cover of episode MSNBC CONFIRMED CUT OFF After Ratings Collapse Amid Trump Victory w/Hotep Jesus

MSNBC CONFIRMED CUT OFF After Ratings Collapse Amid Trump Victory w/Hotep Jesus

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Hotep Jesus
Ian Crossland
Timcast(Tim, Phil, & Ian): MSNBC和CNBC的收视率暴跌,面临被Comcast剥离的风险。一些MSNBC主持人此前对特朗普的强烈批评,与他们在选举后态度转变形成对比,这导致了MSNBC收视率下滑和公司内部不满。MSNBC员工对Joe Scarborough和Mika Brzezinski与特朗普会面感到愤怒,这加剧了MSNBC被剥离的可能性。俄罗斯升级核武政策,可能引发第三次世界大战。美国国会中出现跨性别议员引发关于厕所使用的争议,并导致死亡威胁。Comcast将剥离MSNBC和CNBC等有线电视网络,这证实了之前的传闻,原因是收视率持续下跌。MSNBC和CNBC收视率下跌,可能与观众对媒体偏见和失信有关。CNN报道Comcast将剥离其大部分有线电视网络,包括MSNBC和CNBC。尽管MSNBC和CNBC收视率低迷,但其通过转播费仍然获得巨额利润。MSNBC和CNBC的实际收视人数很少。纽约邮报报道称,左翼观众减少导致MSNBC和CNN收视率暴跌。Rachel Maddow的节目收视率下降,可能反映了观众对媒体的信任危机。部分观众可能因为民主党在2020年大选中失利而放弃了对左翼媒体的支持。一些左翼媒体人物(如Jon Stewart、Charlemagne tha God等)改变了对特朗普的态度,这反映了政治观点的转变。左翼媒体的收视率下跌,而右翼媒体的收视率上升,这反映了政治观点的转变。左翼媒体人物(如David Pakman)也经历了订阅用户和观众的流失。美国在2024年大选中向右倾斜,左翼媒体可能需要调整策略以适应这一变化。左翼媒体需要适应新的媒体环境,否则将被淘汰。即使是财经频道CNBC也受到左翼媒体收视率下滑的影响。 Hotep Jesus: 媒体平台需要明确目标受众和目标,左翼主流媒体未能做到这一点。左翼主流媒体更关注推行政治议程而非吸引观众和盈利。观众希望媒体提供无偏见的信息和真相,而主流媒体未能做到。主流媒体存在偏见,只为特定人群发声。民众对媒体的信任度下降,因为媒体缺乏客观性和公正性。媒体未能吸引观众,是因为其目标是推行政治议程而非盈利。Bill Maher批评民主党思想混乱。民主党内部思想混乱,且其策略存在缺陷。民主党在2020年大选中的策略存在问题,例如通过超级代表提名候选人。部分特朗普支持者在选举后依然坚持自己的观点。部分人认为民主党通过舞弊手段赢得2020年大选。特朗普的支持者在选举后依然支持他。左翼媒体人物在特朗普获胜后改变立场,被认为是缺乏道德原则的表现。左翼媒体人物的转变不值得信任,但他们的观众和支持值得争取。一些左翼媒体人物(如Michael Rapaport)在选举前后的立场发生了转变。对一些转变立场的人,其动机值得怀疑。应该信任那些坚持真理和原则的人。Anna Kasparian的转变是基于真实事件和对真相的追求。左翼媒体对Joe Rogan的攻击是其缺乏诚信的表现。民主党在2020年大选中的候选人提名过程存在问题。左翼媒体呈现的形象与其真实面目不符,他们通过恐惧统治。左翼媒体的权力来源于恐惧和取消文化,但其影响力并非真实存在。左翼媒体的网络支持很大程度上来自机器人账号。左翼媒体通过教育系统进行思想灌输。左翼媒体制造的幻象导致人们相信卡玛拉·哈里斯有获胜的机会。激进左翼并非普通民主党的代表。民主党利用恐惧来控制民众。2024年大选结果表明,民众对政治观点的转变。民主党人总是站在他们认为是多数派的一边。左翼媒体人物改变立场可能是出于经济原因或其他动机。改变人们的思想需要付出努力,左翼媒体人物的转变可能包含多种动机。在选举中取得胜利会产生一些负面影响,例如一些人为了自身利益而改变立场。赢得一场战斗并不意味着赢得整个战争,左翼媒体的转变只是政治观点转变的一个方面。选举结果导致文化发生了巨大转变,例如激进女权主义者开始实践禁欲。选举结果导致文化发生了巨大转变,例如非裔美国人开始更多地关注自身利益。特朗普的胜利对不同群体都产生了积极影响。 Ian Crossland: 左翼媒体人物的恐吓策略已经失效,变得令人厌烦。左翼媒体的“狼来了”策略已经失去效力。应该谨慎选择值得信赖的人。说话者在选举前后的立场有所转变。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are MSNBC and CNN experiencing a ratings collapse?

MSNBC and CNN's ratings have plummeted due to their extreme left-leaning coverage, which has alienated a significant portion of their audience. The channels' weekend ratings have dropped to as low as 28,000 viewers in the key demographic, indicating a severe loss of viewership.

Why did Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski meet with Donald Trump after criticizing him?

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski met with Donald Trump to potentially mend their relationship and align with the prevailing political winds, as their previous anti-Trump stance was no longer resonating with their audience, leading to a ratings decline.

How has the political landscape shifted post-election, and what does it mean for media personalities?

Post-election, many media personalities who were staunchly anti-Trump are now changing their tune, recognizing the shift in public sentiment. This shift has led to a reevaluation of their positions, with some, like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, acknowledging the absurdity of the Democratic Party's previous stance and aligning more closely with Trump.

What role does the Dead Internet Theory play in the decline of left-leaning media ratings?

The Dead Internet Theory suggests that a significant portion of online engagement is driven by bots and sock puppet accounts, which were previously used to inflate the popularity of left-leaning media. With the election outcome, these bots were deactivated, leading to a sudden and noticeable drop in engagement and ratings for these channels.

How does the changing perception of Donald Trump affect his approval ratings?

As media personalities and outlets shift their perception of Donald Trump from a threat to a potential ally, his approval ratings have seen a significant boost. This change in narrative, coupled with the realization that the left's previous stance was flawed, has led to a more favorable view of Trump among the public.

The discussion explores the possibility that the Dead Internet Theory, which posits that the internet is largely controlled by bots and sock puppet accounts, could explain the collapse of MSNBC and CNN ratings and the shift in public opinion.
  • The internet may be more bots than people, influencing public opinion.
  • Following Elon Musk's takeover of X, users complained about lower engagement, suggesting fake engagement was removed.
  • The left lost followers and subscribers after the election, possibly due to deactivated bots.

Shownotes Transcript

Tim, Phil, & Ian are joined by Hotep Jesus to discuss Comcast planning to cut off MSNBC after ratings collapse, Cenk Uygur slams Allan Lichtman for getting 2024 prediction wrong, Trump confirming plans to use military for mass deportations, and how Dead Internet Theory might be real.

Hotep Jesus is an entrepreneur, author, and social commentator known for his provocative takes on culture, politics, and social issues, often blending humor and unconventional insights. 


Tim @Timcast (everywhere)

Phil @PhilThatRemains (X)

Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere)

Serge @SergeDotCom (everywhere)


Hotep Jesus @HotepJesus (X)

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