cover of episode The Moth Radio Hour: Menorahs, Presents and Palm Trees - December Holiday Stories

The Moth Radio Hour: Menorahs, Presents and Palm Trees - December Holiday Stories

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#religion&spirituality#society&culture#travel conflict resolution#culinary journey#relationship dynamics and dating People
Bernie Summers
Dawn Frazier
Evan Lunt
Peter Aguero
Steve Glickman
Tracy Segarra
@Peter Aguero 讲述了在经济困难的圣诞节里,他和母亲为了维持节日气氛,用剪杂志图片的方式制作礼物互赠的故事。这体现了在困境中,亲情依然是维系家庭的重要纽带,即使物质匮乏,精神上的慰藉和陪伴依然弥足珍贵。他们一起布置圣诞节的氛围,一起吃着简单的晚餐,分享彼此的生活点滴,这些平凡的举动却充满了温情和爱。虽然家境贫寒,但母子俩依然保持着乐观积极的心态,用幽默和泪水共同面对生活的挑战,最终在圣诞节的早晨,他们交换了彼此精心制作的礼物,彼此的关爱和理解更加深厚。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Peter Aguero and his mother decide to exchange paper gifts instead of real ones?

Due to financial difficulties, they couldn't afford to buy each other presents. Instead, they cut out pictures of desired items from magazines to symbolize the gifts they wished they could give.

What was the significance of the menorah Evan Lunt took to college?

The menorah belonged to his grandmother, who was very religious. Evan asked for it twice, adhering to Jewish tradition, and it became a symbol of his connection to her even after her passing.

Why did Tracy Segarra's mother-in-law stop communicating with her after receiving a Hanukkah card?

Tracy's mother-in-law, a devout Jehovah's Witness, was upset because Tracy and her husband decided to raise their daughters as Jews, which conflicted with her religious beliefs.

What unusual item did Dawn Frazier bring from New York to Trinidad for Christmas?

Dawn transported a 30-pound turkey, which her mother insisted on having for a traditional Trinidadian Christmas feast, despite the difficulty of carrying it through multiple flights.

Why did Steve Glickman fake a trip to Puerto Vallarta?

After losing his passport, Steve couldn't go on his planned trip. To avoid embarrassment, he pretended to have gone and shared fabricated stories about his vacation to maintain his image among friends and coworkers.

What was the turning point for Evan Lunt in connecting with his grandmother's spirit during Hanukkah?

On the fourth night of Hanukkah, Evan prayed to his grandmother while lighting the menorah. The candles mysteriously went out, but the shamas candle remained lit, which he took as a sign that his grandmother was still with him.

Why did Bernie Summers delay kissing his date on New Year's Eve?

Bernie planned to kiss his date at midnight on New Year's Eve to symbolize the start of a new relationship. However, the crowded party prevented him from reaching her in time, leading to her disappointment.

How did Tracy Segarra and her mother-in-law reconcile after their conflict over religion?

Despite the initial tension, Tracy called her mother-in-law months later, and they reconnected without discussing the issue, resuming their relationship as if the conflict had never happened.

A heartwarming story about a college student, Peter, returning home for Christmas to find his family facing financial difficulties. They creatively exchange handmade gifts from magazine cutouts, showcasing their resilience and love amidst hardship. The story emphasizes the importance of family bonds during challenging times.
  • Financial struggles during Christmas
  • Creative gift exchange from magazine cutouts
  • Family bonds and resilience

Shownotes Transcript

In this special December holiday hour, stories about celebration, differing traditions, and family. A mother and son do their best to keep the gifting spirit alive, a daughter tries to fulfill her mother’s wish for a Trinidadian feast, and a man waits and waits for the perfect moment to kiss a date. Those and more stories in this episode. Hosted by The Moth's Executive Producer, Sarah Austin Jenness. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media.


Peter Aguero and his mother exchange holiday gifts made of paper.

Tracey Segarra sends a Hanukkah card that her mother-in-law takes issue with.

Steve Glickman attempts to escape a snowy Chicagoan Christmas for Puerto Vallarta.

Dawn Fraser is tasked to find the perfect ingredients for a Trinidadian Christmas.

Evan Lunt takes his grandmother’s menorah to college as a keepsake of her.

Bernie Somers counts down to a first kiss on New Year's Eve with a romantic interest.