cover of episode #447: Realize Your POTENTIAL with Heather!

#447: Realize Your POTENTIAL with Heather!

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Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Hala Taha
Heather Monahan
Heather Monahan: 本期节目中,Heather分享了她对积极心态和潜能实现的看法。她认为,积极的自我暗示和积极的视觉化能够帮助人们克服自我怀疑,实现目标。她还分享了两个故事,一个关于顶级网球运动员如何通过积极的自我暗示保持积极心态,另一个关于一位销售人员如何通过重新定位自己,开创了自己的事业,获得了更大的成功。这两个故事都说明了积极的心态和拥抱不确定性至关重要。Heather还推出了一个为期一个月的迷你大师班,帮助人们提升自信,实现目标。 Hala Taha: Hala Taha介绍了自己的播客“Yap Young and Profiting”,该播客采访各行各业的成功人士,分享创业和自我提升方面的实用建议,内容涵盖品牌、营销、销售策略、心理学、人类行为、平衡、生物黑客技术、心理健康以及人工智能等热门话题。她提到,她的播客旨在激励听众,帮助他们提升生活和事业。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


When I started podcasting, an online store was the furthest thing from my mind. Now I'm selling my group coaching on the regular and it is just so easy all because I use Shopify. Come on this journey with me. Each week when you join me, we are going to chase down our goals, overcome adversity and set you up for a better tomorrow. That's enough.

I'm ready for my close-up. Hi and welcome back. I'm so glad you're back here with me this week. Okay, so a couple of things that came up that I thought might add value to you or might be helpful in some way in wherever you are today, right? We all have good days. We all have challenging days. We're all faced with difficulties.

with different situations. But I'll tell you this, one thing I know for sure, if you're on the hamster wheel and just reliving Groundhog Day over and over, you are in trouble. Please pump the brakes, do something different. That is a death trap. That's called circling the proverbial

bottom of the sink, like you're going nowhere but down, right? No, we are not meant for that. We are meant for so much more. So I'm going to challenge you, whatever it may be, sign up for a new class, join a new program, you know, commit to an accountability partner, do something to get you, like one small thing can jumpstart everything and start you down a completely different path of change, growth, personal growth,

and potential within you. And that's what we're all here for, is to live that potential within us. And far too many cemeteries are full of

potential that was never realized. Don't let that be you. Don't let that be me. No, we got to push each other to go for more to make this world a better place. And anything can change in an instant. It's up to you. Okay, I'm hopefully going to give you some good solutions on how you can make some change and you can do that today. So two different things that came up that I wanted to share with you. One, I was watching a video, a really successful guy, actually local in South Florida. He was talking about some research that he had accessed

from a professional tennis coach. And the professional tennis coach was looking at the top, absolute top, top, top three of the best world champions in tennis, and then looking at the difference between them and the top 25.

So if you're the top 25 in the world in tennis, I wouldn't think there's probably all that much difference. But he had found some very specific things, something very specific, actually, that made these individuals perform better, differently, and above average.

the top 25, right? So, you know, most people would think like, oh, it's obviously one person's more skilled than the other. You know, obviously one person had a better coach, better parents, started younger, right? They practice more. They've had more in-person tournaments. I'm sure there's a million reasons, but

But what is interesting to me is none of those were the determining factor. In fact, he said it didn't matter what age they started at. Didn't matter necessarily, you know, who had the most prestigious coach or went to this school or had the wealthiest parents.

All of the people, all of the tennis players that he was looking at in the top 25 pretty much were similar around skill set and talent and the amount of time they worked and had comparable in regards to all had really good coaches, right? Like there wasn't any big differentiators that they could point to. So they continued to research like why is it these top three keep winning? What is different?

So again, look, it's a pretty fair level playing field, right? It's the skill sets the same. The talents are very similar. The coaching is very similar. The situations are very similar. There's no big smoking gun you can point at. What made these top three the top three and why consistently were they winning? Well, guess what they found. This is so cool. So interesting.

When I started podcasting, an online store was the furthest thing from my mind. Now I'm selling all my digital courses and coaching on Shopify. It's so easy all because I use Shopify.

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What they found is in some of the top 25, when they would have a bad serve or the ball would go out or they couldn't volley and return something back,

they would start getting very negative about themselves. Like, I suck. Why did I miss that? I can't believe I missed that. Shoot. Like, getting really down on themselves. Now, maybe they didn't completely unravel, but they were definitely vocally and you could see very negative and very down. What the top three had shown or expressed or was witnessed when they were being evaluated was completely different from

The differentiator was within a couple of seconds of making the bad shot, missing the shot, hitting the ball out, doing something that obviously they were not happy or excited about. The difference was they grasped onto a positive thought.

So I found this so interesting. It's all about a mental game, right? It's not so much a physical game. Of course, I'm not going to go be a professional tennis champion because I've never put the work in. I don't have the skill set. I don't have the coach, right? Like I don't have those baseline things those other people had, right?

But the one game changer for the top three was how they spoke to themselves and how they spoke out loud and how they changed their thoughts, even though they did something wrong, even though they did something they weren't hyped about.

They came right back to a positive thought. Like this next one's going to be better. And it just reminded me, you know, Kobe Bryant talked all the time about how he saw every shot was going to go in. He just saw it. He knew it ahead of time. It didn't matter whether you're LeBron James in basketball, that confidence that he has. So he knows he's going to win that.

Steph Curry, same thing, meditating and visualizing before every game, him winning. Same thing with Tom Brady in the NFL as a quarterback before every single game, seeing himself completing all the passes, winning the games, winning the Super Bowl.

It goes back to the thoughts that we hold in our mind, what we believe to be possible, if we're choosing to beat ourselves up or if we're choosing to cheer ourselves on. And you know, I've told this story so many times. My son is huge into this. Ever since he was a little kid, he's had me right on the bottom of his shoes. I can, I will, I can do all things.

And the reason he has me do that is so if he's halfway through a game and getting low and feeling a little discouraged, he can remind himself that it's the positive thoughts and the belief that will turn everything around for him in the game. So I encourage you today, don't let yourself play that cop-out game that somebody had a better coach or somebody had a better skill set or somebody's prettier or smarter or moves faster. Instead, start equipping yourself with the fact that

The sooner you can move to a positive thought, the sooner you can visualize the positive outcome. You don't need to know how you're going to get there, but the outcome that it will be there, the sooner you can own and feel that belief and start getting excited about it, bringing that energy forward that this is going to happen, the sooner it actually will. If you want to improve your performance in no matter what, in your race, at work, in building your business, visualize it.

Feel what that's going to feel like. Shift to the positive. It's okay to notice the negative. Everyone's going to notice a negative once in a while and none of us are nailing it every day. Oh my gosh, I have plenty of days that I'm frustrated with myself, but it's about feeling that frustration and letting it go. My old shrink used to always say, how's that working out for you? Beating yourself up. Not real well. Doesn't work out real well. That's why there are people at the

bottom of the list and the ones at the top are forgiving themselves, encouraging themselves, and seeing the outcome and visualizing the outcome that they know to be true for them. So I know this to be true for you. Start speaking to yourself with kindness. Start giving yourself grace. Start encouraging yourself. If success was easy, everyone would have it. But okay.

Another cool story I want to share with you. I'm so proud of this guy. Okay, so for, gosh, two decades, I had a huge team. I was in corporate America. I was a C-suite executive in media, blah, blah, blah. Okay, so I had a lot of guys on my team, right? And one of the guys ran the national sales division for me. We worked together for, gosh, 10 or 14 years.

and became good friends, but obviously we worked together and we traveled a lot too. I was his boss and so I would travel with him to LA, to New York, to Chicago to go on real big pitches together. These were huge multi-million dollar pitches that when we closed them, had massive positive impact on the company. He was super important to me. Obviously take good care of your good people and they'll take care of you and be there to support them and encourage them when something big's on the table. So anyhow, we had this great relationship.

since I left the media business, you know, we haven't seen each other much. I've talked to him a few times, but haven't seen each other. He lives in South Florida. Well, recently he'd been giving me a hard time, like, hey, I haven't seen you. When am I going to see you? And so I said, okay, I'm making time. We're doing it. So we met for dinner. This was just a couple days ago.

And wow, I had no idea what I was walking into. And I want to share this story with you because I wanted to inspire you the way it inspired me. He had stayed in the media business long after I did. Right. I was fired six years ago. Well, wouldn't you know, he shared with me that during the pandemic. So I guess it was 2020 or 2021.

Another way of getting fired is when you're in sales, they cut your commission, they pull accounts away from you, like they take things away from you and put you in a negative situation. Some people will stay and accept that, which is really bad because it crushes your confidence and your self-worth and is a really negative spiral effect. He didn't. They came to him and said, we're going to take this, your number one account away from you, happened to be a lawyer, a legal account, a personal injury lawyer, which was a huge, huge account in media.

He was like, what? Are you kidding me? Obviously, you're firing me. And obviously, I am not putting up with this. So he got in his car, went over to see the attorney. Super smart move. Not knowing what he was going to do. Had a family to provide for. Had only been in this business, right, for decades. This is what he was great at. Had huge success in. Had a huge network and reputation in.

And he went to that client really distraught and just said, hey, I don't know what I'm going to do. And he was feeling like there was no possibility. And this is where it's so important. Who you surround yourself with is everything. Just as, you know, we were talking a minute ago about the importance of positive thought. You got to get around positive thoughts, especially when you're in these downturn situations with a lot of negativity.

So he went to his client, he had a great rapport and great relationship with this client, thank goodness. And the client spoke life into him and spoke a belief that he didn't even think of. The client said, why don't you leave that industry then since they're telling you to leave and why don't you represent me? And instead, why don't you start your own company? Why don't you go to work for yourself? And why don't you focus on the things that you do great and you put my media schedules together for me. You become the expert for attorneys

and showing and teaching them and representing them how to deliver the best results, leveraging and utilizing media. So basically flipping the script on what he had done his entire career, right? Because he worked for the media companies forever. He would go sell the attorneys, but now he would be representing the attorneys and selling the media on cutting the best deals possible. He flipped the script.

And he had never thought of it. I had never thought of it, right? But it made all the sense in the world. You're an expert at something, but just because you're an expert in something doesn't mean it only has to look one way. You have to be willing and open-minded to see what uncertainty could be. How else could we envision this? What else could this look like?

So he decided to immerse himself in it and go for it. And that was three years ago. And I will tell you this, I have never seen this man happier. He is in a completely different relationship at home now. He's so happy. Like there's a domino effect around getting rid of negative people from your life and limiting beliefs and stepping into potential and possibility. His business has exploded. He's making more money than he's ever made. I mean, it's incredible. And now he's the expert that represents attorneys and personal injury lawyers

lawyers all over the country. He's made a huge name and brand for himself around something that three years ago didn't even exist, all by stepping into possibility, all by seeing that rejection as a redirection to something so much bigger that he never even considered.

So that's what I'm asking you today. What are you not considering that's in front of you? What are you not thinking about because you're on the hamster wheel, just running, keeping negative people around you that are speaking self-limiting beliefs into you, and you're not really...

stepping into your potential. One of the things that I've learned in business, and I'm constantly reminded about it, is selling is helping, right? And the more that we're moving forward, sharing with people the problems that we solve for people, we're helping them to solve their problems. We're giving them access to solutions that are gonna make their life and their business better.

Well, if you've been here with me, you know, I've had my mastermind came as a result of this. I was receiving so many DMs a couple of years ago asking people wanting to know, can you teach me what you did? How did you go from a C-suite executive fired to bestselling author, podcast host, top 50 keynote speaker, board member, like all these different things, right?

And it's not really a conversation. It takes a bit of time to teach people how to build a personal brand, teach people how to become a great speaker, teach people how to amplify their voice and step into their power. These things don't happen overnight. That's why I launched my mastermind. By the way, there is one spot left. You need to apply today. It's my last spot. It's gone. The mastermind is a wrap. You don't want to miss this. It's a huge team. It's an incredible team, like-minded people. It's just...

It's so exciting to see the transformation I've already seen happen in the last month. So reach out, apply now. The link is in the show notes below.

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Thank you.

Thank you.

I ask you to try to find your passion.

To that end, as we're out there promoting it through my personal brand, through the show, you know, through my newsletter, sharing the opportunity for the mastermind and how incredible, you know, we've seen the mastermind change people's lives and see them step into their potential. One of the messages I kept getting back from people, which is feedback, which is directing our business guys, whatever feedback you're getting from clients, potential clients, it's feedback into what can be for your business, right?

Thousands of people apply and a lot of people responded, I can't make that level of time commitment. That was one. The second one was, it's too much money, Heather, for where I am right now in my career. I just can't make that level of investment. So that's on me now at that point, right? How can I pivot and create a different product solution or product?

the barrier to entry. And I want you to think that same way about your business, right? Like when we get that feedback, that's feedback to help us get better, offer a different solution, find new partners, create another way to remove the barriers to entry and allow people to do business with us because they still have the same problem that we know that they had that we know we can solve. So,

So here's what I came up with. I'm super excited about it. As you know, it's my birthday month. August is my birthday. I'm so excited. I'm so hyped. I have more energy than ever in that month. And so because I've been getting all this feedback about the mastermind being too much of a commitment, too much of a financial investment, I hear you. I'm responding to you. And I've created a one month running with me, running with the team for one month, like-minded people running together all around confidence, all around accountability, all around goal setting, everything.

Here's the thing. It takes 90 days to spin up a pipeline to do anything in business and in life, right? Like you've got to put the work in. Start now. Don't let the back half of your year be the part where you let everything go. Let's let this be the jump point where you go for more. You hold yourself accountable. You elevate yourself to be in a group of like-minded people pushing you to go for more. You're going to get an email from me every day. We're going to meet together on a

August 5th, August 12th, August 19th, August 26th, each week for the month of August at 5 p.m. EST for one hour on Zoom. I'm answering all of your questions. I am getting into how to make sure you are your most confident self. We are going to have the opportunity for you to be a part of a group that holds

holds one another accountable. I've had so many people in my groups lose weight, land new jobs, leave relationships, achieve massive goals, pitch themselves for the promotion, take the stage, speak up for themselves, create boundaries.

It's unbelievable what we've been able to see happen when we bring a tribe of like-minded people together going for more. If you felt like my programs were too expensive, too long, I've removed all the barriers to entry, okay? This is for you. It's one month. It's for the month of August. We're going to celebrate my birthday. We're going to have a lot of fun and we are going to help you achieve your goals and reach your dreams because cemeteries are already full of unrealized potential. We don't need any more of it.

Let's realize our potential while we are still here. You are worth it. And I am in it with you. And this team is going to make sure you hold yourself accountable because we're going to meet each week for four weeks and we are going to get it done. Success does not happen alone. It happens when you're a part of a team like-minded people holding each other accountable. Okay. And to even,

make it better, I partnered with Klarna, which is Anna Firm, which allow you to pay over time. So if the money is a challenge for you, I don't think it's going to be because I cut the program in half. It's 50% off right now for you for one month. This is the lowest price point I've ever done. And you can also pay it over time at checkout. Click the pay at overtime option.

and you can take months to pay in the smallest payments possible. I hope I removed all the barriers to entry for you. Check out the reviews when you go to the link in the show notes below. You'll see some of my former clients, what they say, what it's like being a part of my group coaching programs. It's worth it. It's the change you need. It's the kick you need. And I promise you this.

Investing in you is the best investment you'll ever make. I will see you in August. And for anyone that signs up today, this is coming out. Well, you know what? I'm giving this offer for you guys because you are important to me. You are my podcast listeners. You are my fam. Okay, this is the week of July 22nd. If you pull the trigger today,

on this. This week, it's 50% off. I will also do a one-on-one phone call with you ahead of kickoff to make sure we've got your blueprint for success set up.

I want you to win. I want you to realize your goals and I want to be there cheering you on. Okay, until next week, keep creating your confidence. Hit the show notes below. Get the link for August. This deal is not staying in place for much longer. Pull the trigger now and I'll see you on the other side of success.

What's up, everyone? I'm Hala Taha, host of Yap Young and Profiting Podcast, a top 10 entrepreneurship podcast on Apple. I'm also the CEO and founder of the Yap Media Podcast Network, the number one business and self-improvement podcast network. That's why they call me the podcast princess. On Young and Profiting Podcast, I interview the brightest minds in the world.

offering actionable advice to level up your life. I've interviewed marketing legends like Gary Vee and Seth Godin, serial entrepreneurs like Alex Ramosi and Damon John, and even the godmother and godfather of AI, Fifi Lee and Stephen Wolfram, respectively. I've interviewed so many inspiring guests, and I don't really like to put my podcast in a box.

We talk about anything that will improve your life as an entrepreneur. I tend to talk a lot about brand, marketing, sales strategies, and better understanding psychology and human behavior to get what you want. But we also cover things like balance, biohacking, and mental wellness, and of course, hot topics like AI.

One thing my listeners always say is that my podcast is highly motivational. If you want to get pumped up and take your life and business to the next level, come listen, learn, and profit with the Yap fam. We're young and profiting not because of our age, but because we're committed to ongoing learning and self-improvement. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Yap, Young and Profiting on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.