cover of episode Mat Ishbia: From Basketball To Billion-Dollar Business | E85

Mat Ishbia: From Basketball To Billion-Dollar Business | E85

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In Search Of Excellence

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Mat Ishbia
Randall Kaplan
Mat Ishbia:在职业生涯早期,机会比金钱更重要。选择一个能提供成长机会的公司和自己喜欢的工作,比追求高薪更重要。专注于享受工作,追求成功,金钱会随之而来。他从小就极具竞争力,不喜欢失败,并以此激励自己努力。为了成功,需要牺牲,专注于一件事并力求精通。为了成功需要付出长期的努力和牺牲,需要权衡取舍,并优先考虑重要的事情。人生的目标是幸福,而幸福可以通过多种方式实现。在追求成功之前,首先要明确自己的目标和追求的是什么。大学毕业生不必急于找到理想的工作,应该先探索自己的兴趣爱好。大学毕业生应该积极参与实习,拓展人脉,寻找自己真正喜欢的工作。找到一个与自己价值观相符的公司和工作环境比找到理想的工作更重要。他的激情并非针对某个特定行业,而是对竞争和胜利的渴望。在成功中,拥有良好的个性和幽默感很重要,但更重要的是做真实的自己。关心他人,建立良好的人际关系对团队合作至关重要。成功的团队需要团队合作精神、领导力、文化和家庭氛围。成功的团队需要在天赋和团队凝聚力之间取得平衡。他将篮球中学到的竞争力和积极态度应用到了商业领域。在职业生涯早期,机会比金钱更重要。专注于成功,金钱会随之而来。 Randall Kaplan:介绍Mat Ishbia的成就,包括在UWM和凤凰城的太阳队和水星队的投资。人生的目标是幸福,而幸福可以通过多种方式实现。大学毕业生面临的焦虑以及如何规划职业生涯。

Deep Dive

Mat Ishbia credits his parents for instilling strong values. His mother, a schoolteacher, emphasized structure and accountability, while his father, a lawyer and entrepreneur, modeled a strong work ethic and the importance of caring for others. His father's dedication to his work, even late at night with his yellow notepad, greatly influenced Mat's own drive for success.
  • Mat's mother taught him structure and accountability.
  • Mat's father instilled a strong work ethic and the value of caring for others.
  • Mat's parents influenced his success in business and life.

Shownotes Transcript

Welcome to In Search of Excellence! We are happy to have Mat Ishbia as our guest today!Mat is the Chairman and CEO of the United Wholesale Mortgage, the largest wholesale mortgage lender in the United States, which had a $931.9 million net income in 2022. Mat owns 71% of the company shares that are worth $5.9 billion, which places Mat at 156 on the Forbes 400 in early 2023. Mat and his brother Justin bought a majority stake in the NBA, Phoenix Suns, and WNBA, Phoenix Mercury. Mat was a member of the Michigan State Spartans basketball team that went to three Final Fours and won the NCAA championship in 2000. He is the author of the book “Running the Corporate Office: Lessons in Effective Leadership from the Bench to the Boardroom”. Mat is also a very generous philanthropist who has given away more than $50 million. 01:26 Mat’s background- Born in Birmingham, Michigan, in a Jewish family- His mom was a schoolteacher and his dad lawyer and serial entrepreneur- From mom learned structure and accountability- From dad learned good work ethics and taking care of people 04:07 Mat’s life as a kid- Always competitive- Didn’t like to lose- Pretty good at school, loved sports 05:03 Sacrifices are essential for success- You can’t be good at everything- Focus and dominate one thing- Life’s goal should be happiness 09:58 Figuring out what to do as a student- Expose yourself to as many different internships, people, and networks as possible- Find what you are passionate about- Mat has a passion for competing and winning 14:01 How important is having a great personality and sense of humor for success?- Matt’s basketball career in the Michigan State team- The most popular guy on the team- It’s important to be who you are, genuine, kind, and caring- Every team needs camaraderie, leadership, culture, family atmosphere- The team is bigger than the person- A good team needs a balance of talent and chemistry (fit)- Different roles in Phoenix Suns 19:35 Deciding to choose his future career at 23- Wanted to be a basketball coach- Decided to join his dad’s mortgage company- Applied his basketball experience to the mortgage business 21:57 Is money the number onbe factor when choosing your career?- Opportunity to grow should be the no.1 factor- Also your dreams and aspirations- People focus too much on the money- Be great and successful in what you do and money will follow 24:27 What's cool or sexy about mortgages?- Became the CEO of United Wholesale Mortgage in 2013- Two years later, UWM was the no.1 wholesale mortgage lender in the country- Mat loves competing, improving, winning- Be great today and build on that tomorrow

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