Amir Baghdadchi 的故事始于一个万圣节前夕的稻草车惊魂活动。我本想以历史考据为由拒绝扮演木乃伊,但最终还是屈服于经济的压力。活动开始后,我完全沉浸在角色中,孩子们被我吓到从稻草车上跳下来追逐我。我仓皇逃窜,最终狼狈地脱下大部分服装才得以脱身。这段经历荒诞又幽默,它不仅展现了我在工作中一丝不苟的态度,更反映了我对儿童教育的独特思考:万圣节的娱乐活动,是否扭曲了孩子们对农业生活的认知?
Michael Maina 的故事发生在肯尼亚东北部一个偏远地区。我在那里进行医疗实习,面临着巨大的工作压力和艰苦的生活条件。然而,我也被当地独特的文化和人情深深打动。一次紧急医疗事件中,一位孕妇拒绝剖腹产,她的母亲也坚决反对。我感到束手无策。这时,一位名叫 Zara 的清洁工出现了。她凭借自身的经历和同理心,成功地劝服了孕妇及其家人,最终挽救了母子的生命。这个故事让我深刻体会到文化差异、医疗伦理困境以及人际沟通的重要性。Zara 的举动,是人性的光辉在困境中闪耀。
Katy Strange 的故事讲述了她对加入教会基督教木偶剧团的渴望。为了实现这个梦想,我付出了巨大的努力,最终成为剧团的明星。然而,在追求梦想的过程中,我和母亲之间的情感纠葛日益加深。我意识到,我过去的行为是为了获得母亲的认可,而非出于真正的热爱。最终,我离开了剧团,开始了新的生活。这个故事探讨了亲子关系、个人梦想与社会期望之间的冲突,以及自我认同的探索。我最终明白了,真正的快乐并非来自外界的认可,而是来自内心的真实。
Jenny Nguyen 的故事展现了她从波特兰餐厅厨师到开设女性体育酒吧的历程。我在餐厅工作中经历了无数的艰辛和挑战,也体会到了对烹饪的热爱。在越南旅行期间,我体验到了当地独特的文化和社区氛围,这促使我改变了生活方式。我辞去了厨师的工作,开设了一家以女性体育为主题的酒吧,希望建立一个更温暖、更具归属感的社区。这个故事展现了女性的独立与坚韧,以及对自我价值和社会责任的追求。我发现,真正的满足感并非来自对事业的盲目追求,而是来自对社区的贡献和对自我的接纳。
Amir refused because he believed that chasing tractors and scaring kids on a hayride was not historically accurate for a mummy and could give children a distorted view of farm life, making agriculture less appealing to them.
Michael was passionate about reducing maternal mortality rates, which are extremely high in Garissa. He believed he could make a difference and was not deterred by concerns about safety and harsh living conditions.
Katy wanted to join the 1P3 puppet team to make her mother happy and to be part of something her mother loved. She felt invisible around her mother and saw the puppet team as a chance to shine and be seen.
Jenny left her job because she realized her burning desire was not to be dangerously independent but to be part of a community. She wanted to create a place where people could come together and feel connected, inspired by her trip to Vietnam.
Jenny opened The Sports Bra to create a community-focused space where people could gather, celebrate, and watch women's sports. She wanted to replicate the sense of community and connection she experienced in Vietnam.
In this hour, windows into new or unfamiliar worlds. Behind the scenes at a haunted attraction, back of house at a Portland restaurant, and the thrills of Christian puppetry. This episode is hosted by Moth Director Chloe Salmon. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media.
Amir Baghdadchi takes on a frightening new gig.
Michael Maina realizes he's in over his head at his first job after medical school.
Katy Strange desperately wants to join her church's Christian puppet team.
Jenny Nguyen pursues her dream of becoming a chef, from kitchens in Portland to Vietnam, and back.
Podcast # 899