The following podcast is a Dear Media production. Good morning, everyone. It is another spooky ooky Thursday. I am so glad that October this year has five Thursdays so we can dress up so many fucking times. How are y'all? Guess who I'm here with here today? Us. Ashwans. The Ashwans. Ashwans.
Hey everybody. Hey guys. We got Princess and Miss K here today. This is the very first episode where Miss K and Princess had an assignment. Yes, we did. I gave them an assignment and we each had an assigned aswang. Miss K, would you like to tell us which I assigned you? My aswang is going to be the duende and the white lady. Princess? Yes.
Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I only did one. I'm so sorry. But the first one that you told me to do, it was so scary. I had to like, I was like, I can't do that. This is evil spirits. Which one was it? The stick! Oh my God. Why would you guys do, make me do that?
Make me do that one. Okay, what is the other one? The chanak. Okay, she did chanak. I don't know which one was worse. I did the umbrella term aswang and I'm going to be explaining manananggal and mangkukulam today. So if you guys would like to know all about Filipino folklores, keep on watching. Cue in the intro. Bratman to earth, earth to bratman. Girl, you already know who it is. Welcome back, guys.
Alright y'all, so last time I was with these two, we all had our segments. And today, we're gonna start it off with Miss K with Miss T. What is the drink today? Miss K, what did you make us? So this drink, I've been drinking for the past two weeks. It's like a great pick-me-up, like that's what I said last time, but...
It's what my go-to pick-me-up drink so far, which is... What's in it? It's lavender syrup with vanilla syrup, just like one pump each. A little espresso and soy vanilla. Okay, try it. You want to try it? Yeah, I want to try it. She's been trying to make me try it, but I thought I want to save it for the camera. At least he didn't let you try the one with the... Can I try a little bit? I really like it. Yeah. Can I try? That kind of tastes very luxurious. It does. It does.
You can try it. You can have a little bit of... It came out of my Breville? Yeah, it did. Miss K, you might have to drop the recipe for that. Of course. Ooh, yes. Okay. It tasted like it has whiskey in it. Thank you for the misty, Miss K. Of course, of course. If you guys want to try it out, where can they find that? At Green World. Come visit me. Bitch, with the free promo that Green World be getting, bitch. Pay.
Pay up. No, they, well, they did tell me about to make like a little promotional like letter. I love it. To see like what I can do for them and stuff like that. Sponsor us, Green World. Yes. Hi, everybody. And I've been seeing people. I've been visiting you. I know we talked about that. Yes. In your stories. We're all over the world. It's not like just people from like, I don't even see people from Hawaii. I see people from like everywhere around the world. International. Which is crazy. Yeah. Yeah.
Alright, princesses segment. What is it called, princess? Fertile Myrtle. No, it's Fertility. Oh, Fertility. How is it the fourth fucking segment already and you still don't know what your segment is called? Fertility. Okay. Fertility with Princess May. What is your advice this week, princess? Are you still doing your teen mom? Yes. Okay. So my advice...
My advice of the week is be kind to yourself. Remember that it's okay to make mistakes. Parenting is a learning process and it's important to be gentle with yourself as you grow into your role. I feel like it's still an advice that I still take even today because I'm not a perfect mom, but I'll be a good mom if I keep trying my best to become that mom that I want to be.
Yeah. And you are out here killing it, girl. One of your babies are sick today. He's downstairs right now. Eating watermelon. Eating watermelon. And Princess said, I'm going to still clock in because I got to educate these bitches about dick dick and chana. Yeah. So thank you, Princess. Would you like to do a 360?
I got to tell the backstory. I want to ask you, what was like one of the biggest things that you had to forgive yourself or get over yourself with your teen pregnancies or your pregnancies period?
Wait, what? Like, what kind of things did you have to be patient with yourself? Like, kind of just going off of your advice, like, what kind of things did you have to be patient with yourself or forgive yourself about when you were raising Cleo? Honestly, like, for me, I had to really understand that, you know, kids do not come with directions. So not everything had to be perfect. Not everything had... Like, I could make my mistakes and my errors in life. And that was okay. And being, like...
Being that I kept having to like forgive myself even like all of the wrong things that I do. But even though like I know I'm not it's my first time doing it. You know what I mean? Especially I think raising a child and a limelight. A child being a child. Yeah. Limelight. And it's like a lot of people telling you what you're doing wrong. Yeah. Yeah.
Fuck y'all. Yeah. And you were still trying to figure yourself out. Exactly. Yeah. Also, you guys, my AC broke. I'm sorry to cut y'all off, but my AC broke. So if you guys see all of these moving candles, they're not ghosts. They're from the... I literally have a fan right here and it's blowing on it. They also have a fan right there. That's blowing only onto Kiefer. I'm fucking hot. But yeah, the...
The candles are moving on purpose. They're not from spirit. It's the girl from the Balete drive. Stop! Princess, we're so far from Balete. No, you know what's so crazy? When I googled white lady, tell me why the Google pictures, it wasn't white lady. It was actually like white ladies. Yeah, girl. No, like white ladies. White ladies.
You're going to say Philippines. All right, y'all. Let's read the tea of the day. What's your tea? What's your tea? I've been reading a bunch of like October entries. I'm going to be reading my October entry this year of the month. October. The entry. Girl, I'm so sorry for the lack of writing on my journal. I literally had three entries last month. Like, that's embarrassing. Anyways, let me catch you up to speed.
A bad bitch has been hustling. I went to LA a couple weeks ago and it was surprisingly very healing. One size, which is Patrick Starr's brand, had a launch party for their new foundation and you already know, I was the face of it. So don't even play. The whole preface of the party was that full glam is back and 2016 makeup, which is the boom of the makeup industry and just seeing everyone who taught me makeup and people I grew up with in the industry in one room and the fact that everyone is still...
It's like a little reunion for y'all. It really, really, really was. And I remember just always being the baby of the group. I remembered when Tarte came to... That was my very first... Yeah, Kauai. And that's when I met Patrick and Manny. And all of the beauty gurus that came...
In and out of the beauty guru. Like... I was always kind of like the baby. And like seeing... Us everyone now... Everyone is in their own path. Desi has her own brands. Patrick has his brand. Yeah, yeah. Manny and Laura has their own podcast. And everyone... Like everyone...
It's just doing the damn thing and we're still here. And that honestly just made me feel so healed. I feel like some people just made it hard for you in the beauty industry. I don't think it was really people as in other beauty influencers. I think it was more like the culture of the beauty industry just was not aligning with me.
And I was just like, girl, I have so many things that I want to do. So, yeah. But you would do it for a check though. And I would still do it for a check. Like I said. No. But anything for Patrick always. Honestly, even when they offered me to be the face of the Full Face Foundation, I was like,
If there's any foundation face that I will be the face of, it will be for Patrick. One sign. One sign. Shout out to one sign. Hi, Patrick. Oh my God. Patrick also said hi to the both of y'all. Oh yeah. No, he told me. He said he misses us.
I never met Patrick before Like in person Yeah I met him once at WeHo Yeah Oh my gosh Princess Patrick loves you And hopefully you can do something with Patrick one day Like a mother Yes Audition right now Tell Patrick What? Do like Be like Anything for Mother's Day Let me know
Anything for Mother's Day? Let me know. I can get pregnant whenever you want me to be. I'll get pregnant that day, that month. Why does it always go there? You could have just been like, if you need a Mother's Day campaign, let me know. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Why are you trying to get pregnant again? No, I'm just... You haven't even gave birth yet. Yeah, that's true. Ezekiel? That's where...
I know. I thought I saw something run across her. I'm just going to ignore that. Oh my god. He's not there. No, he's there. He can listen to us for now. Alright. So that was the...
That was our little segment. Yes. I hope you guys are liking our segment. The Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity segment. I know a lot of you guys have been in the comments talking about how you guys love these segments. And yeah. Also, before I forget, speaking of segments, we have a segment that's not really a segment. She'll come and go whenever she bakes. But as you can see on our right side, we have... Wait, I don't think they can see. We don't know. We don't have a name for this segment yet, but...
Give us something in the comments down below. Maybe a suggestion on what we should call Kat's bakery of the day. We'll call it that for now. I don't want to eat it. Kat, would you like to explain to them what you baked for us today? Also, if you guys are not watching on YouTube, you might not be able to see it. But we are looking at this gorgeous, gorgeous... What is it, Kat?
It's a monkey bread and there's apple compote inside. And if you don't know what monkey bread is, it's basically a dough and you shake it in cinnamon sugar and butter and then you put it in a bundt pan. And then if you're looking at it, there's a lot of pieces where you can just pick it off. Is the idea of it? Yeah, like they're doing right now. And then, yeah, in the center, there's apple compote. What about me? Go grab some. I can't.
Oh my god, Pap, this is amazing.
Never mind. I think this segment needs to be every week. Oh my God. Did you make this with a caraway? I did. I used one of their pans. Yeah. Thank you, caraway. Yeah, thank you. I love it. That is the reason why I even have a caraway sponsor. So thank you, Kat, as well. They're my favorite. All right. Cue transition music.
Before we continue our spooky ooky episode, I just want to say thank you so much to Tinder. This episode is brought to you by Tinder. Now imagine this. You're single, you're hot, you're at a coffee shop and your eyes meet with someone across the room. You know, the classic meet cute. But you're single, you're hot, you're at a coffee shop,
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Princess is not the only queen of fertility in my family. My whole entire family is the fertility goddesses, okay? And my Christmas list is getting longer and longer. Every year I feel like I'm saving up for presents just for my family. You know, I'm pretty sure you guys could relate, but my family just multiplies like crazy. I don't know why, but my Christmas list has doubled just in the past year in itself.
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Hey friend, I'm Nicole Walters, mom of three, your internet bestie and founder of Inherent Learning Company. If you're looking for the motivation you need to pursue a life of purpose, then join me each week on the Nicole Walters podcast as I share my hard-learned lessons and answer your DMs about life, business, and everything in between. We'll laugh, we'll cry, and we'll grant ourselves grace as we do life together.
Check out the Nicole Walters podcast every Tuesday here on Dear Media. You can listen anywhere you listen to podcasts. And we're back. That was amazing. Thank you so much for the dessert. That was bomb.
Now we're doing a lot of things today, but I do have a little short segment for the both of you guys today because I want to say a big little... Well, no, I didn't want to say... Obviously, I'm very thankful that you guys literally wake up every time I tell you guys to come over. Of course.
And do these dumbass shit with me Dressed as Aswang And I know last week We dressed up as like Willy Wonka I don't know how the fuck I convinced these two But I Telling y'all I gave them the options to pick Which one they wanna be And they wanted to be The Oompa Loompas Correction He gave us a choice between A girl Oompa Loompa And a man Oompa Loompa Yeah But I also asked I want Oh wait no I asked you guys With the original costume 3 That we were gonna do
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. But we're not going to do it anymore. We were going to do Hocus Pocus, but Louis had already done it. You guys look so good, by the way. Yeah, I look so good. And I was like, we can't top that. So we'll save it for next year. And I think this is more fitting for us today, honestly. Okay, so I didn't want to open this by myself because I know I didn't reach...
it on my own and I want to open it with you guys but oh my god I got a package from you too I know I know I earned this
I'm gonna take the seal off real quick and I'm gonna make Princess May open it. What? Because you're in the center. Oh. Just because I'm in the center though. Princess gets to open it, I get to keep it. Wait, does it just say Brightman Rock on it though? I think it says The Baddest Radio. Alright Princess, she's open. Make sure you open it this way. Imagine it's not.
Imagine it's just like we're actually terminating your account. Let's count to three guys. One, two, three. Oh, okay. Wait, close it. Okay, let's try that again. Three, two, one. Girl, get the f*ck in. Wait, let's read it. Let's read it. Let's read it. Let's read it. Let's read it.
Do you remember your first subscriber, your 100th or your 1000th subscriber? Chances are you do. And we know that you'll definitely remember your 100th
We're proud to honor your impressive milestone of reaching 100,000 subscribers with the Silver Creator Award.
Congratulations! We know that you have more stories to share with our community and we know your fans can't wait for you to amaze them even more with your commitment and creativity. So keep creating, keep building. We can't wait to see what you do next. Wow! Wow!
the baddest radio has the baddest plot oh she's light oh she's light i kind of love it all right thank you guys so much oh my gosh i started this channel in july and now we're in august it's amazing october baby oh october i'm sorry in my head it was august
I made this account in July Well, we started The Baddest Radio in July And the fact that we are already at almost 200k on YouTube After just three months is crazy It's crazy Who's doing it like us? Thank you guys so much Alright, Aswangs, are we ready? Yes Let's turn on The Harvest slash Blood Moon
You know, you kind of look like your first outfit just now. I know. It's giving very much that. Yeah, it's giving nothing. The first outfit, where? The nun. Okay, before we start our research, I think we should tell them about our backstories. Yes, we are the Gagoses of Marites, the White Ladies of Marites. I am Maribeth. This is Marime. Mary Kay. And this is Mary Kay.
And we're going to go around telling each and everyone our backstory, starting with Miss K. Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Mary Kay. I used to be a student back in the day. Stop! Serious. I used to be an A-plus student back in the day. A-plus is crazy. Princess, let her. You know what? A-plus is crazy. Yeah. I'm an A-plus student, Mary Kay. You can go back. I used to be an A-plus student every day at school.
And one day, my mom couldn't come pick me up at school. And I had to walk home. Then, boom, a car hit me. Oh, period. I was wondering what the boom was. Yeah. And I got up and I was like, why you do that for? And he came out and started beating me up.
And all his friends came and started beating me up. That's double homicide right there. And they just left me to die on the street.
Streep. Stop, I have a lisp. And then I got up and wanted to hunt them. And I still never find them to this day. You're giving Lady and the Ballet a drive. Yes. Backstory, I love that. I'll tell you more about it later. Okay, Princess, what is your backstory? Marime. Marime. Hi guys, I'm Marime and...
I was with this guy one night and I didn't know she Princess! I'm trying to act! There is no point of doing all that! Just say your backstory! We're never gonna get to these fucking research! Well, I was a mistress
And I got... Stop! I got... Her husband caught him with me at their house and she beat me up real bad. And she scouted you. She scouted me. Do y'all see her hair, bitch? These are two extensions. Yeah, like... And her hair is in the back. Yeah.
Because you got scouted by the husband's wife because you're a mistress. Yes. The budget wasn't budgeting this episode. Yeah, we didn't have a budget for these outfits. I told them to come as they are. Okay, my backstory is...
Do you mind? Do you have to cough in the mic? I wasn't. The mic was right here. Somebody was commenting, if y'all have to cough and clear your throat, can you do it away? Because they can hear your gala galas, bitch. No, but I cough this way. That's Kiefer. Kiefer be fucking... Like that on the mic, bitch. Like that. Like, ew. Okay. Okay.
My backstory, obviously, is that I'm a former Miss Universe. I won the pageant. And because of jealousy and whatnot, the girls killed me in a group. And, you know, I died with my crown still in my head. And that was the story of Maddie Beth.
Ooh, I like that. She's a pageant girl. What were you representing? I don't know. I was representing Arlan Cagayan. Ooh. Miss Cagayan. Okay. Maribeth Philippines. Yeah, that was me. I love that. All right.
I was like, you were moaning earlier. I wasn't moaning. I was like, I was weeping. Oh, you were weeping. I was weeping. I was like. Who weeps like that? Well, how do you weep? Like. I would weep like. Like what? Like what?
I don't know, I was reaping. Okay. Okay. Alright, you guys. Are you ready to share the world your research about aswang and everything in between? Yes. Alright, you guys. I'm gonna explain what aswang means first. And then we'll start with Miss K, Princess Mi, Miss K, Mi. Alright. So aswang is an umbrella term. Why the fuck? Sorry. So as...
Sorry. Okay. So, aswang. Aswang is an umbrella term to describe shape-shifting, bloodthirsty evil spirits. They usually are in a form of human beings and sometimes will adapt into a normal human lifestyle. They can also take shape in an animal form or a hybrid of both.
It started in pre-colonial time, specifically in the Bicol region of the Philippines. They believed in a creature called Gugurang or Gurang, which lived in the Mayan volcano and protected the land and its people. He had a brother whose name was Aswang, spelt A-S-U-A-N-G. He wasn't as powerful as him, so he made people suffer, which then made people associate Aswang with evil spirit and evil doings.
Some ways to know that you're in the presence of a Aswang is your shadow being upside down when you look into their eyes. Oh.
But aswang ultimately can live in any part of the Philippines. Aswang is, like I said, an umbrella term. Basically, aswang is our word for monster. Yeah. So, yeah. Calling to all the aswang. Calling all the aswangs. All right, Ms. K, would you like to start us off? Which ones did I assign you? Duende? I got the white lady and the duende. Should we start with white lady because that's what we are? Yeah, sure. So... Also...
Wait, also, let me just say, when we say white lady, we are not talking about you ladies that are white. Okay? Well, Google. Huh? Google said. I know, but that's not what we're saying. Oh, yeah. No, no, no. We're not saying that. White lady is literally like a white lady figure, period. Like, because you know how most ghosts are like white? Yeah. Yeah. That's basically what a white lady is. We just don't have a name for it. All right. Okay. So a white lady...
It's a lady wearing white. You can see them by seeing like an eerie orb or like a light or like a little blurry shadow or what is this called? Clouds in a shape of a woman formed. And a white lady is formed by a lady who either got murdered or assassinated or betrayed by their loved ones. And a white lady is a lady who seek revenge for
and looks for the killer. Oh. Yes. So they seek revenge and looks for the killer until they find the killer to free their soul out there. Oh. Yeah. I like that. Any questions? Boo.
Is there like specific stories of like white ladies in the Philippines? Because I know the most famous one is the White Lady at the Balete Drive. I looked it up and I think that's the origin. It happened in 1939 where a girl was killed and buried at the Balete Tree. And then they said that Balete Trees are a tree that holds a lot of spirits inside the
And to this day, that lady is still haunting to look for her murderer. Oh my gosh. Can you tell us what happens if you do see the white lady at the Valletta Drive? Because I know you're supposed to pick her up, correct? Well, no. They say to never ever pick up a girl wearing a...
white dress because they're evil spirits. They're here, they're for revenge and they try to make you kill them yourself until they find the murder. That's how they look for the murderers is they stop every guy that comes in and like drive past either like a motorcyclist or a cab or
And they try to lure them by walking on the side of the road and make them stop. And then at first you'll see what you want to see. Like, for example, there's a story of this guy named Mark. He just lost his wife and he's like,
And like in their honeymoon, he lost his wife and he's like weeping, very sad. All his families are like trying to concern him. He drove to Balete Drive and he saw a lady and the lady turned out to be the wife.
Yes. And she was like saying like, oh my God, I didn't know this is real. Like, are you real? So he kept rubbing his eyes, rubbing his face to see if it's real. And the lady, the wife put her hands on his shoulder saying, it's okay. I'm here. Like, how are you? How are you been? And then basically tried to convince him to take him in a car.
She convinced him to take her in the car and said, we can be together again. And there's only one way we can do it. Or the other way where they find another spirit like guide to like resurrect her or, you know,
He basically killed himself. So she was trying to convince him to do to kill himself because he said she said it was faster and easier and you're not going to feel anything. If you want to be with me, then do it. So he hold his hand. And as soon as he hold his hand, he kept driving and driving over like 100 miles per hour and then crashed.
And then. And now they. Lived happily ever after. Together. That is crazy. Yes. Sorry to interrupt your spooky ooky episode. But this show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Thank you so much BetterHelp for sponsoring today's video.
Now, nothing scares me, period. I'm a fearless ass gal, as some of y'all know. But something that truly scares me is silence. I hate silence. I always have to have a podcast playing, music playing. Something needs to be playing in the background. I don't know why. Wait, actually, I do know why. I went to therapy for this. I learned that I was scared of silence because silence.
Obviously, I'm an adult with ADHD and I can't believe I needed therapy to tell me that. I really did. She was like, because I was like telling her about how on car rides, I need to always have songs playing or in planes. I learned that I was really scared, not because of the plane or the ride of the planes or like the people or like traveling in general, but it was the silence of the plane. I hate like just the like that sound.
Ugh, hate it, girl. I learned that it could be part of my ADHD, but I also learned that maybe it was because my parents used to give me time out of no silence and silence just reminds me of being in trouble. Speaking of therapy, let's embrace this spooky season through therapy by facing your fears and overcoming them. Halloween is my favorite time of the year and BetterHelp offers a safe space where you can explore and confront what scares you. Silence!
I'll kill you. They offer affordable, convenient online therapy sessions with licensed professionals to help you navigate life's challenges and face what's haunting you. Like that, like the silence that just occurred. BetterHelp is a platform where you can fill out a quick questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist. The best part is, if you don't feel like you found the right fit, you can switch therapists anytime at no extra cost.
Overcome your fears with BetterHelp. Visit slash bretman today to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash bretman. Thank you so much, Blissy, for sponsoring this video, girl. Now, I get that it's spooky season, but that does not mean you have to wake up spooky and ooky like...
Sometimes I be waking up and my hair is a mess, I have new pimples, new friends on my face, and guess why that is? Probably what I've been sleeping on the past 8 hours. To be honest with you, there is nothing like waking up in my bliss seat pillowcases. It draws the fine line between waking up spooky and waking up like I woke up like this. A flawless girl. If you could only see how glowing and refreshed I look in the morning, like...
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I know you guys have been waiting for me to tell my story with the girl in the front of the house. Oh my god. Wait, who told you we were waiting? Y'all were forcing me to tell it. No, I didn't. Okay, well that's fine because I was saying I already said the story with Justice last episode. Oh, was he scared? No, because I already told him the story like off camera. So he was just like... You should tell the story. No, I...
I'll tell Princess like out of camera. But like I'm not gonna say it again because it's like the same story. Yeah. No, you know what? I'll just wait for you guys' podcast. Yeah. Two episodes. I remembered when Grandpa died. And obviously we were in the Philippines. Yes. Princess, you were in America. And we would have prayers every night leading up to his funeral in America. And we used to have like everyone kind of like came over. And sometimes…
A white lady isn't We also have like Black lady Yes And she's wearing black But that's all I know But I'm saying that Because I guess Somebody like Saw it in the back Of our house When we were doing Prayers for Grandpa Yeah Really Yeah Oh also This is the worst Segway for this Because I know We're like creepy right now But my look today Is inspired by Maxi
For her snatch game. Oh my god. She's Babae Sabalete. And congrats, Maxie, for winning Drag Race Philippines. Oh my god. Congratulations. You deserve. Well, deserve. Deserve. Sorry. Okay, Princess.
Let's educate the girls on Chanak. So my Aswang is Chanak, which is also called Dianak. The word Dianak is said to come from the words matay or anak, which means dead child. It's basically the D word. I don't want to say it because I get really scared. D. What's the D word? Dead? No. What? D. Okay.
D word, bitch. Why the fuck would the audience know what a D word is? I'm not saying it. What is it? It's D. Jablo? No, like, D. It says D. Demon! Oh my god, what happened already? I didn't want to say it, that's why. I get scared. Okay, Princess gets scared of the word demon. So, if you hear her say D. Why you guys already made me...
Okay, but just from now on, because I didn't know what the fuck D word was. It literally said it's basically a D. Duru? So if it says D word, she means demon, you guys. Fuck it again. Okay, go. It's basically a D or a creature baby, but they are also baby vampires or aborted fetus monster. The belief in the Tiyanak may have originated... Oh my God.
Princess, maybe if you didn't fucking copy and paste your fucking research, you wouldn't have to read Big Words. It's from the tribe in Mindanao.
It is... The Tienak is a vampire creature that hunts and kills travelers and children. For travelers, the Tienak takes the form of a baby or a toddler and cries in the jungle to attract travelers. Once a traveler picks it up, the Tienak reverts to its true form and attacks it. And also, it also likes to...
lead the travelers astray. And for the children, the Tionaks abduct the child. Okay, for the children, the Tionak abducts the children. And a way to get, a way to fight the Tionak or not to get abducted or, you know,
Get hurt from it. You turn your clothes inside out. I didn't know that. You make loud noises. Use garlic or rosemary. Give it a name. And offer a white candle. What do you offer a white candle? Oh, okay. So for the white candle, the reason why is it's offering a white candle is thought to help and guide the Chanak spirit to the afterlife. Oh.
And then for the reason why you got to give it a name is giving a name to the Chanuk is the thought to bring it peace. And then for to use garlic or rosemary, the objects that are believed to repel Aswang like garlic and rosemary are also thought to be effective against the Chanuk. If you make loud noises like a New Year's celebration, it will drive the Chanuk away.
What? I'm cackling because you know how Filipinos, we don't just have one name. I don't know why, but I could see a Filipino mom. I don't know why. I don't know why my brain went there. Imagine being like, go away, Sasha Lai Rose.
Princess used to have a dog. She was cute. She was cute.
And one of my pet peeves is when people give dogs human names. And Princess names her dog Sasha Le Rose. And I'm like, why are you naming it like how a Filipino mom names her kids? Like, just pick a name. That's like JR with King Ivor James. Pick a name.
Keisha J. Lo Nicole. Keisha J. Lo Nicole. Like, why do your kids have three fucking names? So I can just imagine being like, King Ivor James! No! Sacha Lee Rose! I can't breathe. I almost spit out the coffee. I can't breathe. You're like, Sacha Lee Rose. I can't breathe.
I don't know why I'm crying. It's too hot to be laughing this way. I'm cackling. Okay, so basically he started to go walking. I don't know why he went walking at 2.30 at night, but... A lot of these stories are always like, I got bored and I went out for a walk at night. Like, girl...
Dude, go to bed. You know how I take time? Oh my god, I can't. Basically, he took the dog out. He went walking with the dog. And he heard dogs howling and stuff like that. And then he heard... He went to the forest. Because that's their way. Usually in the morning. But he wanted to take the dog out early.
So he hears the chanak crying. And then he was like, that doesn't sound like a normal baby crying. Why would a baby be crying this late? So when he went, he basically went too close to it. And then he gave the chanak a name. Sasha Lee Rose. No, the name was... You guys are so irritating. Okay.
The child, okay, stopped, confused, and I continued, Perdido. Perdido. Perdido. I give you this name, Perdido. Then my heart rate sped up, but I tried to catch my breath. The child stood still, then suddenly the wind blew, bringing the misty fog along, the thickness of its...
blocked my view of the child, but I still saw it. I saw how its soul turned wispy white, floating up in the sky. It went towards the moon, now shining down where it was.
Yeah. Basically. Period. Perdio. Perdio. Hi, Perdio. Don't! Hello, Perdio. Deward. Okay, well, that's it, guys. Alright, so that was Princess's research. And now, I will tell you guys about the mythical creature of Manananggal. Ooh.
Ooh, one of my favorites. What is that? Manananggal. You'll know it when I say it. It's kind of like one of... Okay, so manananggal is kind of one of the more well-known aswangs that we have. It's usually a female. It's a vampire creature with wings. And at night, she splits her body into two, the top half of her body and separates from her lower half. And she grows bat-like wings, which she uses to fly around at night to search for her victims.
Just like most Aswangs, she is bloodthirsty and she uses her long, pointy tongue to get into the internal organs and sometimes unborn children in women's bodies. Some also believe that their saliva is poisonous and it can kill their victim in their sleep. Wait.
That's what tiktik is. Yeah, tiktik is more like the boy version of manananggal. And he's like more longer. And he specifically only haunts for pregnant women. And just because Princess didn't do her research, I will just explain real quick. That their tongue is so long. It goes from the roof and it comes down from where the mommy is sleeping. And that's how they are able to suck up.
The baby is basically with their long tongue. Their kryptonite is garlic, salt, and the sun, and holy objects like cross, holy water, and whatnot. And I'm sure you guys have seen movies and shows with manananggal in them where the victim often will find the other bottom half of the...
the manananggal's body and pour salt and garlic in it. And when you pour it on their bottom half, they can't connect back together. And that's how you eventually kill them. Because when they can't connect to their body, they have to wait until the sun comes out and they basically melt and die. I think I watched this one. Do you guys have any questions of manananggals? Manananggals are most common in the Capes region of the Philippines. Where's that?
I think in like lower region of the Philippines like lower yeah lower more like in the province yeah
Wait, did they tell you why they split in half? They didn't really explain to... No, they didn't explain why. I couldn't find why they split in half. But I think... Bitch, there was no reason why. They literally just were... They just have always been known to cut their body in half. I didn't... They didn't explain why. Wait, so what are... So they only come out at night? Or they're like... They come out at night because they're scared of the sun and... They're like half bats. They have bat wings. Oh, I see.
And most of the time they'll... How do they find the pregnant woman? Do they smell it? They smell it. And it's just like... It's the same thing. They'll sense pregnancy. Because evil spirits are drawn to innocence. And I think that's why a lot of common themes with these are they mainly attack...
- Yeah. - Children. - And it's probably from like all like chismes too. - Oh yeah, for sure. - 'Cause they're like regular people in the daytime, like, you know, talking to people, making friends. - 'Cause like I said, most Askuangs live the day-to-day life. They look like regular people. There were a lot of like videos that I saw with like sightings
But obviously, this is a podcast. I can't really show videos and I don't want to. But if you guys want to know more about Manananggal, then it's on TikTok. Yeah. Oh, okay. They're really cool. They're really like a cute story. I would say they're my favorite one. If I was a Manananggal, I would be like a cunt one. They're very interesting. Yeah. Alright, Miss K. Okay.
Okay, I have the duende. A duende is either an old man and it's like a dwarf creature with long... It's like basically what you call a gnome here. Yeah, a gnome. Yeah, so duendes, they come from the woods on anthills or old houses in remote areas. So just like an abandoned house in a forest or something. So basically, there's a different type of duendes. There's a white duende, which they say that
is the nicest duende. There's black duende, which they say is the evil ones. And then I think they said there's a red one, which is they can either be good or bad. Or a lot of people say they're even worse than the black ones. And then the green ones, which are the ones that's like very much more playful, very tricky. They like to play with kids and women. And then we have the blue ones, which is the smurfs.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, basically. So duendes, they say that you can't really get rid of them. Every time you see them, you just have to pay your respect and say that you're not going to hurt them because they are very fragile creatures. They just, they love, they're very playful. They're very, they just like to do whatever they want to do. They like to play tricks. Depending on their moods. Yes, basically.
And they said that one way to get rid of them, if you ever like piss one off, is just go to an albolario, which is like a healer in the Philippines, and tell them to go away and leave you alone. Period. There was a lot of like stories of like duendes, but I feel like a lot of...
The stories about duendes are more lighthearted. They're not really like super evil. They're not bloodthirsty. I wouldn't even consider them as aswangs. They're more like spirits, I guess. Mystical creatures. Mystical creatures. Like fairies and stuff. They say, like I was reading this story where they said like, if you're missing something from your house, a duende might have taken it. Yes. And if you're not looking for it, that's when he'll give it back. Yeah. Yeah.
They're more like light-hearted girlies. They're very tricky tricksters people. And they're actually... Yeah. They're just nothing really... They're cutesy. I'm like, I'm not scared of no motherfucking fairy ass bitch. Tinka. They're little tiny people. And they just like to play and do tricks. Period. Alright, Princess.
What? You didn't do your research on TicTic? No, I told you that already. Okay, period. Can I say one? I wish you'd give it to Princess. Is the one Capre? Oh yeah, Capre is... What is it? Capre is basically a giant tall man that lives in a tree that smokes his cigarette. And then...
And he basically lingers and he's like one of those people that like steals and eats humans. So if you like come across it, I don't know what you gotta do for it. Capre reminds me of the evil little guy in Harry Potter. I've never watched Harry Potter.
Which one? The one that needs a sock? Yeah, Dobie. Yeah, Dobie. No, he's like bigger. Like a giant man. No, like his face-wise. Because every time he's depicted, he looks like Dobie's face, but big and in a tree. Yeah. So I think they're very cool too. I don't know. There's a lot. There's a lot in the Filipinos. Alright. The next one that I want to talk about is one that's another...
but could be in the same category and they are called mangkukulam. Not to be confused with manananggal. Two different things. This is mangkukulam. Mangkukulam is basically a traditional Filipino witch sorcerer
The beliefs and the practices also different from regions of the Philippines. So sometimes magukulam in the Luzon might not be the same stories as magukulam in Mindanao or Visayas. They can also be different from family to family, person to person. And they often live away from civilization where their houses are usually like in the bukid, like in the mountains or like they're just isolated from the society, but they still are very much one with us.
In most lores, mangkukulam curses, casts spells, and makes potions on people they want to take revenge on. Most of the time, most people go to the mangkukulam to do their dirty revenge work for them. They can cause illness, misfortune, and sometimes death to their victims.
They also use manikas, like dolls, voodoo dolls, along with a picture of the person being cursed or their hair. How do they get the hair? Sometimes, obviously, the person that's coming in will provide it. But sometimes mangkukulams can also be shapeshifters and they can become birds, cats, and dogs. And they can use that ability to get what they need. And you can protect yourself from their curses by wearing amulets.
Like, anting-anting, which is the one we're struggling to find a word for. But it's actually amulets, not a family heirloom. There's also cleansing rituals. Or like Ms. K said, you can speak to a manggagamot or an albulario, which is basically a witch doctor. But yeah, I also want to preface by saying that
Mankukulam have like bad notation of them but just like in western culture and very fitting with a movie coming up Wicked there are good and bad witches there are good Mankukulams and bad Mankukulams out there but for the most part if you genuinely want to protect yourself from curses and the works the evil works of Mankukulam people you
It's just to be a good person. Yeah. Most of the time, people who are cursing you or trying to hex on you, if you are a good person, evil work and dark magic will not work on you. Yeah.
But also, what is a good person? What makes a person good? You know what I mean? So I can't really tell you how. But yeah, that was my story. That was my research on Mangko Kulam. I actually have a story of Mangko Kulam. I know you do. And it happened to me. Yes. My mom told me this. I don't want to hear it. It's my story. No, so basically...
Back in the days when I was still like a baby, my mom told me that I formed a sickness where like all a lot of bumps started growing on me. And basically I almost died from it because it almost closed my throat. Like the bumps almost closed my throat. So you had the bumps in your throat? Yeah, everywhere.
Basically. And then my mom had put me to like doctors and places like healers and they didn't know what to do and like what was wrong with me because no, it was like out of nowhere. It was out of nowhere. Sudden, sudden,
And yeah, basically all the medical didn't know what was happening until she thought about it and sat down and I was like, what is happening with my kid? And then she remembered there was a house right next to our house. And there was this lady that it's like an old lady. I guess that was just jealous of my family because like my family was just like this very big thing. Like my grandpa used to be like a mayor and this stuff. So basically my family had
So he, my mom went to her house in like the middle of the forest and knocked on her door and asked for forgiveness of whatever she did. And like offered something to the lady and like basically crying to her, like, please leave my child alone. Just if you have something against me, just put it on me. Just not on my child. Yeah. And then after that, she came home and all the bumps went away. Yeah.
Yeah. How old were you? I was like, I think probably one or two. Damn. So Colin wasn't even around yet. Yeah, no. Basically. Just you and Jordi? Why does everything happen to you? I don't know.
Dorley just had to be bald. Yeah. I don't know. But yeah, I think when she told me that my skin like out of my body. The box came back. And I was like, that is the scariest thing ever. Did auntie ever tell you like what she did to? I think it's because our. Jealousy. Yeah. Jealousy. Jealousy was mostly jealousy because like I said, like my family, like my mom's side was kind of well off.
In the province. And like, I guess it was one of those people where like my uncle didn't really, my grandpa didn't really help them basically because he was a mayor. So he was very bad. Yeah. And like about the anting and ting, the amulets, every time me and my brother would go home back in the Philippines, we were up in the provinces where people live in like forests and like people like to practice stuff over there.
She made us little pouches of salt to carry around with us everywhere. And like a little pouch. And we could never take it off until we left. Philippines. Wow. Yeah.
That's crazy. Thanks for sharing that. Of course. I'm trying to think if I had any experience with Mangkukulam or anything of that sort. I only have experience with Albolarios, obviously because my grandma was one in the Philippines and we also just lived by...
The one that I will share is when I got bit by a dog, it was a neighbor from... Because in our province, in the Philippines, in Sanchez Mira, not my dad's province, that's in Lalo, but in Sanchez, we live by a jail. Oh, yeah. And at the jail, they used to have all these dogs wandering around in the front all the time. And they would give birth in weird nooks and crannies around the neighborhood. And one time...
I found a fucking dog's kit, like puppies. Like it was like three puppies. And I didn't find the, I didn't see the fucking mom anywhere. So I'm over there like going to grab the fucking puppies, like pet them and stuff. Obviously we're taught not to touch puppies because they're obviously worms, rabies and stuff like that. But I was like, bitch, these are puppies. Like I'm gonna fucking touch the puppy. I'm on my way to touch the puppy and angry ass fucking tiny white dog bit my fucking leg.
And I didn't tell anyone about it. I had gurigur that night. Gurigur is... Sick. Fever. Sorry. Sometimes when my brain switches to Ilocana, it just stays there. But I was sick. I got a fever. And then that same night, my mom rushes me to an albolario, which was just across from our house. And it's like 10 at night. Oh my god, I think I know this story. Yeah, it's like 10 now. Were you there?
I don't know. No, I was with Mylene. No, you weren't there. No, I think we were. We weren't there when it happened, but we were there when you were getting your thing. Yeah. I think we're at the day after. Yeah. It's not just a one night thing. Anyways, basically, the albolario grabbed a goat tusk and he slices my bite.
He rubs like sealy in it and a bunch of like other herbs and stuff like that. And then he squeezes out the rabies and like sucks it out with a goat tusk and like spits it out, sucks it out, spits it out. And I think I did that that night and then the next day after. And then like a clear like white blood cell was starting to come out and it wasn't like creamy anymore. And he's like, okay, the rabies is gone. And I didn't die from it.
Wow. Period. I remember mom recently when she went to the Philippines, she got scratcher like a bit from Auntie Telly's, one of Auntie Telly's cat. And she, my mom had rabies. Yeah, she had to take shots and stuff for it. She didn't go to the albalaria like me. I think she did. I think she did, you know. Yeah, I think she did. And then she went to go get shots too.
Yeah. It's crazy that like people can just suck up rabies. Yeah. And then do you see what happened to people that actually gets rabies? No. They're like really scared of like drinking water. They get hydrophobic. So they basically kind of like die because they don't, they can't drink water. And like they get thirsty. This one kid, right? Well, I watched this one TikTok. No, it wasn't a kid, but it was a guy. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, and they were trying to give him water and then like he just was refusing it. But that's when he was like really, really bad into the rabies already. Oh, like he didn't know he had rabies. And he died, right? Yeah, he died. They usually die within like a week and a half. Like weeks, weeks and a half. Yeah. Okay, so I kind of want to give a couple shoutouts to a couple aswangs that we didn't get to. I know Ms. K already gave a shoutout to Kapre. Also, shoutout to the Tikbalangs out there. Yeah.
Yeah, like, what is that called? Those, yeah, centaurs. Shout out to Dewatas. Shout out to you. Oh, wow. She's the guardian of nature. Ooh, queen. What is that? A deity is like a goddess. Oh, yeah. Dewatas. Is that you? Shout out to the Bungisngis. A Bungisngis is a smiling one-eyed giant with large teeth. Like...
Sully. Like Sully. Yeah. Hey Sully. Shout out to all the Sully's out there. Maybe the
Oh my god, I've heard of Damang Babarang before. Why are we giving them a shoutout? Because we didn't give them stuff. Shoutout to the Mananangga's little sister, Damang Babarang. It's a sorcerer that uses beetles and insects to curse its victims and give them illness. Shoutout to you. Hi, Mamabarang. Hopefully to meet you guys soon. Not with me.
I'm not a part of it. The mermaids. We have a lot of mermaids. Oh, yeah. Actually, I wanted... Oh, shout out to... Shout out to Sirena. Choco. Why are you pointing at me, bitch? Because, you know, do guns. Sirens.
Alright, I think that's all that we have for the Aswang Diaries. Is there any stories that you guys have? Anything else you guys want to talk about? Oh my god, no. Do you remember when we went to… Sikihore! Yes! When you were telling me that… Mambabarang, yes. I remembered when we… Where we shot for The Vogue is in the Sikihore Island. And they're known for a lot of their folklores and a lot of their deity stories. Yes.
And at the end of my photo shoot, day three, we went to go visit a healer. And he was educating us about like all of the things that medical, medical, Western medicals. I think one of the things that stand out to me was when he said every time we, medical, Western comes out with a new medicine, a new virus comes out, which is I was like, whoa, that kind of is scary. Yeah, that ends true. Yeah. Yeah.
And he was just educating us about like how just the difference of like modern day healing and like how people used to heal pre-colonial time in the Philippines. And I was just very educated. I loved it. He also did like a ritual on, he educated us about like mambabarangs and like what they did and like,
Just things of that nature. I miss that. Yeah, it did. The process was pretty cool. He covered us with his blanket. And he made this little ball. Ball paste. And it has like 100 ingredients. Ingredients from natural products around that you can find at his island. And he made it. And he got one piece for each of us. Because there was like 10 of us that went. And he burnt it. And then made us sit in this chair. And then have us covered.
While he was burning it. Yeah. He just basically... For like... Yeah. A protection. Like... Trying to take out the bad energy. Away from you. And I think it was so cute. Yeah. And they also had merch. I'm not gonna talk about it too much. But they had like a love spell. And a protection one. I still have both. And when I tell y'all... Um...
I'm gonna make a different video about this on how I manifested a man, but like I have like a page on my diary where like I put a dollop of the oil on it, where I was talking about like a man and then my man came.
No, it's crazy because I thought I was the only one that noticed that because every time I have that, that oil, girl, I be having getting like, like highs and by is, you know, from like men, like just like me casually, like just walking down and then I would check my bag and I would have it.
And I would leave it at home and like no one would talk to me Yeah yeah go to Sikihull and get the love oil So what does it do? They just make you fall in love with them? It attracts love It doesn't like cool on them or anything Alright well let's do products of the day Yay Alright let there be light Please In the name of Jesus Lumis
Alright, who would like to start the product of the week? Me, me, me. I want to go first. I want to go first because I want to stand up. Okay. Princess, would you like to show us a 360? Oh, I would love to give you guys my backstory. Literally. Okay, stand up, princess. We gotta help her. Oh yeah, I forgot you're pregnant. Okay, let me just... She got a Tiana in there. Yeah.
Bitch. This is a little back story. Girl, look at how her hair is on the bun. With two. You gotta look like this. Wait, let me take it out because it really actually hurt already. Yeah, no. I can tell you that your head was fucking hurting because you're so quiet. Literally. Not a single thought. I will be taking those extensions when she leaves.
Ooh, okay. A wig review. I didn't know we were lip syncing for our lives. Yeah, I know. When you gotta hunt for ghosts at 10 and be a mom at... Okay, I have to take out my stuff to show you guys my product of the day. I mean, the week. Your mic. So you can take it out. Do you want to take it out of camera or you want to just strip right here? Okay. Okay.
Alright princess, let's see your product of the day. Okay, reveal. Yes, body shape. What is it? Your makeup is crazy.
What is it, princess? Miss Teal. Acted by Teal. Acted by Teal. Shout out to Teal. You know she watches us. She always DMs us. I know. That's why I wanted to give her a little shout out. We love you, Miss Teal. But yeah, this is... I wear this like religiously like literally almost every day.
Because it's so comfortable for me and it like kind of lifts up my stomach because like sometimes like it really hurts like when when nothing's like protecting your ear the bottom and it's this this thing is really like lifting it. It's not tight either because I got an extra large Show the back. The cake is caking. She's carrying three. One, two, three in the back.
Okay, Princess. She's trying to get in that Active by Teal PR list. I see. Oh, I am. She's trying to get this in every color. Oh, I do. I have it. I have it. She's just trying to secure it. She's trying to secure it. She's trying to get a... But yeah, shout out to Teal. I love Teal. Support. Local business. Do you have matching ones with Claire? Because my friend Dream has matching ones with her kids. Oh my God, you should get one.
No, I don't. She would need it. Like, not need it, but she would love it for, like, volleyball practice. Yeah, that's true. She's a size small. All right. I'm going to go next. And then Miss K. And then I'm going to go next again because I actually have two products this week. Oh, princess. I'm sorry. I'm going to start off with the very product that saved me from my last two podcast filmings, which is my favorite on-the-go portable fan.
Which is this one right here. I've never seen a fan like that. I get this. I get it from Amazon. It's called Jisulife. J-I-S-U-Life. This is also the ones that look like the mini Dyson fans that I carry around sometimes. Yeah.
Yeah, because I like how both of them have a fan, but like nothing's blowing towards me. That's why you're in the center. But basically, since my AC's been off, like it's been so, so hot. And the Jisoo Life fan have saved me. They also have a really good portable one. I'm pretty sure you guys have seen it on your TikTok For You page. But yeah, love her. Get her on Amazon. Love it. Is it rechargeable or battery? It's rechargeable. It's not battery. You don't gotta plug it in. And it actually lasts a while. Like I think...
5 hours. And it's huge. That would be great for like football, soccer, like outdoor activities. Or just like setting your makeup. Beach, yes. And for situations like this. Because I'm a sweaty girl. Miss Kaylee, what is your product of the week? My product of the week is my perfume bottle. Ooh, Delaina. It's this little cute bottle. I got it at
TikTok shop Nordstrom And I love it It smells really good It lasts weeks on me It does smell like you It does It's my new signature scent How much is it? A lot It's like in the fours Funny story is that I actually The first bottle I got from this I dropped it in the store
cracked everywhere. And literally, one of the workers had the guts to be like, well, at least now our store is going to smell good. And I looked at him, I was like, well, duh.
Literally, my perfume just dropped and shattered everywhere on your stuff. So I went back and they were like so kind enough to be like, no, it's okay. Like, where's the bottle? And I gave them the crack bottle and he's like, here it is. And then she's like, no, it's okay. Just give it back to us and then we'll get you a new one. And then thank you so much. Thank you so much, Nordstrom. It's really good. Really good. Okay. Since I said I have two products of the week, my other product is a food item.
And I've been obsessed with this. This is the truffle and pop, the Hawaiian style. It's a local brand. We get it at Farmer's Market every Saturday. They also sell it at Foodland Farms. Yeah. It's basically like dairy-free, cheesy truffle popcorn. It is so good, guys. It is. I tried it. It's so good. It has arari, nutritional yeast, truffle oil, kosher salt, and non-GMO popcorn.
And it's just bomb. I just can't stop eating this. This is like my midnight snack. Midnight. He has it everywhere in his house. I do. I have it everywhere. And it's a local brand. So support local always. Yes. All right. That is the end of the episode. I can't believe we survived.
I think this is my favorite episode. It was so funny. I love that we got to talk about our culture. We got to share a little bit of it to the world. I hope you guys learned a thing or two. I think we need to start having them comment things in the comment section. What should they comment down below? Um...
I want to know about Aswangs in your culture. Yeah. Tell us about monsters, Aswangs, healers, witches, mythical creatures, folklore. Yes, anything. From your culture or from if you're Filipino like us, share us maybe like a story. If you have experienced any.
Anything that's like very interesting. Yeah. Because I do look in your guys' comments. We do. I love. I'm like, I always go on there every time his podcast comes in. So. Yeah. And we just want to say thank you guys so much for all of the responses. Positive. Really great positive responses. And even when people are making comments of like how we could improve. Yes. We always take them with a grain of salt. Especially when people are like, oh, yeah.
The curse sound is a little too loud. So we found like a cuter sound. And I hope you guys enjoyed like the sounds that we found. I just don't know yet. Even the segment sections and how they're enjoying that have been really great. So thank you guys so much for all the criticism and honestly great feedback. Thank you so much. Thank you for giving us
100 Palat. What a milestone. All right, Miss Kay, where can they find you? You guys can find me...
You guys can find me at... Bitch, where's your social? No, I know. I forgot my social media. It's M-I-S-K-A-A-A-Y. That's three A's and a Y and an E at the end. Period. Princess, where can they find you? Follow me on all my social, Real Princess May. And also find me at Costco in Kapolei.
She's always there every weekend. She's always there, girl. Sponsor her, bitch. She's the face of Costco. Oh, also follow me on my Amazon store, friend. Bitch. Alright, you guys. You already know everything is at Bretman Rock. Make sure you guys like, subscribe, and follow the baddest radio. Give it a thumbs up and give it a great rate. I know we're killing it, bitch.
I love you guys. And I will see you guys on the next Halloween finale episode. Love you guys, everybody. Oh my god, next week is Halloween finale? Yeah, for the month. Oh my gosh. Bye, everybody. October went like that.
Bye, beach. I'll see you next Thursday. Yeah. Don't forget to follow, rate, and like. You can follow me at BretmanRock on everything and follow the podcast at The Baddest Radio on all social media. Bye, beach. Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.