cover of episode Part One: Louis van Schoor: The Deadliest Security Guard in History

Part One: Louis van Schoor: The Deadliest Security Guard in History

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Behind the Bastards

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Robert Evans
Robert Evans: 本期节目探讨了南非种族隔离时期一个名为Louis van Schoor的连环杀手的案例,他曾是一名警犬管理员,利用职务之便犯下多起谋杀案。他的行为反映了种族隔离制度下法律的错位和暴力执法的普遍性,以及社会对暴力的纵容。节目中还探讨了种族隔离制度的历史根源、警犬在暴力执法中的作用,以及Louis van Schoor的个人背景和犯罪动机。 Molly Conger: Molly Conger主要与Robert Evans共同探讨了Louis van Schoor的案例,并对相关社会问题发表了评论。她对种族隔离制度下的暴力和不公正表示谴责,并对警犬在暴力执法中的作用提出了质疑。

Deep Dive

Louis van Schoor was born in South Africa in 1951. His childhood remains largely unknown, but it's speculated that he grew up in East London, a city named during British colonial rule.
  • Van Schoor's full name is Sybrand Jacobus Lodwickus Van Schoor.
  • He dropped out of school at 16 to join the police force.

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