cover of episode The Moth Radio Hour: Birds of a Feather

The Moth Radio Hour: Birds of a Feather

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Christopher Skaife
Dame Wilburn
Irene Pepperberg
@Christopher Skaife : 我作为伦敦塔的乌鸦管理员,讲述了我第一次值班时乌鸦Moonin意外逃脱的经历。当时我感到非常慌张和无助,因为我从未接受过处理乌鸦逃脱的训练。经过一番焦急的寻找,我最终在白塔的顶部找到了Moonin。我试图抓住它,却因为天气预报的旋转而失败了。最终,一位热心的市民帮助我们找回了Moonin,它在伦敦塔又度过了许多快乐的时光。这次经历让我深刻地认识到乌鸦的聪明和难以捉摸,也让我在乌鸦的管理上更加谨慎细致。 我学会了如何照顾乌鸦,包括清洁它们的住所、喂食以及处理各种突发情况。我热爱我的工作,并为能够守护这些古老的生物而感到自豪。伦敦塔的乌鸦是英国文化的重要组成部分,它们的安危关系到整个国家的命运。 如今,我更加注重乌鸦的自由活动,允许它们在塔内自由飞翔,这不仅丰富了它们的日常生活,也为游客带来了更精彩的观赏体验。 @Dame Wilburn : 我和我的妻子在底特律的后院养鸡的经历,充满了意想不到的挑战和乐趣。起初,我们对养鸡一无所知,只是想获得新鲜的鸡蛋。我们从农场买来了几只小鸡,其中包括一只黑色的普利茅斯岩鸡,这与我们原本计划中全是白色的鸡有所不同。 养鸡的过程充满艰辛,从购买加热灯、建造鸡舍到购买有机饲料,我们花费了大量的时间和金钱。鸡的日常管理也让我们手忙脚乱,鸡蛋产量过多让我们吃不消,而其中一只母鸡竟然开始像公鸡一样打鸣,这让我们不得不重新考虑是否继续养鸡。 最终,我们决定将鸡送走,这让我们既感到不舍,又感到如释重负。养鸡的经历虽然短暂,但却让我们收获了宝贵的经验和深刻的体会。我们不仅了解了鸡的习性,也更加了解彼此,增进了夫妻间的感情。 @Irene Pepperberg : 我在哈佛大学获得理论化学博士学位后,转而研究动物的沟通能力,并选择鹦鹉作为研究对象。起初,我的研究计划并不被看好,因为人们普遍认为鹦鹉的智力有限,不适合进行复杂的认知研究。然而,我坚持自己的想法,并通过多年的努力,取得了令人瞩目的成果。 我的研究对象是一只名叫Alex的非洲灰鹦鹉,它在十多年的时间里学会了识别各种物体、颜色、形状和材质,并能够理解抽象的概念,例如“相同”和“不同”。Alex的智力水平甚至超过了一些灵长类动物,这颠覆了人们对鹦鹉认知能力的传统认识。 在研究过程中,我始终坚持科学的客观性,将Alex视为我的同事,而不是宠物。然而,Alex的去世让我悲痛欲绝,我意识到它不仅仅是我的研究对象,更是我的家人和朋友。Alex的离世让我重新思考科学研究与情感之间的关系,也让我更加珍惜与动物之间的联系。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are ravens kept at the Tower of London by royal decree?

Ravens are kept at the Tower of London by royal decree due to an ancient myth that if the ravens leave, the Tower will crumble and great harm will befall the kingdom. Six ravens are maintained to prevent this.

What happened during Christopher Skaife's first day as Ravenmaster?

On his first day, Christopher Skaife accidentally let one of the ravens, Munin, escape. She flew away but eventually returned to the Tower, leading to a dramatic rescue attempt involving climbing the White Tower.

What unusual behavior did Dame Wilburn's chickens exhibit?

Dame Wilburn’s chickens exhibited unusual behavior, including one chicken, a Plymouth Barred Rock, crowing like a rooster. Chickens are natural lesbians in the absence of a rooster, and one of them 'butched up.'

What cognitive abilities did Alex the parrot demonstrate?

Alex the parrot demonstrated advanced cognitive abilities, including labeling over 150 objects, identifying colors, shapes, and materials, understanding concepts like 'same and different,' and even spelling out words like 'nut' to express his desires.

How did Irene Pepperberg's relationship with Alex challenge scientific norms?

Irene Pepperberg treated Alex like a colleague rather than a subject, maintaining scientific objectivity while fostering a deep bond. This approach challenged traditional methods of animal research, which often involved deprivation and isolation.

What was the global reaction to Alex the parrot's death?

Alex's death garnered global attention, with thousands of emails, letters, and media coverage, including three articles in The New York Times and an obituary in The Economist. His impact on the study of animal intelligence was widely recognized.

Christopher Skaife shares his experiences as a Ravenmaster, including a humorous anecdote about a raven escaping and his eventual rescue. He discusses the ravens' intelligence and the importance of their presence at the Tower of London.
  • Royal decree to keep six ravens at the Tower of London
  • Ravens are highly intelligent and can be mischievous
  • A raven's escape and subsequent rescue

Shownotes Transcript

Let the feathers fly! This week, a special avian hour. Stories from a Ravenmaster, a scientist, and a reluctant chicken farmer about the birds that made them as happy as a lark or as crazy as a loon. This episode is hosted by The Moth's former Artistic Director, Catherine Burns, and her parrot, Hamilton. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media.


The Ravenmaster at the Tower of London, Christopher Skaife, has a tough first day.

Dame Wilburn and her wife decide to raise chickens in Detroit.

Research scientist Irene Pepperburg forms a 30-year bond with a parrot named Alex.

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