cover of episode #414: Revolutionize Your Health:  Unlock Your Body’s Potential  with Justin Roethlingshoefer Author, Athlete, & Co-founder of OWN IT Coaching

#414: Revolutionize Your Health: Unlock Your Body’s Potential with Justin Roethlingshoefer Author, Athlete, & Co-founder of OWN IT Coaching

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Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan

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Justin Roethlingshoefer
Justin Roethlingshoefer: 本期节目中,Justin Roethlingshoefer 分享了他对健康和保健的独特见解。他强调,关注健康应该是一个全面的过程,涵盖身心灵三个方面,而不是仅仅关注外在的体形。他分享了自己曾经患有厌食症的经历,以及后来如何通过学习和实践,最终改善了自己的健康状况。他认为,许多所谓的个性化健康方案实际上是通用的方案,并没有真正考虑到个体的差异。他主张真正的个性化健康方案是可扩展的,并且能够帮助人们从细胞层面改善健康。他强调了坚持信念的重要性,并指出许多健康建议是泛泛而谈的,并不适用于所有人。他认为,人们应该关注身体发出的信号,并积极采取行动改善健康状况。他还提出了“伪健康”的概念,指出许多人将一些不适症状视为正常现象,而忽略了潜在的健康风险。他认为,长期压力会导致慢性疾病,人们应该积极采取措施预防慢性疾病。他认为,了解细胞层面的营养缺乏是改善健康状况的关键步骤,了解心率变异性可以帮助人们了解自己的身体对压力的适应能力。他鼓励人们关注自身需求,并采取个性化的方法来改善健康状况。他分享了几个成功案例,说明了通过个性化健康方案可以取得显著的改善。他还介绍了新书《The Power of Ownership》旨在帮助人们改变对健康的观念,并设计自己的生活方式,提供了一个工具包,帮助人们持续改善自己的健康状况,旨在帮助人们摆脱绝望和受困感,并掌控自己的健康。 Heather: Heather 在节目中与 Justin 进行了深入的探讨,并分享了她对健康和保健的个人经验。她表达了对 Justin 的观点的认同,并提出了许多具有启发性的问题,促进了对主题的更深入的理解。她与 Justin 分享了她自己的经历,并表达了她对 Justin 工作的赞赏。

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We need to help empower you to say, hey, no, you know what? There is actually something going on. There is actually something that I'm earning. There is an outcome and a direction that I'm pursuing. And I would rather it be one that I was aware of, one that I was educated on, and one that I was empowered about so that I can now be equipped to take a different action, realize something different, and not all of a sudden go, man, I wish I would have known. Come on this journey with me.

Each week when you join me, we are going to chase down our goals, overcome adversity, and set you up for a better tomorrow. I'm ready for my close-up. Hi, and welcome back. I'm so glad you're back here with me this week. Well, today you get the pleasure of meeting my friend, Justin Rothling-Schoffer, founder of Own It Coaching, 10-year health and performance director in the NCAA and National Hockey League, three-time bestselling author, all

also the author of the upcoming book, The Power of Ownership, which we will get into today, speaker and on a mission to redeem the health of the world by educating, equipping, and empowering people to take ownership of their health in a personalized, very different way. Justin, thank you for being here today. It's so great to be here, Heather. This has been long overdue and just had so many great conversations, and I'm excited to now share it with your audience.

I'm lucky enough to know you personally and call you a friend. I had the opportunity to see you speak before we knew each other. Well, we were introduced through mutual friends, but I had the chance to see you speak prior to that, which was incredible. And I love your personal story. I love how vulnerable you are. And I also love for anyone who's watching this right now, if you're seeing this live on LinkedIn live or on YouTube, you can see how healthy and fit Justin is and how

He is living the dream about what he preaches and teaches, but it was not always that way. And I love when you share that story and just really give that true story of your journey through health and fitness and the struggles that you've had. I was hoping you could share that with everybody today. I think it comes from this side where I think in our world, we see it just as how do you look?

How do your muscles look? How do you fit in clothes? And it's a very physical thing. And I want to start by saying...

The reason I think it's that way is not because we're vain, not because we're bad, not because we're wrong, but simply because everything that's told to us, everything we're told to do has a physical end result to it. Meaning, even if you're just trying to improve your mental health, you have to go and do something physically. Is it move your body? Is it do breath work? Is it meditate? Is it do something of that capacity?

And when we think about it, it's like, oh, we just have to do something. We have to take an action some way rather than getting really truly aligned with healing ourselves mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So I preface that because dating back right to when I was 11 and 12 years old, I grew up as a heavier kid playing hockey in Canada. And my dad said to me, son, talent will get you noticed, but consistency will get you paid.

And all of a sudden I realized like, okay, how do I become the most consistent version of myself? And as I started to establish a lot of new habits, a lot of new behaviors that were all positive, that were all really powerful. And I started to realize that there was this little boy inside of me that was fearful, was incredibly fearful of getting fat, was incredibly fearful of going back to the way that I was before.

And I took the control into my own hands, not knowing what to do exactly, not knowing how to implement it exactly, not knowing how I needed to act for my body, for what I was required, for the physical engagements I was going through from hockey to football to baseball to swimming to track and field to you name it.

that I became extremely anorexic. And between the ages of 14 and 19, it was really hard. At 14 years old, I was 145 pounds. At 16 years old, I was 98 pounds. There was a moment when I was 16 coming up from my sleep, waking up in the morning, getting ready to go to school. And I turned the corner and I still remember my mom's face just being so visibly distraught, like jaw hitting the floor. And the look in her eye, I knew immediately

It reflected the way that I felt. I can't say that any more powerfully. It's like looking in her eyes, like it was like, oh my God, like where is my son? And inside I was like, oh my God, where am I?

And as I turned the corner, she goes, we need to get something looked after. And I looked in the mirror and my face was yellow. My eyes were bloodshot and my kidneys were failing. My liver was failing and I had pushed it to a degree of extreme unhealthiness, but it had really overtaken me in a very negative way. I say all that to say that.

I loved the body. I loved the power of healing and what we're able to go through and came down to the States on a hockey scholarship, got a double undergraduate degree in exercise science and nutrition, went and got my master's degree in exercise physiology, and then did my postgraduate doctoral work in heart rate variability and sleep, which pushed me right into the National Hockey League naturally as a health and performance director, really looking at

taking the personalized approach to things and really making it about the end of one or the individual, because it's not what does something everybody need, but what is it that someone needs that's very unique and different, as unique as we all are, as our fingerprints. So that's really been the mission of

own it. And where we're at now is making the same unique one-on-one individualized principles available to everybody that is just as available to elite athletes and the elite entrepreneurs and executives of the world. So Justin, this is so interesting to me. Who are the people that you have worked and have helped? Because the way that you just framed it up, a lot of it sounds in

intimidating. I know otherwise, because I know firsthand the work you do, because you've done it with my son. I've seen you advise people. I've seen you live, but for people listening right now, they're thinking, well, I'm not anorexic or I'm not a professional athlete. You know, this doesn't apply to me. What do you say to those people? Yeah. I'll even rewind and tell the story a little bit of a different way is when I was in the national hockey league, obviously managing the health and wellness of the best athletes in the world.

I was extremely fit. I was racing, doing triathlons, doing CrossFit, like making my way all the way to like the CrossFit Games. Extremely fit. What people would say is the picture of health and wellness. And when I was turning 30...

I suddenly started to get this massive brain fog, wasn't feeling well, was having headaches, didn't feel like I was recovering as quickly, had body aches that just wouldn't shake, wouldn't go away. Anything I ate, I felt like I was bloating. I couldn't like really feel comfortable. And I went to every doctor. They said, oh, no, you're the picture of health. Like this is what we want everybody to look like. Like if we could have the blood work, if we could have the picture, it would look like you, like you're the poster child.

And I was like, well, no, you're not hearing me. Like, I don't feel well. I know there's something not right.

And I went to functional medicine doc. They put me on a whole bunch of supplements, thousands of dollars, felt the exact same. It just prolonged. Went to the regular docs. They did the blood works. They put me on a couple of prescriptions. This will help you. Same thing. Nothing happened. Went to a couple of specialists. They said, we don't know what's wrong. I said, guys, there is something not right here. Like, I don't know what it is.

Got a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. The colonoscopy came back. I had four polyps the size of my thumb, all precancerous, and a ulcer in my stomach the size of a quarter, also precancerous. And I tell that story because as I came out of the procedure, the doc looked at me and goes, I'm so sorry, man. Like if we hadn't done this, you wouldn't have seen your 35th birthday. And it just hit me at that moment that I,

Many of us, the way that we're living, even though we know that the symptom we're under, even though we know there's something that's not normal, even though we know there's something we're going through, we've categorized it as this is my normal. We've categorized it that this is acceptable. We've just become comfortable in dysfunction.

Well, when we live dysfunctionally, when we live under chronic stress, it creates chronic deficiency. Chronic deficiency creates chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation creates chronic symptoms. Chronic symptoms that we accept as normal. And those chronic symptoms cause chronic illness. And chronic illness is the leading cause of death in the United States at 71%. And so for us, we need to realize that we're either A, earning our health.

or B, earning our illness. And in the mass majority, unfortunately, we are earning our illness. And this is the thing that we have to start getting so focused on is what do I need to do? What do I need to put into place? How do I need to treat myself differently based on my dysfunctions, based on my season of life, based on my lifestyle, based off my priorities so that I can ultimately live differently and

Then A, how I'm doing today, but also B, more importantly, than anybody else.

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I love that you listen to your own voice over the official doctors because you knew and that I so agree that your intuition always knows, you know, your own body better than anyone. But what you've done is you've gone so beyond that because you literally have the science now through all

of the work and education. I mean, you have just immersed yourself in this knowledge so that you're an absolute expert on it. And what have you learned by not only doing all the different things, because I know you're out there day in and day out, you know, with the people you're working with, with yourself, putting these things into motion, but actually learning, like what's been most eye-opening for you in regards to tying the science into all of this?

So I think what everybody has to understand is, number one, that everything that we are immersed in, whether it be our health experts, whether it be our medical professionals, or whether it be the content that we're taking in, everything has been shown as personalized, shown as customized. It's a buzzword that's going around. Everybody loves to be personalized and customized.

But really what they are at the end of the day is their generalizations disguised as personalizations. Let me give you a perfect example is you'll go and get your blood work done. You'll get your blood work done. And then again, I won't throw brands out there, throw them under the bus, but you go get your blood work done. There's countless different companies that are doing it right now.

And they'll give you your customized supplement protocol. Well, it's actually not customized supplementation. It's like nine different supplements in a shoebox that are sent to you on a monthly basis that everybody's getting.

and you might go to your functional medicine doc and they'll run some tests and they'll give you the customized protocol but it's the same protocol they're giving to the other 150 people with the same type of symptoms or you'll go to your trainer or you'll go to your nutritionist and they'll give you the customized workout or the customized meal plan but it's literally a copy and pasted framework that they've given to every other client that they've ever come across

not taking into account your unique deficiencies, not taking into account your unique lifestyle, not taking into account your unique experiences, not taking into account your unique needs, not taking into account your uniqueness at all or what your priorities are. And so it's only at that moment that we get so specific as to what's happening for you that we can ultimately create something that's sustainable, that's transformational, and that's really actually helping you get to where you want to go.

And at the end of the day, I realized that people need to make money. People need to scale. People need to make something that's in that realm. But God has just given me this deep discernment, this deep conviction, this deep understanding that when you truly go deep in a personalized way.

that you can create change in a vastly greater way. And for us, we've scaled the impossible. We've scaled true personalization. We've scaled the thing that people said you can't scale because we've been so convicted. Like, I still remember when we started this, when I left the NHL in 2021, started the business in late 2021, almost 2022. And I was telling people what we wanted to do. And they're like, well, are you a supplementation and testing company? Or are you a coaching company? I said, well, we're both.

And then somebody else would say, well, are you using wearables and heart rate variability and a bunch of data? Or are you a coaching company? Well, we're both. Are you a DNA company? Are you a cellular testing company? Well, we're both. And everyone's like, you can't be everything. And I was like, but that is the

only way to ultimately understand what's happening inside somebody to create the whole ecosystem so people aren't having to piecemeal it together and get generalized protocols but rather we can actually get something that's built for you we can get something that's holistic we can get something that's all-inclusive we can get something that truly looks at you at the cellular level and helps you and make it simple and make it easy and make it digestible so that you are now empowered

educated and equipped to take ownership of your health in a very different way. So how are you able to tune out the naysayers telling you you couldn't do it and stay focused and move forward and actually create a path where none existed? It just came back to conviction. It came back to conviction and just trust it. To be honest, like I have a deep faith background and just deeply rooted in knowing that this is what God put me on this earth to do. And I just kept hearing this voice going,

stay the course be patient stay the course be patient stay the course be patient and by being obedient to it i realized that my entire journey everything i had been through from getting all the testing done and being on every supplement and trying all these things i was no different than everybody else everybody else has been told what to do they've that's why you've got so many skeptics out there and the skepticism of the health and wellness industry because we're hit with this marketing all the time oh you put this wearable on it's going to change your life oh you

you try this supplement, it's going to change your life. Oh, you have bloating or brain fog, use this supplement, it's going to change your life. Or, oh, go on this diet or this exercise program, it's going to change your life. Well, maybe for some people, but not for the mass majority. And when we can actually figure out what it is that you need, that's when it starts to wake us up. And I'll give you a perfect example.

You and I sitting here right now, Heather, both have cellular deficiencies. We are deficient in something, like whether it's some vitamin, some mineral, some amino acid, we are deficient in something.

And somebody will tell you, oh, this supplement is the best for you. It's going to create all the changes, everything that you need. Well, for you, that supplement might cover 50% of them. For me, it might only cover 10%. But it actually doesn't solve the issues that's there. And so we're still operating with deficiencies at that cellular level that our body's having to compensate for.

And the longer we have to compensate for those deficiencies, the stronger those symptoms start to come on, the longer we live in that state of whatever symptom that is until all of a sudden one day we wake up and we've got cancer. All of a sudden one day we wake up and we've got diabetes. All of a sudden one day we wake up and we've got some type of chronic illness of some type.

And so that's the thing that we have to start to realize is that if we are simply keeping our head underneath the sand, if we're not taking ownership of these things, if we're not clear on what it is that we're going through, we are simply earning our way towards something. And our bodies are giving us clues constantly.

But a lot of us just aren't equipped or educated to actually understand what those are, nor have the actual definement of like what it is that we need to do to create the change necessary to realize something different. I think it's almost the opposite that we're conditioned to say, be tougher, suck it up. It's a bad day. Yes, everyone knows what it's like to feel stressed out and not get enough sleep. You've got to power through.

I certainly have lived this way, specifically in corporate America and being a working mom. Right. Like there are certain situations that you just know are going to be a little bit challenging and you think I've got to just toughen up. How do you know when you're supposed to be tough or you're actually supposed to go investigate and say it's not supposed to be like this?

Yeah, so it's a great question. And I think there's something I call the fake health continuum. And on the far left side, we've got what I call true health, which is when you wake up first thing in the morning, you get your gym clothes on, you go out for your run, you get your workout in, you come home, you get the kids off to school, you go, you get your to do list done throughout the day, you're energized, you're mentally clear, you're focused all day long, you come home at night, you go to the PTA meeting, you go to the

kids athletic program, you connect with your spouse, you fall asleep, you wake up, you do it all again the next day. Like life's working, you feel great. True health is what I call it. Some version of that. On the far right side, you've got death and disease. You're in the medical system. You've had a heart attack. You've had a stroke. You've got cancer. You've got diabetes. You've got some type of chronic illness. You're being treated for something. But in the middle, there's this area I call fake health. Disease-free

Don't have an illness, don't have anything we can treat, but symptomful. Headache, brain fog, nausea, short-term memory loss, weight gain that's unexplainable, hormonal issues, inability to sleep throughout the night.

The list goes on and on, but we consider that normal. And the world tells us that's normal. That's what it takes to be an entrepreneur. That's what it looks like to be a mom. That's what it looks like to be a dad. That's what it looks like to run a company of 5, 10, 15, 25 million. That's what it looks like to lead a team of 10. These are all things that we're conditioned or told to

That simply keep us in this state of fake health. And the crazy part about it is the longer that we stay in fake health, the longer that we stay in this middle category, the faster our window starts to close until one day it shuts and throws us into that death and disease bucket.

However, if we become preventable, if we take action and start to look at what's actually happening within us, if we start to be educated on why am I feeling this way, what's drawing me here, you can actually take actions that then take you and put you into that true health bucket. And so that's the thing that we have to understand is that.

Chronic stress creates chronic deficiencies. Chronic deficiencies, if we're unaware, create chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation creates chronic symptoms. Chronic symptoms that put us in that fake health continuum right in the middle. And the longer we stay here, creates chronic illness. So we come back to that concept of we are either earning our health or earning our illness. And if we do not take ownership of our health, if we do not say, hey, I want to understand exactly what's happening in me

And there's really two areas in which we start that we need to know that are by far the most important things that we need to start to get a true hold of. Then we're going to ultimately just say, hey, I'm choosing to earn my illness. If creating content is more than a just passion project for you, it's time you make your passion profitable. With Kajabi, you can easily diversify your revenue, build your own brand, and turn your audience's

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Thank you.

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So what are the steps somebody should take? And what's the most important thing to do? If you're listening right now and you're saying, wait a minute, red alert, this is me. I don't sleep through the night. P.S. I don't sleep through the night. I do have a high stress job. I know I don't get enough sleep. I know I'm under too much stress. I don't want to move from appears healthy to starts developing problems. What are those things and key steps that you need to take immediately? Number one, you have to understand your cellular deficiencies. You have to, have to, have to. Like this is a non-negotiable.

And so this is why when we think about blood testing and when we started this, I wanted people to understand what their cellular deficiencies were. Think about it this way. You can have high levels of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in your blood serum, which is every single blood test that you're getting done, whether it's 10X, whether it's GetBlox, whether it's InsideTracker, whether it's your medical doctor, they're all doing blood serum testing.

But blood serum testing doesn't tell us what's getting into the cell, what's available for the cell to use. So you could have high levels of vitamin A, vitamin B, iron, folate in the serum, but

But you don't have what's necessary to get it into the cell in its usable form. So you're dysfunctional and deficient in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and different amino acids. You have to realize that once we know what you're deficient at at the cellular level, we can actually start to create a reversal through custom formulated supplementation to help you actually

actually create changes there. Targeted nutrition, targeted supplementation, that actually starts to change that. So that's number one, is finding out what you're cellularly deficient in. And that's a simple blood test. Not blood testing, but cellular testing. That's number one. Number two is understanding how your habits and behaviors, your daily lifestyle, the things you're engaging in consistently are either helping your body adapt positively or

or negatively to those stresses and strains within your body. And the way we do that is a simple metric called heart rate variability.

It's on every single wearable device that you can find out there, whether that is Whoop, whether that's Aura, whether that's Fitbit, whether that's your Apple Watch, it doesn't matter. Every single one is measuring heart rate variability. And so you have to truly take a look at that and understand where's your heart rate variability at. It's what I did all my postgraduate work in. And when you see heart rate variability trending upwards, meaning a higher number, it means your body is adapting really well or positively to

to the stress and strain that's being placed on you. Consequently, if you see a downward trend in heart rate variability, it means that your body's not adapting well to the stress and strain that's been placed on you. And again, that's not a red alert. Doesn't mean you're gonna pass away and die or something's gonna happen, but it's something that's saying, hey,

Heather, I need you to start to focus a little bit more on the recovery side of things, or I need you to start to give me a little bit more recovery time today or better sleep or a little nap, or I need you to get a little bit fitter to increase my capacity to handle some certain things. And so it's an alert to say, hey, how I'm acting, how I'm behaving, what my normal routine is, isn't actually serving me and I need to do something different.

What percentage of the population would you think would actually be shocked that there is something they need to be addressing and they're not currently addressing any of these things? 100%. And I say 100% because I have to constantly check myself. And I'm somebody who's like in on this and on this. It's no wonder that we have a...

obesity rate in our country that's nearing 60%. It's no wonder in our country we have anxiety, depression, and inability to handle stress metric that's over 50% in this country. It's no wonder that we are seeing heart attacks and heart-related incidences of people under 50 years old increase by 2% year over year for the last decade. Like it is no surprise that these are the metrics that we're experiencing.

not because we're on the wrong diets, not because we're not sleeping well, not because we're not supplementing the right way, not because we're not exercising the right way. Those are all causations, but it's because we don't truly understand what our habits and actions and behaviors are doing to us.

You see, there's two different things. There's knowing what to do. We all know what to do. We know what we should eat. We know we should choose the salad over the ice cream. We know we should choose the taco Tuesdays over the pizza Fridays. We know we should do these things. We know we should choose the exercise over Netflix. We know we should choose the sleep over the emails, but we have to be convinced that we should do it because we don't actually see the consequences of our behaviors.

What I want to do with people, what I want to get people to is from a state of knowing to a state of understanding. When they truly understand what their actions are doing to themselves and seeing it in a quantifiable way. Numbers don't lie. Data doesn't lie. Data is not driven by emotion. Data doesn't care what color you are. Data doesn't care if you're a man or a woman. Data doesn't care if you're old or young. Data doesn't care how much money you make.

The moment that we're able to put something quantifiable to it, you go from a state of knowing what to do to a state of almost understanding that you need to do something different. And at that point, you no longer need to be convinced. You're now able to be convicted, like truly convicted that there's something different that you have to lean into, truly convicted that there's another way of doing things.

that will now empower you to realize a different outcome. Because a lot of people, they'll be sitting here listening going, oh yeah, you know what? I would love to feel a little bit differently. I would love to have a little bit more energy. I would love to have just a little bit of a better sleep. But the fact of the matter is, they actually don't realize that

That they could feel 100x better than they actually do right now because they've never been there. They just know what their reality is today. And because they're living in that reality today, you all of a sudden wake up one morning and go, oh my gosh, how did I get here? Oh my gosh, something's wrong. And it's been the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years of earning this illness or earning this outcome that

That you've been unaware of because you've had your eyes and head in the sand. And we need to help empower you to say, hey, no, you know what? There is actually something going on. There is actually something that I'm earning. There is an outcome and a direction that I'm pursuing. And I would rather it be one that I was aware of, one that I was educated on, and one that I was empowered about so that I can now be equipped to take a different action, realize something different, and not overdo it.

all of a sudden go, man, I wish I would have known. - Is this why you wrote the new book? - This is exactly why I wrote that book. - What are people gonna get from the book versus coming to see you speak or working with you to train them? - Yeah, I mean, in the book, the power of ownership, redeem your health, live life by design and break the relentless pursuit of normal is I really put normal and different

on a stage against each other, the dichotomy that exists between normal and different, what we as a society, what we as a world, what we as a culture have deemed as normal when it comes to our health and our wellness. What does it look like to live differently? What does it look like to live a life by design? What does it look like to live life according to what you need, Heather, versus what I need, Justin? Very different things.

where all of a sudden, when we can get specific to that, when we can get attuned to that, when we can make sure we have our order right, realizing that I know what I need, you know what you need, and you can move forward powerfully, we can now look at a lot of what those physical habits were, a lot of those physical behaviors were that I talked about earlier in this show,

And start to prioritize them based on what I need in this season of life today versus what maybe I'll need in my season of life tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. And that is when we start to understand things at a much deeper and much more intimate level. Perfect example. Today, I'm a married man with no children. You're single with a son. You have completely different responsibilities than I do.

Thus, I design my life very differently than you might. But many people will sit here and go, "Oh, Heather, you have to eat this way. Oh, Heather, you have to exercise this way. Oh, Heather, you have to go to bed at this time. Oh, Heather, you need to supplement this way."

Well, how do they know if they don't know anything about you? They don't know what your circumstances are. They don't know what context that's being spoken in. They haven't looked at any type of data from what's actually happening cellularly or what your body's telling you. Through the book, we actually empower you to understand and know what to look at, what questions to ask.

how to prioritize this, and then actually provide you a blueprint that you formulate, that you create, that you can optimize for where you are in this season of life so that you can step forward powerfully. That's what you're going to get from the book.

From when I speak, I try to really do the same exact thing. I try to make sure that whenever I'm speaking, I actually leave you with a paradigm shift, a paradigm shift in how you think, see, and operate from a health and wellness and performance standpoint. And then working with us, the big difference is obviously then we're going to help you do that and we're going to do it for you. We're going to walk, hold your hand down this journey, hold you accountable, help guide you, educate you, empower you, equip you so that again, you can take ownership, but doing it with a little bit of a security blanket around you.

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What I love about the book is this idea that you're empowering others, that we're actually involved in the decision-making process because like you said, we know our life and ourselves better than anyone. And back to your original story that you knew something was wrong, even though everyone was telling you, no, you were fine. You kept pursuing that truth and that solution because you knew something was off. Everybody within themselves, once someone empowers you to say, you know what? You haven't been listening to yourself because you've been conditioned otherwise, but you

If you don't feel good, there is a solution for this. What are people finding through the story when you have empowered them with this knowledge? What are some of the success stories that you've found or you've experienced through the people that you've been working with that you can share with us today? Oh, man, there's just like there's so many that brings tears to my eyes. I'll give you these three because they just stand out right away. So number one, we had a business owner, an executive that was literally just

running himself into the ground. He had become a type 2 diabetic in the past three years. He was using alcohol to get to sleep. He felt like he was just lacked energy, was in a state of fog all day long, couldn't sleep at night, was traveling constantly around the world and sometimes internationally, had gained about 60 pounds.

and was just in a terrible state. When he came to us and we started to look at things, he had close to 30 different deficiencies at the cellular level. He was, again, not doing well overall. And after eight months, eight months, went from using 100 units of insulin a day to 10 units of insulin a month, his pancreas had magically turned on.

Guy lost 87 pounds. He's now avidly marathon running. He loves it. Just something that really clears his mind. He no longer drinks alcohol. He's just a completely different person, like completely different person.

Another example, and this was one of my probably favorite stories, is there was a lady, 32 years old. She'd been trying to start a family for years, had had three miscarriages in two years. She was extremely fit. She went to Pilates. She went to yoga. She ate all organic. She was very focused on these things, did all the things. But she managed a business that was 20 plus million, team of 15 people, and just highly stressed. And her body wasn't able to have capacity to actually build a human being.

Again, we did a lot of her testing, found that she had 16 cellular deficiencies and HRV was extremely low. The moment we started to actually personalize some of these changes, again, reverse some of these deficiencies, today she has a family of four along with her business. Those are two of the stories that I love because they're truly living experiences.

a life by design they're living something in a reality that's different that it was before that they thought was hopeless because they were trying to go off of everybody else's story and they were getting told by every doctor note you're broken nope this doesn't work no there's nothing we can do no we don't know what to do up just wait and keep trying rather now we have some type of direction because we have your plan we have this plan that's so personalized to you it's as unique as your fingerprint like that's what i love about this

The last story I was going to tell you was a real estate company up in New York City. They own, I think, 20% of all the real estate in New York City and Manhattan. For years, they had just had this really stable team. And coming close to COVID, they were turning over executive positions every six to eight months. And so just burning people out, just exhausted.

And the owner himself was like, man, I feel like a fragment of myself. He'd gained 80 pounds, couldn't sleep, was having all of these autoimmune issues that were going on, had never had this happen before. He came to us and then we actually started working with his entire executive team. And all of a sudden, we're now what, four years later, three and a half years later, they haven't lost an executive in that entire time. So taking the turnover rate from every six to eight months now down to zero and

And then all those autoimmune disorders that doctors were putting them on steroids and these different prescriptions to try to get things under control completely off of everything and has had zero flare-ups, zero issues, and feels completely different. And so this is what I'm talking about when we come back to like these end-of-one solutions. Number one, everybody has to hear you are not broken.

The fact of the matter is you've been trying to play everybody else's game instead of playing your game. And if we can get to the true root cause, and I hate that word because it's just thrown around so often, I'm actually going to retract that statement. If we can actually get down to understand what your body needs.

understand what your deficiencies are, understand what your data is telling us, and we can actually start to empower and equip you to understand what's happening there, that's when we can start to have true transformational, truly consistent, truly sustainable changes that

that will ultimately dictate your outcomes? Those three stories are incredible. And we live in a society where so many people see it as a badge of honor, the burnout badge of honor. Work seven days a week, no sleep, and travel all over and give everything up for work. I've been there and done that. I've lost my hair. I've thrown out my back. I've seen the physical.

ailments that clearly were arising because of the stress in my life. And I did the right, I ate healthy. I worked out right. I was sleeping great back then. And then suddenly I watched things erode and I didn't know how to pump the brakes and take charge of it. And that's why I'm so excited for the power of ownership and you empowering everyone. Are there some simple takeaways that people will get from the book that they can implement right away?

A hundred percent. A lot of these things that I tried to do in this book was make it to be not just something that you read, but something that you would constantly revisit. And what I mean by that is it's almost becomes like this blueprint, this toolkit of

that you can come back to and say okay where am i at currently what am i currently going through and really empower you with those two things like help you understand cellular deficiencies once you know how to get this done how to get this done quarterly how to get this formulation completed and then two how to actually understand your body and learn the language of heart rate variability you become a truly empowered person i want to go back to the feeling that happens here

I know a lot of listeners probably feel this way. You might have felt this way. I know I have felt this way many times and I feel this several times a day in other parts of my life. And this is what we try to do, but we feel hopeless and we feel trapped. We feel hopeless when we're like, man, I've tried everything. I don't know what else to do. I'm never going to get out of this. To number two, feeling trapped. It's like,

I feel like I'm in a box. I feel like I'm in a cage. I want to get to the other side of this box, but the only way through is with the circle key. And my body just doesn't make the circle key. I don't have the option for the circle key. So I'm literally trapped in this box that I have to stay in this reality that hasn't been my choice, but this is just simply where I am by circumstance.

And so by feeling trapped, by feeling overwhelmed, by feeling hopeless, we've just accepted that as normal. We've accepted that as like, just as just the way it is.

And I'm going to ride this out as long as I can until something breaks. And then I guess I'll go into the medical system and I'll get treated for whatever it is that happens. And so I wanted to provide some people with something different, a new option, something that they can go a different direction that can give them hope, that can ultimately give them access to every key possible because you already own every single key and you just need to simply grab the one that you need. So if we can educate and empower you to understand which one that is, then

It's just a fact of saying yes. It's just a fact of leaning in and going, oh, here it is. And you all of a sudden have this hope, this empowerment, this confidence, and this new reality that wasn't available before. And so that's what you're going to be able to find through the book in every single chapter.

You're going to have aha moments through every single chapter. You're going to have light bulb moments every single chapter. You're going to have new realizations every single chapter. They're like, man, I can literally see how my life has patterned me to this moment. And now is the moment that I can choose to go a different direction. This is the moment that I can choose something unique, something different. That's something that is uncommon, but something now that makes me feel like I am in control. I'm in the driver's seat.

I can ultimately determine what my next outcome is from a health, wellness, and performance standpoint. And so being in this space, it allows you, again, to just continue to revisit this, continue to be something that I think will revolutionize and change the way that health and wellness is seen, not only in this country, but in the world, and a resource that I believe should be in everybody's hands.

One of my mantras is never take advice or direction from someone who hasn't been where you want to go. Justin has been there from the lowest of the lowest to the highest of the highest through all the education, all the personal experiences, working with professional athletes, being an athlete. I mean, you've seen it from every vantage point perspective and done it from every perspective.

every angle. He is an expert on this. He's lived it. He's coaching. He's bringing people forward in life, turning their lives around and empowering you to do the same through this new book. Justin, where can everyone find the book and where can they find you?

Yeah, absolutely. So it's on the That's where you can go and get everything. Like I said, in pre-launch, this drops April 23rd. So during pre-order, we've got a whole bunch of bonuses, a lot of early access to the vault and a lot of really cool resources that are in there, early access to a lot of the different testing that you can actually do to start to empower yourself on that journey. But

Again, just really excited. And then I'm super available everywhere through social media, but Instagram primarily at Justin Roth. All right, guys, go now. Do not wait. You are not stuck and locked into a life of not feeling well, having headaches, not sleeping great, having low energy, being overweight. And none of that has to be your death sentence. In fact, he's empowered you now to completely change it and have...

have and live a life that you deserve full of energy, full of happiness and feeling good about how you feel inside and out. Justin, thank you so much for this. I'm going to link everything in the show notes below. Keep doing the amazing work that you're doing, my friend. That's so great. Thank you so much, Heather. All right, guys, until next week, keep creating your confidence. I decided to change that dynamic. I couldn't be more.

more excited for what you're going to hear start learning and growing inevitably something will happen no one succeeds alone you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it i'm on this journey with me

What's up, everyone? I'm Hala Taha, host of Yap Young and Profiting Podcast, a top 10 entrepreneurship podcast on Apple. I'm also the CEO and founder of the Yap Media Podcast Network, the number one business and self-improvement podcast network. That's why they call me the podcast princess. On Young and Profiting Podcast, I interview the brightest minds in the world, off

offering actionable advice to level up your life. I've interviewed marketing legends like Gary Vee and Seth Godin, serial entrepreneurs like Alex Ramosi and Damon John, and even the godmother and godfather of AI, Fifi Lee and Stephen Wolfram, respectively. I've interviewed so many inspiring guests, and I don't really like to put my podcast in a box.

We talk about anything that will improve your life as an entrepreneur. I tend to talk a lot about brand, marketing, sales strategies, and better understanding psychology and human behavior to get what you want. But we also cover things like balance, biohacking, and mental wellness, and of course, hot topics like AI.

One thing my listeners always say is that my podcast is highly motivational. If you want to get pumped up and take your life and business to the next level, come listen, learn, and profit with the Yap fam. We're young and profiting not because of our age, but because we're committed to ongoing learning and self-improvement. So join podcast royalty and subscribe to Yap, Young and Profiting on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.