cover of episode Tiny Challenges for Every Size Business with Richmond Dinh

Tiny Challenges for Every Size Business with Richmond Dinh

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The Marketing Secrets Show

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Richmond Dinh
Russell Brunson
Russell Brunson:本期节目讨论了微型挑战这一创新概念,它帮助初学者和经验丰富的营销人员在低压力的环境下高效地进行销售。微型挑战与大型挑战不同,它专注于一对一的互动,无需复杂的营销策略和技术支持,只需手机即可完成。通过微型挑战,可以快速获得客户反馈,迭代优化产品和服务,最终实现高转化率。Russell Brunson本人也计划将微型挑战应用于自己的高价位产品销售中,目标是每天销售25万美元。 Richmond Dinh:微型挑战的灵感源于他对传统挑战的恐惧。他意识到,即使只有一位客户参与,也能提供高质量的一对一服务,并获得更高的定价。微型挑战的优势在于其灵活性,可以根据客户需求定制内容,并随时随地进行。通过微型挑战,可以快速收集客户数据,了解他们的需求和痛点,从而制定更有效的销售策略。他分享了多个成功案例,证明微型挑战可以帮助学员快速获得收入,并提升他们的专业技能。他强调,微型挑战并非只适用于初学者,经验丰富的教练和顾问也能从中受益,并可以销售更高价位的产品或服务。 Richmond Dinh:微型挑战的流程包括五个步骤:第一天,使用5S框架收集客户数据;第二天,分享系统框架并布置作业;第三天和第四天,继续分享内容;第五天,回顾总结,征求推荐,并提出报价。如果客户没有立即购买,可以安排后续沟通。微型挑战的筛选条件包括捐赠、承诺信或押金,以确保客户的参与度。微型挑战的平均成交率为30%,但随着经验的积累,成交率会逐渐提高。他分享了多个成功案例,证明微型挑战可以帮助学员快速获得收入,并提升他们的专业技能。

Deep Dive


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Because you always wonder, you always get fearful like what if something happens to my social media or you get cancelled or things like that where you can't run ads and you know like what a great way to because you're always going to have your list but you can just keep on doing this. In the last decade, I went from being a startup entrepreneur to selling over a billion dollars in my own products and services online. This show is going to show you how to start, grow and scale a business online. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.

Today's podcast episode is something that I think is really unique and different. And as you will see when I go through the interview, I start freaking out about halfway through because the light bulbs start going off in my mind. So I have this guest coming on because I wanted to figure out more ways who someone who's a brand new beginner who wants to be successful as a coach.

or a consultant can do it without having to go through all the stress and anxiety and all the fears that most people go through, right? And so during this interview, we talk about a concept called tiny challenges. And it's the opposite of doing a big challenge. You try to get thousands of people to register and do these big five-day challenges. They're all choreographed and everything. Instead, it's doing challenges with just one person.

which at first sounds crazy, like why would I do a challenge with just one person? But I heard this person doing it. They've helped over 200 people to do this now and using these tiny challenges to get their first sale and their second sale and grow into actually really big legitimate businesses.

which is really fascinating. Doing this way, you don't have to buy ads. You don't have to build a funnel. You don't have to have technology. You don't have to have a Zoom account. You can literally just do it on the phone. It's a powerful strategy that I'm excited to share with you guys today. So for the beginners, this is gonna be amazing for you. Now, for the more advanced people, this is where, again, my whole...

thought going into this interview is this is something for beginners. They're going to love it. And halfway through, I have this, like you literally watch it. I'm like, I just had like, my mind just got blown and like, let me tell you what I'm going to do with this. And I started sharing with it and we kind of started iterating and riffing on it. And it was amazing. So if you're an advanced marketer, um, I think I'm going to be using the strategy to start selling a $250,000 days. Um,

And so, yeah, it'll work for either of you guys. I promise you this is going to blow you away. My guest today, his name is Richmond Din. He's going to share with you guys a concept called Tiny Challenges. It's one of the coolest new innovations I have heard of in a long time. So cool, in fact, that this is something that I'm going to be focusing on doing here in the next... In fact, my guess is by the time this goes live, I've already done it. So there you go. I'm implementing fashion in the beginning to edit these videos. That's how cool this is. So with that said, I hope you enjoyed this interview with Richmond Din.

Hey, everybody. Today, I've got a really special guest, and I'm excited to talk to you about something really cool because a lot of times when people start a business or they hear people talking about, I did a webinar. I had like 10,000 people or a challenge and all these things. A lot of times people who are beginning get overwhelmed and it's like, man, I can't do that. Like, I don't have...

the ability to have a challenge with a thousand people. Or if I did have a challenge with a thousand people, it would freak me out because I've got a thousand people I talk to and it's very overwhelming for people who want to be a coach. They want to be a trainer. They keep hearing these big numbers people talk about, but they get scared. And so the guest I have today is actually someone who I've been watching for the last few years. One of my favorite people in our community. Super excited to have him here. But he started doing something recently where he was doing these little tiny challenges, mini challenges, tiny challenges. And I wanted him to kind of talk about this because I think for any of you guys who are

who want to become a big coach someday or whatever that thing might be, but you're at the beginning. This is one of the most powerful, simple, easy ways to get started right out of the gate. And so our guest today is Richmond Din. Richmond, how are you doing today? Very good. Thanks for having me on, Russell. Yeah, he flew all the way from Australia to be with you guys here today to share this. But he's at our Inner Circle Wednesday. You've been in our Inner Circle now for how many years? Yeah, a bit over two years now. Two years. Obviously, I've got there. Two years.

It's really painful. Yeah. He prepaid for two years. He's like, I'm not leaving. So he flies to Boise a couple of times a year from Australia. Yeah. I mean, it's been so good. I mean, it's the only time I fly out of Australia now. It's just for these events. And that's, I mean, it makes the year really fast and really fun. Do your family think like Boise, Idaho must be this huge tourist location because we keep going there every day? I tell them how amazing it is. I'm so surprised on how beautiful the town is. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'll bring them here one day too. Yeah.

That's awesome. All right, so let's get to this. So first off, I want to understand how you even stumbled upon this, right? Because most people, they do a challenge, only a couple people show up, they think it was a failure. And for you, it became like everything. So I'm just curious the backstory behind this. Yeah, well, the backstory is four years ago, I heard about the idea of doing a challenge.

And I was, I guess, I wasn't fully a beginner in my coaching journey but I wanted to run a challenge because it just made sense to build trust. But I had all the fears that everyone has. What if no one shows up? What if they do show up and they ask a question and I couldn't answer it? Or worse yet, like how do I market it and how do I do it and what topics do I teach? And there were so many things. I wasn't speaking much back then as well and so I've never really consistently speak to an audience five days in a row for that long.

And my biggest fear was like, hey, if no one shows up, it's not a big deal because no one knows, right? And that's okay. But my biggest fear was what if one person shows up? That would be the worst. Yeah.

And I thought about it. I thought like, you know, sometimes in life, the worst things can be the best things. And like if you can't, that's why you must. And if you don't have the money, that's why you should join the program because you don't have the money all the time. And so I asked myself the question, like what if one person did show up? Like would that be such a bad thing?

I thought, well, not for them. That would be the best thing for them. A one-on-one challenge. 100%, like one-on-one time. And that would be a far superior offer for them. And then I thought, and I probably would close higher as well. And it might be a really cool thing. And then I got used to the idea about, you know what, actually, that might be an actually really good thing. And so I just went for it. And I thought,

yeah, I'm going to do this. I'm going to do this one-on-one challenge as a worst case scenario, but as a primary vehicle. And then it blew up into this crazy thing because I found out all these other benefits around it because of the traditional challenge, you got problems of what date should I do it on? What time? Like if I'm catering for the international market, should I do it 8 p.m., 8 a.m., all this kind of stuff. But a one-on-one challenge, you can

You can do it anytime. It's an agreed time between you and the other person. It can start on a Saturday. It doesn't have to be the same time every day. You can have one day break. It had so much flexibility and it took all the pressure away from running a traditional challenge and it took all the fear away. And...

And that's how that was born, the whole one-on-one challenge. Interesting. When you talked about how if one person showed up, that would be the scariest thing in the world, it reminded me, the very first live event I ever did, it was actually right by the airport in downtown Boise. And I'd just been to a Dan Kennedy event. He was talking about doing an event. So I'm like, I'm going to do an event. So I remember we got some direct mail lists. We sent postcards to people. We ran a radio ad.

And we had like a hundred people sign up for this event and we're gonna do it three times or they it's like morning afternoon night and the very first one I think we had a hundred people supposed to come but like like ten people showed up and it was like he said okay ten is fine and we kind of did the thing and I think the room was set for like 30 people so it's kind of like they were sporadic but it wasn't that bad and then that was the first one the second one that happened on lunchtime or whatever only two people walked in and one sat in the very back and one sat in the very front and

And I felt that like that fear. I was like, oh no. And I, you know, you know me, I talk fast anyway. And my 90 minute presentation, I delivered in about 13 minutes. Cause there's two people where I got so nervous. I was like, and it was done. I was like, well, thanks for coming guys. And then they kind of just awkwardly left. It was. And then the last one, I think we had another like 12 people came to the last one. So it wasn't as bad, but the word, like the one that had the most fear for me was not the one ton of people was one with almost nobody. So I understand that conceptually to scare someone from even trying. Cause it's,

Both sides are kind of scary, right? You get a thousand people. That's scary, especially if I'm new. You get one. And so when you did, I'm curious, like you had the idea, was it more so you became okay with the idea of one or did you orchestrate this to only be a challenge for one person? How did that work? I first became okay with the idea of one, but then I thought, because I'm always asking myself the question, if I had to start all over, what would I do? And

And when I started seven years ago, there was no challenge. Like talent just wasn't really a thing. But I would start on like one-on-one pro bono. Like that's what all coaches should do. And I thought, cause that's what I did. I did one-on-one pro bono for like six weeks, one call per week.

And I thought, wow, if we did a one-on-one challenge, it'll compress that pro bono journey from six weeks into five days. And you're basically 6X-ing the speed of result from experience point of view. But then you get the re-sign opportunity because it's encompassing the challenge and it's more attractive. And I thought, that's actually...

That should be the way. Like that should be the way for every beginner starting coach because pro bono, we all have to do it anyway. So it replaces the whole pro bono journey. And then the more I thought about it, the more I thought,

This is crazy. Like this is going to reduce every stress or overwhelm or anxiety anyone has from even doing a challenge to 20 people or 100 people. And it's just a great way to start as well to build up your skill set in presenting because there's zero presentation skills required. It just can be done on the phone. You don't have to be good at tech because it can be done on the phone or just WhatsApp video or whatever. And it removes all that away and then you get to learn how to craft your messaging, learn to see what offer sticks.

And from that, it was like, this is the way. And we've got students who've made $100,000 just from this faster than ever. Yeah, just from the tiny challenge, the one-on-one challenge. I couldn't believe that they could get to $100,000. I thought, yes, this would be a great way to get to your first $20,000, $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 for sure.

But they're doing all the way to 100,000. Now they've got a couple of hundred hours of coaching experience up their sleeve as well. And from a competency level, it's huge. Interesting. Okay, so walk me through this. So someone decides they're going to do a tiny challenge. Is that a trademark? This is yours. Well, I've got to give credit.

I did trademark it. Yeah. And that was correct to Pedro because I was at Pedro's house and I said, hey, Pedro, like, you know, a lot of your beginner students, like the group challenge is overwhelming. We've actually been teaching one-on-one challenges to help him get the first 25, 50K. And he's like, one-on-one?

what's that? Like done one-on-one, like you market as one-on-one. It's like, that is crazy. That solves everything. And I said, yeah, it does. And I said to him, look, like this is what we're teaching. And he's like, you got a name for it? And I, no. He said, well, you got to come up with a fancy name because otherwise, you know, you got to have a good marketing angle. So we're brainstorming, which you should call it like the mini one or, you know, market. And we came up with tiny and tiny was just,

just the perfect name. And then he said to me, Richmond, like that's the name and you got to go trademark it. I'm like, okay, I'm going to go trademark it. So that's what we did. Oh, that's cool. So tiny challenges is a thing. It's official. Okay. So walk me through just how it works. Like what are your students doing or how did you do it? I'm just curious, like,

from everything, how do you structure? What does the offer look like? Like, what are you doing day by day just to kind of help people understand what it looks like? Yeah, so it's different from a group challenge because it's not done, like obviously it's not done to an audience where you have to make it relevant to the room. So you can tailor the content specific to what they need. So the biggest difference on call one, I go through like a framework called like the 5S, which means you can identify what are their fears, frustrations, what their future, like what do they want in the next five days, in the next 12 months? Where have they failed in the past?

and then what are they afraid of trying? And so we get all this data on call number one, which is data is dollars, right? And you can't get that data from a group challenge. And so they get that data and then we kind of say, okay, good, this is what you need. The challenge is topics are going to X, Y, Z, but because I'm hearing this, I might just tailor it a little bit to what you're looking for over the next five days. And then when it comes to presenting the offer,

it's as simple as because most brand new coaches don't know what to offer. It's like, hey, have you loved the five days? Like, yes. If I was to offer you something for $3,000, what would that look like to you? And they tell you what the offer is. And then you do that five times, you've got a proven offer and then you can now create a proper offer from it. So it gives you the data immediately without having to try to second guess what should my offer be because you're

yeah it's it's it's so good the data you get from this is amazing that's why when they transition from tiny to group challenges the message is on point the hook is on point the offer is on point and they're not going to do a challenge to 100 people and flop it yeah that's so fascinating i think some of the problems a lot of people have is they don't they've never tested the messaging the hook any of that kind of stuff like one of my favorite stories uh jamie cross who's been in a circle for a long time like

she came in as soon as she learned about funnels within like, she launched her first funnel within like eight months at two comic club. And within like a year and a half, the two comic club acts like really fast. And I asked her, how did you do this? She's like, well, I spent the first two years of my business going door to door, pitching myself. And then I did farmer's markets, pitching myself. And she had done so much by time that like she did a funnel. It was like, Oh, just,

pitch myself i've done it a million i know what people's concerns are the hot buttons i think that when someone's walking past a farm market it gets them to stop right there's my hook and like she knew all those things because she'd done it ahead of time where most people like oh my funnel doesn't work i tried this thing nobody bought no one clicked on my ad and they're just because it's the first time ever doing it right they have no idea what what's actually important like you said the data is powerful because really quickly you also hear like the way they're explaining things in their own words and like oh wow they said this they said this and you start listening it helps you to to create the things you need to do

What's up, everybody? Really quick, I want to jump in because I am excited for our next sponsor of the show. The next sponsor is Mint Mobile. I found out about Mint originally when Ryan Reynolds bought in the company. And Ryan's not only one of the greatest actors of all time, he's one of the best marketers I've ever seen. If you've watched Mint Mobile,

the funny viral ads he's created something that all of us marketers should be studying and watching and I remember watching the ads from Mint Mobile and they were amazing number one and number two I started seeing what they were doing I got really excited and so I'm pumped to have them as a sponsor for the show and what I didn't realize until I got my own Mint Mobile account was that typically with most cell phone companies as you probably know you gotta pay anywhere from 70 80 100 a month or more for premium wireless service and the reason for that is

is because you got to deal with TV commercials. And then on top of that, and you got the retail stores and the salespeople and like there's all these costs along the way. And what Mint Mobile does is they sell their wireless services online, cutting out the costs of all of these retail stores and salespeople saving you a ton of money. So instead of paying 50, 70, $100 a month, you only pay $15 per month as part of this premium phone program.

And so because I decided to check it out on my phone, and so far I love it. They've been really, really good. Since I've been loving it so much, I was pumped when they asked if we could partner up. It helped people who are listening to this episode of the podcast actually save money, and they said yes. So here is a special offer we created for you guys. You can now save a ton of money by switching to Mint Mobile for just $15 a month.

Literally, you can say goodbye to all of your overpriced wireless plans, get high-speed data and unlimited talk and text on the nation's largest 5G network without having to change your phone number or your existing contacts. So to get this new customer offer and get your new three-month unlimited wireless plan for just $15 a month, all you got to do is go to slash funnels. That's M-I-N-T-M-O-B-I-L-E dot com slash F-U-N-N-E-L-S. Cut your wireless bill to just $15 a month and get premium phone service at slash funnels.

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I don't know if you're buying ads for these, talking one-on-one, did you try to find someone? How do they get their first client for something like this? Yeah, well, we'll recommend, like, to first of all, reach out to their immediate contact list, family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, people they know in the past. And if they've got a social media profile, like, just put a post up that, hey, I'm offering a one-on-one thing for five days, that kind of post there, and start there. Like, most people, we're about to get 10 people from the immediate circle, like, very, very easily. I mean, unless...

they haven't been a good person to the people around them but nobody likes you yeah which which is probably a good thing because it tells you what you need to work on next but we we haven't had a problem with people not being able to get it organically first before they were to run ads i mean actually no one's needed to run ads for this it's just very easy because on the last day we have a referral strategy too it's like hey if you love this i would love to

Two of your friends would love this same experience and that's kind of how we grow it. Okay. And in theory, would they do the next one with two people or are they just two separate? Two separate, yeah. Like I would recommend they do it at least minimum 10 times. And so if they're selling a $3,000 offer or $5,000, they're going to make about $30,000 to $50,000, right? The reason why that's important is because...

Doing it 10 times actually takes less time than doing a challenge, a group challenge, because it's delivered one-on-one like a group challenge, as you know, a lot of marketing, a lot of hooks, a lot of ads, a lot of all this stuff. So the time it takes to do 10 tiny challenges is actually the same, but they get to present the offer 10 times and iterate 10 times and get 10 points of data. And so it's almost impossible to get 10 no's in a row because you're always iterating and getting feedback. Yeah.

Okay, so step one in this process, they go out there, they message their warm audience, whatever it is, telling them that they're doing a five-day challenge one-on-one. If they're interested, contact them. Do they filter? Like if someone messages, like, I know this person's broke or this person's not going to do – like how do they –

How do they pick the right person to take anybody? Yeah, there is a criteria. So we do have a filtering process. We call it a commitment piece. And so the commitment piece, once they agree, okay, does this work for you? Like the times work? Okay. The final thing is, and there's three types of commitment pieces we recommend. The first one is just donate $20 to charity of your choice. And the way we frame that is because once you give, you open yourself up to receiving, it's a good thing to do. And so,

Just send me the screenshot once it's done and they do it. They can do that. The second thing is a commitment letter.

So do you have like a pre-written letter and say, I just want you to feel like I, my name is, you know, Russell and I commit to it and they copy the letter, send it back to you. And that's a commitment piece to say they're going to be committed to do it. Um, and then the third one, you could charge like a very small price point, like $17, $27 refundable deposit, just to make sure you're getting in the right people. But the crazy thing is, um,

There are no time wasters in a tiny challenge because no one turns up for five days to waste your time. People will download a free guide and wait. You know what I mean? No one does that. People, if they're going to waste time, they'll go to other methods. But they won't stay for five days unless they were actually wanting change. So you're actually qualifying them through the five days anyway because otherwise they wouldn't show up. They actually want help. Yeah. Interesting. Do people do all three of those or pick one? Yeah.

Just pick one. Yeah. I just said, Hey, pick which one resonates with you the most. And then use that as your commitment piece. I just had a big idea that I'm going to share at the end based on what you just said, um,

because you just blew my mind or something but i so if i forget everyone youtube remind me to come back and and drop this one because i said it like i had like a million dollar idea right as you said that okay so remember i'm coming back all right okay so they message their friends there's a filtering process they come through there's a five-day challenge day number one he says the five f's walk through the five f's again yep uh what's it was first of all paint the future meaning what do they want what's the goals for the next 12 months um were their biggest frustrations

Where have they failed in the past? Where have they tried and failed? Fourth F is what are their fears? What are they most afraid of? And the fifth F is framing. So framing the sale, right? And so asking for permission to be able to sell to them at the end of the five days. Hey, if you've loved this,

And this has been in Meg's experience. Would it be okay with you if I present to you what working with me on a paid basis looks like on day five? And so you're getting the permission there. Very cool. Okay, now that's day number one of the challenge. What happens now on day number two? Day number two is content piece number one.

which is kind of following your framework. What's your opportunity? What's the way? They reveal some sort of framework of their system of creating a result. And then they sign homework after that. And the homework is done on the call.

And then Q&A after the homework. We do the homework with them on the call. Yeah, yeah, yeah. With challenge homework, what we suggest is make the homework small, meaning like all tiny. That takes less than five minutes to do because when you leave people to do the homework after the call, they don't do it.

But it also gives them the time. It's kind of like running a workshop or a creative event. Like when you do it on the event, on the call, they just move faster. And so we wait, like just wait. And then they can send it in to you or text you or whatever it is. But you're just giving them five minutes to do it. Yeah. Okay. Very cool. So that's the content that's going to be happening. So content piece one, day three is content piece two, day four. So then when do you transition to the pitch? How does that? Yeah. So day five is recap.

in the five days. Let's recap what we did in the last five days. Amazing. Then we asked for referral. Hey, remember referral. If you love, can you think of two people that would love this? And then we transitioned into the offer.

And so at that point, it's like, hey, remember day one, I mentioned if it's okay by presenting what working week looks like and you transition to the offer. So the reason why we do it in that sequence is because we want to make sure that they feel good about the five days. So we do a quick recap and then they refer to people, they're feeling good for that and then we're going to the offer and then present the offer

handle objections and maybe for probably half the people they'll need to book in that sixth call for you know another enrollment call because they need to think about it oh gotcha so if they don't have it then you follow up the call to do yeah if they don't buy on call number five it's like we'll book in call number six to you know unless it's a hard no and then you know just let it go get the data get the feedback which is the more important part yeah I just served you for last week why yeah I've

I would assume at that point, someone who's spent that much time investing in them, they almost feel obligation at the end of like, wow, like they put a lot into it. And here's the thing that blew my mind too. Um, I had a client who sold a $15,000 program off a tiny challenge. Like, and that makes sense because, because, um,

Of course you could sell something higher because there's more intimacy. And so I had a lot of people saying, oh, but Richmond, I've been doing group challenges and it's not really working. And maybe they've made $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 and they feel like they're taking a step back by doing this. When in fact, if they've got the experience and that skill set and they're good at what they do, imagine they could sell a $20,000 program. And I believe that would be very, very possible. Like,

You would do that. Yeah. Let me tell you my million dollar idea I had five minutes ago. When you were saying that, I was just like, cause first I'm like, oh, this is such a good thing for beginners. And all of a sudden I was like, okay, what if I want to do this? What if I said, I'm going to do a five day one-on-one challenge and

And I put out to my, to my audience at this point and I'm like, you're in five, one hours with me. We're going through a process and a framework to get you, and maybe it's webinars. I'm gonna help you to, to structure and build out a webinar. It's a hundred thousand dollars for five day challenge. One on one with me. I think I could sell that. I think I could sell it. Yeah. I think I could sell five or 10, maybe one a week for the next 10 weeks. Right. And then structure that the five days and the end of the five days to say something like, Hey,

based on this you know you spent 100 grand for this i have a 250 000 offer where you actually come out here for a for a full one day we're going to build out the rest of it and you have a chance to do a presentation of my event or whatever do webinar you know and it's 250 grand you already spent 100 so we'll apply that so it's 150 grand you do that like i could sell 100 grand tiny challenge into a 250 000 consulting day i think that is so cool isn't that interesting

That is so cool.

But I think with tiny challenges, again, you can target that group. You could also just shifting around. Like if Dan Kennedy charged me $50,000 to do five one-hour calls with me for a week and they end up at pitch, I got to come hang out with them. He's going to write my copy for like done. I'm going to think twice about it. You know what I mean? Like what if I just did one or two of those a month? Anyway, I don't know. That's just kind of an interesting –

I would do that. Yeah. Now they've got me thinking. Wow, that's amazing. All right. This is now tiny challenges to huge challenges.

Oh, that's cool. Okay. Sorry. Back to... It doesn't have to be five. It could be three calls. We recommend minimum three calls, maximum seven calls. So three to seven is a sweet spot. Five is just a good number. Very cool. Okay. So now I wanted some data based on the clients and students you have going through this process. And I know with close rates, it's all over the place. I'm curious. What is it looking like? Is it one out of ten or something? Three out of ten. Three out of ten. We've never had someone do zero out of ten. Okay. It's...

The average is 3 out of 10 in the first 10 and then the averages go up on the next 10. Then it becomes 4 out of 10 and the next 10 is 5 or 6 out of 10. They just get better.

And so our record student, she's done like 55 of these and her first 10 was like three out of 10. But then towards the back end, she was closing seven out of 10. It just became, and that's, she became addicted to it. She didn't want to do group challenges. It's like, this is way better. Yeah, it is. It just was working. What price point was she selling them? 5,000. 5,000. We didn't start 5,000. The first one's 2,000 and it went up. You get more confident. Yeah, of course. Yeah.

And then the fulfillment, like you said that you asked them kind of what the fulfillment looked like, but traditionally, what is it? Is it more, is it like doing more one-on-one calls? Yeah. More of the same, more of the same. So, um, so basically they got five days of one-on-one and then you're selling like what you said, like about one day, one-on-one, or they usually sell like three months or six months of one-on-one coaching. Yeah. Yeah.

That's so cool. Yeah. You want to hear something really cool? Yeah. Because the next stage is people think group challenge is the next stage. But actually, one of my students did what she called a hybrid challenge. Like, what's that? Because she transitioned from tiny to group, but then she had like 10 people in the group. Only five could show up.

And then I said, what did you do with other five? I did a tiny challenge. And so it was a 100% show up rate for a small challenge. And she called it a hybrid challenge. That's amazing. And so 100% show rate. So she did group to people could show up to the group calls. And then the people couldn't show up. She did them one-on-one. Interesting. What if we did, I had another idea. What if you did something where

Again, I'm thinking about my life. If I do $100,000 five day with somebody, but then that people pay $1,000 to listen in and just watch it. Whoa. Cause then it's like you get the hundred grand as a person and you get 10 people to pay you, you know, whatever.

That would be huge. Or 20 or 30 people. That could be really fascinating. Like the decade in a day. 100%. Yeah. To watch other people get coached through would be fascinating. That was more valuable for me than that day. Yeah. Yeah. Richmond flew 18 hours to Boise, Idaho for a 15-minute consult with him. But you were in the room for one day and then you flew back out, which is crazy. And thank you. That was amazing that you did that. But yeah, there's something valuable about that. I wonder if you could sell tickets to – anyway, sorry. There's so many iterations off of this that are really interesting and fascinating. Yeah.

man, I want to do one really bad right now. Anyway, sorry, I digress. Yeah, and you'll be tracking the best clients too for that, for what you're thinking. It'll be amazing. So cool.

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Okay. My next question for you then. So you talked about how some of your clients have gotten these, you know, it wasn't just like they made 30 grand or like they're getting higher levels. Is it mostly just they keep doing it or are they, are they moving from one thing to the next or like what, what are the other ways to keep increasing prices?

Increasing the price of the offer. Or just what they're making through these funnels. Yeah, so they just keep on doing the same. You never run out of leads because, I mean... You only need one. Yeah, you only need one. Exactly. You only need one. Put an ad out, spend $30, that's it. If you wanted to run ads, I mean, it's...

It's too easy. You may get 10 people apply, but the shop rate is 100% because it's the reason why people in a shop is either not relevant or the time doesn't work. But it's a tiny challenge. So the time always works. Yeah, the time works whenever they're going to schedule it. Exactly. So fascinating. This is like one of the most simple, most brilliant things I think I've ever heard. Yeah.

It's cool because you're structuring it as a challenge. You can think about this like when you're doing pro bono work, you're selling coaching calls. I'm going to do six coaching calls and they're expecting coaching calls. The challenge is different, right? You're like – you have the ability to set the tone on number one and the ability to sell at the end because it's framed in a way that's not like –

I thought I was getting free coaching. You know what I mean? Exactly. Exactly. So I believe in the next six months, um, or once tiny challenges become the thing, there'll be no more pro bono coaching. Like, like tiny challenge will be the immediate next step. Um,

Like, ProBurner will be dead because it does the ProBurner in one. Yeah. So fascinating. I didn't know this to ask you because lead gen is simple on this. The funnel is simple. The follow-through is simple. The sales script is simple. The tech. The tech is simple. And the hardest is to help someone make the first 10K. Like, that is the hardest dollar. Yeah. Man, it's such a cool thing. Well, dang, what are we missing? What are other things people should be thinking about?

with tiny challenges, I would say... I'm legit like right now. Are you guys freaking out a little bit too? Oh, I love your million dollar idea. Like that is a high ticket, tiny challenge. Wow. Yeah. Think about like any market this is working. I'm thinking, because for me, it's like even doing a big challenge, like you said, there's a lot of work that goes into like maybe doing a big challenge. I'm like, this would be something simple. Like I could just have one client a week to go through the product. I'm spending an hour a day

in my week for this really cool thing that leads to a million dollar day or whatever those things are at the back of it. Like that becomes worth my time even. Cause initially I was thinking like, who's going to spend the time to do a tiny one-on-one challenge? Like, like in my mind, I was going to be a complete beginner cause it's not going to worth your time. But even at my level, it's like, it's still worth my time. If that was just structuring the payment differently, but the same outcome, the same

The same thing. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing. Yeah. Maybe, you know what? Maybe I'll, I'll, I'll borrow your idea and I'll, I'll run the first one. Let you know how it goes. And so one-on-one we're going to race. Cause I'm going to do it tonight. Cause I'm like, I was just thinking like, just how cool would that be to anyway? It's a, ah,

Yeah, whoever's the first one is going to get the best traction because it's such a unique thing that everyone's going to copy us. So we got to make sure we implement this before this video goes live on YouTube. That's true. By the time you guys see this, it'll be live and it'll actually be happening, which will be amazing. Okay, I want to transition a little bit. So what I'm excited for is when you first kind of presented this idea to me, and you've been in the inner circle for a long time. It's been fun watching your journey and seeing the things you're doing. But I didn't know that you were doing these things and you'd messaged me saying, hey, this is something I think that everybody in your community should learn about and understand. You kind of walked me through it.

just kind of a quick version of this. I was like, oh, that's really, really cool. And so this year as we were planning out Funnel Hacking Live, it's cool because this year the event's going to be a little different than years in the past. It's going to be a virtual event, but it means we'll be streaming all around the world. It's Funnel Hacking Live International. We've got huge audiences in Brazil and all these different countries that we'll be streaming into. So it'll actually be the biggest Funnel Hacking Live, even though it's virtual. But I wanted to structure it in a way where it's not just something

some fun like lives, a lot of like random cool presentations about different things you could do. And last year's fun like lives all about the linchpin, very specific. And this year I wanted to transition where the very first day is all about how to go from, from I'm a startup business owner to my first million dollars. Like what? That's the first day, right? And the number two, like how do I go from a million or sorry, startup to like six figures. Day number two is like six figures to seven, day three, seven to eight and day, uh,

four is eight and beyond, right? So day four, we have a couple billionaires who are going to come speak, which is really, really cool. But day number one, I'm like, what are the things that anybody could do right out of the gate? And you are actually the very first person that I've asked to speak with on I Can Lie this year because I wanted you to show the things. I think it's for so many people who have been struggling for so long. They struggle with the tech, the complications, all the – so many things to be successful. We're here if you have a message, if you have –

that can change somebody's life legitimately. Like you can do this that fast. It's not going to cost you money. And, you know, you have to learn, you have to learn a thousand things. It's just like, you're out of the races. So I'm pumped to, this would be the official announcement I was watching, um, that you're speaking at photo hacking live. You should go deeper into this whole, this whole model. And, um, I'm excited because, um, I'm excited to, just to see other case studies of people who are actually doing this, you know, um, how many people you had kind of go through this process with you so far? Well,

We've been teaching this for years. We just didn't even have a full name for it. So you try a name too, that becomes amazing, which is a lesson for everyone as well. You need your own proprietary name. That's true. That's true. The power of just having a name and giving it a name. I would say 200, like a lot, a lot of students, particularly in the last 12 months when we really made it the main thing, like the main thing. It was always like a side thing, like an extra thing, but now it's like the main vehicle. And so...

And the results have been the fastest results we've ever seen. And with the least limiting beliefs, like, you know, imposter, all that, all those things, fear of judgment, all that kind of stuff that comes through, um,

there's not much of that i mean there's a little bit but not much it's not enough to stop people from doing it yeah so cool will you throw a couple of the industries people are doing this just to get an idea of like it could be almost anything yeah the most um the most interesting one was um or two um qigong i got a client who's like learn qigong which is like some sort of um i think it's like chinese martial arts like kind of like tai chi and an accountant like she was like no i

accountants will not do a challenge, let alone a tiny challenge. But of course they would because there's a problem you can solve in less time or easier for them. Of course they're going to want to do it. And yeah, an accountant doing a tiny challenge is pretty cool. Yeah. It's fascinating when you think about this. I've noticed this when you're selling anything. The more time you spend with a person, the more likely they are to buy something, right? It's why I'm such a big believer in podcasts because

You know, they may see Instagram or they see different things in a short form, but as soon as they, you can get something on your podcast and they spend an hour with you every day, you know, like, or once a week, whatever, like you spend so much more time, they're way more likely to buy from you. In fact, when we first launched my inner circle back in the day, it was fascinating because

you know, I didn't know who, like we put it out there to our whole audience. People showed up and was fascinating is of the a hundred people who joined the inner circle during the very first time we ever launched it. Uh, it was like 90 some odd percent of the people, um, had came into my world and then they listened to the podcast for like eight months, a year. And then they were, they jumped in and signed for the circle. I was thinking twice, like that was, it was the more, there was a direct correlation with how much time I spent with somebody, how much money they were willing to spend with me. And this, like the tiny challenge you're spending five, like you have so much time with somebody, like

like to prove yourself, to show that your stuff's working, all the kind of things like they're so much more likely. You're taking, you know, a month and a half worth of them listening to podcasts. You're catering it directly to them, spending the time, they're seeing the value. And then as long as you have the next logical step, like, oh, here's where we're going to go from there. Like it's, it's a... And it's quality time too. It's way, it's the most intimate time you could have with someone directly. So I guess those five hours will be equivalent to potentially 50 hours of

consuming content on YouTube or podcasts or anything. It's just so intimate. They feel like they've known you forever because even after a five-day group challenge, it never feels like I've been here for, I feel like I've known you forever and it feels like you've been in a challenge for such a long time. You lose this as a time but in the tiny challenge, that whole time perception is exaggerated even more. Yeah.

Oh, so fascinating. Well, thanks man for sharing this. I cannot wait for you to be speaking in Funnel Hockey Live, the shows with everybody in the world and show specifically exactly how they can actually, you know, but even this video alone, like I've got 500 ideas on different things I can start doing like immediately. In fact, it's so cool jamming out with you because I love how when you hear great ideas, you just take it to like to the next level. Well, it's funny because I'm not gonna lie. When you first start talking this, like in my head, I'm like, I will never do this ever until like that thing clicked. And I was like,

I can actually do this. Cause it's funny, like inner circle, we've got Eileen, she has her $250,000 consulting day and Myra's got just 350,000 like things. And I'm like, I don't even have the guts to offer that. I mean, how do you even offer that to somebody? You know what I mean? Like my email, my list about like, how do you even, but I was like, this would be the way this is exactly. Like if I went out to my list and said, we're going to, I'm going to do, I'm doing five,

five day one-on-one challenges people. It's gonna be a hundred grand each. And then the end of it, I'm going to pick two of you guys to do a private, you know, they knew ahead of time. Like, it's like, they're all fighting for, I don't like, I'm gonna be the best. I'm gonna be a student. Cause the only two of them going to have the thing, you know, or whatever it might be. Yeah.

It'd be super fascinating. It's fun for me too, because you know about this project, but I'm building this huge library and we ended up transitioning. We're buying a movie theater, right? Which is really cool. So it's this huge movie theater, but we had to rehab it. So I got a lot of money to rehab it, but then I don't have enough to finish the project. So I'm like, how in the world, you know, on month 12 of this project, like we need a million dollars today. I'm like, how am I going to pull out a million dollars? And like, this literally gave me the idea of just like,

oh my gosh, every time the next construction loan, you know, I could go to a bank and get it, but instead of going to the bank and do it, it's like, I'm going to do four mini challenges, which will give me, you know, the money up front. And then from that, if I get two people to buy the thing, like there's the money to cover this month's, you know, of the construction or whatever. If I do that two or three times, that pays for the entire thing. And anyway, so. Zero ad spend too, right? A hundred percent. Yeah. I think I could build a waiting list. I think,

again, selling people access to watch me. Anyway, there's so many fun ideas off of this. It is insane, but this is not about me. You guys, this is about the beginner. Who's just getting started. So for anyone who's advanced, who wills are spinning, let us know in the comments down below. But for the beginners, I hope you guys take this as something that's been proven to work 200 plus clients doing this. Um,

But it's, again, it's something I think anybody can do at whatever level. If you've got some kind of expertise in a topic, something that you know you can help other people with, this is a fast, easy way to just get it done. Spend an hour a day doing this for a week and just test it out. You know, and you said...

If you do it 10 times, the average person is getting three the first time around, right? Yeah. The worst close rate has been one out of 10. We've never had zero. Never. And I keep on telling him, don't be the first one. It's all on me. Yeah. So think about it. I'm thinking about somebody who's like, I need to make 30 grand this month. Like, how do I do that? Like, okay, you're going to have a $3,000 offer. You got 10, I had seven figures, 10 tiny challenges. You do what?

In the next 30 days, if you do two a week, three a week, whatever the math is on that. You could do four or five a week like quite easily. That's just, you know, that's a couple of calls a day. It's very manageable because there's not much marketing involved with it. It's just,

Yeah, not much prep work. Yeah. I have a dozen friends right now who I know are struggling, who I'm literally going to send this video before it even gets out to YouTube just because it's like, this is the plan. Just go do this first. It's so simple. A lot of people who are doing, they're posting on social, they're doing these kind of things trying to get clients for their higher, for literally a $3,000 package, but they don't have the selling mechanism. They're struggling because it's like someone sees it and then they got to sell and it's just like this weird transition that they're kind of figuring out where this is like such a simpler thing.

more powerful thing. So I love it, man. Anyway, thank you for being here and for sharing all this stuff. I cannot wait for you to be at Funnel Hacking Live International, streaming around the world, sharing this kind of stuff as well. I think it's going to change a ton of people's lives. And I'm just grateful for you, man. I love having you here and I look up to you and just, I love having you. Likewise, Russell. It's the same. And I'm excited too because I believe that

This is something the market has really been hungry for that hasn't been, like it's truly innovative to, it's going to change the industry. So I'm grateful for the opportunity because, you know, obviously to get this out there, we need a platform. And so I'm so looking forward to it. It's awesome. All right, Tiny Challenges, you guys. Go do your first Tiny Challenge and come to Funnel Hacking Live so you can watch Richman teach you guys all the behind the scenes secrets. So thanks again for being here. Appreciate you. And I hope this is a ton of value for all you guys.