cover of episode Sunday Pick: The UN is speaking up about AI — here's what they're saying

Sunday Pick: The UN is speaking up about AI — here's what they're saying

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bilawal Sidhu
Elise Hu
Ian Bremmer
Elise Hu: 联合国发布的这份报告旨在为全球人工智能治理制定规范,如同核能和航空领域一样,但人工智能的复杂性更高,挑战更大。 Ian Bremmer: 联合国关注人工智能治理的原因是人工智能发展速度过快,且缺乏治理,而其巨大的应用潜力和潜在风险使得全球治理刻不容缓。人工智能发展主要由追求利润的私营公司驱动,他们只关注自身利益,而忽略了技术带来的负面影响,这与气候变化问题类似。为了有效治理人工智能,联合国需要与私营部门合作,因为私营部门掌握着技术和知识。当前人工智能发展主要由私营公司驱动,政府在治理方面处于追赶状态,这导致了“技术两极世界”的形成。未来可能需要不同类型的治理模式,例如美中之间的军备控制协议或类似金融稳定委员会的机构,这取决于人工智能发展的具体路径。为了确保公平获取人工智能技术,联合国建议建立人工智能能力发展网络和全球人工智能基金,以支持发展中国家的AI发展。他最担心的是人类会被算法编程,并逐渐失去人性。 Bilawal Sidhu: 人工智能技术既带来机遇也存在风险,机遇在于其作为工具的变革性潜力,风险在于其负外部性以及少数富人可能独占其益处。如何对难以解释、尚不完全理解且无国界的技术进行全球治理是一个挑战。大型科技公司在计算能力和数据方面具有优势,这可能会扼杀小型公司,开源模型可能是解决这一问题的一种方法。如何平衡消费者保护和技术创新是一个挑战,尤其是在计算能力和数据方面存在巨大差距的情况下。联合国人工智能治理的起始点是定义挑战、机遇和风险,而不是直接寻求强制执行。 Ian Bremmer: 人工智能治理的指导原则应以实现联合国可持续发展目标为基础,利用人工智能促进这些目标的实现。“有意义的开放性”是指希望各国能够在人工智能模型、价值观、偏好和产品方面发挥作用,而不是仅仅依赖西方和中国的大型平台。他对人工智能操纵经济系统、特别是金融市场和关键基础设施的脆弱性最为担忧。联合国在人工智能用于战争方面的立场是,需要一些国家来推动制定国际规范和规章,并通过威慑和制裁来执行。他希望人们关注人工智能作为一种工具应该为所有人服务的理念,并以此回应联合国报告。

Deep Dive

The UN has released a report on global AI governance, aiming to establish guidelines for nations to follow. This report addresses the need to guide AI's development for the benefit of all, rather than just a select few.
  • The UN's AI governance plan seeks to establish global cooperation in managing the complexities of AI.
  • AI's rapid growth necessitates a framework to ensure its benefits are shared by all.
  • The plan aims to prevent a future where AI only serves the interests of a powerful minority.

Shownotes Transcript

Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. AI is shaping every aspect of our lives — but only a handful of tech giants have a say in what this technology can do. So what's going on with world governments? Bilawal Sidhu, host of The TED AI Show, sits down with geopolitical expert Ian Bremmer to unpack the UN's just-released plan for "Governing AI for Humanity," a report that focuses on the urgent need to guide AI towards helping everyone thrive, rather than just the powerful few. Together, they explore the complexities of AI's rapid growth on a worldwide scale and take a clear-eyed look at the pivotal decisions facing us in the very near future.