cover of episode Sean O’Malley: The Next Conor McGregor | E98

Sean O’Malley: The Next Conor McGregor | E98

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Sean O’Malley

Deep Dive

Sean O'Malley details his rigorous training regime, emphasizing recovery and discipline. He discusses his approach to diet, sleep, and meditation, highlighting the importance of listening to experts and adapting routines. Sean also touches on his social life, acknowledging the need to balance fun with the demands of his career.
  • Sean follows a strict training schedule with a focus on recovery, including red light therapy, cold plunges, and PEMF.
  • He prioritizes a healthy diet, working with a nutritionist and using a meal prep company.
  • Sean acknowledges the importance of sleep and its impact on performance.
  • While enjoying social outings, he remains disciplined, abstaining from alcohol and smoking weeks before a fight.
  • Sean emphasizes the importance of warming up to prevent injuries.

Shownotes Transcript


- I've always set the bar high. Like when people say, "How much money do you want?" I wanna be a billionaire. Like saying that now, I'm not even close. When I was 17 years old saying I wanna be the UFC champ, wanna be the best in the world, it sounds silly from coming from a kid from Helena, Montana who's never even had an MMA fight. So now for me to say I wanna be a billionaire someday, which I will be, is, you know, I gotta put in the work and learn how to, you know, make my money make me money.

Well, give us the details. I really don't think a lot of people know what your training regimen is. So give us the details. When you wake up, what do you do? What do you eat? How much do you train per day? And when you say you have no distractions, does that mean you're not watching TV? What aren't you doing? So I've been, I do a 10-minute meditation every morning. So first thing I do, wake up, go let my chickens out. I put my chickens in, it's the coyotes, go get them. Go out, let the chickens out. I have a recovery room, red light.

Cold plunge, PEMF machine, foam roller, just to have a full room for recovery. Go in there, do a 10-minute meditation on my red light.

I do 12 minutes on my PEMF machine. What is that? I think people don't know. Pulse electric magnetic field. I don't know the science. I don't know. I usually just listen to smarter people talk about shit. And then I, you know, I think Gary Brekka, he's, he's, he's mentioned the PEMF machine, but I try to stay up to date on, you know, what's good for you. What's a good routine. And this is, I've had multiple different routines. This is just the routine I'm doing right now. 10 minutes on the red light.

12 minutes on pemf machine and then i have my cold plunge it's been fucking cold lately so i've been only doing like a minute in there because it's so hard for me to warm up that'll i for me before practice i like i'll do like a 30 minute warm-up i want to be sweating before practice starts and sometimes if it's so cold out and i do two or three minutes in the cold plunge it literally will take me so long to warm up so in the morning i've just been doing one minute in the cold plunge

And then I usually, I'm making, you know, I have fresh eggs for my chickens, eggs and oatmeal in the morning. I make my own coffee, AeroPress.

And it's delicious. I love making my own coffee. It's a nice little routine. I play some jazz in the morning. Or sometimes I'll play some, just depends what mood. I've been playing just morning jazz, making my coffee, making my eggs, doing all that. I try not to drink coffee for 90 minutes until after I wake up. I think Andrew Huberman said that again. I don't know the science and shit. I just listen to smarter people and try to implement it in my life.

I train at 10 o'clock. I train at 10.30. I get there at 10. Yeah, so I take... So practice starts at 10.30. I get there at 10. So I leave my house at 9.40. You're practicing in a separate gym, not in your house. Right now, yes. I'm just going over like a basic Monday. Practice starts at 10.30. I get there at 10. Start warming up for about 30 minutes. Make sure my back's real warmed up. My blood's flowing. I just...

For injury prevention. I've had so many injuries and it's just like, it's just, you have to get a good warmup. That's one of the biggest things I've learned. And one advice I would actually give is get a good warmup.

So a warm-up from 10 to 10.30, practice starts at 10.30. Usually we do hard grappling on those days, hit mitts, whatever. It is more of like an MMA practice. Do you have a coach who you spar with? I have Tim, who's my best friend, coach, him, and then he owns the gym. So we have a good, we have a sick group of people, like really high-level people that come in.

and train with us Monday morning. And then I'll go home, chill, rest, recover. In camp, I'm a big napper. 20 minutes, play a 20-minute guided meditation on YouTube. Literally as simple as 20-minute nap meditation on YouTube. Play that, turn your phone on, do not disturb. I'll lay on my red mat, I'll go in that room and I'll nap. I feel like I've gotten napping down, like got it down.

nap, wake up from that. Whether I fall asleep or not, I feel recharged, feel good. Have lunch, do all that stuff. And then I'll train again around four or five. Usually I have my strength and conditioning coach in when I'm in camp come out to me and we'll have my gym is getting set up right now because I just moved. But we'll do strength and conditioning at my house. Each practice lasts around hour, hour and a half and do that.

And then at night, I do two to three minutes in the cold plunge. I got my hot tub, stretch, eat, eat a good dinner. And I'm in bed by 9:30, 10:00. Yeah, it's pretty average day. - So what time exactly does it start and what time are you done with the actual everyday regimen? - Yeah, I know I never wake up to an alarm rarely unless I have something I have to do. I wake up from seven to eight every morning just naturally.

And then I'm in bed, usually asleep by 1030. I would say I'm out. That's pretty average. And that's another thing I'm just learning. I listen to the Matthew Walker podcast with Joe Rogan. I think it was like an old podcast, maybe 10 years old. I remember listening to that. Tim told me to. He's like, bro, careful if you listen to that. It's going to fuck with you. Like talking about just all the different benefits you get from sleeping and all the things you're missing out, not sleeping good.

I listened to that podcast. It changed my life. Like my, they say that one of the biggest things about sleeping is just going to bed and waking up around the same time every day. Like it's one of the biggest things. And like, I've been doing that for a long, long, long time. I've been doing the cold plunge for probably five, six, seven years, started learning how to meditate same time around there. So I just implementing little things throughout that. I learned each fight camp. It's just gotten me to pretty much where I am. I feel like.

You mentioned what you eat is important, diet. Are you... Do you eat well when you're not training and you can eat whatever you want, right? Because you're just shedding and burning so many calories every day. I mean, everyone's different. For me, I...

I feel like a lot of, I have to eat clean or cause inflammation. Then I go and get injured training. So for me, I have a nutritionist, Dan Garner. I've been working with him for probably five years or whatever it's been. We do blood work every three, four times a year.

the blood work, saliva, stool, hair samples, anything we can get data on to see the insides of how my body works, what causes inflammation, what I should be eating, what's helping me recover, what nutrients am I deficient in that's not helping me get to the next level, next stage. So we're doing all that. He makes a meal plan. I have a meal prep company and they make the food. I eat it. I try to take as much

stress off of myself as I can as far as like I'm not having to make meals I'm not having to think about what should I eat all that's taken care of so you like to have fun you're going out at night so is drinking part of the program or can you drink alcohol and go out and party and do that stuff you got to be careful with that that is a big distraction I'm not a very big drinker but I do like to you know go out with the boys and have a good time slam some happy dads um

But yeah, I definitely don't have a, I've known, I know a lot of people, you know, like get some money, make some money, get a free bottle at the club. You know, they're there every weekend. I don't really have an issue with that, especially knowing I have like a big fight coming up. I love having a fight coming up. It helps me. It's way easier to stay dialed. It's way easier to stay focused. So, but yeah, I definitely enjoy going out with the boys.

And that's a cool part of the diet, but you're not doing any of that pre-fight, right? How far in advance of fight is it no drinking, no smoking, no nothing? Yeah, typically I would say, well, smoking I quit about three weeks out. I use a vaporizer, a nice quality vaporizer with a quality marijuana, not some shit weed that's full of pesticides and grown with, you know, just as fast as possible to get it out to as many people as possible. Good organic quality.

quality marijuana with a quality vaporizer is the best way, the healthiest way for me to smoke. And I really feel like that's an issue, but I quit that about three weeks out. Drinking, usually about 12 weeks out. I am going out tonight with the boys, UFC 296. It's a big, big night. I'm going to be at Zouk and I have- We're coming with you. Are you? Yeah. Okay. I mean, you know, and we're on set, we're coming. Okay. Zouk, I get- Super stoked. Yeah, it's going to be, it should be a good time. I have an appearance there, so it'll be fun.

Go get that out of my system. Last one out before the fight. But yeah, 12 weeks dialed in. No drinking, no partying. Just focused and got to get it. I've been pretty dialed right now. I've been pretty focused right now with my training. If I felt like, man, I really shouldn't do this, I wouldn't do it. But I feel like I'm in such a good spot right now. I'm healthy. I've been training hard. I've been eating good. My weight's where it needs to be. Mentally, I'm good.

That I can go out and have a good night with the boys. Like Friday night, last night, we're in Vegas. I could go out and get a ball, do whatever. We didn't. We stayed in. We got some good sleep. Had a busy day today. So we're going to enjoy it tonight. I think a lot of fans like me, they see people get hit in the face, whatever. They start bleeding. I mean, it's brutal. How do you...

deal with the pain of getting hit and what does that feel like I mean it's gotta hurt like a bitch I don't even like I don't even like watching people get knocked out like close up and like punched and hit I watch it I'm like how do they do that I was like oh shit that's what I do but for me it's like I just try not to get hit I don't want to get hit I prefer not getting hit um which I feel like helps you know partially that's like probably why I'm so good I feel like but also I

I know I can take a shot and I know I'm not going to break. I have that dog in me to where it's like I'm not going to get hit and kind of fold over. You know, my fight with Peter Yanni cracked me hard a couple times, you know, and I definitely didn't feel like quitting mentally. There wasn't like, oh, well, we could get a way out right now. Like a lot of fighters deal with that. So when I said I don't like getting hits because...

i'm very conscious of how bad that is for your brain like getting hit and getting concussions over and over and over it is not good for you like it's just horrible for you so i'm trying not to get hit do my best not to get hit but it happens obviously i just deal with it when it happens and you know try to hit them harder and not get hit you worry about cte and your there's a lot of studies right now and it really fucks people up forever and it's a horrible disease yeah that's terrifying

You worry about it? Yeah, definitely. I quit sparring for the most part, like, from 16 to probably 23, 24. I was sparring Wednesday, sparring twice a week, constantly having concussions. Every month I was getting concussed, and it's scary to think back on, like, how did those years affect me? Maybe not right now, but in five years. I sparred pretty hard leading up. So going into this next fight, I sparred a few times already in the last year.

Wednesday, no, Thursday, a couple days ago, it's like I cracked a few times. And yeah, you think about it, it's like, man, that's definitely not good for you. But it's like, I'm in it right now. It's like, I don't, I made a commitment to my, not only myself, but Hunter and Dana. Like I told them I wanted to be the biggest star in UFC. I want to be the best in the world. That's just kind of where I'm at right now. It's like, I'm going to do everything I can to do that. You only live once and I got to, that's where I'm, that's where I'm at right now. Things can change, you know? So, yeah.

I definitely spar way less than most people. I have to spar in camp, though. When I have a fight come on, you have to get that feeling, or I do. But outside of camp, I won't spar at all. Zero. I won't get hit once. My last fight against Aljo, zero brain damage. It didn't hit me. Maybe it hit me once or a little bit, but didn't get any brain damage. Fight before that with Peter Yan, definitely probably some brain damage. Yeah.

Let's talk about one of the most pleasurable activities in the world. Some people think it's the most. Sex. Oh, God. So Brandy Love was on my show and one of the biggest porn stars in the world. And it's interesting because people criticize her even though most people watch porn. Dr. Mike Roizen, the chief wellness doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, was on my show. And there are studies that actually show that the more sex you have, the longer and healthier life that you're going to live.

You've talked about injecting stem cells into your penis. And let's talk about what that does. Did it work? And has it led to more success in the bedroom? Is it all that's cracked up to be? You know what? I wasn't there to get stem cells for that reason. I just got offered it. And I was like, you know what? Sure, fuck it.

I don't know if it's like maybe if there's something going on and then you get them and then it works again but I didn't like my shit working good right now so I didn't really feel like it was working better it just kind of felt the same so maybe if you have an issue and then you get them and then it makes it better but when it's good and you get them I didn't really feel anything extra

It's supposed to improve. When I did some research on this, I never heard of such a thing. I guess it improves your girth. Does it improve girth and length? Girth and orgasm, I heard. Girth and orgasm. Unfortunately, it didn't get the extra girth that I was looking for. But you know what? We're still working with what we got. So I'm not too upset about it. So I think a lot of people don't know exactly what this is. It's not a sex show. But I think if you could explain how stem cells get injected into your penis, I think that's something that people would be very interested in knowing about.

Yeah, the lady doctor, well, or male doctor, I think you can, you know, choose. I choose to have a girl doctor. Yeah, they just grab it and hit it in the shaft. Do they numb it before? It's got to hurt. That's not too bad. Tim, my coach, did it because we were in Mexico and they offered it. And I'm like, fuck, yeah, should we do it? Should we do it?

So he did it first and he elbowed the guy doing it. So he got like halfway in, elbowed the guy and then had to redo it. And his shit was bruised. He said for a couple of days, weeks or whatever. Mine, I just laid there, breathe, fucking hit it. Uh, definitely didn't feel great. Um,

But yeah, no real great side effects. provides beach goers around the world with detailed, comprehensive, and easy-to-use information to help them plan their perfect beach getaway at home and abroad and to make sure you're never disappointed by a beach visit again. Plan the perfect beach trip today by visiting That's The link is in our show notes. Stay sandy, my friends.

All right, so we'll continue on your love life. You have an open relationship, which is a little unusual. I think a lot of people are wondering how that works. Me too. Can you talk about that? I mean, does it work? I mean, right now where I'm at in life, it's just like labels and this and that. I don't know. Danny, she's my baby mama. I've been with her for probably almost 10 years now.

She prefers me not to talk about it because she's very, very quiet, very not social media, not like in it. So when I started bringing it up first, because I thought I've always I always think it's such an interesting conversation because I've seen so many couples like my bro, he's cheating on you and he's just telling you he's not.

And everyone's like, that's okay. But I bring, I'm like, hey, I like to hook up with chicks. Like, and I'm the bad guy for being honest. But every guy's cheating on the girl. And everyone is just like, that's just what society is for the most part. A lot of girls are just,

my man wouldn't do that it's like he definitely is for the most part like that's just the reality of it and i was just always very honest with danny like hey like this was before i made money before i was popular no one knew me i was like hey this is how i am i remember dating two chicks in high school like i just always liked liking girls and talking to girls and doing all that so i was always very honest with danny about that and uh

You know, it's not just fucking easy, but I don't think any relationship is. So we've had our ups and downs with it. Like she's had, you know, I put her through a lot, but I've always, always very honest with her as far as like, hey, this is just who I am. And yeah, definitely a lot of hate comes from that, which again, it's just other insecure people. Like, how could you do that? It's like, this is what it is. You're famous. Yeah. You're rich. Yeah.

get attention wherever you go

Yeah. I'm sure girls are throwing themselves at you. Not enough. Where does it happen? I mean, I know at basketball games sometimes, I know a lot of my friends, you know, the girls hang out when you walk out. Are you meeting them when you're at Sprouts? Are you doing it when you're at nightclubs? Are you going to parties? What's happening there? It's not even like people think. It's not like I'm hooking up with a new girl every weekend. It's just like having that freedom or that opportunity

I think it just comes down to freedom and yeah, I don't want to say too much too, because Danny has asked me, she's like, I just don't really like when you talk about it, but it's, yeah. I mean, everyone has their own lane. I think for most people, it's either you're monogamous or you're not dating. Like it's, that's the option. And yeah, I don't know right now. It's,

Maybe someday I would be like, "Alright, I can shut that off." But I got fucking testosterone running through me. I'm fucking... We're born to recreate, reproduce. This is like... It's a deep... That's in us all. It's in every guy. We like chicks. Maybe some like chicks more than others. I just love chicks. I like chicks. I like talking, like, rizzing them off. I like chit-chatting with them. But, yeah.

I can already see all the comments in here. It's funny because it's always just guys, insecure guys that are commenting like you're a piece of shit. Like, well, you're cheating on your girl. Or you can't get girls. A lot of guys, a lot of ugly motherfuckers are like, I would never do that. That's because you get no girls. If you get one, you're going to be loyal to her because that's the only one you're ever going to get. No other girls are going to ask to hang out with you. So it's easy for you to be loyal.

Or sometimes, like I'm 29 right now, I'm like, maybe I'm just not wise enough. Maybe it's a mental weakness. Maybe I just need to be able to shut that off. I don't know. I'm just going through life, figuring it out. I don't have the answers. I could be wrong. I could be right. I don't know. I don't even know if there's a wrong or right. As long as I think, as long as I'm a good person, taking care of people I love and, you know, I think it comes down to just being a good person.

Someone told me before I had kids that you really find out the meaning of life once you have kids. You had a three-year-old. I also have a three-year-old. I've got a seven-year-old, 19-year-old, and two 21-year-olds. Oh, wow. And it's the best thing on earth. How did having your three-year-old, Danny, change your life? And are you going to have more kids?

Yeah, having a three-year, that's been the best thing. Elena's like my little princess and it's just crazy. Like even now I'm going to be gone for like three days. And when I get back, I'm like, what? She's going to just seem like she grew so much. But yeah, I've always wanted kids. I remember wanting kids when I was like in middle school. I remember breaking up with a girl. I think it was like eighth grade because she didn't want kids. I was like, I can't be with you. I wanted to have kids from an early age. Not in eighth grade. I didn't want to have kids in eighth grade, but I wanted to have kids someday. And she did it.

So I've always wanted kids. I knew that for whatever reason I wanted to be a dad. I enjoy it. I love it. Will I have more? Possibly. Dani, you know, the one baby mama right now, she doesn't really want to. You know, she doesn't, she never really wanted to in the first place, but she's a great mom. Like,

I'm so glad it was her and not no one else because she just does such a good job learning and taking initiative of like, okay, what do I need to do to become a great mom? And a big thing for me was like, I want my baby to be breastfed. Like that was a huge thing for me. That's so super important. I want them to get that nutrients and be taken care of that way. And Danny did a good job. I think Elena was like two, a little over two. And Elena kind of stopped, started weaning off of it. But yeah, I definitely...

I go back and forth. I'm like, Atlanta's perfect. We could be one and done, but I'm also like, I kind of want a tribe. It just depends where I'm at, what headspace I'm in. Sometimes I want to have, like, I go back and forth. Like, I want to have one, then I'm like, I want to have 10. I want to have a bunch. I think, you know, once you become a certain level of financial,

freedom to where you can have multiple kids it makes it's different like some people that are like get barely getting by like no i don't want kids like this is enough for me right now i can you know afford to have that so we'll see we'll see how it plays out um but yeah elaine has been nothing it's been amazing obviously there's times where it's not and they have their little tantrums but the the times they're not doing that make up are way better

you'll see when the kids get older and you do fun things for your kids you have these special moments uh it's it's just great here with my son charlie here for the fight stoked to see you he's super super happy to be here so um going back to to the kid thing um what was it like when your daughter was born holding her for the first time of your life what was the exact feeling when

She came out and you held her for the first time. Yeah, it was a cool experience. It's so weird because you can kind of remember it vividly, but it was also like, I think it was like 3 a.m. We were there for so long. We were sleep deprived. The contractions and like, it's just like a crazy moment. But we didn't find out if she was a boy or girl. Like, we kept that a surprise. I thought that was really, really, really cool and fun and it was a great surprise.

in my head 100 i was like it's a boy i would have money on it i would have bet my life on i was like it's a boy it's gonna be a boy and so yeah when she came out i remember she had to have we were gonna do it naturally then she had to do the c-section and i remember them cutting it and i looked and i shouldn't have i was like holy fuck she's in half like what the fuck you're pulling her out no yeah i remember like that pretty vividly but holding her for the first time

just so tiny it was it was so weird i remember just like yeah i don't i don't know it's a hard to explain i mean like i said and you're sleep deprived been up for however many hours then it's like okay now we have to go to a c-section so that's kind of like you know a lot going on you know it's it was a feeling you're on drugs almost but yeah that was a cool experience and healthy baby and that's all you you want at that time just get her out

Tell me she's healthy and then, yeah, that's good. One of the best things I can tell you and advice I have as a dad is take your daughter on a one-on-one trip every single year because we're all busy. You're very successful. You got a lot going on. I've done okay. And as you have more and more kids, I got five, take it away every single year. And it's the best thing you can ever do.

tuning everything out as your kids get older, putting out the cell phones. And I highly, highly recommend that you do that. I've told my friends this and it's a total life changer of the relationship with your kids. Definitely. You know, I definitely will appreciate that advice. I feel very lucky for because a lot of people think I'm so busy and I am busy. I do a lot of different things, but for the most part,

like I basically gave you a rundown through my day I train in the morning train that in the afternoon afternoon I'm training at my house I'm home most of the day um I feel very lucky for how much I get to be with Elena like and now she's three so she wants to go to go to jiu-jitsu go to the gym with me so she'll go run around while I'm training like I'm feel very lucky how much I'm able to be with her um but yeah no I appreciate that I definitely I think that would be fun taking her on a little trip and

It's nice too when Danny's not around and it's just me and her. Because when Danny's around, it's like sometimes she wants mommy more, but when mommy's gone, it's just me and her. She wants daddy. She falls down. She wants daddy. She's hungry. She wants daddy. So it is nice when it's just me and Elena. Yeah.

It is very, it's different than when it's like all three of us. Yeah. Same thing in my house. I mean, kids want their mom, especially when they're young and when they're not there, it's fun putting her to bedtime. You know, I want mommy. And then you snuggle with dad. It's, it's, yeah, it's a great thing. Are you going to drive her to school every day and pick her up every day? I mean, she's like, she's, she just turned three. So what's school kindergarten, like five, five, six.

We'll see what the plan is. We'll see where I'm living. We'll see what schools are around. Yeah, we'll see. I've got a couple years to kind of figure that out. But, I mean, that would be cute. Sometimes schools kind of scare me sometimes, too. It's like you just never know.

especially nowadays what they're teaching the school shootings like there's just it's kind of terrifying thinking about dropping elaine off at school with people i don't know like right now danny's mom's our full-time nanny so it's like if she's not with me or she's not with danny she's with danny's mom she's not danny's mom she's my mom um so right now it's like it's very comforting knowing she's with people

that are in our family like dropping off at school kind of seems freaky for now a lot of famous kids too they eat a lot of right i mean they criticize their dads or if you're a pro football player i mean i know a few and they've got kids and they lose they they take a lot of are you worried about that at all no not really i think uh yeah i don't know i think you know just

live by example I feel like you know Elena sees me stretching doing my red light getting in the cold punch not wanting to come on daddy you can do it like doing these you know just doing healthy habits I think is going to create a good person and she's going to be it's crazy because she could turn out however you could raise you know a kid really good and they could turn out however they turn out but for the most part I think if we just give her the right tools and you know let's go with the flow

let's go back to money you're motivated by money the young age and i do a ton of coaching where i've coached hundreds of people throughout the years and i always ask them when they're younger rank what is most important to you and money is always number one right i think that changes as you get in your you know later 20s 30s i think it's bad advice i think you should pursue your passion first but you were

Motivated by money. What's your advice to people who are motivated by money first and foremost as their number one goal in their professional life? It's funny. The more money I make, the more money I've made, the more money I've realized I haven't made enough money in my head. Enough money. So I don't know. I feel like I don't really feel like I have advice to give yet. I don't really feel like I'm in a position yet to be like...

I like I've figured anything out. I just thought I've always been pretty good with money. I've never really spent it carelessly ish.

Did fly here on a jet. You know, those aren't very cheap. So sometimes I do stupid shit. Like, I wouldn't say stupid, but stuff like that. Saw the Instagram. You look like you're having a good time on the jet. We're going to Vegas for the press conference. You know, Cheeto flew here on Southwest. So it's just like, I'm one up and I'm just on that alone. Did he fly first class? No, hell no. There was no first class on Southwest, is there? I mean, he definitely, even if he didn't fly Southwest, I would guarantee he didn't fly first class. But for the most part, I feel like just,

being smart with your money is like I know I have some buddies that are just so stupid with their money they'll have a hundred dollars in their bank account and they'll just go and get a Starbucks coffee and you know go grab a couple snacks I'm like bro you don't have what are you doing like you don't have you shouldn't be doing that so I feel like I was just lucky from my mom she was on the extreme end of to where it's like I feel like a disease to where it's like scary like

on money to where I feel like I was able to balance that out and be smart with money but yeah save it and I'm trying to learn more on the investment side of stuff like I bought the houses and stuff but those houses aren't going to make me a hundred million dollars like those houses will be good good to store the money or whatever keep the money in a good spot

but I'm learning and wanting to learn more about how to invest, where to invest, getting equity in brand. Because right now I have a lot of brand deals. I have some equity deals, but just learning all about that. I'm lucky, Emron, who you just, who you met. I'm grateful too. Thank you, Emron. You're the man. Appreciate you. Yeah. So he's been teaching me a lot too. He's very smart. And I look up to him. He's a huge mentor to me. So I've been learning a lot from him, but I would definitely, for me,

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Get your next amazing gift and order a copy of Bliss Beaches by clicking the link in our show notes. I've always set the bar high. Like when people say, how much money do you want? I want to be a billionaire. Like saying that now, I'm not even close. It sounds silly. When I was 17 years old saying I want to be the UFC champ, one of the best in the world, it sounds silly from coming from a kid from hell in Montana who's never even had an MMA fight. So now for me to say I want to be a billionaire someday, which I will be, is...

you know, I got to put in the work and learn how to, you know, make my money make me money. What's that about? I mean, why a billion dollars? What does it represent to you? Is it a scorecard? Or is it just personal goal that... I don't know. It's a good, it's just a crazy number. Like, it's just like, just out. I mean... One of the most successful human beings in the world. Is that the measurement? Financially successful people in the world?

Sometimes I don't really know why I want things. Sometimes I'm like, well, if I'm a billionaire, I've got a lot of kids. I'm going to do a lot of sweet stuff. You can have a lot of kids now. Yeah, I could. But I feel like I just... I don't know.

my next goal is 100 but i want to be a i want to you know get to 100 million what little baby say i can't chill yet i ain't made 100 million yet like i wanna i wanna make 100 million then we'll get we'll get there but for me that's just i gotta keep winning fights because the more fights i win the more opportunities i have the more you know the more equity i can get in the businesses to where so you know i might not have to pay money to get into equity i might not have to pay money to get equity into these businesses i could just

get equity by promoting these businesses through the brand, SUGA. So I think I just go out there and keep knocking people out for the next five, six, seven years. It's very realistic for me. So you want to make $100 million? Because at the end of that, if you pay taxes, it's $50 million. Or do you want to make $200 million to get $100 in the account? Yeah, taxes. You know what? One thing is I'm glad I did stay on top of taxes since I started making money.

shout out my mom because a lot of fighters you know you make a couple hundred thousand dollars and then you spend you know a hundred eighty thousand dollars and then at the end of the year you go you know eighty thousand you're like i only have twenty thousand how do i owe eighty thousand like i've never been in that position i've always been able to pay my taxes

And it always sucks, but I've always been able to do that, which I've been very grateful for my mom to kind of help me with all that. But yeah, so yeah, $200 million is the answer. Mike Tyson was on my show around eight months ago. Phenomenal guy. For those of you who have not listened to it or watched it, please do. Fascinating man.

Great conversation. He says he's gone bankrupt more times than he can count. He made $400 million in his career, which time value of money today is $700 million. And when I told him today it's $700 million, he went kind of surprised. But I think it's really, really great that you have a good head on your shoulders. You have great managers. You got your mom. What was it like when you made your first million dollars? And what was the big purchase that the first big purchase that you made?

- Probably like the first million in a year. - Well, your first million total. I mean, my goal was to be a millionaire by the time I'm 30 years old and I wasn't thinking, you know, pre-tax or post-tax. And as I got older, I started like, well, there's a big difference there. - Yeah. I think for me, like I said, I have six houses. So I was always kind of like buying, I like buying houses, like putting a couple hundred thousand dollars a house, paying off a house, buying another house.

I'm not a huge car guy. I did have to get a Lamborghini. I don't like two or three years ago. You had to? I had to. Yeah, I had no choice. Went with my son yesterday out to the racetrack. He drove the Ferrari Evo. Wait, would you sit in there? I mean, I got in that thing. I was so claustrophobic. I got the hell out of there. So I drove the Lambo. Which one I drive? STO. STO. I think drive smooth. Yeah. Yeah.

They're a pain in the ass though. Cause one thing goes wrong and then it's like 12,000 to fix it. And it's like another thing. They're a pain in the ass, but. Okay. So you bought the Lambo. Yeah. I'd say Lambo house watches. I bought a red one, but I have it wrapped pink right now. Okay. It's like a fucking just pink Lambo. I don't know why I always wanted one. I'm rewrapping it soon. Cause every time I have a fight coming up, I do a merch drop, like a fight kit drop with certain colors. Okay. And so, and I do a Jersey. So I do limited edition jerseys. Um,

And then I kind of match my, whether it's my cars, definitely the merch, but I'm wrapping my cars the same kind of concept colors of that. But I'm rewrapping it soon. Yeah, I'd say, you know, probably some jewelry. You got a sick watch on right now. Yeah. It's incredible. I like diamonds. You know, I think I never really was like a watch guy or a jewelry guy.

But I think no one is if you don't have money. Right. Like when I didn't have any money, I'm like, well, I don't have a watch. I couldn't fucking afford one. So that makes sense. But the more, you know, you make money and then you see the big numbers in your bank account and you have a good amount in the savings, you have a good amount in the investment. So you're like, oh, I could spoil myself a little bit, buy a little something nice. But, you know, yes, I'd say jewelry, maybe some cars, house, stuff like that.

So my show is designed to inspire, motivate people to be the best that they can be. What are the ingredients of success, your top five? Sleep, diet, some form of meditation, obviously consistency in whatever it is. I think that's like the one that always gets brought up is consistency and it's so important. You just got to...

So you got to be consistent and not letting people not not not care what people think. I'd say saying no and not caring what people think are kind of tied into one. But yeah, you just can't care what people think. You're going to read the comments and let them affect you. Like that's just that comes down to I mean, we're all wired that way, but it's a mental weakness. I'd say it's just like you really care what someone thinks. But that comes down to be like a good person. Like if it affects you, if what their comment affects you,

It's probably because it's true. So as long as you're being a good person, the comments shouldn't affect you. So I'd say those. Where does work ethic, passion, and optimism rank in elements of success? Work ethic is number one. You have to put in the work. If you're not going to put in the work, you can't expect to blow up on YouTube or get signed to UFC or win big fights. You've got to put in the work. Passion? Yeah, passion.

Sometimes I'm not passionate about fighting. I don't want to get up and train. Like, I'm seven weeks into fight camp. I'm sore. I'm exhausted. I don't want to get up. I don't want to train. So sometimes you're not, like, passionate about it. Yeah, so you need to go up and train today. You just got to fucking do it. So...

You're lucky if you have the passion. My passion is to be the best in the world, but some mornings I wake up and I don't want to be. That comes back to work ethic, though. He's got to get up, do it. But being able to initially that passion to want to be the best, want to be something is huge. Then would you say optimism? Yeah. Optimism. Good attitude. Good attitude. Yeah, optimistic. I mean, if you're just a... I feel like I'm pretty optimistic. I feel like I would suck to just be naturally pessimistic and just kind of always...

in that mindset maybe yeah I don't know but it's I feel like it'd be a lot easier being optimistic going through life yeah but work ethic and passion are two things that it's just like

Gotta have it. Be successful. How much are you focusing on your social media right now? You have huge followings. Do you really consider that an ingredient of your financial success? And do you have a full-time team devoted to working on your social? Yeah, social media is like, I made twice as much money this year from brand deal social media than I made from fighting. So I've made, you know,

Literally probably over twice as much money this year from social media. So it's massive when it comes to financial. And it's like I'm building something bigger. So I keep building this for the next five, six, seven years. Sugar brand is going to be huge. It's going to be massive, especially if I go out and knock people out. So yeah, I do a lot of my social media. I do pretty much all of my own social media. I recently, Blake, my assistant, he's been Snapchatting for me. But for the most part, yeah, I do...

do most of my social media. Emron helps me really like dial in the deliverables, what I have to do for each, you know, each company, each sponsor, each brand. But yeah, YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram. If you're not on those, try and, and I think being funny, I think humor is like the best way to do that. Humor and knowledge, like information, like,

But I try to kind of focus on those funny. If you can get a good giggle out of someone, you're going to be able to get them back to your page. So I kind of try to focus on humor. So we talk about brand deals. What exactly are we talking about online? Well, they have to make sense for your brand, right? What does it mean though? So someone comes to you and they do what? They say, I'm going to pay you to promote my brand?

Yeah, pretty much. I mean, that's pretty much as simple as that. There's a lot of obviously contract and lawyers and like a lot more into it. But yes, basically it like for me, I have to I have to like the brand. We'll use Sanibel, for example, Sanibel's Emron's company CEO of that and their MMA gear, kickboxing gear, jujitsu gear, combat sports gear. So I met Emron in 2017, I think right before the contender series right after somewhere around there.

Got on a call and he's like, yeah, basically that, like what deliverables for, you know, pay and you just find out what makes sense and what's fair and you go from there. But yeah, it has to make sense with the, with the branding.

When we look at finding athletes or celebrities as spokespeople for our companies in our venture capital portfolio, one of the things that we look at is newspaper risk. A lot of people will do something stupid. They'll get in a fight, they'll hit somebody. And then once they do that, and it happens with a lot of fighters, by the way, probably more than in different sports.

You've obviously need to be extremely careful, right? You know, you guys like when you're a fighter and you're the champ, I mean, Mike Tyson was on a JetBlue flight.

And some guy came up to him and, you know, taunting him. And do you get that? And then is it consciously you got to keep your brand clean and stay out of trouble? The thing about UFC and Dana that's so cool is that we don't have to be as careful as for that, for like UFC. Like you heard Sean Strickland at the press conference the other day dropping F-bombs. Yeah. That dude's...

He's probably not going to get any repercussion or any backlash from the UFC. Maybe a little bit like, hey, do we watch your mouth a little bit? But he's all right. You're in NFL, NBA, you say that, you're gone. You're done. One and done. One and done. But Sean Strickland also doesn't have any sponsors. So he doesn't really have to worry about it because he's not making money like that. He's not getting paid from sponsors. So he doesn't have to worry about that. So we talk a lot about...

When we all get successful, we get more and more successful typically, and we have more and more responsibilities. It happens when you have kids, you have a business, it grows a business, more people you're managing. Let's talk about work-life balance. So what is your work-life balance? Have you thought about it long-term and your own personal happiness going forward?

Yeah, I think recently I'll bring up Blake again as an assistant. Like I recently like my mom takes care of most of the stuff that I don't want to do or that I don't have time to do. She takes care of a ton of that. But even then, it's like I still have stuff, emails, reminders. You got to be here. Got to be there. And so there is a lot that goes on when you're.

especially in camp, like I don't, all that extra energy to think about that stuff could go into me recovering, could go into my next training session. So yeah, work-life balance is something I think about a lot and need to, it's a huge role and I can't take on too much, especially when I'm in camp, when I gotta be dialed in. So something I've definitely thought about a lot. When you're successful and rich, I think we have a responsibility to give back. Yeah. I think it's very important to give back to our community. Yeah.

What are you doing to give back and what are your goals there in terms of giving back and influencing the lives of people? Well, I just gave back plenty to taxes. Right now I'm helping making sure my family, friends are taken care of. Not too much to where it's like enabling them like I said, but really just giving back to my family and making sure we're all good and everything that needs to be done is done there.

Yeah, as far as, you know, charities and stuff like that. I still, my first job was, one of my first jobs, like full-time jobs, I worked at this group home with these mentally disabled, they were like 18 to 65 years old. There's eight of them. And that was like one of my most rewarding jobs. It was fun. I really, really enjoyed that. And that's something I still want to get back into and figure out how to,

get on a schedule and give back to that community because i always enjoyed you know doing that kind of work so that's something i still need to i talked to ufc and they're helping you or they need that they're going to help me make a ll or a charity there's a non-profit 501c3 yeah that yeah yeah that which there's a lot more that goes into that than you'd even a ton yeah so i guess that's like a lot of paperwork it needs to be sat down and done but i have we have had discussions about that

Do you have any grandiose goals on the philanthropy, bigger goals? I mean, you want to be a billionaire financially. Do you have a similar goal in terms of giving back to the community, maybe influencing the lives of a billion people around the world? Yeah, I feel like, I mean, even watching like, you know, Mr. Beast? Yeah. Like watching his video, like him doing the well stuff. Like I legit teared up. I was like, that's so cool. Like doing something like that.

would be... It's awesome. I would love to do stuff like that and give back in that way because that touches people. That made me tear up watching that video. Damn, that was really cool. So definitely would love to give back like that, yeah. Before I conclude my podcast, I always conclude with a game called Fill in the Blank to Excellence. Are you ready to play? Let's do it. The biggest lesson I've learned in my life is... The biggest lesson. Is this rapid or... Yeah, it's going to be rapid fire here. I'd say...

Meditation. My number one professional goal is? Greatest of all time. The person I'm most interested in fighting is? Cheeto or Gervonta Davis. That's number two? Both number one or Ilya Teporia. Those three. Okay, those three. My biggest regret in life is? Well, I feel like I'm in a good spot right now. So I'd say nothing yet.

My number one personal goal is? Personal goal is it's always less phone time. It's always that. It's just that with that right now. Do you spend a lot of time on your phone? I'd say, I mean, what's average nowadays? I feel like everyone's phone time is so crazy, but you have to spend too much. Texting, social media? You know, bouncing around apps, you know, Snapchat upload, and then you're on Instagram, and you're watching a YouTube video, and then you're on Twitter, and then you're, you know, just bouncing around apps.

The one thing I've dreamt about doing in a long time but haven't is... Long time? What did you say? The one thing I've dreamed about doing for a long time but haven't is... You're checking off right now. You got to say it. I can see you going through the mental checklist. No, I'm not going to say that one. Come on, let it loose. No, I can't. I can't. Why can't you? Because it's too outrageous? Oh, yeah.

You're like the kid who says, hey, I got something to tell you, but I can't really tell you. You got to let it loose. Yeah, no, I won't say. It's not bad. It's just funny. So, hey, people are funny. All right, I'll say it. One of my buddies texted me and said, we're having a hooker party tonight. I think he was kidding, though, so that was funny. But we'll just go with that. Which I'm not a fan of. I would rather be able to RZA girl up and talk to her and her being to me. So, but.

If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be? Meet one person? I don't really feel like I'm like, oh, I want to meet that person. I do think it'd be cool to meet and have a conversation with Mike Tyson. Like off camera, not necessarily just doing a podcast, but just like talk to Mike Tyson. He'd be a very interesting person, I feel like. You know him? I've had people in contact with him and I was supposed to go on his podcast and do some stuff, but the times haven't worked out.

Well, Mike would be an interesting character. If you were president of the United States, what are the first three things that you would do? I don't know shit about any of that. I don't know. I'm so far out of the loop on what needs to be done. I don't even know where I'd go. Pick one. You're sitting in the Oval Office. You've seen the photos. You're sitting there at this desk. Yeah, what do you do? Asian massages are legal. That's my number one.

I had a good check. Yeah, no, I don't know. I feel like I'm so far out of the loop when it comes to politics and it's just, it's way better that way. I feel like for me right now, I don't know enough about it to really have an opinion about it to where I feel like I,

what I say should influence anyone. No, but you have a lot of power and you have a pulpit to influence so many people. But I need to be educated on what I'm influencing people and I'm not. I don't know anything about... I know Biden looks like he's about to fall over. Trump makes me laugh. Those are about the only two things I know about politics.

I had Benjamin Netanyahu for dinner at my house around 15 years ago. I was very nervous, obviously. Prime Minister of Israel. And so he's... I mean, I was very nervous about the whole thing. And we had... This was a bunch of tech people from California. So we had three tables of 10. And I'm the host and he's sitting next to me with his wife, Sarah. And I'm like, what's the first thing I'm going to say to him? And I thought about it and I said...

You get there, you win. You're sitting down at your desk for the very first time. I said, how the hell do you know what to do? Yeah, for real. What did he say? Uh,

You spend several months in advance people telling you, I said, because where are all the nukes? I said, where are all the secrets? Where are all the Mossad guys, you know, the agents? And he said, it takes, I think you have three or four months once you win before you come prime minister. And so, you know, when you think about it, I said, gosh, that's insane. I don't get how someone just does that or wants to do that. It seems very stressful. If you could go back in time, what's the one thing you would tell your 21-year-old self?

21 year old. So I feel like I was going to, when I was 21, I feel like that's when I really started to kind of wanting to learn how to eat healthy, getting into cold punch, getting into meditation, getting into learning how to live healthier. So I feel like that was a good time for me. I'd probably, you know, just say, just continue on that path and do what you're doing because, you know, we're in a good spot right now at 29. The one question you wish I had asked you, but didn't is? Um, I don't, I didn't,

So yeah, you got me thinking on a lot of these. I didn't really think about that at all. There wasn't really a question where I was like, well, I hope he asks me about that. I thought what you asked me was great and I thought we had a great conversation. So I think it was what was said was perfect. I love it. You have any questions? My son Charlie's here. Huge fan. You have any questions you want to ask Sean? I'm just, I was great.

- Hell yeah. - Well, I really appreciate you being here, Sean. I'm a huge fan. My son's a huge fan. You've had an amazing career. I'm super excited to watch you fight. Super excited to get to know you better and I'm here to help you with whatever I can. - And you're gonna be at Zouk tonight? - I'm gonna be at Zouk tonight. - Both you guys? - Hell yeah. Yeah, we're gonna hang.

We'll hang out. You're going to have a few drinks tonight? Oh yeah. I'm going to have a couple of happy dads and get in the, you know, we got to pop by. We're going to, we're going to have a few drinks too, I think. Are you? Okay. It's going to be, it's going to be a fun show. My shirt will be off probably about 12, 1230. We'll be rolling in there too. All right. This is awesome, man. I appreciate you. Thank you so much.