cover of episode What’s next for immersive storytelling? | Mark Grimmer

What’s next for immersive storytelling? | Mark Grimmer

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Mark Grimmer
以沉浸式艺术展览为特色的电影制作人和Fifty Nine Productions联合创始人。
Mark Grimmer: 本演讲主要探讨了沉浸式叙事在艺术展览中的应用,以及如何通过跨学科合作,将科技与艺术相结合,创造出更具感染力的叙事体验。他以David Bowie和David Hockney的展览为例,详细阐述了其设计理念、创作过程和最终效果。在David Bowie展览中,他摒弃了传统的线性叙事方式,采用多视角、碎片化的方式,将音乐、影像、服装等元素融合在一起,营造出一种充满活力和变化的氛围,力求真实地展现David Bowie的艺术风格和精神。在David Hockney展览中,他与艺术家本人紧密合作,通过多媒体技术,再现了艺术家本人讲述其创作历程的场景,让观众仿佛置身于艺术家的创作现场,深入了解其创作理念和过程。这两个案例都体现了沉浸式叙事在艺术展览中的巨大潜力,以及跨学科合作的重要性。 Mark Grimmer: 演讲者认为,沉浸式叙事不仅仅是技术的应用,更重要的是故事本身的感染力。他强调,科技只是手段,而故事才是核心。他认为,未来的沉浸式娱乐将更加注重人与人之间的联系,并促进人们之间的创作与交流。他呼吁不同领域的专业人士,例如建筑师、动画师、导演、设计师、作家和技术人员等,进行跨学科合作,共同创造出更具创新性和感染力的沉浸式作品。他认为,这种跨学科的合作,如同大型强子对撞机一样,能够碰撞出新的火花,创造出具有改变世界力量的艺术作品。

Deep Dive

Mark Grimmer's team, lacking prior exhibition design experience, combined their expertise in stage shows, live music, and film to create an immersive museum experience celebrating David Bowie's career. They abandoned a traditional linear narrative, opting for a kaleidoscopic presentation of objects, costumes, props, music, and images, culminating in a live performance finale evoking the energy of a Bowie concert.
  • Grimmer's team leveraged their experience in other mediums to create a unique exhibition.
  • The exhibition employed a non-linear, kaleidoscopic approach to showcasing Bowie's work.
  • The finale aimed to recreate the energy and emotion of a live Bowie performance.

Shownotes Transcript

"New possibilities for storytelling are emerging faster than at any other time in history," says film producer Mark Grimmer. With an immersive approach to art exhibitions, he shares several multidisciplinary projects — including a kaleidoscopic exhibit of David Bowie's world-changing career and a luminous, interactive show that brings visitors inside the paintings of David Hockney — and shows what's possible when ideas collide.