cover of episode The Moth Podcast: Putting on our Dancing Shoes

The Moth Podcast: Putting on our Dancing Shoes

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The Moth

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#motivational stories#arts#personal growth and self-discovery#self-exploration#single life and happiness#self-discovery and growth#self-discovery in career#career pathways#inner aspirations#exploration of personal identity People
Jessica Ribera
Katie Rivard
@Katie Rivard : 我在教学工作中经历了诸多挑战,例如学生行为问题和学校管理混乱。这些经历让我感到沮丧和迷茫,我感觉自己失去了自我。为了寻求慰藉和突破,我开始学习舞蹈。起初,我只是想利用舞蹈来排解压力,但随着时间的推移,我发现舞蹈不仅帮助我释放了负面情绪,更重要的是,它让我重新认识了自己。在舞蹈课堂上,我逐渐找回了自信和快乐,并学会了以更加积极和包容的心态去面对学生和工作。最终,我改变了教学方法,与学生建立了良好的关系,并取得了不错的教学成果。舞蹈不仅治愈了我的心灵,也改变了我的人生轨迹。 @Jessica Ribera : 从小我就梦想成为一名芭蕾舞演员。为了实现这个梦想,我付出了巨大的努力,并最终进入了一家知名的芭蕾舞团。在舞团中,我努力学习,并获得了担任替补演员的机会。在一次演出中,主角受伤,我临危受命,成功完成了演出。虽然我的舞蹈生涯因为意外受伤而被迫结束,但这短暂的经历却让我无比珍惜。这段经历不仅让我实现了儿时的梦想,更重要的是,它教会了我坚持、勇气和面对挑战的决心。即使舞蹈生涯结束了,我依然热爱舞蹈,并将其融入到我的生活中。

Deep Dive

Katie Rivard's story follows her journey of self-discovery through dance after a difficult move and challenging teaching job. Dance provided an outlet for her emotions and ultimately led to personal growth and improved relationships with her students.
  • Moved from Boston to Tucson for a teaching job
  • Struggled with a difficult student and challenging school environment
  • Used dance as a means of emotional release and self-expression
  • Rediscovered herself as 'Katie' separate from her teacher persona
  • Improved relationships with students through increased self-awareness and compassion

Shownotes Transcript

On this episode - we’ll put on our dance shoes, we’ll find our pelvis, and we’ll find the joy and the self-expression that anybody, at any age, can get from dance. This episode is hosted by Blaze Ferrer. 


Katie Rivard finds herself through dance. 

Jessica Ribera lives out her dreams as an understudy.

Podcast # 902

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