cover of episode Apolo Ohno: From Last Place to Olympic Gold | E25

Apolo Ohno: From Last Place to Olympic Gold | E25

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In Search Of Excellence

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Apolo Ohno
Apolo Ohno: 我从小在父亲的理发店长大,目睹了父亲的勤奋和对事业的认真态度,这对我产生了深远的影响。父亲的努力并非为了巨大的经济成功,而是为了拥有事业感和目标感,而这个目标感也包含了我。外部的成功标准并非幸福的唯一指标,内心的目标感和满足感更重要。我12岁时艰苦的训练经历,虽然痛苦,却让我明白了努力和坚持的重要性,并培养了我对失败的恐惧,这成为我日后成功的动力。我童年时期对失败的恐惧源于对父亲失望的害怕,这种恐惧影响了我后来的生活和人际关系。对失败的恐惧会让人在人际关系中做出错误的选择,例如在不合适的感情中停留过久。每个人心中都有一个自我破坏者,它会阻止我们尝试新的事物,并让我们停留在舒适区。自我破坏机制是人类为了保护自己而进化出来的本能,它会让我们避免危险,但也会限制我们的发展。我利用对失败的恐惧作为动力,驱使自己不断努力,从未想过放弃。我从未想过放弃训练,因为在我看来,自己还有很多需要改进的地方。我会在生活中设置一些障碍,以此作为失败的借口,但最终我意识到,坦诚面对失败并从中学习更为重要。坦诚面对失败,并从中吸取教训,才能更好地进步和成长。我建议人们将失败的经历转化为前进的动力,而不是被其束缚。将过去的创伤和挫折转化为前进的动力,摆脱自我设限。要摆脱对完美的追求,接受不完美,才能获得真正的成长。将恐惧转化为动力,但要保持自我掌控,避免被恐惧控制。要掌控自己的生活,避免被外部因素控制。要避免沉迷于社交媒体,保持对自身时间的掌控。要专注于目标,并分解目标,制定行动计划。过程比结果更重要,要专注于日常的行动计划。赢得比赛后的感觉更多的是解脱而非渴望,但保持动力和寻找新的目标很重要。在取得成功后,保持动力和寻找新的目标非常重要,这需要找到内心的目标和热情。人生的目标不应该是赚钱然后退休,而是找到自己的目标和热情,并为之奋斗。找到人生的目标和热情至关重要,即使需要重新开始。如果对现状感到不满,就应该勇敢地做出改变,不要害怕失败。青少年时期,我与父亲的关系恶化,并与不良少年为伍,这对我产生了负面影响。青少年时期,我与不良少年为伍,沉迷于不良行为,这让我走上了歧途。我青少年时期与不良少年的交往,让我险些误入歧途。我建议家长们要关注孩子的朋友圈,并引导孩子远离不良影响。青少年时期,人们往往迷茫,寻求认同感,并容易受到环境的影响。无论年龄大小,都应该努力结交积极向上的人,并创造积极的成长环境。为孩子创造新的积极体验,比单纯的教导更有效。不良的环境会限制孩子的视野和发展,家长应该努力为孩子创造积极的成长环境。改变孩子的成长轨迹,需要创造新的积极体验,并寻找合适的榜样来引导孩子。父母应该坚持不懈地引导孩子,即使孩子反抗。父母应该根据孩子的实际情况,创造新的积极体验,并寻找合适的榜样来引导孩子。在体育运动中,天赋是重要的基础,但后天的努力和坚持更为关键。在体育运动中,天赋是重要的基础,但后天的努力和坚持更为关键。其他领域则不一定需要天赋,关键在于努力和坚持。许多成功人士都经历过艰难的童年,这让他们拥有了强大的适应能力和韧性。我14岁时,因为不想去奥林匹克训练中心而离家出走,但最终在家人帮助下重返训练。我14岁时,因为不想去奥林匹克训练中心而离家出走,但最终在家人帮助下重返训练。我14岁时,因为不想去奥林匹克训练中心而离家出走,但最终在家人帮助下重返训练。在奥林匹克训练中心,我意识到自己身体状况不佳,这促使我开始认真对待训练。在奥林匹克训练中心,我意识到自己身体状况不佳,这促使我开始认真对待训练。在奥林匹克训练中心,我意识到自己身体状况不佳,这促使我开始认真对待训练。1998年奥运会选拔赛上,我排名垫底,未能入选国家队,这对我打击很大。1998年奥运会选拔赛上,我排名垫底,未能入选国家队,这对我打击很大,父亲把我送到偏远小屋独自反思。1998年奥运会选拔赛上,我排名垫底,未能入选国家队,这对我打击很大,父亲把我送到偏远小屋独自反思。1998年奥运会选拔赛失利后,我在偏远小屋反思,最终意识到努力比结果更重要,并重新燃起了对滑冰的热情。 Randall:

Deep Dive

Apolo Ohno discusses his early life, including his upbringing by a single father, his introduction to sports, and the initial struggles and lessons learned from his father's relentless drive and his own fear of failure.

Shownotes Transcript

Apolo Anton Ohno is the most decorated Winter Olympian of all time. Between the 2002, 2006, and 2010 Winter Olympics, Apolo earned eight Olympic medals in short-track speed skating. Even as a child, Apolo’s athletic ability was evident, at the young age of 14, Apolo won his first major speed skating title, after just six months of training. 

But, despite his incredible talents and drive, Apolo faced setbacks and struggles from managing his mental health, navigating adolescence and his rocky relationship with his father, to tuning his competitive spirit. Apolo attributes his massive success as a speed skater and athlete to his fear of failure.In this episode, Randall and Apolo talk about what it takes to succeed at the highest level, and Apolo shares how the struggles he faced growing up and his unique relationship with his father shaped him into the athlete and man he is today. Apolo talks about what he learned from his failure at the 1998 Olympic trials, talks about the four foundations of mental health, and shares tips on how to set a regimen for mental health. Topics Include: 

  • Advice to people afraid to fail 

  • Winning his first big race

  • How to sustain performance level after success

  • Advice for parents navigating relationships and experiences with their children 

  • The role of genetics in sport and excellence 

  • Experience of 2002 Olympic Games 

  • Going the extra mile and the role of extreme preparation 

  • Elements of success

  • Passion and money's role in success

  • Five golden principles for overcoming challenges

  • Philanthropy and the importance of giving back

  • And other topics… Apolo Ohno is America’s most decorated Winter Olympian of all time, earning eight Olympic medals in short-track speed skating across the 2002, 2006, and 2010 Winter Games. He was an NBC sports analyst for the Sochi 2014 and PyeongChang 2018 Winter Games and is a global ambassador for the Special Olympics and the Winter Olympics. Among his other athletic accomplishments, Apolo won season 4 of ABC’s* Dancing with the Stars* and participated in the 2014 Ironman World Championship Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii.  Apolo is also the author of the New York Times best-seller, Zero Regrets, A Journey, the autobiography of Apolo Anton Ohno, and his latest book, Hard Pivot. He is a regular speaker at hundreds of organizations from Fortune 100 companies to nonprofits. **Resources Mentioned:** Ohno Website)

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