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Interviewing My Biggest Bully

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Miss K
Bretman: 本期节目邀请了我的表妹Miss K,我们分享了从菲律宾到夏威夷的成长经历以及一起工作的点滴。我们聊到了个人故事、文化差异以及在美国重新开始生活的挑战。Miss K 多才多艺,做过很多工作,现在是一名咖啡师。她喜欢这份工作,因为可以和同事相处,体验工作中的小乐趣。我因为照顾生病的父亲而感到疲惫,也经历了爆胎和特斯拉轮胎爆胎的事件。 我们还聊到了在菲律宾的童年回忆,包括在海边和墓地附近的生活,以及一起寻找鸟巢和喂养毛毛虫的经历。Miss K 还分享了她小时候和表姐妹组成的舞蹈队,以及我们第一次见面时我欺负她让她哭了的往事。 在菲律宾,我们过着简单的生活,无忧无虑,可以尽情玩耍。我们还回忆了表姐哺乳猴子的经历,以及我们对美国孩子不会玩传统游戏的看法。 我们还讨论了LGBTQ+话题,包括我们对跨性别和同性恋的理解,以及Miss K 两年前开始进行激素疗法,并选择使用Miss K作为艺名的经历。我们还分享了彼此在工作中的合作经历,以及旅行中的趣事,包括在瑞典、凡尔赛宫和纽约的经历。Miss K 还分享了她与新男友Kiefer的相遇经过,以及他们之间轻松愉快的相处模式。 最后,我们分享了各自喜欢的产品,Miss K 喜欢Tarte Shape Tape粉底液,而我喜欢Surat睫毛夹。 Miss K: 我和Bretman是表兄妹,在美国一起长大,但在菲律宾的成长经历却大相径庭。在菲律宾,我住在海边,Bretman住在山区,所以我们小时候并没有经常见面。不过,我们一起度过的时光都非常美好,例如一起寻找鸟巢、喂养毛毛虫等等。 我小时候和表姐妹们组成了一个舞蹈队,经常参加节日表演。Bretman小时候曾欺负我,让我哭着去找妈妈。搬到美国后,我曾经说过Bretman不会说英语,这反而激励了他学习英语。 我怀念菲律宾简单的生活方式,以及和邻居、表亲们一起玩耍的时光。美国的孩子们相比之下显得比较无聊,他们不会玩我们小时候玩的游戏。 我直到成年后才意识到自己是跨性别者,并且两年前开始进行激素疗法。Bretman是我第一个倾诉的对象,她非常理解我。我们还讨论了对LGBTQ+的理解,以及家庭对这些话题的看法。 在工作方面,我很感激Bretman给我提供了很多旅行机会,虽然有时会感到疲惫,但这些经历都非常难忘。我和Bretman的相处模式很默契,我们之间无需多言就能互相理解。 我最近结识了一个新男友Kiefer,我们是在酒吧认识的,他非常开朗,我们有很多共同话题,相处起来非常轻松愉快。

Deep Dive

Miss K discusses her busy week with work, her job as a barista, and the drama she enjoys at her workplace.

Shownotes Transcript


The following podcast is a Dear Media production. Good morning, guys. Today, as you can see, I'm dressed like the Cheetah Girls is giving Amigas, Cheetahs, Friends for Life. And as the title suggests, we have an actual Amigas, Cheetahs, Friends for Life here today with us. Cue in the intro. Bratman to Earth, Earth to Bratman. Girl, you already know who it is.

Period. We have the original Miss K. Hi everybody. The most awaited, the most period. We got Miss K here today. Thank you so much. Oh my gosh. As you can see, we have our juicy outfits on. I have my juicy tracksuit and she just has a juicy shirt with some juicy titties.

Duh. Miss K, you really want to be sitting like that the whole episode, bitch? No, I don't know how to sit. Okay, let's be ladies, Miss K, because I can see up your skirt from here. It's a skirt, so they have nothing to see. My set is a little snug. It is. It's so cute. We're kind of giving Lava Girl and Shark Girl today. Yeah.

Wait. We really... I just... It just clicked in my head. I was like... Lava girl and shark girl. Like, literally. Lava girl and shark girl. We love the red. Yes. Miss K, what have you been up to this whole week, girl? Honestly, work. Work.

I've been trying to keep myself busy with work. What do you do nowadays? Oh my god, what don't I do? Literally. Dude, I try to do everything as I can because I'm like one of those people where like I like to know things. She's a woman of many hats. Many, yeah, many things. Yeah. But no, I'm currently at Barista Green World. So if you guys know that place, come visit me. If you guys don't know...

That's fine. What has your favorite thing about being a barista lately? Honestly, the people. Because I keep telling this to everybody. I have never worked with people in so long. And to have like to work with people again, it's like amazing. And it's just like, I don't know what I don't know if I should be telling this because I live for the drama. Yeah.

I live for the drama at work, especially when you're not involved. So I'm like, wow, this is keeping me entertained. A little work drama. Yes. Period. Just some petty dramas, but not like huge ones. I would love to see what a world of being a barista in Miss K's world look like. You should do a...

Like a little vlog one day. A day in my life. Literally, you should do a TikTok. No, I... Okay, I will. Just because Brett said, I will. Yeah. I also have been in my barista era lately. I got a Brevo machine for my birthday. What is that? And I know I gave you guys my old Brevo machine in your house. Yeah. Yeah, Miss K lives with my assistant now and a couple of my friends. Yes. Like little...

What is that called? Like a sleep over every night. Yeah. Have you been using my espresso machine? Have you been teaching the girls how to use the espresso machine? I would love to use your espresso machine, but it's not working properly. It's not? It's really not. What is that called? The fizzy part? I don't know what's wrong with it, but every time I click the double espresso, it starts to do the... What is that thing called? The one where the sizzle part?

The nozzle where you steam your milk. Oh, yeah. It just turns on by itself. And I'm like, what is happening? Well, I'll come over and teach you how to use it. No, I used it this morning. Apparently, the barista herself doesn't know how to use an espresso machine. First of all, I don't measure the, what is that called? The coffee beans, like how much they need to pour. I'd never done that.

Okay, that's fair. Yeah. So, I mean, it works. I used it this morning. I made myself some espresso, a latte, actually, because I know how to make a latte now. Okay, girl. You guys, I did not know what a cappuccino or a latte mean. I thought they were just the same thing, but it's not. Mm-hmm.

I also just figured out what an Americano is. Yeah. And it's just like a black coffee. No, it's espresso with water. Well, yeah, black coffee. Oh, yeah, basically. Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Wait, bitch, ask me how my week has been. Okay, how has your week been, Miss Brady? Thank you so much for asking. I actually thought you weren't going to ask. Bitch, if I seem a little bit low energy today, it's because a bitch had been recovering.

Oh yeah. I've been sick all fucking week. I spent last week taking care of my sick old man. And he got me sick. So I spent the weekend being sick. So if my energy's a little low, y'all, it's just because she's in recovery mode. But

I'm kicking it. I feel like finally today I'm back to myself. I've been like yesterday, I've been going in and out of like my little migraines. Yeah. But I did my whole full workout today and I was fine. And I was fine until I came home and ate. It's usually, I feel like it comes in when I'm relaxed.

When you're not doing anything. Because I noticed that too at the weekend that when I laid down for too long, that's when my migraines would come in. And so I made sure my mans and I was like up and at it this whole fucking week, bitch. I was like, we cannot stay home, bitch. Don't worry. I wasn't around like spreading my sickness everywhere. I was like, girl, drive me around. Like I cannot. If I stay home, I'm just going to get more headaches. So, but I will say I am better now. You are.

Because I know you also had a... I had like a little sickness. But no, that was an excuse to get off work. Truly. Does your work know that you're... Wait, I feel like an excuse would have just been the fact that you had the flat tire this weekend. No, oh my God. Yes, that was an eventful...

night for me as well. Tell me how that was because I got a call. I'll tell you guys what Miss K called me about. No, because, okay, so I was driving to Ala Moana to meet up with my sister because Peyton, my niece, and my sister was there and they were like, you want to come eat? And I was like, You were all the way in Ala Moana, bitch? No, I was in Kalihi. You know the cutoff in like the vineyard area? Yes. Yes. So I got a notification in my car saying like, oh, your tire pressure is going down. And I was like, okay, what the fuck does that mean?

And then I look at the tire pressure. I'm pretty sure it means what it meant. No, I know. But I'm like, girl, what does that mean? I've never had that before. So I looked on my, you know, those settings on your car.

Yes. Yeah, so I was looking at it and it was on 27 while the other wheels were at 37. So I was like, okay, so... Who was in your car? Like, was Jorley and Peyton in your car? No, it wasn't. I was with one of my friends. Jorley and Peyton, if you guys don't know, is Miss K's sister and little niece. Yes, my blood sister. Actually, sad, but... Not sad. I'm just kidding. No, but... So I noticed it going down. So it went from 27...

And I was like looking at it and I looked down like 10 seconds later, it went down to 22. And I was like, okay, wait, there's something going on. And then the next thing you know, it went down to 16. And thank God, like I was right next to the exit. Because if I... If you were at the freeway, bitch. Yes. And that freeway had no like, you know that...

Car where people can park. It didn't have any of that. So thank God. And then I was just like, okay, whatever. I pulled over at the gas station. And I went out and my flat was tight. Your flat was tight? Yeah. Serious. My flat was not tight. No, my tire was flat.

Period. Well, and then I get a call from Miss K being like, can I use your Jeep? But my Jeep, I just had it wrapped and the wrap came out. And so she was in the shop and I wasn't going to get it until probably, I think the next day. Correction, our Jeep, because I know he's going to give that to me later in life. I feel like I would rather get you your own Jeep because that Jeep,

And her memory. No, I know. I don't think I could give you the memories. No, everyone keeps telling me that. He's like, you're wishing that he's going to give you that Jeep. I'm like, he is. I feel like if I did get you a Jeep, it would be a Jeep that I... Why would I give you a used Jeep? Like, girl. Especially a used Jeep. No. With all those...

not even only his memories some of his friends memories some of my friends memories in there girl like i can't and that's like the i even said even telling my boyfriend this i was like my jeep is like my forever car and that's why my tesla she's a lease also let me talk about my tesla fucking tire exploding because oh my god yeah a year ago at least miss k is

I guess predicament. Like the car warned her. Yeah. That she was like... And the wheel was very much still in place. And it gave me time to like go on the road. Bitch, when I tell you, I don't think I've ever really posted this out in the universe. But...

A year ago, I was driving my Tesla Model X and literally the front right tire literally just exploded and came out completely. So I was driving in the road with three in the freeway. And that's why I was like, you're so fucking lucky that this was this was before the freeway because mine's happened in the freeway, like no exit nearby. My left tire just like popped the fuck off and popped.

And I had to literally wait for my trainer to come get me because he also had a Tesla. And we had to call Tesla to come pick me up. It was just a whole fucking thing, bitch. And...

I'm surprised that like I never like swerved or anything because I was literally in the middle of the road. No, yeah, I was going to say because like how did you get like to the side of the road when your tire was already on the side of the road? Because I have God on my side. Oh, okay. God is on my side, girl. Nationwide is on my side. She said lean on the other side. Yeah, very much that. With that being said, we do have a couple of things that we want to talk about. So cue in the translation music. Music.

Hi, I'm Caroline Stanbury, star of The Real Housewives of Dubai, entrepreneur, wife and mother of three. Once divorced and now remarried to a much younger man, uncut and uncensored with Caroline Stanbury follows me as I live my life unapologetically and shows you that there is life after 40.

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Alright you guys, we're back. Since it's her first episode, I really wanted y'all to get to know Miss K, who she is in my life. If you guys don't already know her, Miss K is very... I know I called her my amiga, but she is literally my cousin. Literally my first cousin. My mom and her dad are brothers and sisters. Her dad is the older one? No, the middle child. Oh yeah. You see the older one. There's nine. Oh yeah. He's a thumb. And...

Bitch, that's not answering my question. Is your dad the older one or is my mom older? Oh, I think my dad is older. I'm sorry. I'm like, bitch, I didn't ask for the fucking order of birth, bitch. No, I think, yeah, my dad is older. Yeah. Yes, and my mom's the younger one. The third one, right? Yeah, the third baby. Yeah. Anyways, so yeah, Miss K's dad and my mom are brothers and sisters. And we definitely grew up in the same household when we both moved to America. However, in the Philippines is...

A different story because you live like in the bukit, bitch. By the fucking... No, you actually live by the beach in the Philippines and I live by the bukit. Yeah, I live by the beach, by a cemetery actually. In the middle of nowhere. Yeah, in the middle of nowhere. I think we're like 30 minutes away from each other. So we didn't really like hang out like a lot. Yes, but when we did, bitch, I made a day out of it. Because their house was always so...

fun there was so many fun things to do at their house my favorite fondest memory of like going over to miss k's house would probably be searching all your trees for like for bird nests and eggs and we would literally oh it's so bad yeah because no he lived in a city like in the city of where we were and i live more in like where there's nobody yeah there like we had our neighbor was probably like

five minutes away from me and like yeah and when she says city we lose you we use that word very loosely because if anybody that's actually from a city came to my city you'd be like bitch they say no city yeah it's just like you just have a market like that convenience store yeah i would say more like a town oh okay yeah yeah it's like a city so what what would you call my place the suburbs

A suburb? Yeah. Because then your next neighbor isn't like another like mile away. Like you guys are very stacked. Okay. Then yeah. Suburb. In the suburb. But like in the... Like when I tell you you're in the middle of nowhere. Like in the middle of the boomies. Yeah. Like literally. But my favorite would have to be like the wildlife in your place. Because I would always get like baby birds. Or sometimes caterpillars. Yeah. You would feed the caterpillars to the anthills. Like...

Like, I just have so many fun memories. And then I remembered also how I've always admired... Because you were always, like, the older cousin. And I hung out with your brother a lot. Yeah, yeah. And so when I was over your house, it was me and Colin. But you and your other girl cousin. Yeah, yeah. And you guys would always be dancing. Yeah. No, because we had, like... It was me and my three cousins. We had, like, a little dance group. We would always dance in, like, festivals. Mm-hmm.

For some reason, my mom loves to like volunteer me. Yeah, volunteer me to things. And I'm just like, okay, whatever. But yeah, we had that. We used to practice and dance. Yeah. And I also will remember the very first time me and Miss K have ever met was...

Brett was a bully by the way made me cry for no dang reason but you got your payback when I moved to America yeah no I did I did so the first time me and Miss K met like I said I've always hung out with Colin the most which is Miss K's brother and we were playing with Power Rangers yeah and then you tried to come and like play with my yellow and pink ones yeah which foreshadowing of you being gay but I remember literally turning to your brother and being like

Who the fuck is this? And like literally I just looked at you up and down and you went to your mom crying. And then your mom had to literally come and be like, this is your cousin. Colin's not even a cousin. Yeah, my brother didn't even say anything. And he goes, oh yeah, that's my brother. And I'm like, okay, whatever.

And then fast forward, because Miss K moved to America a couple months before. You came November. And then you came February. Yeah, you came November 27th, 2007. November 2nd of 26th. 2012? 2006. No, 2006. So Miss K came here in November 2006 and I came here February of 2007. And I remember the first fucking thing this bitch says to me.

And this is the reason why I speak better English than her today. And yes, I am saying that. I'm dual language. Because this bitch... The first thing Miss K said to me was...

You don't even speak English. And I'm like, bitch, I literally just got off the plane. I literally just got off the plane. Let a bitch breathe. But it was because of that. That made me so dedicated to learn. So sometimes bullying works. Yeah, no, it does. It does. Bullying does work. Without a consent. Yeah. What do you miss about the Philippines the most?

Honestly Because you haven't been home Oh wait no We've been home I was literally with you We've been home Okay wait wait Last year twice girl What do you miss about the Philippines the most? Like if we didn't go As a kid Honestly the simple life

The waking up every day, not waking up right next to your phone and just like thinking what you're going to do that day because it's like always an adventure. Yeah. I was always in the forest, walking around or like at the beach, just, you know. Yeah. Minding our own business. I was going to say that. I miss like just being stank. Yeah. And not giving a fuck. Like eating things off the floor. Yeah.

It was a simple life. It truly was. And I don't think I would ever trade my childhood, period. No, yeah. You know what? One thing I miss, one of the things that I literally like think about sometimes is, you know, the arus-arus and then we would just catch it and we like put it in like yarns. Tell them what an arus-arus is. Arus-arus is like a beetle.

It's like a fly beetle. And it's a seasonal thing that they come like in the summers and fall. Yeah, and you can eat... They're edible. So you can eat it if you want to be adventurous. Arus and Abel, Abel. Sound off in the comments down below if you guys are...

with arus arus and abal abal but basically we would stir fry them with like peppers and like just eat it like we're eating bugs bitch it's so good no but yeah so what we do with the yarn is like we would tie it like around their head like a little leash and then it would be like one in the middle and then one on the bottom and we would spin it

until like they spin to yeah because they're kind of like chasing each other and it becomes like this like little spinny thing yeah gosh those were the days bitch no yeah just a simple life honestly just like not knowing what to do and like playing with your neighbors

It's always a thing. Creating games that... You know? Like that only your childhood knows. Yeah. I would also say one of my fondest... Oh yeah, what about you? I guess one of my favorite things that I miss when I was home...

It's honestly just like my playmates. Yeah. Because like all my playmates were like neighbors or cousins. Yeah. Like literally. And I mean, it was kind of the same when we moved to America because we really didn't even have friends that came over. No. Yeah. It was just us in that house. I just honestly think kids, American kids are so boring. Yeah.

They don't know how to play. I'm so sorry. Like, y'all don't know... You guys don't know anything about Chinese garter. Yeah. Bahay-bahay. Like, bahay-bahay, bitch. Like, you bitches don't know how to play house-house. Yeah. Or like, what is that thing called? The stick and then you like... Shatong? Yeah. Do you know what shatong is? Yeah. Jack stones, bitch. Like, just...

Being a... Ugh. I guess Philippines just reminds me of childhood. And I miss my childhood, I guess. I think also, I was gonna say, one of my fondest memories that I forgot to say was your auntie who breastfed... My monkey. Can you talk about that? Oh my gosh. Because I literally... I always make Miss K talk about this. But there's this one time we went to the Philippines. We were like kids still, like middle school. And I met one of my cousins turned out to be a monkey because...

She came and I was like, why is there a monkey at our place? And my mom was like, oh no, that's their kid. Because I guess when she gave birth to her baby, the baby died. She's a stillborn, right? Yeah, a stillborn. And then I guess she was kind of depressed. So she didn't know what to do. And like she had like milk still. And then she found like a baby monkey that was like abandoned by the mom. And she kept it and then she breastfed it.

And like this monkey is so protected of my auntie to the point where like you can't even go close to the auntie. Yeah. Because it will literally attack you. Yes. I remembered it was always on her hip. Yeah. And we weren't allowed near it because she would always warn us about how mean her monkey baby is. Yes.

But I just remember like being so mesmerized because it was like a normal thing. Yeah, it is. And like I never realized that it wasn't normal because obviously we were kids. And so it was hard for me to like think about it. Yeah. And we've never seen monkeys like like exotic animals doesn't really like appear in our provinces. Like we had snakes. We had like other things, but not like monkeys or anything. And if they were, they were like.

far from yeah like in the mountains

Wow. Yeah. I love her. Oh, yeah. I wonder where she is now. I honestly don't know. I haven't seen her when we... Well, we haven't been back in the province also. I know. We should... Yeah, that's the one thing. Like, we have been back in the Philippines, but we usually... The times that we've been back, which is twice now, have been for work. So it's been hard to go back to the province and, like, have time. Because when I... If I go back home in Cagayan, like, I want to...

actually be present and not like a high vibe yeah and relax and relax for sure now we're gonna move on to america when we first moved to america going back to that was it where do you think you were already gay when you moved here yeah oh my god girl for sure yes i didn't i didn't even know what gay was and i was already it i was like there's no point i did not play with any boy

Toys like robots, cars, anything. I was not really interested in those. I was interested in making Barbie clothes. And whenever you were interested in like boyish things, you would like the girly things. Yeah. Like she was really into wrestling, but she would only watch the divas. Yeah, like the girls. Just the girls. And I would be like, okay, I'm done over this. Yeah. But I guess what I wanted to ask was,

Because obviously we're both in the LGBT community. We're in the same family. I think something that our family even still struggles with today is the difference between trans and gay or slash non-binary. So when in our childhood did you know that you were like, I guess, born in the wrong body? Honestly, I did not really think about that until like later in life. Because I was just like very comfortable with who I was. And like...

To be honest, I didn't know what trans was until like

later in life again like I said because I think at some point you were also identifying as transvestite yeah or like a drag queen because I just like love wearing girl clothes I never like really were uncomfortable with yeah I also don't think you had the conversation of your transness yeah until like a little bit later like you were saying like later on we were like we grew up where we only known that there was a gay person and like

And all the gays were like... In one umbrella. Yes. Yeah. Like there was not anything different. You were just gay. Yeah. And then... Because even my thing... The reason why I bring this up is because... My brother... We've had this very first honest conversation about like what LGBT means. Yeah. And I was going down the line what LGBT stood for. Yeah. And then he was still kind of confused. And he was telling... He was asking me if...

I was trans and I was like, well, no, because I don't think I was born in the wrong body. I very much love my masculine side and my feminine side. And I genuinely enjoy women's clothing sometimes, obviously. Like never envision yourself having boobs. Yeah, I'm just a pretty motherfucker, bitch. Yeah. I'm sorry. Face card? Literally. But when did you start identifying as trans?

Two years ago, actually. On your birthday. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, Miss K and Bretman Rock actually have the same birthday. We do. I came, I think you were the first person that knows because you're like the only person I trusted and the only person that actually understand like

What I was going through at that moment. Yeah. Because I was also the... Yeah, you were saying I was the only one that you were talking to. And I remembered on my birthday, you came to me and you were like, Brett, don't tell anyone, but I took my first... Like hormone shot. Hormone shot today. And so we always joke around about how Miss K and Bretman Rock have the same birthday because Miss K's first hormone shot was on...

But I will say that Miss K, I've always kind of... Because I gave you the name Miss K, obviously. I don't know if y'all don't understand that. But Miss K, I remembered it was Halloween. Right? It was Halloween and you were like a football player or something like that. I remember this Halloween.

Halloween. Yeah. And my niece was like, what is your name? And I was like, Misty. Misty. She was going by Misty. And I'm like, no. And I guess I just like blurted out Miss K. And ever since that day, you were always Miss K. Yeah. And it was great because like my sister's name, middle name is K. So I kind of just took that from her. And now she likes it. And I'm like, girl, you can't take it back. Yeah. I owned it. I took it from you, girl. Yeah.

How does it feel having two brothers that are also, well, by your dead name, I guess. Yeah. Was it weird having two brothers named Mark? No, actually no. I just never noticed it until someone pointed it out. Because we were always called by our middle names. Right. But no, family called you guys by your middle name. But in school, you and Colin were both Mark. But I feel like we didn't really have friends.

That we... Yeah. Yeah. So, and then he was always, like, a grade below me. So, I was just like, whatever. But it would be weird, like, when people would be like, why do you guys have the same name? And I'm like, I don't know. Bitch, ask our mom. Yeah. Period. Did you tell them about your name and how you got it? What name? Your Bretman. Oh, I feel like everybody knows that. Oh, yeah. No, I was born... I was named after, like, wrestlers. Yeah. But weren't you supposed to have another name? Yeah.

Yeah, actually, yes. I was supposed to be the fourth Mark. Actually, my name was supposed to be Mark Anthony. You don't look like a Mark Anthony. I do not look like a Mark Anthony, bitch. Or an Anthony. Are you fucking kidding me? Me as an Anthony?

I would have died. I think I was born in this world to be Bretman. Bretman, yeah. It fits you so well. I think it's just like one of those names that are just like, yeah, you are. You know Beyonce. You know Beyonce when you see her. It's like Bretman is like Zendaya. There's no other Zendaya. A standout by itself. She's a standout. I'm sorry. There's only one and one Bretman ever. Bretman rocks at that. Yes, Anthony. Yes, Anthony.

Mark Ant Yes Mark Antony M.A. Miss A Miss A Auntie Miss A Miss K Oh my god Period And I guess That's that Oh yeah But yeah

No, yeah, but yeah. Yeah. No, yeah, but yeah. Next thing that I want to talk about is our working together era. Okay. That was a long time ago. That was a long ass time ago, girl. Two years. That went by fast. Yeah. But when did you actually start working for me? Because that was before COVID. It was accident. Yeah.

It was accident. Because I think at one point, like we weren't hanging out. And then I moved into my new house in Ewa Beach. And you just like came every day. And like you were like such a big help that I was like... No, I still remember that the very first time that I started hanging out at your place. Because you were sick.

No one wanted to go to his house because he got everybody sick. That was when all your friends got sick. And then I was just kind of like just going just to go. And then the mom was like, can you just take care of him? And so I kind of stayed over and just like took care of him. And then...

It got to the point where like I would he invited me to go to California with him. Yes. And it was just like a current situation. And I was like, girl, you ain't paying my bills. But I think eventually over time, because you were around so much and you were such a big help, I was just like, girl, we got to pay you. Yeah. And also, I think my ex at the time, it was his idea, too.

Yeah. Yeah. Because he was like, why don't you just like make Miss K your assistant? And I was like, okay. Period. And then you... And you're still very much like kind of like my on-call like travel assistant whenever I have a free ticket or when a brand is like, girl, we have an extra ticket for you. I'm like, Miss K's ticket. Period. Girl, can I just say how thankful I am to this person? Because if it weren't for him or sorry, them. Bitch.

I go by all the pronouns. I would not have traveled anywhere. And I'm just like, I literally, the first time we landed in Sweden, I started bawling because I was by myself and they were like in first class being bougie or whatever. Okay, first of all, you were in priority. Yeah, okay, but still. But I literally like looked outside my window and I was just like in my head, I was like, oh my God, I started bawling. I didn't tell you this, but I was like, oh my God, I'm so thankful for Brett. Like I need to thank him, but I didn't.

You do. You always do though. I'm like, girl, I get it. At moments, yeah. I think I love having you around because obviously I think everyone knows that I'm not really a big traveler girl. And having someone with you that does like traveling and talks to everybody that...

Literally has a mouth. Literally. Miss K will talk to anybody, girl. Which I love. And she's very outgoing in that sense. But I'm not. And I think just... Also just having family around with you when you travel. And having your own little...

Whatchamacallit. Not groupie, but my little entourage, if you will. It's always nice. And Miss K always kind of finds a way to make me calmer. Especially when I'm in places where I don't really necessarily love. Yeah. Where's your favorite place that I've taken you? Philippines, honestly. Can't beat anything, but...

Sweden was one of my top. I really love Sweden. Sweden was such a nice country. And Versailles. I know Paris was a big thing, but I didn't really like Paris like that. But our Versailles trip was fun. It was amazing because I was like, dang, these castles. And you love history. Yeah, I do. I do love history. So everything was just like a blast.

orgasm for me yeah you also really liked New York I feel like New York yeah I like New York as well I want to live in New York I know I wish New York was five hours away instead of LA yeah because I feel like you would be there more often oh I almost forgot our Montana trip was really fun too

Oh, yeah, because that was one of our first. Yeah, that was one of our first ever, like, actual, like, me working for you. Working trip. Yeah. We'll probably make this a different episode, but...

The stories of Miss K's travel... Oh my gosh. Her rendezvous... You guys, I get around. Miss K's... Yeah, she gets around when she's around. Yeah, no, literally. Your travel rendezvous, bitch, I cannot even deal with. Because I'm always like... Babe, let's talk about yours. Oh, I can't wait for that episode, girl. Our travel rendezvous. No, I loved it. I think one of my weirdest ones was in Paris.

Did I tell you about that? No. Girl, I was doing an errand for you and I met a boy. Was that when you were looking for hair? Yeah, for like the whole day. Oh my God. Wait, did you meet him while you were in the errands or you met him online and then you met up? No, I kind of was just... Yeah, I think online. I think we met up online and then we just kind of met somewhere and I was like, hey, I'm on the area. You want to come with me? And then we were just like... Just...

Looking for hair. No, and then he took me to a park and I was like, oh my God, this is so romantic with a French boy. Like, oui, oui, girl. You know what I mean? Yeah. Oui, oui. You're a Frenchman or like something else. Also, if I met a French boy, like, bitch, I'm not doing LDR. Like, hell no, girl. Hell no. What is LDR? Long distance relationship.

A question that I guess people would want to know or I guess what I want to know because I never asked you this question ever. Yeah. But how does it feel or like how is it like having me as your cousin or having a Bretman Rock as your cousin? Oh my God. And you can answer it as like, as if I'm not in here. No,

No honestly Because I asked Cleo this I was like How is it like Having a famous uncle girl I honestly don't really care Yeah It's just like It honestly helps that Like I grew up with you Because like

I don't... No, I don't ever see you different. Yeah. You're the same person. It's like just reserved. You're just very reserved and like off camera. But that's about it. That's the difference. I am a little bit more calmer in person. I think that's what a lot of people tell me when they meet me for the first time. It's like, oh, you're a lot calmer. Or like you're chill. And I'm like, first of all, what the fuck did you think I was going to be like? No. No, yeah. No, he's actually like the opposite of...

I'm not always like very, yeah, I'm very extravagant and I could be, but I'm not always like hyper. But no, to the question, I don't really care. I don't really notice that you're somebody until like we're in public or in another place where I'm like, oh my gosh, like, dang.

I feel like I know the answer to this, but what was one of the hardest things about working for me? Oh my God, just staying in a room doing nothing. Like there would be points where like we were not allowed to like go anywhere. So we would just be clocked

The thing you guys don't understand is when I'm clocked in, Miss K has to be... Or anybody that's with me has to be clocked in with me as well. So if I have a set day, Miss K is in that set on the couch the whole fucking day. And I would be just not doing anything. And I would just like...

honestly I don't think no nobody sees it but I can tell when Brett's mood changes because the way his face changed and I'm just like when I feel like I'm over it I look up and he's like oh he's over it too so I'm like okay we're in the same wavelength yeah I feel like I think that's also why I love having you as like my travel buddy is because everybody that I am traveling with

Don't have the relationship that we have. And I'm not saying that they don't understand me the way you do. But you and I just have like this thing where like you can look at me and just know. Like no questions asked. Like, oh, he's getting uncomfortable or like, oh, this bitch is over it. But yeah, I thought you were going to say learning how to walk fast.

Oh that came in like naturally girl because no I think we just walked fast. Yeah you know but I remembered when we would always shop in Ala Moana. Yeah. And you would like always complain about like having to walk fast but you got it like quickly. Right away because like I get it like we just need to go one place to another and like

I don't know. I don't want to make this sound like we're like complaining or anything. But it's like sometimes if we do walk slow, especially when I'm with Brett, we kind of like... He gets noticed a lot. And like he's a very nice person to like say hi to everybody. And I will say yes to everybody. So it kind of just like takes us twice longer sometimes to get to the place that we are like already going to. And then sometimes...

We're already running late. We're always running late. We're always running late. So... Yeah. So I feel like... I feel like, yeah. Walking fast is... Like... It's whatever. It's whatever now. Yeah. It is whatever. And honestly, I love it. Period. Yeah.

Yeah, we're getting our cardio in, bitch. Like, also, like, there's just a science to walking fast and feeling like a supermodel. No, it's the wind. It's the wind. It's the pump. The bounce of the hair. Like, sometimes I be walking fast just to walk fast. We're not even gonna lie to y'all and say we're always in a rush because sometimes we're really not in a rush. We really just want to pump. Like, bitch, we're...

At the end of the day, like, bitch, the world is our runway. Especially when we're wearing heels. Oh my gosh. I'm in my boots and Miss K is in her heels. Acting like my feet doesn't hurt. I'm sorry. We're in fashion week mode. Like, we're late to our fashion show. And we're just going to a restaurant to go eat. Yeah. What are your thoughts on the Olympics? I never watched it. Yeah.

I just seen it on TikTok. She said, Olympics going on? Oh my God. I didn't even know. Well, I did know because there was like that one boat. They were passing the Eiffel Tower. I seen that on TikTok. Oh, okay. And I've seen like a lot of gymnasts. But honestly, go off.

Like, do what you guys love. Yeah, I think today or yesterday was the last day of... I think it was yesterday. Yeah, of the finals. What do you think about all the Filipinos getting all their medals, girl? Honestly, it's about time. I don't know if you noticed this, but I feel like Filipinos are rising up.

We're getting known Recognized And I mean last year we got our first gold This year we got two gold And then two bronze medals In the boxing department It's only up from here mama And I'm glad that the international audience Are starting to see how talented Filipinos are And hardworking

Girl, like every time I go to the Philippines, everyone's singing like Celine Dion or like Whitney Houston. Bitch, let this be known. If singing was in the Olympics, Filipinos would just get all the fucking gold medal. Did you ever watch that European invasion or a vision or something? Eurovision? Yeah, Eurovision. I feel like they need to put Philippines in that. Because we would eat. Yeah.

Do you have any questions for me, Ms. K? Oh, yeah. So if you were in the Olympic, what do you think you would be doing? Of all the sports? I guess because I came from a track background, I would just do track. But would I... I see you as a gymnast. I know. That's what I was my first... That's my first thought was a gymnast, but I have no like literally gymnast training. Like a balance pole, you would be... Bitch, boys don't do beam. The girls do. Literally, period. Period.

I would make my own lane. Yeah. I want to do the horse. What is it called? The horse. Like when they're like on the horse. Oh, and then they just spin? Yeah. That looks fun. That's like the alternative for the beam, right? Yeah, that's the boys' beam. Dang. I guess, girl. Yeah.

You mentioned earlier that you are seeing a boy. Oh my god. Okay. I'm not really seeing him. He's seeing you. Yeah. He's been seen by me. But no. I met a boy. You know how like you told me not too long ago that my boyfriend is outside now on Tinder? Yes. Wait. Can I tell them? Can I tell them why that's true? Okay. Tell me why Miss K calls me. I think it was in the middle of the fucking night, bitch. I'm talking like 10.30. Yeah. And Miss K...

I mean, we usually text. We don't really call. So I know when you call me, it's like something important. Yeah.

this b*tch goes "are you on tinder?" and I thought she was gonna ask me she was telling me that because she saw my account or something but she was like "can I use your number for my account?" and I'm like "why?" and then she's like "because they logged me out again" and I'm like "what do you mean again?" she's like "because I already used my sister's number" or something yeah so I used my own number got blocked for no reason I used my mom's number got blocked again and then I asked my sister

I don't even want to tell you what happened again. So I have no one else to ask. And now I'm her fourth fucking number. I'm like, bitch. So I literally just told her, I'm like, Miss K, maybe your man is not motherfucking on Tinder, bitch. He's outside.

So then this is where... I can't believe he was outside. Oh my God, he's Persian. Oh my God, he's going to watch this. How do you know? Because I was telling him about it earlier and I was like, oh, we're about to go film. And he was like, okay, I'm going to watch it. And I was like, don't. What's his nickname? We should have a nickname for him. Percy. Percy. Hey, Miss Percy. Hey, Percy. See you tomorrow. Oh my God!

Wait, Kiefer, I'm finding out the same time as you guys. No! How long have y'all been talking? We've been talking for two days straight, girl. Oh, 48 hours. Yeah, I met him at a bar and we kind of just kind of clicked right away. Like our energy like kind of like... How old is he? I think he's 30. He was born in 1991. Is that 30? I think he's like early 30s. Yeah, 31, 32. Or mid-30s.

Do the math below and comment down below how old he is. 33. Oh, he's 33. Yeah, 33. He's a very funny, hilarious guy. And honestly, I was just like... Yeah, tell me about him. No, because I was telling Kat, Brett's assistant, about like,

How I was like talking to him. And it was just a very casual. It's not hard to make a conversation with him. Wait, no. Kiefer, you can't skip like that. How did y'all meet? Oh, we met. At the bar. Yeah, we met at a bar. So who did the first move? He did. We were playing pool. Like a pool table. And I was like, you know. I was playing dumb. You know, men like...

dumb when you play dumb. Yeah. You know, just to fuel their energy up. But I was playing dumb. I was like, oh my God, I've never played pool before. I would hit a ball. As if I don't have a fucking pool table in my attic, bitch. And she's always there. Bitch, Miss K is actually the champ of my house pool, bitch. No, I like go into that pool. I'm like, but anyways, yeah, I was like hitting the ball like in a certain angle so it wouldn't go into the hole. So I was like, oh my God, I don't know how to play. I'm so weak and frail. Yes. And he was just like, and then he...

And then he came in and I noticed him right away. I was like, I didn't think he was going to notice me because he's Persian. First of all, I didn't know he was like, swings that way. Period. Wow, you're a woman. I know, but you know, not a lot of men are open-minded. Period. You know, but yeah. So, and then I kind of just mind my own business. So I was like staring and then we kind of like, he went to play in the pool because he was next.

And then instead of, like, playing in the pool, he just comes to me and started talking to me. And then his brother was there also. So I was, like, perfect. Why is that perfect? Because he's, like, more open and comfortable. And, like, he... And knowing, like, he's not gonna have to hide it. Because, like, a lot of, like, men nowadays, like, likes to hide in the closet. Yeah. So, like, I was just, like, very more, like, oh, wow, this is, like, something different. And then... And he wasn't really, like...

It's a shame. No, yeah. He was just like very on full on flirting with me, first of all. And like all my friends saw it. He was just like...

We were just kind of like stuck together that night. We were just like following. You mean Saturday? Yeah. No. No. We were just like, yeah. We stayed like, we were just like hanging out for like three hours, you guys. Like just me and him. Every time someone would pull me, he would come grab me and like pull me back to him. Just to talk. I was playing with the pool.

With the brother and he comes up to me and he's like, oh my god, I already love you. And I was like, period. Oh, you met the brother on your first date? Yeah. So that kind of just like, it's something different. Oh yeah, no. Also, this is like the first boy that I've like never done anything with. The first, well, that kind of makes me sound like a fucking... Thought? Yeah. Yeah. Because, no. Just kidding.

But no, for some reason, like a lot of trans girls are known to be like sex dolls, which is so like stupid, by the way, because... But you're here to break that stereotype. Yes, but no, yeah. So it was kind of like, we were just like talking about like life in general. And I've never gotten to know a guy that fast in so long. And I was just kind of like scared because I was like, what the fuck is happening? I also am very proud because Miss K...

I don't know if it's a Miss K and I thing. Yeah. We have always said that whenever we tell each other about a boy, it always never works out. So we always wait until we know he's the one. Oh my gosh. And this is the first time. And I'm so shocked that you literally waited for the podcast to tell me this. But this is the first time you like openly told me about a boy. No. Where I'm not trying to like pry it out of you or like forcing you out of it. Like,

You know how we have that thing where we don't talk about it to Jinx? Because we're always jinxing our fucking selves. Like, whenever we talk about, oh my god, we're in love with this boy. And then the next day it's like gone. He's gone. So I don't know. Even I feel like I already love him too. No, I honestly feel like it's different. Like, I've never, I don't know. Like, I've...

I've never really... And he's from here? Yeah, he just moved in. You mean... Okay. He just moved in from... No, he used to be... He used to live here. No, I was gonna say, I'm excited to have you on again because you already know I'm gonna ask you about him on the next episode. Yes, and see where we are. Yeah, because I know right now you guys have only been together for the past 48 hours. Not 48 hours. More than 72 hours, actually. Okay, period. No, and then also...

I don't know why I keep saying different, but also I've never met...

You know how like when your conversations... Have you ever had this with your boyfriend? I feel like you had. We were like... The conversation just keeps going. Like not... You can talk about anything. Yes. Any topic is a conversation. And like any topic is a good topic. That's kind of how I knew my man was going to be my man. Yeah. Because literally we could talk about a wall. And for hours. Yeah. Like you know and never get bored with each other. And it just goes by. Like you didn't even know it was like... It's been like hours. Yeah. Like where you feel like it's just the two of y'all in that pool. The pool? At the pool.

At the pool? Oh Yeah No when you guys were at the swimming pool When y'all were playing billiards No yeah No we weren't even playing anymore We just like talked to each other Yeah I was just kind of like Mesmerized If anything We'll close off this segment Wait can you Wait can you show me a picture of him? No

Why? No, because that's always like the top of the cherry. If I show you any pictures, you're like, that is done. This is what I'm talking about. We try our best not to jinx it. Yeah. I'm glad you are open enough to tell me about it because you never really are. Yeah. No. And also it's like, I don't want to get like, I don't want to get my hopes up. For sure. I don't want to be sharing like information where like, oh, it's actually it's false alarm kind of thing. Yeah.

So you show me when you're ready. No, yeah. No, actually, when I'm ready, you're going to meet him. Not a picture. Period. Okay. Oh, my God. Our first double date. Oh, my gosh. Maybe. Did those grapes that we ate under the table work? No, low key. I feel like it's the ending of Leo. And you know how like Virgo season is coming up? Yeah. Shit has been happening to my life.

Just crazy shit. And I'm just like, what is happening? What is happening? I think it's because it's my... What is that called? My golden birthday? Because I'm turning 27. Oh, period. On my 27th. Yeah, it is. The 8th, 27th. Yeah. Because I was born on the 27th. I'm turning 27. It is your golden birthday. And I was born on the 99th, 7th. So literally my angel number is 777 also. So...

Miss Kaylee. And it's the seventh month. No, it's not. It's the eighth month. Sadly. Okay, well, I can't wait to hear about him next episode. Where you're in. We'll see. We'll see where it goes. I guess I shouldn't be the one giving you advice. But I guess my biggest advice would probably be... And I know you didn't ask. But would probably be...

You just know when he's the one. And I really feel like there's something about how confident you are with him and just how you're so willing to talk about him. Yeah. There is something to him that I'm like, there's a lure. I'm like, is he your first boyfriend? I mean, it's hard to talk about a person who's amazing, you know? Yeah.

Girl. No, but hopefully, girl, like, I'm over this man. Like, just playing with my emotion. Who just wants me cuz. Literally. I cannot wait to have Miss K here more often because she literally has the craziest men's stories out there. But we will save. I do. Oh my god, I do. We will save. All the DL boys better watch out. Because that's like four episodes in one. Yeah. Yeah.

Four episodes in one, bitch. So now I'm going to go into the next segment of my show. I usually do this in the very beginning, but I don't know why I'm going to save it to the end. But Miss K is actually the reason why I am... A lot of my journal look the way that they do. Miss K got me this for my...

Christmas present? No, I think... Oh yeah, Christmas present. This was my Christmas present. She said she found this in Barnes & Noble. Yeah, Barnes & Noble. It was the last one. And it like... I literally saw it from across the room. Yes. And so this was my very first like journal with like the paperback. All of my old journals were literally just like composition books.

So Miss K really started this trend. And I'm going to read one of my entries that I did. I wish I dated it, but I think this was around my New Year's resolution. So I think this was like December. Oh my God. Yeah. I really manifested a lot in this from this entry. So I'm going to read it to you guys and hopefully it'll inspire y'all. I wrote this in 2021, I think.

Yeah. Okay. It says,

I haven't done a goal list in a minute, but here I go. Reminder, I am the best entertainer of my time. I am the biggest star and everybody knows my name. I'm the baddest bitch. And I wrote down a couple of things that I wanted to accomplish that

year or the following year. And it's crazy because some of these have came true. Some of them I gave up on or some of them probably I gave up on, but I will probably revisit in my later life. So we'll, I'll tell y'all. So first list was land a huge acting role, be the best dress in fashion awards, be in movies, met Gala, launched my own super successful book,

You did. I am good at everything. I don't know why I put that. Philippines biggest star. Ooh, this was before we went home. And yes you are. Vogue cover. Yeah. Got checked. Win awards. Checked. Be a voice for... Oh my God. Why did I put that? Be a voice actor. And I did. And you are. Oh my gosh. With Disney. Get back to local. And transcend.

Those are just things that I wrote down. And this is what that page looks like. And most of those are already, like, checked off. Yeah. That's crazy. And it's just things I wrote. Yeah. That is crazy. It's not invisible ink, you guys. It's not. So, thanks to Miss K, honestly, for getting me this journal. No, the first time I saw this, it was, like, literally just gushing ink.

energy of your energy yeah you were like this is you as a book yeah lots of pages yeah lots of empty pages because i start a new one every i really do start a new one every year i don't want to i don't want the same book for every year

So this was my 2021. 2020 to 2021 journal that I had. Okay, we're now in the last part of our show, Miss K. This is where I turn my beauty guru era on. And I let them know the products of the week. What is your product of the week? What have you been obsessed with and why? Oh my gosh, you guys. I've been obsessed with... Is it Tarte Tire? Tire Tire. Tire Tire Foundation. Brett got me hooked on it because they sent him a bunch of like...

PR packages. Yeah, shades. And I was like, okay, let me look through it. I didn't have my shade. I just had like one shade darker, but I still use it. It's amazing. It's amazing.

Yeah, your skin looks really good. Oh my gosh, tell me more. Because you've never told me that before. Your skin is giving skin. No. You look like you just put on blush. Stop. You're like, I didn't even put on blush. No, it's honestly like... I took a mini one also. And I carry that thing everywhere with me. Just like little touch up here and there. But whenever I do touch up, it's like just because of the creasing. I mean, I have that on every foundation I have. But...

But I just noticed how like my face loves it because I've never felt my face like, you know, like some foundation kind of irritates your face. And then sometimes when you take your foundation off, you have like a pimple on it. Or like it's red. Yeah. It's irritated. It's just like it.

I don't know, it's very good on the skin. Also my skin is so soft after I take it and it's like it just feels nothing there. Yeah, I mean I can't relate because I only use lip balm these days. Okay girl. No, I'm literally genuinely so obsessed with the Tear Tear Foundation. Every episode so far I've used it. What shade are you? Um...

I think you're like 33N. I think I am. You didn't have, I don't have that. So you ended up getting a darker, like 35N. No, I think I'm like lower than, I think I'm like more in the 30, 31-ish. But I have a 32. Oh, period. Yeah. So it's the closest one, sadly. But if you guys are like, you know. If you guys are watching this right now, tier tier. Like, he needs another set. Yeah. I'm just kidding. Imagine. I guess my product of the week, I brought it here with me.

It's my favorite lash curler, you guys. Is that C-Shadow? No. It's from a brand called Surat. Surat? Yeah. And I got this on TikTok shop. I believe they're also available on Revolve. And apparently Kim Kardashian uses it.

That's honestly that was my selling point. Yeah, somebody was like Kim Kardashian raved about this and I said, yeah Because Miss Kim have like really long lashes and honestly, I'm not wearing mascara today. I literally just curled my lashes It's really giving just like mascara. Yeah. No you guys this guy has the longest lashes ever for no dang reason Like it's so bad that I literally have to trim my lashes. I

You're so lucky your mom didn't trim your lashes when you were a baby. Literally. Didn't your mom do that? Yeah, she did that to all my siblings and none of us have lashes. And she did it to poor Dora Lee, girl. She had her head shaved. Yeah, everything. Because my mom has this theory, like, they said that if you cut it… I think it's not just your mom. I think it's like a Filipino mom, like, Asian mom theory. Yeah.

It's like when you cut like a hair when you're like younger, it comes out as thicker. And that never happened. No, it never happened. But why do you like that product? I like it because I like the how big the opening is. And if you have like long lashes like me or if you're wearing falsies, you know how sometimes it's so thin like this. Yeah. Like I'm like literally like struggling putting it on, but it's so big. And then the clamp is just so tight. Like.

Like, I don't know. I mean, I could talk about this fucking lash curler as much. But yeah, the Surat lash curler is my favorite. Wow. Yeah. Life changing. Do you have an extra? No, but I can send you the link.

I do. I should get another one actually. Okay. But anyways, thank you guys so much for watching this week's episode. You guys will see a lot more of Miss K. I hope you guys learned a thing or two about Miss K today. I know. You know, I get a lot of comments about us. Like they're always like, oh, are you guys not friends anymore? Or like, oh, are you guys not talking? Because they haven't seen us together for a while. But I'm like...

We hang out mostly a lot. Just outside of social media. I don't really like posting like what I do in like my private life. And you're in your working girl era too. And I feel like when you do come over, it's like we're present. Like we're not like, oh my God, let's do a TikTok. No, yeah. It's just like just us hanging out. And sometimes he's like very busy with like his things outside or like around his... Like sometimes Miss K will be over, but we're not.

hanging out yeah i'll be just in his house she'll be in the attic and i'll be like somewhere outside with the dogs or like something like yeah but yeah girl why the fuck yeah we're okay nothing is happening yes and y'all about to get sick of us i know my aunt call co-host girl i really feel like you could have like your own table here like a bar yeah like you know how like a martini bar yes

No. Okay. Maybe not. Oh. Oh. Actually. Yeah. Like your little Mai Tai bar. Yeah. With like a little sambar on top. Yes. And then you can do have. You can have your own little segment of the day. Like drink of the day. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Because you were also. You.

You also have your liquor license. I did. I did. Like, I'm like, girl, make me an espresso my time, Martina. Okay, I will. Like, what? And hopefully that will manifest itself into you finally opening up one of your biggest dreams, which is… Opening a gay club because in Hawaii, we lack of those. So hopefully one day I can like open like a whole street of them.

A whole street of gay bars is crazy. WeHo. Call it KHo. No, I would call it LGBTQ. A club for each one. Yes. A lesbian club, a gay club. Like a lesbian theme, gay theme. Oh my gosh. That could also go down the week like Lesbian Mondays. Yes. Yes.

Trans Tuesdays The question is Are you even gonna come to that Bisexual Thursdays I mean bitch I will come and support Like bitch Every night Every week But you know I don't be going out to the clubs girl No I know Yeah Where can they find you girl? They can find me At Miss K M-I-S K-A-A-A-Y On Instagram Also on TikTok But If you don't find me Then Come find me Literally You know where to find her? At the pool bar Yeah

Oh my god, you guys, if you guys are single and you guys want a boyfriend, go to a pool area bar. Yes, because most of the time, like I told her, your boyfriend is not on Tinder. It's outside. Just go outside. Just go outside, y'all. My man was outside. I found him outside. Yeah, well. Well, I found him again online. But no, you met him outside. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We'll get to that. You guys, they are the cutest couple, by the way. Like, they compliment each other. I just wish I get to talk to your boyfriend more because I feel like he's such a cool person. Yeah, he's just very, like, shyness. Shyness. And I'm also scared. Speaking of closing, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. I will catch you guys in next week's episode. This episode also, I forgot to mention. Oh my gosh. This should have been in the intro, but...

This episode goes out the week of your birthday. Oh my gosh. Yes. What a great present. My last question is what is your birthday wish? My birthday wish is honestly just a happy life. Period. A happy life with happy people. And pretty soon you'll be a happy wife. Oh my gosh. Happy life, happy wife, happy everything. Period. Happiness.

Thank you guys so much for watching this episode. Follow me on all of my social media. You already know everything is at Bretman Rock. Make sure you guys like and rate The Baddest Radio. You guys can listen to it on anywhere. You guys listen to podcasts and you guys can view it on YouTube. I love you guys and I will see you next Thursday. Bye everyone. Bye.

Bye, beach. I'll see you next Thursday. Yeah. Don't forget to follow, rate, and like. You can follow me at BretmanRock on everything and follow the podcast at The Baddest Radio on all social media. Bye, beach. Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.