cover of episode Part One: The History of American Masculinity Grifters

Part One: The History of American Masculinity Grifters

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Behind the Bastards

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Miles Gray
Robert Evans
Robert Evans: 本期节目探讨了美国媒体对男性气质危机的周期性炒作,以及一些人如何利用这种焦虑牟利。从上世纪初到如今,这种焦虑一直存在,并随着社会变迁而表现形式有所不同。 例如,一些男性付费参加‘地狱周’式训练营,以寻求男性气质的认同感,但这种做法暴露了他们内心的脆弱和对暴力美学的迷恋。许多针对男性的‘男性气质危机’项目都利用了男性内心的不安全感和对暴力的迷恋,将男性气质与暴力联系起来,并以此来吸引受众。 ‘货物崇拜式男性气质’指的是男性盲目模仿电影或媒体中塑造的男性形象,而没有真正理解男性气质的内涵。 20世纪初,美国社会第一次出现男性气质危机,这与工业化导致的家庭结构变化和女性在教育和工作领域的崛起有关。‘Gamergate’事件反映了男性对女性进入游戏领域以及由此带来的男性气质变化的焦虑。 19世纪末20世纪初,自行车运动的流行引发了对女性社会角色变化的担忧,一些人甚至编造了自行车对女性健康有害的谬论。20世纪20年代,女性就业比例的增加引发了男性对自身工作和社会地位的担忧,导致了对男性气质的重新定义。 如今,一些人通过手术来增加身高,这反映了人们对自身外貌的焦虑和对社会评价的过度关注。一些男性通过手术增加身高来弥补自身的不安全感,但这种做法既昂贵又具有风险,且并不能真正解决问题。经济大萧条时期,男性失业导致了男性气质危机的出现,但这种危机与个人脆弱无关,而是社会结构性问题造成的。 ‘Gamergate’事件以及随后的极端主义运动,是互联网时代男性焦虑和社会疏离的极端表现。 Miles Gray: 上世纪初到2000年代初期,男性气质的社会评价经历了短暂的积极转变,但之后又恶化了。一些男性为了逃避自我反省,而选择花钱参加男性气质训练营,这是一种逃避现实的行为。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do moral panics over masculinity in the US occur every 30 years?

Moral panics over masculinity in the US occur every 30 years because columnists and media repeatedly get convinced that masculinity is in crisis, often due to societal changes and economic shifts that affect men's roles and identities.

Why do men pay $12,000 to participate in the Modern Day Knight Project?

Men pay $12,000 to participate in the Modern Day Knight Project to experience an intense, unpleasant, but short and manageable event that makes them feel like 'real men,' often due to feelings of inadequacy and a lack of self-worth.

Why did the bicycle craze of the 1890s cause a moral panic?

The bicycle craze of the 1890s caused a moral panic because it allowed women to travel independently and led to changes in women's clothing, which challenged traditional gender norms and roles.

Why did the Great Depression lead to a crisis in masculinity among working-class men?

The Great Depression led to a crisis in masculinity among working-class men because widespread unemployment made it difficult for them to support their families, leading to a loss of self-esteem and identity tied to being a provider.

Why did the hobby industry grow during the Great Depression?

The hobby industry grew during the Great Depression because hobbies provided a sense of self-worth and a way to focus on something positive during economic difficulties, fulfilling the need for self-esteem and taking attention away from financial struggles.

Why did the Gamergate movement become a significant cultural and political force?

The Gamergate movement became a significant cultural and political force because it organized angry young men who felt threatened by changes in the gaming industry and broader society, and it was later co-opted by right-wing figures to spread harassment and political influence.

Robert Evans and Miles Gray discuss the seemingly modern trend of "masculinity in crisis", noting that similar concerns have arisen roughly every 30 years for the past 120 years. They highlight the cyclical nature of these panics and the emergence of grifters who profit from men's feelings of inadequacy.
  • Moral panics over masculinity have occurred cyclically for over a century.
  • Modern masculinity grifters exploit these anxieties for profit.

Shownotes Transcript

Robert sits down with Miles Gray to give a history of American Masculinity Grifters, and the media-created fears of a 'crisis' in masculinity.

(2 Part Series)

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