Ryan Reynolds here for, I guess, my 100th Mint commercial. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I mean, honestly, when I started this, I thought I'd only have to do like four of these. I mean, it's unlimited premium wireless for $15 a month. How are there still people paying two or three times that much? I'm sorry, I shouldn't be victim blaming here. Give it a try at mintmobile.com slash save whenever you're ready.
$45 upfront payment equivalent to $15 per month. New customers on first three-month plan only. Taxes and fees extra. Speeds lower above 40 gigabytes. See details. What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. All right, we started doing something really, really cool that, first off, you need to be part of. And if you're not part of it, I want to plug you into it because it's just too good to miss. So we recently relaunched the One Funnel Away Challenge. Those who have been in my world or my community for a long time, you know this has been a program, our flagship program now for...
man, five plus years. We first launched it, it was $100 to join. It was a 30-day coaching program. It was amazing. And then I think we've refilmed like four or five times over the years, just new updates, new tweaks, trying to make it better and better and better for people. It keeps getting better and better and better. And over the last four or five years, I think we've had 170,000 people have paid $100 to be part of the challenge, which is insane and cool and exciting. So thank you all for being part of it if you were part of it in the past.
But something new has happened with ClickFunnels. I don't know if you have been watching or noticing, but we are starting to do a lot more stuff in the e-commerce space and having a ton of success with it. It's fun. And as I was talking to the person in our community who's had the most success with e-commerce funnels recently,
aka Mr. Trey Llewellyn. I messaged Trey and actually he messaged me initially and was like, hey, how can I give back to this community? And I was like, what if we redid the One Funnel Away Challenge? What if we made it simpler? What if we, because in the past I've always tried to do it where it's like, I'm trying to convince people, here's a funnel type and here's how, if you're e-comm you can make it work, if you're expert you can make it work, but it's always like trying to like mush these things together into like some, like I was trying to like
you know, it's like jamming around Pegasus Square Hole, right? It's like, yes, but tweak it a little bit for this. And it was just, it was always hard to train. So I was like, what if we did two versions? People can come in and they can pick which one they want. And if they're into e-commerce, they can do e-commerce and expert, expert. Then we get Trey, who's the greatest e-com funnel builder on the planet. He's teaching how to do e-commerce ones. And you have me who, I don't want to say that I'm the greatest, you know, trainer of experts and info product people on the planet, but you know, you know.
Sounds like I just said it. All right, I'll take, I'll take, I'll give myself credit for that. I don't know if it's true or not, but I definitely am the person who's most passionate about it, I think. So, and so basically what happened is Trey built a 10-day e-commerce One Funnel Away challenge. I built a 10-day expert One Funnel Away challenge, and it's amazing. And right now, if you go to onefunnelaway.com, you can literally get it for a hundred bucks.
and it gives you three months of ClickFunnels for free, which is insane. If you're already a ClickFunnels member, it means you already got it. You just gotta log the members there and it's there. So the challenge is cool, but then what's even cooler is Trey was like, dude, we can't just do a challenge and leave people alone. Let's do live calls with them every single week.
And at first I was like, but I don't want to do live calls every single week. And then Trey like twisted my arm. And so we've committed at least the next 90 days to do a call every week. And Trey's like, he told me, he's like, you know, he's like, I'm doing this for as long as you're willing to do it. So right now we're doing it. We're competing. We're having fun. So anyway, so basically every single week I do a live Q&A call and Trey does a live Q&A call. He's doing it with the e-com people. I'm doing it with the expert people. And I thought, wouldn't it be cool for me just, you know,
on this podcast each week to pull some of the Q&A so you guys can listen to some of them. We've done it now for two weeks and the questions have been so good and the answers have been amazing and just,
I want everybody in our community listening in on these because they're really, really powerful and good. And so many things we're addressing in different angles and just different than traditional podcasts and traditional podcasts. I'm like, here's the direction that I run with it. This is like, you're getting, you know, five or six different questions and answers in a day. And they're amazing. So number one is go get your questions answered and go into the one funnel challenge. Again, if you're an active ClickFunnels member, just log in the members area and boom, the call schedule is there. You can go register, be part of it. Um,
And if you're not an active ClickFunnels member yet, first off, you're crazy. You must hate money. Only logical explanation. Number two is go get signed up. Again, it's $100 and you get three months of ClickFunnels for free. You just got to go to OneFunnelWay.com. Anyway, with that said, there's a big...
preface to let you know that I'm going to start posting some of the Q&A sessions here that are good. So that's what this episode is. This is the very first kickoff of the One Funnel Away Challenge Q&A sessions. It starts with Dante, who's kind of the co-host, or he's the host that kind of runs these. He gave me a really long introduction, but there's some cool things in the introduction, so I'm going to leave it in.
So you hear Don taking the introduction and then we do some Q&As. I try to drop some bombs at the very beginning, some knowledge bombs, hopefully some things that will help you along the journey. And then number two, then we switch over and do Q&A and I hope you enjoy it. So with that said, this is the first ever One Funnel Away Q&A episode of the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
In the last decade, I went from being a startup entrepreneur to selling over a billion dollars in my own products and services online. This show is going to show you how to start, grow, and scale a business online. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, ClickFunnels family. It depends on where you're watching from today, but we are so glad to be with you. My name is Dante Torelli, and I'm going to be your host and your coach for the One Funnel Away Challenge. I've been working at ClickFunnels for just under seven years, and I've been coaching our challengers for a majority of that. Over my time...
I've seen everything, literally, from the self-cure for foot fungus to selling airplanes, Bigfoot tours to socks with tacos on them, high-volume low-profit to low-volume high-profit, camping to glamping and everything in between. When I first found ClickFunnels seven years ago, gang, I was technologically incompetent. I know, I say it in a funny way like, ha ha ha, Dante, you're so funny. No, truly, I was technologically incompetent. I couldn't even save browser bookmarks.
Hyper-linking text? Not a chance. If I downloaded somebody's lead magnet off the internet, I had to call my brother across the country and say, where is this file on my computer? I also wasn't knowledgeable about business and marketing. It's not because I was lazy. See, I was attending all the boring business conferences where a dude in a wrinkly tie gets up on stage and says, today we're going to talk about your customers. How about a
customers do you have in your business? I was trying to learn. I was trying to find the information, but it just wasn't resonating with me until I found Russell. The way he said things made so much more sense. It resonated with me like never before. And the best decision I have ever made in my life was to say yes to Russell.
Funnels and his teachings have transformed every aspect of my life. Hey, we have tons of time to talk about my story over the next coming weeks, months, or years. This challenge, this next 90 days, is all about you, gang. The dreamers and the doers. The ones who not only have great ideas, but the courage to chase those ideas and make them reality. The square pegs in the round holes. Our funnel hackers. The ones who don't say, why can't I, but instead, how?
How can I? And with us for this journey is the squarest of pegs in the roundest of holes, Mr. Russell Brunson. Now, before I bring Russell out, let me ask you a quick question. How many of us look at Russell like a spark? We may have seen Russell speaking at an event or we may have found him on social media like I did. But before we found Russell, we never thought we would have a business or step into the world of entrepreneurialism. Absolutely not. We may have said things like,
I know that's a world, but it's not the world I live in. And for you, Russell and his work over the last decade has ignited a fire inside of you that's changing not only your life, but your person as well. And if that's you, I'd love for you to put a one in the chat for me.
But you may be the adverse. You may be the one who's had a fire lit inside of you your entire life. You may have always felt the pull to business ownership and entrepreneurialism. You have always been more than happy to work 80 hours a week and get paid last. And for you, Russell has been a catalyst.
Fanning the flame. Russell has woken up morning after morning, day after day, constantly pushing himself so he can grow, constantly trying new things to innovate just so he can share it all with us and we can grow without having to suffer and cycle like he's had to. If you're that person, I'd love for you to put a two in the chat for me. When I wanted to become a business owner, do you think I went back to college and invested four years to learn these things? Absolutely.
Absolutely not. I just did what so many before me have done and so many after will continue to do. I just did what Russell said and funnel hacked everything along the way. I implore you to do the same. Over these next 10 days, we do what Russell says.
Gang, we are thrilled to have you here with us in the expert track of the One Fun Laway Challenge. This next 10 days will be jam-packed with learning and implementation. And as we bark on this journey together, I want to remind you of a quote that served me well over the years.
Great captains don't come from great seas. There's always gigantic waves. There's always a windstorm. There's always a mountain. There's always a hurdle. That's the universe telling you, testing you. That's the universe testing you, gang. And you know what's going to happen at some point. You know that it's coming down the line. So let's mentally prepare for that. And when you see the wave coming at you, remember, great captains don't come from calm seas. And I promise you will be a great captain.
Now, if you don't know Russell's story or how much impact he's had on the very world that we live in here today, allow me to Bob Ross a picture for you. Russell, like most 10 year olds, was absolutely obsessed. Only Russell didn't obsess over dinosaurs or cars. He obsessed over direct mail campaigns.
Do you remember running home from school to get to the mailbox so you could see if your new package or letter was delivered? Well, Russell did the same thing, except he ran to the mailbox to see the new direct mail campaigns that came in.
Some moms have to deal with hockey sticks a-strewing everywhere. Poor Ms. Brunson had to deal with direct mail scattered everywhere. I don't know about you guys, but if I'm betting on someone to grow up into a marketing legend, I'm putting my chips on the kids sitting in a pile of direct mail and watching infomercials on Saturday morning.
From there, Russell went straight to implementing the things he'd been learning over the years. He was in college studying marketing and pursuing a championship as a wrestler, but that's not all that he was doing. He was putting to practice the information he'd acquired up till that point.
Do you guys remember Russell's spam story? Where you heard his mentor say, for every one person on your list, you should expect a dollar a month. So Russell says, oh my gosh, that means all I need to do is get a list? And wouldn't you know it, he finds a company that just so happens to sell lists with over a million people on them. That company was called SpamFreeEmails.com. So Russell buys the list, hurries home and tells his wife, Colette, Colette, you can go quit your job. I just figured out the secret to a million dollars.
Colette, in all her wisdom, kind of chuckles and says, okay, sure, and heads off to work, leaving Russell to do his thing. From here, Russell starts scrambling to put together all the pieces he needs to connect and make this work. He buys the email address. He connects the email address to his software. He goes into the software to write the email. He gets the entire list uploaded after a couple tries because...
After all, that's the first time we're uploading a list and we've never heard of a CSV file. So finally, after a couple of weeks, Russell gets everything connected and finalized and he sends out his first email.
Now, back in those days, it wasn't the internet that we know today. You basically had to cut off everything to your entire house. You couldn't use any other phones. It was just dial up internet. And Russell had been sending emails for just a few short hours when Colette had to make a phone call. So Russell says, no, no, no, no, no, Colette, we can't do that right now. I'm sending out the emails. We're making a million dollars right now. But Colette wins and Russell has to go under the desk and unplug the internet so that she can make her phone call. Well,
Well, as soon as he plugs the phone back in, it rings. He hits his head on the desk trying to answer the phone. He picks it up and says, hello. On the other end of the line is his Internet service provider, who is absolutely livid. He asked Russell, why are you sending out all these emails and what are you doing? So Russell says, I'm just sending an email out to my email addresses. Man on the other end of the line says, well, where did you get those email addresses from?
Russell says, "No, no, no, this is fine. I got these emails from a website. It's called spamfreeemails.com." The internet service provider responds, "Sir, that is the exact definition of spam." Needless to say, Colette went into work that day as well. So, Russell had to stop his sending and hope that his dial-up internet didn't get shut down. But he went back later and he looked at his stats.
Something amazing happened. He was only able to sell to a very small portion of his list.
But he saw a sale. And Russell sat there, not focusing on the negatives, which were all around him swarming. He focused on the positives, which were much harder to see. He starts doing the math and he says, well, if this many people received the email and I got the email to go to the entire list, I would have made this much monies and I would have had this many sales. And that was a turning point.
That is where Russell realized this is possible. I can do this. It wasn't just something someone said anymore. It was tangible. We could feel it. Russell had continued to do this over and over and over throughout his life and his career, from potato guns to becoming the world's highest paid speaker to owning his own successful software company, constantly gaining knowledge and putting it to practice.
I am so grateful for Russell's heart of service, for his determination to never stop, regardless of how difficult things may get, for his unyielding commitment to us. I really want to impress upon you the life-changing opportunity that you are now a part of.
We all know you could have had lunch with Russell at any time we wanted to. We also know the price tag that comes along with that. I want to help frame your mind so you can fully understand and embrace the opportunity that is in front of us today.
Gang, Russell doesn't have to be here. Russell wants to be here. And every single Friday at 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, you're basically going to be having lunch with the Russell Brunson, where he's going to teach you how to take the things you are knowledgeable about, the things you are passionate about, and turn them into a business.
So without further ado, let me bring out the man we are all here for today. I know you may not have been expecting it, but turn on your cameras and let me see you go crazy gang for our fearless leader, our purveyor of information, author of the revolutionary books, dot com secrets, expert secrets, traffic secrets, unlock the secrets, a New York Times bestselling author, the dreamer who sold a vision, the do
who made it a reality, the revolutionizer of so many industries, the one who answered his calling and created the ripple effect that has touched so many people around the world, the man we all know and love, Funnel Hackers Go Crazy, and join me in welcoming the experts, expert, the entrepreneurs, entrepreneur, Mr. Russell Brunson. That is the greatest introduction in the history of all time. I'm like blushing over here.
When we have the Russell here, we're rolling out all the red carpets. Come on, guys. Oh, man. Dante, thank you, man. We set the tone. We set the pace. You guys ready to have some fun today? If you are, I can see you all. So wave your hands at me. I want to see you all. Oh, man. This is so exciting. Well, dude, I'm pumped for this. I'm excited. As you're probably finding out now, a couple of months ago, we decided we should –
Excuse me. We should read you the one fun way challenges, but with two different focuses, one on people who want to do econ businesses and one that want to do expert businesses. And as you guys know, my passion, I'm obsessed with helping people in the expert business, right? I believe that my calling is to gather people who are gatherers of people.
right? Every one of you guys have been called to serve a group of people and you were gathering them so you can serve them, you can change their lives. And my job is to gather the gatherers. And so I was like, I want to focus there. And then I saw Trey to mastermind and Trey was like, I want to give back to the community. What can I do? I was like, this is going to be the thing. And so we kind of planned it out, planned out the challenges. And then Trey was like,
what if we went live every single week and just like change their lives and answer their questions and get them unstuck? I was like, dude, we don't even do that for like our high-end coaching programs. He's like, it doesn't matter. Let's blow their minds. And so we started doing that. So this is the first week. And I heard Trey's call on Tuesday. He trades every Tuesday, right? Or Wednesday, Tuesday. Correct. Tuesdays. Every Tuesday. I heard Tuesday's call was insane. People were going crazy about it. And so now I just got to one-up what Trey did because I can't lose to Trey Llewellyn. Come on now. If I do, like, that's not going to make me look good. He's going to make like,
He will never let me level it down. But anyway, I'm excited. This is the first time we're doing this. And I'm sure it's going to morph and shift as we kind of do these things to make sure that we're kind of serving you guys at the highest level. But like Dante said, I want to look forward to Fridays. We all jump on here and come with your questions, come with your ideas. I'm going to try to drop some gold and some ideas every single day for you guys. And then we'll open for some Q&As and then –
And that Dante is going to take it back over. And if you guys don't know Dante yet, this was your first introduction. He's amazing. And one of like, it's funny when people go and they post reviews about ClickFunnels online, they typically think they're going to post reviews about ClickFunnels, but all the reviews are always like, Dante's the greatest teacher ever. Dante's the best. Like all the reviews are about Dante, not ClickFunnels. So if you love ClickFunnels, you're going to love Dante because he's like,
the heart and soul over here doing some really cool stuff and excited to have him with you guys with these calls and the trainings and your good hands with him. And man, he told my story better than I did. So I don't even know if I should even be here. I mean, it's just funny to hear Dante's talk the whole time. Like I'm kind of, you know, who knows? Anyway.
So, I was going to start for just a few minutes and just kind of share my ideas with you guys on a couple of things, and then we'll open up some Q&A. More so just because I want to just kind of kick this off and kick it off in a way that I thought would be important, especially here in the expert track. And I'm curious right now, how many of you guys, if you are here today, is like you're at the beginning of this and you're just trying to figure things out. If you're like the beginning startup phase, raise your hand. I want to see where we are there. Okay.
Okay, cool. How many guys are like, you've got a funnel live, it's making some sales, but you're trying to figure out how to grow it. How many of you guys are at that stage right now? Okay. And how many of you guys are like, we've got a business that's crushing it, but I want to go from like two comic club to two comic club acts and beyond. Like how many of you guys are there? Okay, we got people all three stages, which is awesome. So what I want to start with though is just...
I think the biggest thing that holds people back from having success, it's interesting. When I first got into this role and doing this stuff, I always thought my job was to get people, here's the idea you got to go and run with, right? And so again, I've written three books with every idea I possibly got. I've made frameworks and ideas and I give those people. But what's interesting, when I actually have a chance to talk to people one-on-one, Dante's got them there too. Boom. If you don't have your box set, come on now.
Like everything I've ever said is in these books, like distilled down to like their, their, the most basic frameworks. If you guys got these, if you don't have them, there we go. I saw someone, Andrew grabbed hers. Who else has grabbed? Sue Hill's got theirs. All right. You guys got this. So this is like, this is the doctrines. This is all the stuff you got to learn to really understand. Right. And then there's like the principles, how we implement these things specifically for your businesses. There you go. Holly's got her expert secrets. Thank you guys. Andrew's got the linchpin. Lucas has got a little expert secrets. Okay.
But the thing I've noticed is like the hardest for people to do is not so much like the implementation of the ideas. Like that's like the easier part. The harder part is like for people to believe that like they can do it. How many of you struggle with that?
Every time I open up the Q&A calls, almost every single time when we do this, like our bigger coaching groups, people are like, how do you overcome imposter syndrome? Like that's always the one that most people struggle with. Most people have the harder thing. Like the tactics and the techniques aren't really that difficult. It's like put up a page. Okay, click through all these easy. Like there's some pages. And it's like, now you got to make a video to sell. It's like, okay, I get on the camera. And like, but the thing that like holds people back is not the tactic, the strategy, the tactics. It's usually the belief in themselves.
And so I wanted to come here and just kind of kick this, this session and like this whole new, you know, us going live every week, uh, helping you guys just like, hoping to understand that, um, that, uh,
I don't know how to explain this, like how to make this more passionate. Like I'm on the other side with so many people who are like you guys who have gone through this process who now are on the other side of it. And most of those people still struggle with imposter syndrome. That part doesn't go away. You do these things in spite of that. But the secret is like, it's getting away from yourself and
and focusing on like who you've been called to serve, like who are you supposed to be helping? One of my favorite examples, a lot of you guys have probably heard me tell stories about Annie Grace, but Annie is in the alcohol addiction industry.
She wrote a book called This Naked Mind. It's amazing. But she's someone who struggled with alcohol addiction herself. And then she tried the traditional ways to break it and couldn't do it. And then she started learning about NLP and subconscious mind, all this kind of stuff. And she created this whole book and this course and stuff to help people overcome that, right? And now she's New York Times bestselling author. She's been like – this week she was like – she was on the Today Show. And then she was on Good Morning America. She's like – she's all over the news everywhere. She's got millions of people's lives. She's changed their lives. She's got people –
you know, breaking the chains of alcohol addiction. She's like saved families and marriages, all sorts of stuff. And when I talked to her one-on-one, she's still like, like, who am I to do this? Like, why was I the one that called to do this thing? Like, it doesn't make any sense.
And anytime you get to the spot where you're like, thinking like, why am I doing this? Like what, like when you're pointing back to yourself, that's where you're going to struggle. Right. If I'm completely honest, like before we jumped on live here, like my anxiety is coming. I'm like, oh my gosh, like I was nervous. I'm like, I still have the same anxiety. People are like, Russell, like when does that go away? I'm like, I don't know. So far for me, it hasn't, you know, for Andy, it hasn't, for other people I talk to, it doesn't necessarily go away. But the thing you had to focus on is like,
is when the nervousness comes when you're focusing on like on you, like what if I talk too fast? What if I talk too slow? What if I, my makeup doesn't look right? What if this, what like those kinds of like all those fears are all internal. And the only way to break free of that is you shift it from like, this is me trying to figure out how to do this thing to like, these are the people I'm supposed to serve. And when you like shift that transition to like, okay, these are the people I'm supposed to gather. I'm supposed to serve them. And then you take the pressure off yourself and more put the pressure on like, how do I help these people? Like that's when the shifts happen.
Because for whatever reason, at least for me so far, the nerves don't go away, the imposter syndrome doesn't go away, those things don't go away.
But when you shift the focus from like, okay, I've got to perform, I've got to do this thing to like, okay, these are the people I'm supposed to serve today. How do I show up for them? How do I help them? Like right now we've got 124 of you guys who are live right now with us. I'm sure replays will probably get another, you know, three or 4,000 to listen to this. But for you guys live, like the only thing that matters to me right now is this moment. Like right now, like I'm called for this. Like there's someone here that I'm hoping I can share one thing with and like you'll have a chance to go and run with it. And you'll change the group, like you'll change lives of a whole group of people.
Right? And the same thing is true for you. It's interesting. Annie, actually, I have Annie. She doesn't speak at Funnel Hacking Live this year. If you guys don't have your tickets yet, you need to be there. It's going to be amazing. But anyway, Annie's going to talk at Funnel Hacking Live. She has this principle that she shared with me. And I'm going to share this with you guys and then we'll open up Q&A's.
But she talked about like the whole concept of a funnel, right? And where when you first hear about funnels, so excited, there's a million people online and, you know, 100,000 see your ad and 10,000 click and then 1,000 give your email and then 100 buy. And then like you get to work these people, right? Yeah.
And for her, she was like talking about her mission. She's like, my mission is so big. I'm helping people overcome alcohol addiction. It's like, there's so many things. She's like, she's like the funnel thing always was actually depressing for her. Cause she's like, there's a million people I need to serve. But for the million, only a hundred thousand click only, you know, and she's like, and I only can help these few. And she's like, it was like the spot where she was like just sick to her stomach. Like there's so many more people that, um, that I can and should be helping. And the funnel thing actually was sad to her. And then one day she had this epiphany.
And she said, if you look at like in the Bible, it talks about the parable of the sower, right? And the sower takes these seeds and casts the seeds. And like some of the seeds get eaten up by the birds and some like fall in like stony ground and they don't get, you know, whatever. But some of the seeds, a small percentage of seeds, they land in fertile ground and they grow up and they reproduce tenfold and a hundredfold and a thousandfold. And she's like, when I realized that, she's like, I realized the funnel is not a funnel. The funnel is an hourglass.
It comes down here, it comes down, it's coming down, boom. And then there's this percentage of people who turn around and it becomes this hourglass of the impact and the change in people's lives you'd have. And so for me, like I wanted to instill out to you guys just to kick this off and just understand like, like we're talking about funnels, but the reality is like you guys are creating an hourglass. You're going out there into the world. You're casting these wide nets, bringing people in. You're trying to change lives, trying to serve them. And unfortunately, everyone who comes to you, you're not gonna have a chance to change their lives, right? Like we've got 100,000 people in ClickFunnels. 125 of you showed up today.
right? Like, like you guys are at the bottom of the bottom of the funnel, part of the hourglass. Like you're the ones who, if you take the stuff and you plant these, like they're in solid, fertile soil, you know, you get the right, you get the right nutrients and the sunlight and the water, which is all the stuff that OFA and the books, all that kind of stuff, right? You're the ones who will bloom and reproduce tenfold, a hundredfold, a thousandfold and beyond. And so I want you guys to think about that. Like you guys are like, you are the hourglass. Like my goal for you guys is I want to be able to like, to, to nurture you guys and, and
feed into you guys and give you guys that success because you're the ones who can change the world. And I look at just, you know, Annie's just one example. I'm sure I'll share a different example, different person every time you jump on here. But with Annie, it's like her learning this process and building funnels and launching these things, like millions of people have been affected because of one, one seed, one person who came into my world.
And I'm not sure which one of you guys are gonna be that next seed that you plant. You change a million people's lives, but like, that's why I'm here. That's why I'm showing up. I don't need to be here. Um, I want to be here. I want to find the next seeds we can plant and it can, can reproduce tenfold, hundredfold, thousandfold and change more people's lives. Cause that's how my mission gets affected. Dante actually boxed me this morning. He's like, how many people like, he was talking about this ripple effect. How many people like have got click funnels? And from there, how many jobs are created from there? How many are like in this whole ripple effect, right? We're talking about, you know, the people have click funnels. So think about a hundred thousand members, right? If each person's got,
like two, two and a half employees, which I think is low, but maybe the average is that's, that's like what 250,000 jobs were created. And he got the jobs, like each of those people now have companies and they're helping their customers. And again, some are like, and he's, we've got, you know, a million customers. Some have maybe 10 customers or 50, but like you look at the next tier of the ripple effect, like,
If 250,000, you know, gatherers, and then they're affecting, let's say, just 10 people. Now we're at like, what, 2.5 million people? And then if those people's lives get changed, right? For Annie, like someone overcomes alcohol addiction, they show up as a better father, better mother, better spouse. Like that affects their family. If they got three kids on average, like their kids are better. And then their kids like, and it's like this ripple effect.
Just keeps going like crazy. And so I'm here today just to like, to like start smashing in the water to create ripples. And I'm hoping you guys will take the ripple effect and keep it going. And just understanding that for you guys, it's the same thing, right? You're in a funnel, you're finding your people, you're going to change life with whatever message you've been blessed with. And then you're going to watch as like that ripple effect changes their lives and lives of the people they interact with and so on and so forth. And that's where these funnels become hourglasses. And so anyway,
I hope that fires you guys up and gets you excited because I strongly believe, you heard me say this before, but I strongly believe that for every one of you guys, like you have a calling. There's a reason why you're here.
Right. The people that get attracted to my world who come to me, like they're not the ones who like, I want to get rich quick. Like I'm pretty good at like trying to offend those people really quick out the gate. The people who usually follow me, the ones who like I feel called to do something. I have a message. I've got a mission. And if you're on the expert call, I'm assuming that you feel that way. And so I'm just pumped to serve you guys and help you to take whatever God given talents and gifts that you've been blessed with.
or the trials and the things you've struggled with and help you turn those into things that can change people's lives. And that's why I do what I do. That's why I'm here. And that's what I want to do over these calls. So,
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What's up, everybody? Really quick, I want to jump in because I am excited for our next sponsor of the show. The next sponsor is Mint Mobile. I found out about Mint originally when Ryan Reynolds bought the company. And Ryan's not only one of the greatest actors of all time, he's one of the best marketers I've ever seen. If you've watched Mint Mobile,
the funny viral ads he's created something that all of us marketers should be studying and watching and I remember watching the ads from Mint Mobile and they were amazing number one and number two when I started seeing what they were doing I got really excited and so I'm pumped to have them as a sponsor for the show and what I didn't realize until I got my own Mint Mobile account was that typically with most cell phone companies as you probably know you gotta pay anywhere from 70, 80, 100 dollars a month or more for premium wireless service and the reason for that is
is because you gotta deal with TV commercials, and then on top of that, you got the retail stores and the sales people, and there's all these costs along the way. What Mint Mobile does is they sell their wireless services online, cutting out the costs of all of these retail stores and sales people, saving you a ton of money. So instead of paying 50, 70, $100 a month, you only pay $15 per month,
as part of this premium phone plan. And so because I decided to check it out on my phone, and so far I love it, they've been really, really good. Since I've been loving it so much, I was pumped when they asked if we could partner up to help people who are listening to this episode of the podcast actually save money, and they said yes. So here is a special offer we created for you guys. You can now save a ton of money by switching to Mint Mobile for just $15 a month.
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So there's my kickoff. Dante, where do we go from here? What's the game plan? This is my first one, so I'm learning together with you guys how we're going to play this game. Yes, absolutely. And we might tweak things up, gang. We might play with things. So saying that, I really just want to highlight, we want to hear what you have to say. It sounds crazy, but I'm going to go through this chat line by line by line and rewatch the video, and I'm going to go back through...
Right now, Russell and I, we're focused on delivering value. We're focused on showing you how to do the thing. So you can also feel in your heart, just like Russell does, you know, in your soul that every single step that you take has a ripple effect that comes off of it. You are important and your lives and days and the things that you do are important. So we're so focused on that, but I want you guys to know, I want to hear from you. I'm going to look at every single line and every single word that is said. So,
If there's things that you want, I just want you guys to feel free to share those with us. Russell, from here, I think what I'd like to do, if you're cool with this, I'd like to just talk about something for a couple minutes here. Whatever you think people might need to hear to really get moving. This is not just...
Contrary to prior OFA experiences, this is not just like, hey, learn from Russell, watch him do the videos, and then you can come talk to Dante about the thing and he'll help show you. No, we have Russell here. So, Russell, if you have something you'd like to talk about, I'd like to just talk about that for a little bit. And then after that, we can open up a Q&A. I know you have a tight schedule and we have to get you out of here at or right around 1. So if we could go over a little topic and then answer some questions from customers.
from members. That would be amazing. And just so you guys know as well, I'll be staying after when Russell has to go leave and change the world again, I'm going to stay after, and it will be my pleasure to answer your guys' questions.
Yeah. Well, I think I listened to Q&A. That was what I want to share earlier. So I think let's jump right into Q&A and let's do that for the next 35 minutes or so. That'd be fun. That sounds amazing. On that note, gang, if you would have any if you have any questions you would like to ask Russell, please put those questions in the Q&A. We'll use that Q&A as our running list. As you can see, the chat is absolutely flying, as we hoped it would be. So chat's impossible to keep up with. For specific questions you would like to ask Russell and make sure he sees to provide an answer.
go ahead and put those questions in the Q&A. Down at the bottom of Zoom, you'll see two ways to communicate. One is the chat, two is the Q&A, and they're labeled as such. So if you do not see Q&A immediately, just click the More button. It has three dots, it says More, and you'll see Q&A right there in that list. Russell, you should also be able to open up that list. I'm already start, amazing, thank you guys. We're already starting to see questions roll in there. So if you wanna go through, find the questions that you wanna answer. Let's just hop right into it.
Let's see. Did we just read an answer? Did we bring people on live? What's the best way to do this? Now, it's so cool to have you guys here because we get to play with it. My favorite way to do these, Russell, is I'm a huge fan of reading the question out loud so everybody in the meeting has an understanding of what we're talking about. And then I love to bring our members out. They can unmute and we can have a quick conversation with them about their thing. You cool with that? Yeah, that sounds awesome. Amazing.
So to start it out, I think Dan had a fantastic question. Dan's question is, how do you manage a membership where everyone is at different levels? Let's say beginner guitarists. So Dan, if you are with us, feel free to unmute. Let's have a conversation. Thank you, Dante. Hey, Russell. What's up? How's it going? I appreciate it. Good, man. I appreciate you. I appreciate you being here, Dante, you too. So my question is, I have a membership that I'm not pushing hard for.
Because everyone that comes in is at a different level. And it feels daunting that I need to spend so much time with each person to get them to the next level. But then the next person is at the next level and like bring them all together in the same room.
It's just like very hard to tackle. And I know you teach all levels of funnels. So how do you manage that when you have so many different levels in the same room? Yeah, great question. Especially sounds like you're not promoting it harder because of that thing. It's like, you know, you could be doing more things, but it stresses you out, right? Exactly. And I want to bring as much people together because having a community really, really encourages people to keep learning and guitar is so hard to learn.
But at the same time, the more people that come in, the harder it is on me and the more time I have to spend every week
on coaching calls and it just it's not scalable you know yep for sure okay so we're actually isn't like perfect timing on this we've been trying to solve a similar prod uh problem for one of our sites which is actually our certification program so we've got the funnel builder certification program and we had the same thing we launched it last year and all the people came in and they're like and like it was the same chaos like somebody like i don't know what like i don't know what a funnel is other people are like experts they run an agency with 50 you know 50 employees and just like
How do we do all this? And so we actually, this week, like I was just on a meeting right before we got on this one with the, with the team. So we're restructuring the way that we're doing the certification. And we brought it back. I don't know if you guys know Catherine Jones, but she's brilliant. She came in and she's working. She's,
Sorry, Zoom's asking if I'm speaking in Spanish. Sorry. That's a weird Zoom thing. Anyway, so she came in and she's been helping us restructure the program. But what she's doing that they presented to me this morning that's like brilliant is to solve this exact same problem is we're building everything in –
in like a timeline and there's badges along each step in the timeline, right? So like, for example, we have big milestones. So the milestone, when someone comes to certification, the first milestone is like, how do we get them to make the first $10,000? So there's the milestone, right? The second milestone is from 10, the next milestone is getting to make $50,000. Then there's the 100,000 milestone, then a million dollar milestone. So we have these four big milestones, right?
And then inside each milestone, instead of just like, here's a bunch of training to get, you know, if you're in this milestone, watch all this kind of stuff. It's broken down to like, okay, if you get this first milestone and get your first $10,000, there's eight steps you got to do. Step one to end for each step, we assign a badge to it. Okay. And this is important because then, um, when someone's going through and they're in a community or whatever, and they're stuck, the,
the only question you ask is like, well, what badge number are you on? And if they're like, oh, I don't know. And it's like, okay, you like start over, go do badge number one. Like don't ask these other questions over here. They're too advanced. Go to number one, right? But if they come back, like I'm stuck on number three, I'm stuck on badge number three, then you know exactly, okay, they're at this level. We know exactly how to serve them, how to help them. And then you can have people in your community. Like the way we're structuring ours is people, as soon as they come,
when you're going from zero to the 10 million, right? So that's ours. And yours could be whatever your equivalent would be is you have, you have people that are your mentors, right? So people who have already got that gotten through the first milestone and their mentor, you start coming back in the community. They're helping like they, they all are like the part of this. We're trying to build this a whole, like, like,
Like you serve people below you, right? So they've got mentors that are helping them. As soon as they get the first 10,000, then they have mentors that are 50,000 helping them, but then they become a mentee of the people who are down below. So now it's like we create this whole thing where the community is helping each other. So as soon as they got 10,000, they celebrate. I made 10,000, da, da, da. And someone's like, that's amazing. I'm at level three. I'm stuck right here. Like, oh, I already solved level three. Let me show you exactly how I did it. And they're jumping in and helping the person, right?
But then they're at 10, so there's a milestone looking for the next milestone, which is 50. So not only are they not helping people, they're now helping people who are stuck behind. But then they're also like, okay, I get 50. And 50 people are like, oh, you're on badge number 12? I got stuck there too. Let me show you. And so we're trying to have the community help pull people through. But now there's very specific milestones. Because otherwise, everyone shows up and it's just like, again, you have someone who's advanced talking to a beginner and they're just like, I'm not in the right room.
Versus like, okay, like now we know exactly where you're at. Now we can communicate. Now it's like, oh, you're below me, but I can mentor you. You know, I can be one of your mentors or like you're above me. You know, you can be a mentor or vice versa. And it kind of helps categorize people. And then now there's also like a very progression of where people are trying to move through the program.
Right. And having that progression is huge, too, because then it's like they know where they're going. They're not just randomly sitting in a membership site, like just learning. Like there's a goal, a purpose, a focus. There's achievement. And so that's how we're solving right now in the certification program. So hopefully that helps gives you a couple ideas of ways you could you could do it for yours as well. That helped a lot. A lot. That's genius. Do you have like different coaches for every step or or do you have like.
monthly calls or how are you structuring that? Yeah. So we basically, we have in the program right now, there's only like two or three coaches and they're all kind of they're, they're going live, like kind of like this, doing Q and A's getting people unstuck. So there'd be a Q and A call for people from, from one to 10 different call for 10 to 50 because they have different set of problems at each step.
But it's not like a whole bunch of coaches, just like the same coaches, but they're just breaking down the calls and planning them in the right places. Does that make sense? Totally. And you're doing that through a Facebook group or something like that? Like where do they find support? They're on Facebook right now. There's a ClickFunnels platform that's good, but it's not quite great yet. So we're anxiously waiting a couple more features, then we're going to transition into the ClickFunnels group. Right now we're doing it in Facebook, yeah. Okay. That's genius. Thank you so much.
No worries. Great question. I hope that was helpful for other people too. I think that will. And Dan, I really want to point out something Russell said there is he's wielding leverage. I think leverage is one very powerful tool in business, right? So Russell's been doing this thing for a while and
Russell, magnetically, he attracts people like myself and the rest of the coaches. He attracts those just like you will attract your guitarists. So as you're building your community, leverage your all-stars. When you have somebody that you're like, wow, you just came in and wanted to learn these things, but I've taught you and you've adapted and you've grown and like, man, I'm so glad you're here. Have them become the coach for your thing. So now your actual people are fulfilling on your product and you can go back to doing big den things.
Yeah, it's funny you say that, Dante, because one of the best calls I've had, I've been doing it for like a year and a half. And one of the best calls was I was coming back in the train, so I didn't have a guitar. So I made my students teach the class. It was the best call ever. The best one. You got me tired. I'm done. I got, yeah, I got to get out of the equation. I got to, I don't know, put my guitars away or something. That's awesome. That's amazing, man. Thank you for the question, Dan. Great question. Yeah.
Thank you. We have another one from Alfredo. Alfredo is a newbie in affiliate marketing, and he's found a product that he really believes in, in the AI space. Alfredo's question is this, and Alfredo, after I read the question, feel free to unmute yourself. He says, hey, Russell, and thank you so much for your time. I have a digital product I want to sell. It's very well made, and the individual also has a book on Amazon, which is very well written.
I would like to use the book on Amazon and then lead them to the digital product. But how do I get them from the lead magnet to the book offer on Amazon, then back to ClickFunnels to proceed with their digital offer? Very cool. Very specific.
All right. Who's that? Who's the name of that again? That's me. That was Alfredo. There he is. Oh, there you go. What's up, Alfredo? Great to meet you, man. Likewise. Okay. So a couple of things. So do you have any customer list or anything right now or are you starting kind of from scratch? From scratch. Okay. So...
there are two things you need to be a really good affiliate. Uh, number one is like your own lead magnet. So you can start building a list. And then number two is like an offer to amplify the offer of what you're trying to sell. Right. I look at our best affiliates. We have an in click funnels and all my programs. It's never the ones who just like send a link to go buy my thing. They're ones who have their own, their own following. And then from there, they're able to, um, like,
you know, talk with people, but then create offers. So it's like, Hey, if you buy Russell's course, I'm also going to give you blah, blah, blah. Like, like an added, added value on top of what it is that the offer is. Right.
Right. So if I was you, the first thing I would do is to figure out, okay, how can you create something that can be a lead magnet that will get people to build your list? Right. And so I would look at this author's book, the software and like, what's something unique you can create based on this. Right. It could be like your review of the book. It could be, you create templates. It could be, again, I don't know enough about the product to know, but it's something you can create right out of the gate. That's unique. That's your own. That's kind of showing it could be, it could even be tutorials of how to use the software. I had a friend,
Man, this is 20 years ago. Onyx and Gall, he's a big name now. But back 20 years ago, he was a college kid and he was trying to figure out how to make money. And there was a software called Traffic Equalizer, which was this software that made these AdSense sites and stuff.
and everyone was buying the software but they didn't know how to use it. So he created a whole bunch of tutorials for how to use the software and then he gave those away for free. Here's tutorials on how to use it, why you should use it. And people opted in and built a big list and then from that he'd be like, hey, if you're using the software anyway, if you buy it through my affiliate link, I will jump on a call with you or whatever, do Q&A calls to help make sure you get it set up right. And he had people who had already bought the software who bought a second copy just so they could get his bonus.
Uh, and that's what it was. And so it was like the front end, something unique and the back end, something unique so that people will, will want to connect with you. So that'd be the kind of the two things. Um,
And then from there, like you give away the lead magnet, they go to one of ClickFunnels pages, they give you the email address and the email. Now in your sequence, you can say, hey, go buy the book on Amazon. If you buy it, I'm going to give you my notes from it. And then, hey, go buy the software over here. And if you buy it, when you buy it, I'm going to give you these tutorials that I made that are really cool. It's extra bonus. Or I interviewed the founder of the software. Here's the cool thing I can give you as well. And now you're adding value to whatever the offer is. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does. Thank you.
Cool. Yeah. That's the thing. I feel like marketing is like, is understanding like the best fit marketers, all their own lists. It's like, you need to get a list. Like it's, it's almost impossible nowadays just to like buy an ad and send it to an offer. It's so hard to make the numbers and the metrics work on that. So it's like understanding I need to start cultivating my own list.
And then whatever the offer is, I needed to increase that offer by adding in my own bonuses that are unique to me that people can only get through me. And if you do it well enough, again, people like Perotic, you get people who already bought the product, bought it again just to get his bonuses because they wanted it so bad, right? So it's like, what's the value add you can create
to that offer to make it unique. And then when you have that, now it's like, now it's your affiliate, but it's still, now it's your own business and you control it because you have the customer list. So when you want to create a course on the thing or you want to sell some other product, like now you're in a business where it's not just, you know, you're not just sending traffic to an affiliate site. Like you're serving a group of people, right? You have this audience and now you're able to sell them that product, but other things. And eventually your own coaching and all other kinds of stuff as well. But it all starts with building that, that following that list right out of the gate.
Thank you so much, Russell. Thank you. No wonder. No worries. Hope that helps. Yes, it does. Quick little thing I would add to that, Alfredo. Here's what I'll say to that.
How do you get people back from Amazon? Because I imagine the person that you're promoting, you're just promoting their products. So they have their product in Amazon for a specific reason, more than likely they're trying to get a bestsellers book or something like that. So how do we get them from Amazon back to our funnel? Right. That's the big kicker because it,
Yes. Everything Russell said is just very much so true. You need to have your own list. If you're going to be doing AI, there's a lot of different repercussions for AI, but more than likely you're going to be helping business owners use AI. So you do need to make a list of business owners that you can leverage other offers to, of course. But now we get them to Amazon. How do we get them back to our funnel? How do we get them back communicating? Because Amazon is really good at what they do and they're never going to share the list of people with you. So how do you get them back? I
I like to pre-frame my people before I send them to Amazon. Like Russell said, we got to become addicted to creating offers gang. When you buy this book on Amazon, make sure to send me a receipt because everybody who buys this book and buys this book through
Through me, I created a complete free course that's going to help you implement all the things you learned in the book. And I'd love to share that with you for free. If you want, you can go buy it for $97. But I don't want that. I want you to get results now. So make sure to send your receipt to whatever your email is. And now people go buy the book.
And then they send you that receipt. And now the communication line is back open and you hit them with the script. Great. Now that you have the book, click this link to go join my course and click this link to go get your whatever deal. Does that make sense? Got it. Got it. Great. Thank you. Thank you so much. You're more than welcome.
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This is an exclusive offer just for our fans of the Marketing Secrets Podcast to help give you an even better listening experience. If you want to get the premium version, all you gotta do is look at the show notes or the episode description to get a link for how you can upgrade to premium. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, Jeff has one. I'm creating a bridge page for the new OFA and I want advice on my setup on my page as far as where my bonuses are and if I should add anything else. Where do you typically like to add your bonuses, Russell?
Very cool. Is Jeff on with us right now? Yeah, I'm here. There you are. Okay. I'm here. Can you hear me? Where's the face? So you're asking like where, so maybe explain a little more. So you have a page, a bridge page. Is there a video you're talking about or what's the, what's it all look like? Well, if I could share my screen, can I do that? Do you have it pulled up and we can move quickly, Jeff? Yeah, I think so. Go for it. Okay. Hold on.
Share? No, it says host disabled participant screen sharing. Cool. We'll probably be sharing screens next week. Okay, so basically... We don't know how this Zoom works. The way that I have it set up, I have my video, I have the headline, so I've headlined the video. I have the button that says pick up my new bonuses now, and then I have my list of bonuses, which I've actually got four bonuses. I'm actually adding two more here a little bit later on. And then it goes into what the OFA challenge is about day by day.
And then it goes into because this is strictly for the expert path because that's the only one I've gone through so far And then it goes into like well who's an expert and it has like ten different categories of different people This is for you, but I put my bonuses directly below the video. Hmm I think I think that's good, especially because you're again you're doing a value add so that way even people who are familiar with it it's like
you're giving them a reason to relook at it, right? So it's like, hey, here's the bonuses you get. And then on top of that, it's almost like whenever I build a funnel, I'm always thinking about it through just realizing like human psychology, what people actually do, right? Most people don't go to a funnel, read the entire thing all the way to the bottom and then they go buy, right? Like there's these points where they check off throughout the funnel, either they buy or they leave. And so I'm always thinking through that. So it's like, okay, what's the most powerful thing I have? So if you look at the top,
Like above the fold of any page, like I'm always focusing number one on emotion because motion is the number one way we can sell somebody. Then from after emotion, then it shifts to logic. And then from there it's fear. So emotion, logic, fear. So the very first pass, I'm assuming your video is like, this is why it's amazing. It's why you need to be part of it. It's like, you're mostly telling what it is like. And then when you buy today, I'm going to give you this really cool bonus. You can't get anywhere else. Right. So then you have the bonus right below. So like, that's the offer. And that's very emotional thing, right? Like, Ooh, I want that. I want the stuff. I want everything that he's going to offer me. Like, that's really, really cool.
And then you're transitioning. And again, that will get your first 50% of the audience will buy emotionally. It's like, that's as far as they're going to go and they're going to buy or not buy. And then you've got the next group of people who are the logical, who are like, Hey, what is OFA? Like, does this work for me? I'm actually an expert. And that's when you transition to the next thing. But I'm going to, I'm going to have like, before I transitioned that there's a button, you can have a button. So they, like those who are ready to buy, like they've got the ability to go like click off and go and buy. And now, now I'm speaking to the logical person, right?
So I'm transitioning. The emotional person's bought. The logical person's now scrolling. And I got to have the next arguments. And there is where I started the story he talked about with like, am I an expert? What's it look like? All that kind of stuff.
And then, so that's your, your logic, which is to be your next, like 25, 30% of people biologically. And then the last 20, whatever percent have we had funny. Yeah. The last percentage by, by through fear, right. Which is urgency and scarcity. So use the bottom of my page. Like this is why you got to do it. And this is why you got to do it now. And if you don't do it now, it's going to disappear. And then that's where the last segment of the people come in inside. And then have a, an exit point before you transition to eggs, you know, a button basically before you go to, uh, urgency and scarcity and then below that as well. But,
But that's how I would kind of structure. See, I think the bonuses and stuff you're doing would be tied to the emotional clothes. Like it's the emotional buyers. It's like, what am I getting? Oh, this is gonna be so much. This is gonna be awesome. Like, you know, and that's gonna be where I'd focus the front end of people. Does that make sense? Yeah, that makes perfect sense. I just have to add the urgency and scarcity section, but I have everything else. Cool. Like if you think about any kind of selling, like it's always emotion, logic, fear. And so that framework is,
If you watch what I do, again, hopefully you're listening to what I'm saying all the time, but also always watch what I'm doing because I'm selling art, but I'm also doing the art while I'm selling it. If you notice, every one of our email sequences lead with emotion, first couple emails, we transition to logic, and then we end with fear, urgency and scarcity. You look at what I'm selling at Funnel Hacking Live. I start with emotion, we transition to logic, and we end with fear. If you look at my retargeting campaigns, first couple...
banner ads, they see ads or emotion, can transition to logic, then goes to fear. Sales pages, emotion, logic, fear. Webinars, emotion, logic, fear. So if you just look at that pattern, always works. And just understand those are the three things we have to hit. If you just do emotion, that's awesome, but you only got half the buyers.
The emotion logic, that's awesome. You get like 70% of the buyers. Emotion logic fear, now you get all the segments of the people who are gonna, who didn't come up. So I'm always thinking through those things in any campaign, any ad, any sales page, any email sequence, like just over and over and over again. So if you're always trying to figure out like, how do I increase the sales on this thing? That's one thing I'm looking at is like, okay,
I got emotion. Is there a logical argument here? Okay. Need to add logic. And then like, Ooh, there's no fear. I need to add some urgency and scarcity. I got to take this thing away or else there's a lot of people won't buy it. And funnel hacking live is a good example of that. Um, I mean, we had 5,000 people could funnel hacking live. One third of those tickets are sold the last two weeks. One third.
It's insane. It's so stressful for me. Like it drives me nuts. But it's like the fact that I'm taking it, like the event is starting. You can't like, that's people like, okay, I'm going to, I'm going to get my ticket. I'm like, I've been talking about this every day for eight months. And now one week before we go live, you're finally going to commit to this. Like it's so stressful, especially when you have a hotel and all that stuff. Anyway, but, but like, if I don't have that fear, like that last segment, 20, 25% of people will not buy. You have to pull the way or else they're not going to buy. And we always joke, like the only reason to like launch an offer is to close the offer. Cause you make money.
You know, if you guys do product launches, you'll notice like your first day you get the most sales and your last day you get the same amount of sales. Like it's like those that you open a cart so you can close the cart because that's when the fear of taking thing away is when everyone goes and actually buys. So anyway, hope that helps. That was a great question. Thank you for that, Jeff. And we have another awesome one. I'm super excited to talk about this. Christy asks, Christy Cross asks, I would love some insight on how to offer hack when you can't find someone in your niche who's advertising.
green question all right christy you still here yes i am i'm looking for your face yeah we're looking for the green box oh there's hey what's up christy can you hear me hello very cool okay so this is this is the reality hopefully this will be helpful um i traditionally don't offer hack people in my industry anyway because i don't want to look like a me too so i do instead i'm looking at like
The type of offer I'm selling. So if I'm selling coaching, right, I will go look at like, let's say I'm doing business coaching. So for me, like, I'm gonna go look at how our health coaches selling their coaching, how our financial coaches selling their coaching, how our stock coaches like I look at other industries, but the same type of thing, right? If I'm selling, let's say I'm on to a course. So let's say what is your market, by the way?
I'm a ghostwriter and brand building coach who also does funnel building for my clients. Very cool. Yeah. So you're a weird cross segment. You're not going to find someone else that does what you do. For your next book, Russell. Nice.
But like what I would say, what I would say though, is like, it's okay. So if you're selling a course on that or whatever, it's like, again, find somebody else who's got a, who's selling a course. There's not so much somebody, somebody selling course in your niche. Right. Okay. I'm trying to look at, in fact, Jay Abraham is one of the,
the greatest business strategic guys in the whole world. And when I first got started, I would listen to him. And I remember he told me, he was like, he's like, I'm not that smart. He's like, what I'm really good at doing though, is like, I look at all these different industries to see what they're doing. And he's like, in my industry, the industry I'm consulting for, a lot of times they've never seen these things. So I'll always like, oh, well, you're in this industry. Over here, they do this. You should just try this. And he's pulling things from other industries. And that's when they like, people are like, you're a genius. You figured things out.
Same thing. Like when we launched ClickFunnels, um, that's all I did is start looking at all the other industries. So like, uh, we launched ClickFunnels initially and I was like, how do we get people excited about what we're doing? Right. And, um, I looked at the network marketing industry and they had, um, like, uh, it was a Mary Kay. Like if you get so many sales, you get a pink Cadillac or something like that. And then these other ones, they give her free cars. I was like, and in my market, nobody was giving away cars. Like that
That was not a thing. And so I was like, well, what if we gave a car bonus? If people sell ClickFunnels, we get 100 trials. We give them a free car. And no one had done that. So we did that. And everyone's like, oh, you're a genius. You figured this thing out. I'm like, I didn't. I just looked at another industry, similar to mine. And I copied that idea and I funnel hacked it and brought it back to mine.
So that's what I'm looking for is when I'm doing offer hacking is less of like, what are people in my market doing? It's like, what are the other markets doing that are killing it that nobody even knows about my market? So when I bring this thing back, I look like a superstar because I invented something new. But in this market, they do it all the time. Ghostwriters know nothing about marketing almost. So yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. So find people like me or other people who are doing it and just model like that. Like look at the structure. That's how I got here. Very cool. Excellent. Thank you so much. Yeah, no worries. And have fun writing books. It's the hardest thing in the world. I love it.
Amazing. Thank you for that question, Christy. Okay. I know Russell's time is short and how much are you guys enjoying? Who's gotten a tidbit so far? Who's already pulled a nugget. If you've already pulled a nugget out or got something of value, I'd love for you to put three in the chat for me, please. Again, I'm just doing this because I'm going to look through and I want to see what you guys are saying. So put three in the chat. If you've already got value from this amazing, it's going to get so much better. This is so great. Thank you, Russell, for doing this. Next question is going to be from grace, grace Reynolds.
Is there a difference between a course and a membership in ClickFunnels, or is it the same process? Very cool. Grace, are you here with us today? Yes, I'm here, Russell. Hey, good to see you. How are you doing? Very well. I've been in our perfect webinar for two days, so it's really great to see you live. He does exist. Yes. That's awesome. Very cool. Yeah, so the difference between a course and a membership site is
Like structurally, you know, in ClickFunnels, it's the same thing, basically, right? You're still creating it the same. In my mind, it's more like how the fulfillment happens, right? So in a course, usually there's a beginning and an end. And so it starts and it ends. And so for me, usually it's like I sell a course for, who knows, $497 or whatever. There's a beginning and an end. And it's self-contained. It kind of is what it is. I look at a membership.
I'm looking at differently where it's like it's something that doesn't end it just keeps keeps going so the fulfillment is usually different right so um for example if you look at a course for me it's like like right now I'm doing the course secrets course and so there's six modules and so um uh today I'm actually doing module number three and then I have the four five six and it's done it's just kind of a members area it's there people buy it they get the course and then it but I'm not continually doing stuff after it's it's done
with my membership sites, right? Like ClickFunnels membership site, like there's stuff happening. I'm doing calls like this every single week now. We've got trade doing calls. We've got other things happening. You know, my coaching programs are membership based. There's more stuff. So it's extending the experience outside of what you're doing, right? There's typically, like if I join a membership site,
For me, I always call like a success path or a quick start. And the quick start is basically the course. But then it's like, it doesn't end there. And then it's like, now that the course is done, now jump into the live trainings or live events or like whatever the next deliverables are. They just keep extending that conversation over time, right? Or community or things like that.
As far as like how you structure it in ClickFunnels, it's pretty much the same thing. Just, you know, setting the billings differently, but just more of the psychology of like, how are we structuring these things to be a long-term thing versus just a one-time one-off. And there's pros and cons of both of them.
Like I like courses because I sell it and then I'm done and I don't have to think about it again. It's like, oh, this is nice. It's, you know, when I'm dead, my kids keep selling this course and keep making money. Yeah, I've got four levels and I can't work out whether to make it a membership course, like the first level of course and then run the rest as a membership or whether to do the whole thing as a membership. Very cool. What I do a lot of times is we'll sell it. So, yeah.
We talk about this in the linchpin book a little bit, but like where you sell it, let's say you sell it for $500. I mean, $500, what you do is you get, you get the very first course done. Plus you get 90 days access to the, all the other courses. And so what happens is they go through, so they're going through the course right now and then they get 90 days and 90 days, then it transitions to auto billing them. And that gives them continued access to all the other courses and the continued education and the training and all the other kinds of stuff. And so you can structure it that way as well.
Thank you. My linchpin has just arrived, so I'll learn it in there. Thank you. Oh, very cool. Awesome. Thank you so much. You're welcome.
That is awesome. Thank you for the question, Grace. Let's hop over to Tomas. And Tomas says, I'd love to hear more about community building. I think this will be a pretty quick answer. I'll let Russell end it out. But when it comes to community building, my big thing to focus on is know thy customer. People do not join your community because of you. Kind of, yes, they join because of you and they like your attractive character and who you are, right? But if you want to build a community, you have to know your customer.
Don't forget who you're serving. Don't forget the customer. It's like Russell says, right? If you want to go make a community, go print out a picture of your dream customer. Go tape it up to your wall and look at that every day and build the thing. A community would be a community is a place where people can come and grow, right? So you have to build that for your customer. We'd love to hear what you think on that, Russell.
Yeah, for sure. Who's asked the question again? That was Tomas. I'm just going to say K so I don't butcher it. There you are, Tomas. How you doing? Hi, nice to meet you. Great to meet you too.
So a couple of thoughts. If you've read the expert secrets book, I talk a lot about it here, but the things with the community, the things I try to do is number one is that I want to give people an identity shift. Like when they come into a community, I want them to be part of something, right? Like for you guys, like we call you funnel hackers. In fact, I see, uh, I see a couple of fun hacker t-shirts out there, right? Like, like there's an identity shift. Like you shift from being somebody to, to that, like,
that's a big part of the community, right? That's why we have Funnel Hacking Live. It's like the community's coming together and they have a name, they call themselves Funnel Hackers and there's like an actual physical identity shift. That's the first thing I'm always kind of thinking through. We're rolling out a new coaching program right now. And the first question I asked was like, what's the identity? And so, yeah,
Anyway, I'm not pitching this because it's not done yet, but I bought primemover.com. So Primemover is like the identity of this higher tier coaching program. It's like, I'm a primemover. I'm changing the world. Like we're going to have teachers say primemover. I want people like to identify, I am a primemover. I'm a funnel hacker. I'm a primemover. Like it's, it's that identity. So that's a big part because when they have that identity shift and they have with other people and they're all together, like they have a common name and common ground. Like that's, that's one of the bigger things about the community because now it's like, it's not about you again. It's about them and the culture and things like that.
that's kind of where for me, it all begins with. And then number two is just, um, you know, how do I explain it? It's like your job is the role as the community leader or the expert is to like set the perfect example, right. To be doing the thing. And so I look at like, uh,
you know, uh, you know, everyone here's got different face and I love and respect them all. But I think about like my faith, like I'm a Christian, like I believe in Christ and like Christ is always, I talk about like, there's two sides, like, Oh, he was, you know, here's, here's the, the divine calling he had, but the other side is like, he was a perfect example. Here's the example you need to follow. Right. He was a perfect example in my world. Like people always ask me, Russell, why are you still launching funnels? Why are you still doing this? Like, I'm like, cause I'm trying to be the perfect example. Like,
Like I hate my competitors who like they clone our software and they don't do funnel, but like they never built a funnel in their entire life. Like,
And it's like, I want to be the ones like, no, I'm doing this. Like I'm in the front lines. I'm just like you guys, I'm doing this. Like I'm, I'm, I'm in the weeds with you guys doing this. I can bring you back the best stuff all the time. Like I'm part of it. Right. So you want to be the perfect example to your audience, right? Like, um, so if you're in the weight loss market, like you better be, you better have abs and you better be showing it off. You better be working out. You better be like, you need to be the perfect example. Cause people are going to, when they, when they come into your world, they're going to get this identity and they're going to copy you.
Like they're going to model you. Like you're going to be the person, the exemplar they're looking to, to be, to be the person. And so for you guys, it's the same kind of thing. Like you got to live it. You got to live the message. Like you got to be doing the thing, right? Like I still build funnels. I'm still launching businesses. I'm still doing stuff. And the reality is most of those things don't make me enough money to really justify me doing it other than the fact that I'm doing it.
And I'm doing it because I want to show you guys that I still do it. And it's still fun. And from that, I'm learning. Like I did a web, who was it saying that a list and perfect webinar today? I did a webinar yesterday. It was a three hour, three and a half hour long webinar. Like I rewrote it, re-scripted it, did it live, sold a whole bunch of stuff. And I learned a ton of things along the way because I did it. I didn't have to do it, but like,
If I'm going to be teaching people how to do this stuff, I got to be living it. And so there's a lot of other stuff, but those are two things I think is like figuring out identity shift for them and then being the perfect example, like you living the message. So when they see it, it's like, that's what I'm, that's what I'm striving to be. I'm trying to do that right there. And when they see that, then that's what starts to build this community and getting people to lock in with that. So hopefully that helps.
yeah it does very nice answer thank you very cool and then read expert secrets of the whole big chapter on a lot of those kind of things in there too that'll that'll help on top of it so okay i'm gonna get it amazing very cool holly's got hers right there she's she's read it she can tell you thanks this is fun dante like looking into everybody's houses i haven't done a live like this forever like it's kind of cool to see everybody and like
I see Gabrielle's laughing. You're laughing at me. Come on now. Anyway, I think we have time for one more question, then I'll pass it back to you after that. Yeah, I think that's perfect. One more question. And I picked one I think we can do pretty quickly. This one's from Christy Lopez. If I have a three-day event that I want to fill and we're leading them to a VSL creation, should the VSL be an intro about the three-day event?
Okay. This is Christy said? Yeah. Christy Lopez. Hi there. There she is. Hey, Christy. How's it going? Good. How are you? Thanks so much. Yeah. No worries. Okay. So explain to me. So you've got a three-day event that you're trying to fill and you have VSL to fill the event or the event's about VSLs? Well, our step today is to create a VSL in the funnel, right? As far as what you want us to do in our steps. So I was thinking, okay, my ultimate goal is to fill a three-day event in August and
So if I was creating a VSL, would it be best to do it around, hey, this is kind of an intro about like my framework? And then... Yes. So what I would say is I'm always looking at like... So when you do the 3D event, there's some result you're promising people at the 3D event, right? Like during 3 days, you're going to learn blah. Yes. I'm actually structuring a 3D event right now. I bought sellingonline.com. So I'm going to be doing in July an event called Selling Online, Teach People to Sell Online. So in my mind, there's like, there's this...
there's this result of the events promising them, right? So then the VSL to sell that is like, hey, if you want insert the result, we'll learn to sell online. If you want to learn how to, you know, whatever your thing is, then and then that becomes like the thing. So you're teaching the framework, the perfect webinar style. You're teaching the strategy of the framework. And then during this live event, we're going to go deep into tactics of how to actually implement and do the thing that will get you the result.
Does that make sense? Does that answer the question correctly? That totally makes sense. Great. So it's almost like the three-minute version of the framework that you were talking the other day. You do that on the BSL. Yep. Yep. Okay. It depends how long because what's the price point of your event? It's going to be low because I'm selling into a high-ticket offer from that. So it'll probably be about $47.97, something like that.
Cool. Yeah. So you don't need a super long thing, but you know, I would say probably if it was me selling some, I'm looking at eight to 12 minutes ish. So it'd be that version of it long enough that it's like, Ooh, this is me. Cool. And they see like, you know, your stuff and they're, they're getting excited about the framework. And then, yeah, that's like implementation. The framework happens over here. Um, yeah. Great. Thank you. Yeah. Very cool. Excited for you. Thanks. I'm too. Thanks for what you're doing. Yeah. No worries. Thank you. Yeah.
You guys, that was fun. We should do this every Friday. How many of you want to do this every single Friday and hang out? And you guys are lucky because right now not many people know about it. So 145 of you guys, we got to hang out and do this, which is really cool. It'll continue to grow, but especially for the next few months, jump on these because they're going to be smaller and smaller and over time they'll grow bigger. I wish I could spend another two or three hours. Unfortunately...
I've got a chaotic day today, but I'm committed to an hour every single week with you guys. And Dante is going to kind of take it from here and run and keep doing Q&A. Again, Dante is an amazing storyteller, amazing teacher, amazing trainer. So I trust the stuff he's giving you guys will be probably better than the stuff I could give you. So it's going to be awesome. But anyway, I'm going to pass it back to Dante to kind of run with you guys for the next little bit.
Cool. Thank you, Russell. And thank you for being here with us. I am very excited for the next future. I think we're going to do big things with this OFA. Awesome. Thanks, everybody. I'm going to bounce. See you guys all next week. Same time, same place. Don't miss it. That's right. Lunch with Russell on Fridays.