like, what is dugong? Man, it's here, girl. It's like those fat dolphins. Yeah, but it looks like the ones, dugong, they look like they bite, bitch. No, they don't. They're very friendly. Yeah, I know, but they look like they bite. They're scary looking. Did you ever actually search it up? Yeah, they're like the elephants of the sea. I would say they're like the hippos of the
That's crazy. Hipho is crazy. Well, have you seen Mudang? Do you know Mudang, princess? Who? Mudang. Girl, that's your little sister. There's Dugang and Mudang. Bitch, both of y'all was named bakla. Okay. I was bading. Don't play with it. Bading.
They call us who we were. But Colin was Ulu. Exactly. They called us for what we were. Yeah. Exactly. What did I have to do with the Dugas? I don't understand. My favorite read ever was on Bob the Drag Queen where she's like, maybe sometimes what you eat is really true because princess, you're everything.
That was, oh wow. I'm kidding. Everything. Princess, you're everything. I'm kidding. Princess, do you have any Halloween questions for us? Wait, Kiefer, you didn't answer. Oh. Oh yeah. I am scared of Michael Myers. Oh. Yes. Michael Myers.
Because when we were younger, like maybe middle school, we went trick-or-treating with me and my friends. And then there was this Michael Myers person that was standing in the middle of the road, just like looking at us.
And then a car shows up. I don't know where his music, you know, that... And then he started running towards us. And we had... There was nowhere else to go but run. So we ran for like a good 30 minutes. I remember he telling me this story. And he was still running after us. And I was like, oh my God, I'm never doing this again. Fuck this shit. Oh my God. And ever since then, I was like scared of him. Period. Wow. Speaking of...
What is your favorite Halloween memory? I think my favorite memory was when we had like a little thing going on for like, I think three years where we would meet all meet up in that pink house and we go trick-or-treating with everybody. Oh, yeah. And I think that was like one of the best ones. And we would like raise whoever has the most candies wins. I think that's and that's the first time I've ever. I think just like, oh.
No, that's the first time I ever told Emerald to call me Miss D. Yeah. Now it's a segment on my podcast, girl. I love it. Yeah, I would say the same thing as Miss K's. Just trick-or-treating as a kid. Yeah. Because nowadays, if we went trick-or-treating, they'd be like, bitch…
Come around. Yeah. And then I think like when you reach high school, like, and you're trick-or-treating, the fun of it kind of like is gone. And then also just like all those older people who are giving out candies are always like, oh, you're too old to be doing this. It's just like reminding you that you're old. And I'm just like, oh, girl.
So I would say just like the good old memories of getting our pillowcases and going trick-or-treating around Ewa Beach. And like we would practice how to say trick-or-treating because we didn't know what it was. Yeah. It was a happy Halloween. That was a culture shock too. Especially my first Halloween. Because you guys had already had Halloweens. And I remember just like it was a nervous thing. Like going out to be with Halloweens. I was nervous. But then obviously over time it's like whatever. But yeah. Yeah.
That's so weird that like we celebrate Halloween so differently compared to in the Philippines. Yeah. Which might be... This might be the perfect time to segue into what we're going to talk about. But in the Philippines...
And in Mexico too, I think it's the same kind of culture. It's Day of the Dead. November 1st. November 1st, we celebrate it. And what do you guys remember from November 1st? I know we don't go out. We are not allowed to go out of the house. Like past a certain time because all of the... My mom said all the ghosts would be like walking around, doing their own thing. Like visiting their family. I think it's like 6, right? Not witching hours, but like twilight time. Like right when the sun comes down, no one...
goes out of their house and we all put our Atang. Yes, because that's when they come and visit you. So you have to be there because they wouldn't know if you're home or not. Princess, what is Atang? It's like what you offer to the dead. Like offerings. Do you remember what we would put in our Atang, Princess? I feel like you barely celebrated. No, I didn't because I was here in America already. Oh, so you're better than us. No. So you think you're better than us.
I'm a little bit. No, I remember they would always make like a pile of rice and they put like an egg on top. That was one of the important things. Oh, we still did it in America. Just like a bunch of rice dishes, I think. I know there's like a sticky rice that they always put in there. You know what I always don't get? You know how like when we go to like the cemetery and they always have coins in the...
the the nameplate like here now i always wondered like what is it for i asked that actually yeah and then they told me like it was about like their fair to go place it yeah
especially for grandpa yeah yeah that's why we always had to put like coins and on on grandpa's grave because oh we're always like yeah yeah and it's always so cool seeing his grave again after putting the coins because it literally looks like they're grabbing it yeah because oh yeah you guys don't know every time we go visit our grandpa's grave we put coins on top of yeah and then every time we come back it
The coin looks like It's going inside the grave And we always think Our grandpa's Taking it to Save up for a flight To the Philippines I thought that was really cool Yeah Alright Wait I didn't share My favorite memory Oh Okay period Hit me princess What is your favorite Halloween Well my favorite Was when I had Cleo
Because I had her Halloween. Period. Ooh, that was a bloody Halloween for you. It was. It was scary. It was really scary for me because I'm like, oh my god, I'm 16. Were we there at the hospital that time? No, but Remi came to visit me. I came after. Yeah. Okay. No, because there's that one time that
That we all stayed in like a cafeteria because you were giving birth. That's Jorley's birth. Yeah, sorry. That's Jorley's birth. Was it? I wasn't there. And Azen was there, right? I don't know. That's Jorley's birth. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Wrong memory, Kiefer. Yeah. Alright, so since Miss K wasn't here last episode, also...
Just reading the comments from the last episode, Miske and Princess don't got beef. Oh my god, what? I'm oompa. Because they skipped, we had to skip the Miske, the Kiefer name. Oh no, no, no. I wasn't talking about Kiefer like that. Yeah, it was for legal reasons that we had to take it out. If anything is ever removed, it's for
legal reasons. It's not because they're beefy. And Miss K wasn't here last episode because she has things to do, bitch. And Miss Princess probably won't be here in a lot of episodes because this bitch is giving birth soon. Yeah, I am. So I really don't need y'all to conspire in the comments. Family dramas because honestly, my family is dramatic enough to a point where I...
We don't mind letting y'all know if we have something going on. I'm like, y'all really think we're dramatic? I'm like, you should see our parents, our other cousins, bitch. Like,
We're the three that gets along. Literally, literally, literally, girl. Like, let's not put it out there. Everyone, like, I'm just glad that I have a sister and a cousin that is willing to do shit like this with me on a Monday morning. Yeah, I know. So, like, kudos to that. Like, I'm telling y'all, there's no... Girl, this is just so fun for us to do. It's not as dramatic as everyone makes it seem like. Okay, it's...
We're literally dressed as Willy Wonka bitch. But if we do have beef. That is between me and Princess. I don't know why y'all. Where do y'all come in on that? I'm like I see Princess every day. No it's like. It's like when people talk about me and Brett. Like when we don't do more like YouTube videos. They're always like. Oh they're beefing. Oh they're fighting. I'm like which. Sometimes there is some truth to that. But I'm like.
And what does that have to do with you? It's nothing we can't resolve So since Miss K wasn't here for the last time meeting
And like we said and mentioned in the beginning of the episode, Miss K's mom has a lot of spooky-ooky stories. So I think I kind of want to start with your uncle. First of all, it's just a wild-ass fucking story. It is. This all happened in the provinces, in the Philippines. Yeah. And I'm going to let Miss K tell the story of uncle. No, it's because I think I honestly feel like my family, like my mom's side of the family is very...
In the witch kind of like places where like they a lot of like supernatural things happen to them. This is like one of them because like one time my uncle was just like walking. I guess he found out he someone was telling him about like an anting-anting which is like what is an anting-anting? Anting-anting is like a...
No, it's like a relic. Like a family charm. Like a... That gives you like some... An heirloom. Yeah. Okay, so one day they were talking about it and he found out that if you bite a newborn baby's finger, like pinky, like as soon as they birth it. Because like babies don't really have...
in the world. They're very pure. They haven't done anything. So he went to go to a, he went to go dig up a grave. And then when he was walking home and he like saw like a dead baby that's like unborn, basically. So he bit off the pinky. And as soon as he bit the pinky, he started getting like mysterious, like,
Spiritual powers. Spiritual powers and like things that would like try to attack him. Like a, what is that called? Like where you have to go through like a passageway to like
finish the like a race or something like trials yeah like trials almost so he basically had to like defend himself and like in this trials where like he felt like he was going around in circles like every time he would like try to leave somewhere he would end up in the same place yeah so basically he went to this trial and he beat it
He beat it and he was like one of the most powerful witches in like our place because like that one of those things are like, I guess what considers like very rare.
And like very sort upon on like what he had. So he basically had that. And then basically he had to battle like aswangs, like cows, like deadly cows, like just trying to kill him everywhere. And then throughout the years he would have it. And then there's this one time he saw that his crops were missing. He was a farmer.
his crops were missing and that he told the Anting Anting to be like, hey, can you do me a favor? Because all my crops are like going missing. Can you guard this crop place? And whoever comes and like takes it, don't let them leave. A guy comes and
And then he basically tried to get the crops because he was like this poor guy that didn't have money. So he was like grabbing their crops and he literally couldn't move anywhere until my uncle got back to his house. And he was like just laying there waiting for someone to come and help him. And he was like, oh, so you're the one that's stealing my crops. And he was like, oh, yeah, I'm so sorry. Like, I just need food for some my family and stuff. And he was like, all you have to do is ask me. And then he told the auntie and auntie, hey.
hey you can let this guy go and then he got up and laughed yeah no he did he gave him food and everything and then prior to that he kind of like disappeared from our family and then he came back into the philip like back to our province looking for like his family and then it turns out that the bus driver that was driving was his nephew
And he was like, oh my god, you're my uncle. I thought you were dead. He was like, no, I'm not. He's been living up in like a mountain. That was a crazy story. Girl. I never heard of this story before. Really? No, I've never. But I know that your mom has crazy stories. It's true. And then, yeah. And then there's this one time, my uncle...
I forgot his name. Wait, Kiefer, so I don't want to lose my train of thought. But remember in ABS-CBN, they would always have like once upon a time story. Yes, yes. And there was an episode where this guy kept going around in circles and was trying to reach a place, but he kept going around in circles. And it's like a phenomenon or slash superstition in the Philippines where if you are stuck in a loop,
Basically, you turn your shirt inside out. And then I wonder, so when you were telling that story, I wonder if your uncle like figured out to turn his shirt inside out. Yeah, he said he had to like battle like a bunch of like different like supernatural beings because that's what they wanted because they wanted the power.
And like he battled like aswangs, like the half ladies. We should do a Filipino folklore story next episode. But this one, we'll keep it at like our family folklores. And the next one, we should dress as like different aswangs.
We'll see. Princess is busy that day. She's already looking at me like, I think I'm busy that day. One more. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think this is like such a crazy like story because like I didn't believe my mom when she was telling me, but she was actually there. I haven't heard this one yet. When it happened. So my uncle, he's like, he's like a powerful witch too. I don't know how he got. Who is he to your mom? He's like my mom's uncle. So like they're, I think cousins. So you're great uncle? My, my,
Yeah. So I think my great grandpa is their brothers with their great grandpa. Okay. So basically, there was this guy. He's a Florida man, driver. Florida? Yeah. He's still living now. But basically, what's kulam in English? Hex. Hex. So he came to my family, to my mom, because I guess my mom knows a lot of people like that can tell.
He got there and then he was like, wasn't feeling good. He was like very sickly. So he had to lay down on the bed. And then my mom was like, my mom called my uncle. He was like, hey, uncle, can you come see this guy? Because he's not feeling well. And he looks...
pale and there's something wrong with him but he doesn't know what's wrong with him how old was your mom here? he's like probably like in her 30s okay sorry I'm just I'm like putting myself in there you're good and then he he went to the doctors nobody knew what was wrong with him so my uncle came and he was like laying like this right like right side up like how you sleep yeah
And then when my uncle went into the room, he didn't see that guy laying like that. He saw him upside down and like pale as fuck, like dying. And he was like, oh. Upside down floating or upside down? Like upside down, like the other way. Yeah. What did he say? Oh my God. He was like, oh my God, this guy is about to die. He has like at least two weeks to live if we don't do anything about it. And basically he reversed it. And then guess who, who cool him him.
their family their family his own family yes because he they wanted his fortune and like he had all the money like all his like family stuff was going to him and they kind of got jealous so they cool him him and he was like we need to if you want we can bring that this this cool I'm back that they did to you to them or we could just look reverse and like forget about it and he's like yeah I think we're just gonna have to like take it out and like
don't do anything because they didn't know that he found out that he was getting gulam like he's like literally upside down like sick as fuck and then after that after they did something to him he kind of like felt better and he still lives right now the guy that my uncle oh my god I feel like my head is getting tight oh you can't breathe like oh my god do you want to take a five do you want to take a second princess no it's just getting a little hot it's just me
No, you're just basically invited for your reactions. No, yeah. It's honestly true. And like, there's this one time where we went as a kid. Tell another story. No, because I've experienced it. Miss K is the queen of this shit, bitch. Miss K, wait, you also forgot to preface that you literally live right next to the cemetery. Yeah, like literally five minutes walking distance away from the cemetery. If you go outside my house on the road, you could see it. Yeah, because you don't have neighbors. Literally the next...
How is the cemetery from Miss K? So it's like my house, a grass field of like trees and tall grass and then cemetery. You don't remember going to Miss K? Oh no, you don't really have memories. No, I do remember. They used to live behind like a beach, yeah. Yeah, the beach and then the cemetery. I remember going. Yeah.
Mine is a quick little story just so Miss K can catch her breath. But it has to involve Miss K again. Miss K used to live with us in our old house in Ewa Beach with her brother, sister, and dad. And you guys were moving into a new place just in Ewa. So Ewa and Ewa Beach are separated by the train tracks. Just if you don't know. Allegedly. So Miss K was moving to the next town over and we were kids. You were 6th grade. That means I was 5th grade. Am I getting that right?
No, you're correct. Or were you fifth grade and I was fourth? I was sixth grade. Okay. Yeah. So Miss K was sixth grade. I was fifth grade. So I was still very much young. I just before this, I really only had one other paranormal experiences. So when I told you guys about my brother and I seeing a headless person. Yeah. At the same age.
But because I was, it just said I was always helping or, you know, just always around Miss K. And like, because I was always around them, I was, I ended up helping them move out of their room at the time into a new house. And where they were moving to, an older gentleman used to live there with his wife, uncle and his wife. I never met uncle prior to me helping them move out. I knew nothing about him. I just knew I was helping them. And I was a fifth grade, like, girl, I don't, I didn't know much.
Basically, what happened was I asked Miss K's mom, oh, auntie, where does this go? And she said, oh, our room. So I take a box to auntie's room to help them move and I put it in there. And there's a lady sitting down at the dresser, the dresser that was already still there. I think it was you guys. Yeah. It wasn't you guys? No, it was the lady's dresser. That just gave me shivers, Kiefer. Yeah.
It was her dresser. So at the dresser, so obviously dressers have a mirror. And there's a lady that was looking at me through the mirror. Mind you, she wasn't just in the mirror. She was sitting there. But she was looking at me through the mirror. And she smiles at me. She does nothing. I put the bag down. She smiles at me and she does like a little like thank you. Like a little like that. Yeah.
So I was just like, oh, and then uncle was also around helping us too. So I just thought like, oh, they're just around like helping. So I go back outside and I go, oh my gosh, auntie, the lady inside says thank you. And I just kind of went about it. And then I think auntie caught herself. And then she was like, what auntie? What auntie? And then she was like, check it out. And basically she was like, I'm the only auntie here. Yeah. Who did you see?
And then... Stop! Yeah, princess. So then your mom grabs me and she brings me to uncle. And then she makes me repeat the story. She's like, tell him what you saw. And I tell him the story again. I was like, oh yeah, a lady inside says, thank you. And then she's like, there was no other lady inside. And uncle pulls out...
a picture of her like a portrait and he's like was this the lady and then i was like yeah she's right there inside i she i was not in their house anymore i was i was really just pointing like oh she's yeah she's inside that was her and then that's when i found out that she died a couple like five years a couple months after that a couple months after yeah before that before that before that and then she was yeah basically he was like yeah she passed away a couple months ago
And I saw, I literally, yo, I cannot, I cannot make this shit up. And I was a child, like, literally, she smiled at me, like, and I still see it in my head to this day, girl, like, oh. But yeah, I never saw her again, I promise. But you do see some paranormal things. I do, but that was the clearest, like, figure I have ever seen, like, ever since ever. Because she saw the woman. Did you tell them about the woman that you saw over here? No, I'm scared to sell that story. No!
No one will come over again. Maybe I will save it for the last episode of the... By yourself. By myself. Because it was so convenient of like what happened down the road and you saw that. Shut up! Oh my gosh. I will save the most recent Spooky Uki story for the last October season.
But anyways, that was my story of seeing... You spit sweating. Show your sweat. Okay. All right, Miss K. I told you another story. Tell us another story. Why am I in here? Just for your vibes and reaction. No, I know. Because...
Okay, period. Okay, so this story happened when I was in the Philippines. My dad just came home from Hawaii. We were just having the good old time and like... So you're young then. Yeah, we were, yeah, maybe third grade. I think this is when we were coming up here, right? And he came here. Yeah. So, yeah, so we were getting ready for a party that day because they were throwing like a welcome party for my dad.
And basically, he... Someone stole his wallet. Someone stole his wallet. I don't know where he... He probably... He said he thought he dropped it, but he didn't. He... Someone took it and we wanted to know who it was. How have I never heard this story? I don't know why. Okay, go. But I was like there. And then basically, my mom...
No, someone. Yeah, my mom is like, I feel like we're part witch sometimes because of my mom. But my mom had like an idea of where like we could find it. So we basically drove into like maybe like a 30 minute drive into like this middle of rice field and like trees everywhere, middle of nowhere.
We literally went off-roading into like those pitak, like muddy roads. And we just got there. It was like this house in the middle of nowhere. And then we got greeted by a mom, a dad, no, a mom and a daughter. And they were like, hey, how are you guys? And I'm like, we're good. And they're like, oh, we, they're like, what are you guys doing here? And then my mom was like, we wanted to see if you guys can help us on who took the, my husband's wallet. Wallet.
And we're like, okay, we can see what we can do. And then we basically went inside. And then they started performing their stuff. And then her daughter lies down on the mat like a... I don't know. Banig. Banig. Yeah. Like a woven mat. Yes. She lies down on this mat. And then the mom started...
lighting all the candles around her and we're like, what is she doing? She was like, well, basically my daughter can bring a spirit in towards her body. We just need to call out who we need to call out to see if like who we can find. And then she basically, her dad shows up. Yes. Okay. And then she, he was like, she was like not herself. She had a deep voice and
Very like out of it. Kiefer. Yes. I was literally right next to them. Like while this is happening. Why have you never told me this? I don't know. You know I love shit like this. No. Yeah. So basically we were they started doing their prayers and then this spirit comes to her daughter and then. Is the spirit here with us right now? Bitch.
I'm about to walk out, bitch. The light turns off. No, because why were the fucking candles prickling? Anyway, sorry. No, it wasn't. It was not. Now I'm going to stare at it. It's melting too fast. I'm kidding. Okay, I'm so sorry, girl. No, you're good. So basically, we sat there and then they started asking the girl a question. But it wasn't the girl. It was like totally a guy. And she was basically like, honestly, you guys don't need that wallet. More things are going to come to you guys.
Just be patient and do what you keep doing and just basically like be kind. That's all. But the crazy- It was like she was like kind of like- The way she was like- I was like, oh my gosh. She was old. What is it called?
She was very cold. Really? Yes. And she was just there like laying down like this while talking to us. Was her eyes rolled back? Yeah. She was like this. Was she speaking in Ilocano? Yeah. She was. No. Basically like that. That's crazy. Yeah. And then we kind of like they asked for like a little offering. And then after that, we'd never see them again ever again.
And you never saw the wallet ever again? No, never. How the hell did uncle come home? Oh, because his shit wasn't in there. Yeah, yeah. He had like the passport and stuff. Did he lose a lot of money? I don't know. Just probably like pesos. Yeah, yeah. But that was the crazy thing. It's just like seeing that in person and like her lighting the candles. And I was like, oh my God, this is about to be real. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Did they ever do like the bowl of water and the candles? And then they put the candle. Yeah, they did it in front of her.
That is so scary guys. I cannot. I have my own story about like... Can you tell us one? We all shared one. I can't. I get like really bad anxiety. Yo, Princess. After our first episode that we filmed last week, Princess kept texting me about how she swore she kept thinking about the stories, girl. I was. I really was. Like I was dreaming about it like every like day. Okay, girl. No, I'm serious. Like each story, like I felt like I was thinking about it.
I rebuke anything that is not in the name of Jesus. So, yeah. You should be an angel next episode. Yeah, I am. I'm not going to be here for the next episode. That's so scary. We do not claim any energy from this video. Yeah, we don't. Good vibes energy only. Good vibes energy. Alright. Let there be light. Please, let it be light, please. On the third day.
We rose. We rose. Girl, it's so hot. All right, you guys. The spooky ookiness is done. Did y'all have fun this episode? I did. I did. It was very cute. Oh, one more thing. I honestly feel like our family is like very...
Into like the spiritual things. Yeah. Things just happen to us. Remember that video? I feel like we'll end it in that video. Remember when we thought we caught
on tape, on camera. When? At our childhood home. Yes. And then she came on the camera. Yes. And then Donna posted it. I saw that video. Yes, the white orb. No, but it's not her. No. I think it's grandpa. We thought it was grandma because it was right around the time she died and it was on the 11th day. So we thought it was her visiting. Oh no, I thought it was because of like the old people that used to live over there. And
And died too. Well, girl, I hope so. You people died in our old fucking house. I know. It's so scary. Wait, are you talking about the video of like... It was like pitch dark. And then there's like this light that goes into the... A figure that walks into the house. That's why I'd be so scared going over there. Yeah. We will clip it on the ending of this video. No, but because when I was younger, whenever...
And this is the reason why... No, like, I'm serious, guys. This is the reason why I never, like... It's not that I never took a shower, but it's because, like... Okay. No, princess. No, no. Just believe me when I say this. Like, I always felt, like, an energy inside that bathroom. And so, like, that's why I always...
Took a shower outside No I'm serious like Please take me serious Princess I'm literally saying No you're not You're like Like sure Like that Sounds like that I'm giving very much Okay you didn't shower Because you were scared
I was there bitch okay period because I had like I felt like there was a lot of energy in the in every single time my mom was always like go shower and I'm like I'm scared like I always tell her that I'm princess you're not the only child that literally every time I feel like I had my eyes closed if I'm facing the fucking I'm sure everyone in the comments will be like girl that's me too but like
No, Brett. It's not like that. And then when I saw that video, I was like, see, that's the reason why. Because I always felt energy in that house. True. I will say there was this one time. You remember when we used to sleep with grandma? Oh my God, yes. It was me, you, mom in one room at JR. And grandma had her own bed. We had our own bed. Yeah. And I swear to God, bitch. You know how grandma would always leave her...
TV open at night and like have it playing with no sound bitch I remember just being up and staring into like the abyss and like grandpa standing right over grandma's bed like right at the head of it
Like a fake. Literally, bitch. She's like, I'm not listening. Princess, so you want us to listen to you fucking not showering and I can't fucking talk about seeing grandma, grandpa. It's just too scary. Okay. Well, that leads me to the next part of the show where we talk about our product of the week.
Who wants to start? Miss K, what is your product of the week? Also, thank you guys so much for all the love of product of the week. I know. Sorry if we're breaking your wallet and making you guys buy a new thing every week. But it's so fun. I love what... I actually love seeing what you guys are going to bring too. Really? We bought those bars to cleaners because of you, princess. Oh!
What Barstool cleaners? She brought like a cleaner for like her things and we ordered it. Really? Yeah. You clearly don't watch our episodes. It didn't come out yet. Period. Okay, Miss Kaylee. What is your product of the week? My favorite product of the week is this brand called Bossia. It's a pretty... It's Boscia. Oh.
Boscia is their purifying cleansing gel. I really like it. It picks up my makeup and like it just gives me like the soft feeling. Is it an oil or is it a foam foaming cleanser or? It's not. It's like a oil-based, right? No, it's not. It's a gel. Oh, okay. Period. So when you wash your face, does it foam up? Yeah, it does. Oh, cute. It does. And I go over like an oil cleanser after.
You should do the oil cleanser first. And then that. Yeah. No, because I like going with this so it takes out like most of it and then the oil takes out the rest. No, girl. No, that's not how it works. That's not how it works, Kiefer. Double cleansing is oil and then gel.
Okay. I'm sorry. Try it with this orange. Okay. Okay. I will. I will. Okay. I'm dead. I thought it didn't matter. No, because it does matter because when you take out the oil, you...
It's hard to remove oil from your skin. So sometimes you leave oil in your skin. So that's why people will go in with the gel cleanser after. Because, yeah. Oh, okay. Well, thank you. You learned a thing or two. Princess, what is your product of the week? Okay, my product of the week. We are supporting local businesses out here. She is from, I think, Maui. And this is… Hangom. Yeah.
That's her brand. Hang'em Hawaii. Hang'em Hawaii. Basically, it's like customized air fresheners. You get to choose like the scent and also like you can send over like a pitcher. This one is you and Tony. No, that's me and Tony. And then this is me and the kids. And then... Spider-Man. Ezekiel's birthday. Oh.
That's kind of That's such a cool business I might have to get some Yes you should It's really good This is one of my favorite photos Of your family Oh thank you Oh that would be so cool Please support some local business y'all Yes Speaking of Smaller local business They're not local in Hawaii But like They're a smaller brand I've been loving Boba Tea Protein Oh I've heard of them before Yes It's an Asian owned brand I believe the CEO Is named Is Eric
And he's really cool. By the way, this is not sponsored. I buy these all my motherfucking stuff. Don't even try it. But they have like this rabbit candy one. The ube one is really, really good. I can see you're almost out of it. Do they taste like protein? The Vietnamese coffee one, I can't be doing too much. Because I do have coffee in the morning and then I get this. And this has caffeine in it. I also like the matcha one. They have a lot of flavors. Ooh, I want to try that.
And then the classic milk tea And what I like about them Is that they're all dairy free And you know us Asians girl Does it taste like protein? It does not taste like protein But it tastes like the boba drink That it says Really? Girl It's bomb It's bomb
So yeah, if you guys are looking for a new protein shake to try that is, and you want to support a smaller business, try out the Boba Tea Proteins. I might. Send me the link. Yes. Please. Period. Well, here goes another episode of the Baddest Radio Podcast.
Friday the 15th slash the 13th episode. I can't believe we're already here. Make sure you guys follow us in all of our social media. Miss K, where can they find you? You can find me at M-I-S-K-A-A-A-Y on all the platforms. Miss K. And Princess? You can follow me on all my socials, Real Princess May, on all my socials, like I just said. And
And then also follow me on my Amazon storefront though. Real princess. What do you do at the Amazon storefront? Oh, like basically, like you just get like these
Amazon products. You should name it Princess May's Sorry Sorry Store. Cute. All right, you guys. You already know what's up. Everything is at Bretman Rock. And if you guys are watching this, make sure you guys follow all of the Baddest Radio pages on TikTok, on Instagram, and here on YouTube. Make sure you guys rate it a good rate. Five thumbs up.
Thumbs up period. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about anymore. I love you guys. And I will see you guys on next week's episode. Bye everybody. Love you guys. Thanks for watching. What is our costumes next week? Oh my gosh. Find out. Find out who will be here. See you guys then. Bye. Bye. Aloha.
Bye, beach. I'll see you next Thursday. Yeah. Don't forget to follow, rate, and like. You can follow me at BretmanRock on everything and follow the podcast at The Baddest Radio on all social media. Bye, beach. Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.