Ian Stewart struggled with quitting smoking, marking his progress on a 'quit board' with tallies representing days without cigarettes. Despite relapsing during a stressful moment, he realized the tallies symbolized numerous successes rather than failures. Over time, he managed to accumulate a year of tallies, though he still experiences cravings occasionally.
Ian Stewart kept his last cigarette as a symbolic reminder of his journey to quit smoking. He stored it in his nightstand, where it remains as a crusty shell, representing his triumph over the habit.
Melissa Earley realized that her 20-something travel style no longer suited her as a nearly 50-year-old woman. After a painful injury in a cave, she acknowledged her fragility and decided to embrace her age, opting for more comfortable and safer travel experiences while still taking calculated risks.
Melissa Earley struggled during her caving adventure, feeling out of place among younger travelers. She injured her back after slipping on a rock, which led her to realize she could no longer travel as recklessly as she did in her 20s.
Melissa Earley reconciled her past and present self by acknowledging her fragility while still embracing bravery. She decided to let her 20-something self influence her decisions but no longer dictate her travel plans, accepting that risk is part of life.
For the New Year, we've got two stories about resolving to quit some bad habits. This episode is hosted by Michelle Jalowski.
Ian Stewart does his best to quit smoking.
Melissa Earley learns some lessons on a post-divorce vacation.
Podcast # 900