cover of episode Part Two: How The Liberal Media Helped Fascism Win

Part Two: How The Liberal Media Helped Fascism Win

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Behind the Bastards

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Robert Evans 和 Michael Swain 探讨了美国媒体对 20 世纪 30 年代欧洲法西斯主义兴起的反应,以及这种反应如何影响了今天的媒体和政治。他们认为,由于距离、经济利益以及对共产主义的恐惧,许多美国媒体对墨索里尼和希特勒采取了同情或至少是轻描淡写的态度。他们分析了《纽约时报》等主要媒体的报道,指出这些媒体对纳粹暴行的报道不足,甚至淡化了其严重性。他们还讨论了记者与权力人物之间的关系如何影响他们的客观性,并以玛吉·哈伯曼对特朗普的报道为例进行了说明。他们认为,这种对权力的谄媚和对真相的淡化,与 20 世纪 30 年代美国媒体对法西斯主义的报道有着惊人的相似之处。他们进一步指出,这种现象在当今的媒体报道中依然存在,并对现代政治和社会造成了深远的影响。 Robert Evans 和 Michael Swain 详细分析了《纽约时报》在报道纳粹德国和法西斯意大利方面的失误,以及这些失误如何导致美国公众对纳粹暴行的认识不足。他们特别关注了记者弗雷德里克·伯查尔,他为了获得对希特勒的采访机会而故意淡化了纳粹的暴行。他们还讨论了《纽约时报》所有者阿道夫·奥克斯和阿瑟·苏尔茨伯格对犹太人遭受迫害的冷漠态度,以及这种态度如何影响了该报的报道。他们认为,《纽约时报》对大屠杀的报道不足,以及对其他媒体(如犹太电讯社和法国共产党报纸《人道报》)的报道的忽视,是其追求所谓“客观性”的结果,这种客观性实际上掩盖了真相。他们还讨论了多萝西·汤普森等记者的报道,这些报道更具批判性和警示性,但同时也引发了争议。他们认为,在与法西斯主义作斗争时,客观性不应凌驾于真相之上。

Deep Dive

Robert and Michael discuss how the US press, influenced by wealthy owners with pro-fascist leanings, initially normalized and supported the growth of fascism in Europe. This was partly due to the belief that fascism offered a solution to the Great Depression and served as a bulwark against communism.
  • The US press's normalization of fascism was driven by a combination of distance, pro-fascist leanings among wealthy media owners, and the belief that fascism offered solutions to economic problems.
  • The US press often portrayed Mussolini as a charismatic figure and compared him favorably to movie stars, contributing to the early American fascination with fascism.
  • The Saturday Evening Post published Mussolini's autobiography, while other major publications like the Chicago Tribune and The New York Times credited fascism with restoring normalcy in Italy.

Shownotes Transcript

Robert and Michael talk about how the US press responded to the rise of European fascism and where that leaves us today.

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