cover of episode Sunday Pick: An Indigenous Mixtape from Lima, Peru

Sunday Pick: An Indigenous Mixtape from Lima, Peru

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TED Talks Daily

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Elise Hu
Liberato Kani
Marcos Maisel
Oscar Durand
Renata Flores
Salim Rashid Mwala
Elise Hu: 本期节目介绍了秘鲁克丘亚语的现状及其在音乐中的复兴,以及音乐家们为保护和传承这种语言所做的努力。 Salim Rashid Mwala: 克丘亚语嘻哈音乐的兴起是秘鲁文化复兴的一部分,它不仅关乎语言的保护,更关乎秘鲁人民的民族认同和社会变革。Liberato Kani的音乐将西班牙语和克丘亚语混合,并以“克丘亚语即抵抗”为核心主题,体现了这种文化抵抗的精神。 Oscar Durand: 在利马,克丘亚语曾被视为贫穷和落后的象征,但随着美食热潮的兴起和新一代音乐人的努力,人们对克丘亚语的看法正在发生改变。Liberato Kani的音乐打破了人们对克丘亚语的传统认知,让更多人了解和欣赏这种语言。 Liberato Kani: 我的童年经历跨越了利马和安第斯山区,这塑造了我的文化认同。在安第斯山区,我因为不会说克丘亚语而遭到同学的嘲笑,这促使我学习克丘亚语来反击。回到利马后,我发现自己对克丘亚语的认知发生了转变,并面临着新的种族歧视。一次偶然的机会,我接触到嘻哈音乐,并开始尝试用克丘亚语创作说唱歌曲。用克丘亚语说唱促使我更深入地研究秘鲁的历史和文化,也让我更有力量感,不再是令人尴尬的存在。 Renata Flores: 我通过翻唱流行歌曲,用克丘亚语演唱,让克丘亚语在网络上走红。我的音乐不仅展现了克丘亚语的魅力,也表达了对社会现实的批判。 Kayfex: 我致力于创作具有秘鲁特色的音乐,改变人们对秘鲁音乐的刻板印象。我的音乐将安第斯音乐元素融入电子音乐中,创造出独特的秘鲁声音。 Marcos Maisel: Uchpa乐队旨在通过融合摇滚和安第斯民歌,在秘鲁内战后提升秘鲁人民的民族自豪感。我们面临着来自传统音乐爱好者的阻力,但我们坚持自己的音乐理念,并希望通过音乐让秘鲁人民为自己的文化感到自豪,并呼吁政府重视克丘亚语的保护和传承。

Deep Dive

Liberato Kani, un artista de hip hop de Lima, Perú, está revitalizando la lengua quechua rapeando en ella. El quechua, hablado por casi diez millones de personas, está en peligro de extinción debido a los prejuicios contra los indígenas. Liberato y otros músicos como él están utilizando el hip hop para cambiar la forma en que la gente ve el quechua y ayudar a preservar la cultura andina.
  • El quechua es la lengua indígena más hablada de Latinoamérica.
  • Liberato Kani rapea en quechua y español.
  • El nombre artístico de Liberato, Liberato Kani, significa 'Soy un hombre libre'.
  • Un estribillo común en sus conciertos es 'Quechua es resistencia'.

Shownotes Transcript

Meet Liberato Kani, a hip hop artist in Lima, Peru—or as he says, “the Andean Bronx”. At his concerts, a typical call and response you hear is "Quechua es resistencia": Quechua is resistance. Though Quechua is spoken by nearly ten million people, Peru's native language is at risk of dying off because of anti-indigenous prejudice. Liberato and other musicians like Renata Flores are here to save it—and restore a country's pride while they're at it. Want to talk more about the show? Share your favorite artist from this episode with host Saleem Reshamwala (@Kidethnic) on Twitter. 

This episode features music and interviews from Liberato Kani, Renata Flores, Kayfex, and Uchpa's guitarist and songwriter Marcos Maizel. Listen to more from these artists on TED's Spotify playlist, "Quechua es Resistencia.”

Pindrop is produced by Jesse Baker and Eric Nuzum of Magnificent Noise for TED. Our production staff includes Elyse Blennerhassett, Oscar Durand, Kim Nederveen Pieterse, Sabrina Farhi, Hiwote Getaneh, Angela Cheng, and Michelle Quint, with the guidance of Roxanne Hai Lash and Colin Helms. Additional recordings by Whitney Henry-Lester and Hernando Suarez. Translation and transcription by Hernando Suárez, Eilis O’Neill, and Oscar Durand. This episode was mixed and sound designed by Kristin Mueller.