cover of episode Sunday Pick: Yuval Noah Harari on what history teaches us about justice and peace

Sunday Pick: Yuval Noah Harari on what history teaches us about justice and peace

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Adam Grant
Yuval Noah Harari
Adam Grant: 本期讨论的核心在于探讨公平与和平之间的张力,以及如何在追求正义的同时维护和平。Grant 认为,在许多情况下,正义与和平之间存在矛盾,有时需要在两者之间做出选择,他个人会优先选择和平。他还介绍了心理学中对公平的三种定义:平等、公平与需求,并探讨了人们对公平的不同理解。 Grant 还提到了非暴力抵抗运动的有效性,以及人们在面对威胁时更倾向于选择强硬领导人的现象,这可能导致暴力和战争。他认为,应该重新定义领导者的角色,使其不仅拥有使用权力的能力,还具备建立关系、沟通和解决冲突的能力。 最后,Grant 提出了一个疑问:如何在客观现实不断改善的同时,避免幸福感停滞不前的问题。 Yuval Noah Harari: Harari 认为,公平的观念是人类创造的,宇宙并不遵循这些观念,试图强加公平观念可能会导致灾难。他认为,历史上所有的和平都需要妥协,包括对正义的妥协。正义是主观的,而和平是客观的,衡量和平的标准是人们是否被杀害。 Harari 还介绍了人们对历史和正义公平的三种叙事:法西斯主义叙事、共产主义叙事和自由主义叙事,并阐述了这三种叙事的核心观点。他本人认同自由主义叙事,认为可以通过对话而非结构性冲突来解决冲突和不公正。 Harari 指出,历史上暴力并非一成不变,和平与暴力时期交替出现。21世纪初是人类历史上最和平的时期,这并非奇迹,而是人类行为改变的结果。他认为,人类在获得权力方面非常成功,但在将权力转化为幸福方面却做得不好,人类应该关注幸福而非权力。 Harari 还探讨了人类与其他灵长类动物的比较,以及人类战争原因与其他动物的不同,他认为现代战争往往源于人们心中的虚构故事。学习历史的目的是为了摆脱过去的束缚,想象不同的未来,而不是预测未来。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do our concepts of fairness often lead to conflicts and catastrophes?

Our ideas of fairness are human-invented stories that don't align with the universe's reality. When we try to impose these subjective concepts on the world, it often leads to conflicts and catastrophes, as people see those who oppose their vision of fairness as evil.

What is the fundamental difference between justice and peace?

Justice is subjective and varies among individuals, cultures, and religions, while peace is more objective, focusing on whether people are being killed or not. Peace is a matter of reality, not belief.

Why should we prioritize peace over justice if we must choose?

Peace is more objective and achievable than a completely just society, which is impossible due to differing definitions of justice among people. Peace ensures survival and safety, which are more tangible goals.

How do stories about history and justice influence conflicts and peace?

Stories about history and justice, such as fascist, communist, and liberal narratives, shape how people perceive conflicts. These stories can either promote cooperation based on shared human experiences or escalate conflicts by framing them as inevitable power struggles.

Why is nonviolent resistance more effective than violent resistance?

Empirical evidence shows that nonviolent resistance campaigns are significantly more effective than violent ones, even when overthrowing authoritarian governments. Nonviolent methods build broader support and are less likely to escalate conflicts.

Why is there a resurgence of violence and conflict in recent years?

The resurgence of violence is due to people gravitating towards seeing the world in terms of inescapable conflict and power struggles. This mindset, shaped by changing stories and beliefs, leads to more violence and less focus on cooperation.

How can we disrupt the self-fulfilling prophecy of violence and conflict?

By recognizing that violence is not an inevitable part of human nature and that history shows periods of both peace and conflict, we can work towards creating more peaceful societies. This involves changing our stories and focusing on cooperation over conflict.

Why do humans often fight for reasons different from other animals?

Humans often fight over imaginary stories and beliefs, such as ideologies and national identities, rather than basic needs like food and territory. This makes conflicts more about mental constructs than physical survival.

What is the best reason to learn history according to Yuval Noah Harari?

The best reason to learn history is to free oneself from the past and imagine alternative destinies. This involves understanding how historical narratives can hold us captive and prevent us from creating a more peaceful future.

How does the rise of AI impact culture and society according to Harari?

AI has the potential to take over culture, including art and religion, creating entirely new styles and belief systems that could influence global society. This shift is more concerning than AI's impact on technology and tools.

Yuval Noah Harari and Adam Grant discuss how human imagination and storytelling have been crucial in shaping societies and history, but also how these stories can lead to conflicts and catastrophes when imposed on reality.
  • Stories about fairness and justice are often human inventions that don't align with reality.
  • Attempts to impose perfect fairness can lead to severe conflicts and wars.
  • Peace often requires compromises on subjective notions of justice.

Shownotes Transcript

Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Yuval Noah Harari is a historian best known for his book "Sapiens", which has sold more than 25 million copies and has been translated into 65 languages. In this episode of ReThinking with Adam Grant, Adam and Yuval examine the power of stories in shaping humanity’s success, discuss the tension between justice and peace, and reconsider the true purpose of studying history. 

Transcripts for ReThinking are available at