cover of episode #470: Transform Your SPACE, Transform Your LIFE with Marie Diamond, World-Renowned Feng Shui Master & Teacher of the Law of Attraction

#470: Transform Your SPACE, Transform Your LIFE with Marie Diamond, World-Renowned Feng Shui Master & Teacher of the Law of Attraction

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Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Marie Diamond
Marie Diamond: 我从小就专注于如何创造更美好的生活,并很早就开始冥想和制作视觉化板。15岁时,我经历了一次濒死体验,之后开始学习风水,并将其应用于我的教练工作中,帮助许多名人、高管和全球领导者实现目标。我的新书《你的家就是你的愿景板》介绍了如何通过调整家居环境来提升生活各个方面,包括财富、健康、人际关系和事业。 我将风水比作针灸,它是一种能量系统,通过激活家居环境中的特定点来改善能量和运势。实现愿望需要三个要素:精神层面、人为层面和环境层面。环境层面与其他两个层面同等重要,它包括居住地和家居环境的布置。改变环境可以迅速带来积极改变,通常在九天到九周内可见效。 在实践中,我发现人们可以通过清理杂物、调整家具摆放、选择合适的颜色和饰品等方式来改善家居风水。例如,避免背对门而坐,选择有利的方向摆放物品,使用大地色系装饰卧室等。 我开发了一个应用程式,可以根据生日计算出有利的方向,并提供相应的建议。此外,我还分享了如何利用颜色、元素和时间来提升能量,以及如何根据个人情况调整家居环境。 Heather Monahan: 我一直很重视心态和内在修炼,但从未意识到空间可能是实现目标的缺失环节。与Marie Diamond的对话让我大开眼界,我意识到如果环境与目标不符,积极思考也无法达到目标。 我将开始清理杂物、重新布置家居,并邀请正确的能量进入我的生活。我读过Marie的书,也参加过她的课程,我意识到自己一直忽略了家居环境的重要性。 我分享了自己的经历,在卖掉旧房子并清理杂物后,我的生活发生了巨大的变化,这让我相信家居风水确实有效。 我向Marie Diamond 提问了关于如何处理无法改变的客观环境的问题,例如家里的玻璃推拉门正对着水景。Marie Diamond 建议使用地毯、植物或沙发等来减缓能量流失。

Deep Dive

Marie Diamond, a world-renowned Feng Shui master, shares her personal journey and how Feng Shui, combined with meditation and the law of attraction, helped her manifest her goals, including being featured in the movie "The Secret" and becoming a top speaker for Mindvalley.
  • Feng Shui is an energy system similar to acupuncture, but for the home.
  • Manifestation involves three parts: spiritual, human (mindset and actions), and environment.
  • Marie Diamond's near-death experience inspired her to enlighten others and led her to Feng Shui.
  • Feng Shui helped Vishen Lakhiani overcome debt and grow Mindvalley into a multimillion-dollar brand.

Shownotes Transcript

In This Episode You Will Learn About: 

  • How your home can align with your GOALS

  • Why you need to clear out clutter to make room for SUCCESS and ABUNDANCE

  • How Feng Shui can open doors to OPPORTUNITY and GROWTH

  • Ways your environment holds POWER


Instagram), Tiktok), YouTube): @mariediamondofficial

Show Notes: 

Have you ever thought about how your home could be holding you back from the SUCCESS you’re chasing? My conversation with Marie Diamond completely BLEW my mind! I’ve always been big on mindset and inner work, but I never realized my space could be the missing piece to unlock your NEXT LEVEL. If your environment isn’t aligned with your goals, no amount of positive thinking will get you there. I’m FIRED UP to declutter, rearrange, and invite the right energy in. If you’re ready to TRANSFORM your life, grab Marie’s new book, Your Home Is A Vision Board, and start making changes today. This is the shift you’ve been waiting for! Let's MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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