cover of episode The Moth Radio Hour: Live from Johannesburg

The Moth Radio Hour: Live from Johannesburg

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The Moth

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#social issues#motivational stories#entrepreneurial struggles#tech entrepreneurship challenges#entrepreneurial reflection#skills for entrepreneurship#agriculture and farming#personal learning experiences People
Lebo Mashile
Mathilda Matabwa
Nsovo Maimele
Webster Isheanopa Makombe
@Webster Isheanopa Makombe : 八岁时独自去买面包的经历,让他体会到作为养家糊口者的责任和满足感,这成为他日后投身食品系统和营养事业的动力。他描述了当时在津巴布韦的饥饿环境下,人们排队买面包的场景,以及他克服困难最终买到面包的经历。这段经历让他深刻体会到作为提供者,为家庭生存而奋斗的满足感。 @Lebo Mashile : 作为一名职业艺术家和母亲,她在哺乳期经常需要在公共场所或不方便的地方进行母乳喂养,这让她体会到社会对哺乳母亲的支持不足,以及来自陌生人的善意。她分享了在不同国家和地区哺乳的经历,以及她遇到的各种挑战和帮助,展现了女性在职业和家庭责任之间的平衡与不易。 @Nsovo Maimele : 在偏远小镇药房工作的经历,让她与当地性工作者的一次偶然相遇,改变了她对服务的理念,让她更加重视患者的尊严和感受。她讲述了在工作中受到同事不公平对待的经历,以及她如何通过与性工作者的交流,重新审视自己的价值观和服务方式。这段经历让她意识到,关爱和尊重应该给予每一个人,无论他们的社会地位如何。 @Mathilda Matabwa : 她和她丈夫在马拉维经营公共厕所的经历,从最初的无奈到最终的成功,体现了他们面对困境的韧性和创业精神,最终实现了财务自由和个人发展。她讲述了他们如何从一无所有,到通过经营公共厕所积累财富,最终实现财务自由,并获得更高学历的故事。这段经历展现了他们面对挑战的勇气和决心,以及他们对生活的积极态度。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the theme of the Moth Radio Hour live show in Johannesburg?

The theme of the live show was 'Power and Possibility', focusing on personal narratives and the potential for change and empowerment.

Why did Webster Isheanopa Makombe feel proud after buying bread?

Webster felt proud because he successfully completed his first solo mission to buy bread, ensuring that his family would not go hungry, despite his initial reluctance and the challenges of the bread queue.

What challenges did Lebo Mashile face as a breastfeeding working artist?

Lebo faced numerous challenges, including finding safe and private spaces to pump milk in airports, hotel rooms, and backstage areas. She often relied on the compassion of hotel staff and cleaners to store her milk in kitchen deep freezes.

How did Nsovo Maimele's encounter with sex workers change her perspective on healthcare?

Nsovo’s encounter with sex workers made her realize the need for dignity and inclusivity in healthcare. She began treating her patients with more compassion, ensuring they felt welcome and respected, especially those who felt judged in the hospital environment.

What unconventional business did Matilda Matabwa and her husband start to support their family?

Matilda and her husband started managing a public toilet at a bus terminal as a business. This unconventional venture grew into owning four public toilets, providing financial stability and allowing them to pay bills and save for vacations.

An eight-year-old boy recounts his experience of buying bread alone during Zimbabwe's hyperinflationary period in 2008, highlighting the challenges and the unexpected sense of accomplishment he felt.
  • 8-year-old's solo bread-buying mission during Zimbabwe's hyperinflation in 2008
  • Queuing culture in Zimbabwe
  • Unexpected sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of providing for family

Shownotes Transcript

This week, a special edition of The Moth Radio Hour featuring a live show from Johannesburg, South Africa. Stories of unexpected connections, scads of visitors, and putting bread on the table—literally. Hosted by Lebo Mashile with additional hosting by Moth Director Jodi Powell. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media. 


8 year old Webster Isheanopa Makombe's mother sends him on his first solo mission to get bread. 

A chance encounter rekindles Nsovo Mayimele's passion for her career.

In order to support her family and all of their house guests, Mathilda Matabwa and her husband take a chance on an unconventional new business.

Podcast # 901

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