cover of episode The Moth Radio Hour: Past Tense, Future Perfect

The Moth Radio Hour: Past Tense, Future Perfect

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The Moth

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Carol Seppalu
Julie Pryor
Madeline Berenson
Michael Fisher
Julie Pryor: 作者在阿拉斯加驾驶卡车途中克服恐惧,最终完成了旅程,并以此纪念已故父亲。她回忆起童年时父亲让她鸣笛的经历,以及在阿拉斯加独自驾驶卡车时感受到的恐惧和孤独。最终,她凭借勇气和对父亲的思念完成了旅程,这象征着她对过去的释怀和对自我的超越。 Madeline Berenson: 作者在怀孕期间遭到老板歧视,但她凭借努力工作和优雅的姿态赢得了尊重,最终战胜了恐惧和自卑。她讲述了在怀孕期间被老板要求辞职的经历,以及她如何利用法律武器维护自身权益。同时,她也反思了这段经历带给她的成长,让她更加坚强和自信。 Michael Fisher: 作者在狱中为了母亲寄来的椒盐脆饼与狱友对峙,最终保住了脆饼,并以此反思过去,珍惜母爱。他讲述了在狱中为了保护母亲寄来的椒盐脆饼而与狱友对峙的经历,这象征着他对母爱的珍惜和对过去的悔恨。他反思了以往对母亲的忽视和伤害,并决心用行动来弥补。 Carol Seppalu: 作者在经历自杀未遂和长期抑郁后,通过跑步克服了抑郁症,并找到了生活的意义和目标。她讲述了自杀未遂的经历以及她在康复过程中如何通过跑步来战胜抑郁症。跑步不仅帮助她恢复了健康,也让她找到了生活的目标和意义,并让她对生命充满了感激。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Julie Pryor decide to drive the dangerous Alaska Haul Road despite her lack of experience?

Julie Pryor decided to drive the Alaska Haul Road to prove her father's faith in her and to make him proud, even though she had no experience driving such a dangerous road.

Why did Madeleine Berenson continue working at the bistro despite her pregnancy and the owner's discrimination?

Madeleine Berenson continued working at the bistro to prove her own worth and capability, despite the owner's discrimination and the challenges of her pregnancy.

Why did Michael Fischer risk his life for a bag of pretzels in prison?

Michael Fischer risked his life for the pretzels because they were a symbol of his mother's love and care, and he wanted to protect that love instead of throwing it away like he did with her lunches in the past.

Why did Carol Seppilu start running ultramarathons despite her depression and physical challenges?

Carol Seppilu started running ultramarathons to improve her physical health, manage her depression, and find a sense of purpose and strength after her suicide attempt.

Julie Pryor recounts her daunting experience driving the treacherous Alaskan Haul Road, reflecting on her complicated relationship with her late father and the unexpected connection she found with truckers.
  • Julie's father ran the Mayflower Moving Company and instilled in her a respect for truck drivers.
  • The Haul Road is known for its dangers, including avalanches and extreme weather conditions.
  • Julie faced her fear and drove the Haul Road, finding strength in her father's memory and Willie Nelson's music.

Shownotes Transcript

In this hour, moments and memories that mold the future. Life or death choices made in an instant, bygone mistakes, and letting go of grudges and guilt. This hour is hosted by Moth Senior Director Meg Bowles. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media.Storytellers: 

Julie Pryor is tasked with driving on the [infamously] dangerous Alaskan Haul Road.

A pregnant Madeleine Berenson endures harassment and discrimination from her employer.

Michael Fischer risks his life for a bag of pretzels.

Carol Seppilu finds a unique way to brave her depression. 

Podcast # 684