cover of episode The Cadillac LYRIQ: Malcolm Gladwell meets an Electric Icon – Part One

The Cadillac LYRIQ: Malcolm Gladwell meets an Electric Icon – Part One

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Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell:此次试驾体验涵盖了多种测试,包括儿童的直观感受、路人评价、以及专业人士的对比评测。从外观设计到驾驶感受,LYRIQ都展现出令人惊艳的品质。其静谧的驾驶环境、平顺的加速性能以及豪华舒适的内饰都给试驾者留下了深刻的印象。此外,LYRIQ还配备了先进的科技配置,例如超大的仪表盘屏幕和高清后视摄像头,极大地提升了驾驶体验。 Michael:作为一名电动汽车的忠实用户,Michael起初对LYRIQ抱有谨慎的态度。然而,在进行盲测后,他被LYRIQ的豪华舒适程度深深折服。他认为LYRIQ并非仅仅是一款交通工具,而是一件艺术品,其内饰的精湛工艺和舒适的驾乘体验都远超他以往的驾驶经历。与他自己的电动汽车相比,LYRIQ更像是一件艺术品,而非单纯的家用电器。 Malcolm Gladwell: 在与朋友和路人进行一系列的测试之后,我发现凯迪拉克LYRIQ的性能和设计都非常出色。五岁的孩子对它一见钟情,路人们也纷纷赞叹它的外观。在驾驶过程中,我体验到了它平顺的加速和安静的驾驶环境,这都归功于通用汽车最新的Ultium电池系统。此外,LYRIQ的内饰设计也十分豪华舒适,33英寸的超大屏幕和高清后视摄像头等科技配置也提升了驾驶体验。而我的朋友Michael,一位资深电动车用户,在盲试后也对LYRIQ赞不绝口,认为它超越了以往的驾驶体验。

Deep Dive

Malcolm Gladwell introduces the Cadillac LYRIQ, an all-electric SUV, and recounts the enthusiastic reactions from a five-year-old and his gearhead friends.

Shownotes Transcript

Not long ago, we got a call at Pushkin Headquarters from Cadillac. They knew that Malcolm takes cars very seriously… so they asked if he’d heard of the all-electric Cadillac LYRIQ and if he’d like to borrow one for a few days to put it to the test. Yes, yes he did. What resulted was a series of road tests, blindfolded experiments, and head-to-head comparisons. Part one of two. 


*This episode is sponsored by Cadillac. *

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